《Shadow's World》first day of school.


I wake up to my sister sitting next to me reading a book. My body hurts all over. She watches me get up and says, “Little brother, worry about our parents. I took your phone and told them you are alright in your voice. So there isn’t a need to worry about them coming to the school. I also made sure that they didn’t know I force your hand and causing you to summon those elemental dragons.”

I roll my eyes. Yeah, she did a good thing, but it wasn’t because she wanted to. I got out of the bed and looks around. I am in the nurse’s room. Moving my arms around trying to get the soreness out of my body. “Alexander, I don’t hear a thank you from you.” She says, glaring at me.

“Think you. Sister. Did they podcast the event over the web or something? How did our parents find out about there is no way the school would have told them about it? They know how over protective they are.”

She chuckles. “They made it a worldwide event. Little brother, you are a world celebrity. After the event, all the elders got together and made an announcement. They were going to show your little display to the entire world and anyone at the can have their faces block from the station if they wanted to. But everyone agrees to have their faces show. I on your behave agree to show the world your little display. But I had them change my face and me kicking the elder, before you summon the elemental dragons.”

I take a deep breath. Ugh, this girl is going to be the death of me. Why did I agree to work with her? This power is it worth working with the devil? “This is good Alexander. Our plans are moving faster than expected. Because not only did the elemental users see the show, they also showed the fairy users. They terrified of your potential future. There are rumors that the free fairies are now on the move. Not only that, but the strongest fairies alive are going to come out of the shadows. They are going to either hit important building or you and elders. Striking fear inside the rest of us. Remember how that one moron lost that fight to the mermaid fairy? Yes, they want morale to fall. The people you want revenge are going to come out into the open soon, so if I were you. I would be ready. And once again, this time like you mean it. Say thank you, sister.”

“Thank you, Erica, sometimes I don’t know what I would do without you.”

She nods her head and leaves.

As I watch her leave, I have only one thing on my mind. Revenge.

I leave the nurse’s room soon after. There are things I need. Like I still haven’t assigned a room yet. I walk to the elder lounge. Crap, I forgot to yell at Erica about her kicking Elder Kyle. That was un-call for, and he is one of the better elders. Why couldn’t she kick Elder Jessie? It doesn’t matter right now I need to talk to the elders about my living situation.

I walk up to the door and knock on it. “Who dares knock on the elder’s door. Do you want a beating? If you don’t have a good reason for being here. Every elder here is going to give you a beating. Know your place children.” I roll my eyes. This was a prank that the elders love doing to the first years. Trying to scare kids for their own amusement. They try this prank last year with my sister. She burned down the door and left.


I’m surprise they have the courage to keep doing this, but they should know my sister isn’t a normal person. And that there aren’t many people that are like her. “I need a room, elders.”

The door swings open. An elder looks at me, surprised. “Sorry Alexander, you should have just say your name. Mark, Alexander is here. Didn’t he miss the room assignment and other things? Get your butt over here and help this young man out.”

A young man comes running out of an office. He must be one of the older students. He isn’t old enough to be an elder. The elders have a bunch of older students working for them to do minor stuff or things they themselves don’t want to do. “Elder Jackson, did you call for me?” The young man asks the elder, ignoring me.

“Mark, weren’t you listening to me? After this, I want you to grade all the math papers on top of my desk as well. I know I told Mary to do it, but since you are hard of hearing. You will do it.” Mark looks agasp.

“Sir, that is 300 more papers. I would have to grade please, no.” He said pleading.

“Mark, what I say is the law. Now help this young man out or I will find other elders to give you more work.” The elder looks at Mark with a glare.

Mark turns towards me and grumbles. “Kid, what is your name and what is your problem.” Out of earshot of Elder Jackson.

“My name is Alexander, and I need a room and my class schedule.” I reply in a friendly tone. I should be like my sister and give him an earful, but he is having a rough day as it is.

He looks at me and says, “Why don’t you have either of those things. And you look like someone I know. Do I know you?”

I roll my eyes, “As a person, no you don’t know me but you should have seen me on tv a few days ago.”

Mark yells, “Oh crap, you are that Alexander! The dragons dude! Sorry about that. You should have said something at the start. Right this way little dragon dude.”

Ugh, what an annoying nickname. Dragons are the strongest fairies and now my nickname based on them. Yes, the dragons are impressive, but that doesn’t mean I want to be known to them. Mark walks me to the library and sits at a computer to type. “Be bop beep.” Mark is making machine noises while he is typing. Moving back and forth.

“Alexander, I have found you. You room number is 22, and you scheduled with the second class B.” He types again and the printer prints out a piece of paper. “Here you go.” He hands me a paper with the layout of the school and my classes. “Have fun, little dude. Can’t wait to see you actually fight. That little display was a sight to see to bad I miss the live event.”

I take the paper and leave the room. As I leave the room once again, I see a weird spider. He is hanging on a web. Looking right at me. These last two days, the spiders I have encountered are weird.

Looking at the paper and look up at a clock. I'm supposed to be in history class right now. I don’t need to know where the class is located. Last year I memorize the entire school. I’m happy that everyone is in class right now. It gets crazy when the students are about. It is almost impossible to navigate the hallways. Nut the halls are empty. I walk to the classroom. I knock on the door.


“Enter, please” I walk inside of the classroom. I look at the teacher and the rest of the students. I see Erica in the back reading her book. The students see me and their eyes glow. They all look at me with anticipation. You guys, I am not a tv star. I’m not here to put on a show. Stop looking at me like this. The teacher looks at me and points to a seat near erica. She wasn’t old enough to be an elder, nor was she wearing elder’s cloak. She might even be a student teach in the Elder place. It is really rarer for a non elder to not be teaching in this school. This is the best school in the world and her not being an elder and teaching is really remarkable if she isn’t subbing for an elder. Those guys are really lazy, so the case is she is just a sub.

I take a seat next to my sister. I really don’t need to be here. History is my sister's best subject and she wouldn’t shut up about it. The books she loves to carry around are history books, and when she finishes reading them. She gives them to me to read and quiz me on them. I refuse her once, and that would never happen again. For the next month, she would freeze my entire room. Ice is a lot easy for her to control than fire is for me. Water is my best element. It took forever for me to unfreeze my room. Now, I have gotten a lot better with the element of fire, but dealing with a frozen room is a nightmare.

The moment I sat down, I tune out of the lesson. There is nothing left this school can teach me or my sister. The only reason we are at this school and in this grade is because our parents want us to meet kids our age. If it wasn’t for that fact. I would be on a team of elementals training to fight the free fairies’ threat. In, our first year we didn’t meet any kids our age that we would call friends. This year should be different. We should have teams.

Our parents hope this year we will make friends because now we are going to be forced to have kids our age around us. I can’t train myself all day long and Erica can’t sit and read books all day long. Sitting in these classrooms all day long is a chore. I skip a lot of classes last year and score perfect on my test but my parents got mad. They didn’t send us to school to score perfect on the test. They already know how smart we are we are here to make friends.

The problem is, I’m not good around people and it is going to be worst this year because of my little display. I doubt there is going to be anyone that wants to become my friend. I’m going to get a lot of worshipers or people that are jealousy of my talent.

I look over to Erica and she is reading her little book. I wonder what she is thinking and how she is doing when suddenly the teach says her name.

“Erica, can you tell me what happens on this date?”

Oh no, why did this person ask her a question? I know for sure she isn’t and an actual teacher and just a student that an elder asks to substitute for. All the elders got a memo last year warning them of Erica's temper and she is back by our parents.

Our parents are very influence people and Erica uses this to her advantage but they also know Erica is a prodigy. If Erica wasn’t a talent, I can see them putting their foot down and forcing her to behave. That, and I bet she threatens them over me. She will always be the only person in the entire world that scares me. She has me under her control since a long time ago and I haven’t been able to escape it. There is no way for me to escape it. I have accepted my fate.

I look on in horror as Erica looks up from her book and glares at the teacher. “Erica, she doesn’t know any better let it go.” I please.

She turns her head and gives me a smile. “Why should I let this go?” She stands up. I jump out of my chair and push back down. “Teacher, did any of the elders warn you about this class?”

She shakes her head. I can see sweat dropping from her face. I sigh. I whisper to Erica, “Do nothing to her. After class we can hunt down the elder in charge of this class together and give him a piece of your mind.” She gives me a look. I was holding my breath.

I turn towards the teacher, watching her sweat. I feel bad for her. None of the elders warn her of my sister and if she goes off, then she might have to deal with the damages Erica makes.

“Teacher, what class are you taking over?” I ask her in a concern voice.

She looks at me, and tears start running down her eyes. Yeah, it seems she understands the problem she just cause. She made one of the two untouchable siblings mad. Not only are we prodigies, but our parents have a lot of influence and power to back them up. But telling us who is the elder in charge of the class might be worst off for her in the long run. They are giving her a chance to teach right now

If the elders want to, they can expel her.

I look at her in her eyes. “Don’t worry about the elders in this school. You can tell me who did this mean prank on you and the elder is the only person who will be punish you can guarantee that on our name.”

She whispers, “Elder Jessie.”

“Crap!” I reply.

I look at Erica, and she gives another smile and turns back to her book.

There are two elders we can’t touch right now because they hold a lot of influence and power, that is Elder Kyle and Elder Jessie.

There is also one more thing. Elder Jessie wants to take me away from my parents so he can raise me I hate the dude so much. He just want to prop me around. He could take me in when I was younger but didn’t because when I was younger, I didn’t show the potential I showed now. He doesn’t want a child. He wants a celebrity. Elder Jessie would have forced me to do that display 3 to 4 times a year. My parents now don’t care and actually worry about my safety. They would even fight their own daughter for my safety. Elder Jessie lost my trust long ago. And the reason Erica just smile right now because she knows my blood is boiling hotter than she ever was.

Case in point: Erica’s desk melts.

The entire room is heating, and fast. I am losing everything around me. I can only see flames in my eyes. Sounds disappear. They get quieter and quieter. The world around me becomes nothing but flames. Elder Jessie threw this woman into the fire. He didn’t warn her about Erica’s temper just so she would lash out at her. And this could get our family into trouble. He might have planned this, hoping I wouldn’t wake up in time for this to happen.

I topple over. Someone had just hit me in the stomach. I look up and Erica had ice protecting her book glaring at me.

I look around the room and realize what I have done.

“Sorry teacher, I got a little angry please forgive me.” I bow my head to the teacher that is on the ground.

She nods her head and says, “Um, class dismiss. The reason being there was a fire that burn most of the material in the room.”

The students in the room jump out of their seats and run into the hallway.

Erica laughs, “This is a good way to make friends’ little brother.”

I sigh and walk out of the room as well. Looks like Erica is going to stay behind. She coated her chair in ice and watch as her desk melted. She could had save the entire room but she the room melt so she can have peace.

There were some students still left in the hallway as I left the room. They all had terror on their faces. This is too much, and I didn’t want to deal with this the entire day. So, I went back to my room. And stare at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

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