《Fantasy Keychain Vol. 1》Chapter 7: Sanguinary


✧✦✧✦✧3rd person PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧

They were just staring at him blankly, even glancing with each other cluelessly.

Eiji replied, "Wait, what are you talking about? You did not mention anything about this."

"Is this like before? That 'time' we used to kill hoarders?" Shoto asked curiously.

"I did mention it to you Eiji, that in order to survive, the only way is to kill our killers. I'm pretty sure Shoto also mentioned it to you... After all, he got it from me." Ryu says that with a serious tone. "And yes, Shoto, just like before. Do you know another way?"

Shoto sighed, "Yeah, I guess there really is no other way. Even if you keep running, you can never hide. The best way really is to defeat them first."

The rest of the crew agreed. Meanwhile, Eiji is trembling hesitantly, "No! I did not sign up for this! Why would I even kill? I mean if you kill them, then what's the difference between you and them?"

Toki felt annoyed. She immediately stomped her foot angrily to gain Eiji's attention, "You still do not get it, do you!? I'm pretty sure you will understand once your family get killed."

Eiji was startled, "What are you talking about? Are they gonna kill my parents? Are you telling me that my family is in danger?"

"They won't be in trouble as long as you don't see anything or anyone that could serve as a spy." Shoto explained.

"Spies can either be a person or an animal. They control animals, but the truth is, they're only cyborg animals controlled by their technicians." Ryu added.

Eiji was shocked. Remembering the birds that were following him all the way to his home, just yesterday.

He suddenly felt his heart, racing. It was beating so fast as he slowly realizes, his parents are in peril.

His knees started to tremble, as well as his hands. He is feeling uncomfortable, making him stutter as he asks, "A-Are you sure even animals? W-What about birds? A-Are they considered spies?"

"Yes they are. Don't worry, there aren't any birds around here for now, so we're kinda safe." Ryu tries to calm him down with a calming tone.

But Eiji continued to tremble, "T-That's not what I meant. I mean, yesterday, there were birds following me from the abandoned school all the way to my house... Are they spying on me? Is it? Is it them??"

Their eyes slowly opened widely. Ryu to be the most.

Shoto, then immediately tapped Eiji's shoulder, "Hurry! Get in the car! Lead us to your house before it is too late!"

Everyone ran and entered the car immediately, except Ryu. Ryu seemed to have a motorcycle of his own, so he immediately started cranking his engine and left first.

As they are in the verge of hurry, Shoto then asked Eiji, "Where were you yesterday? Why would a flock of birds follow you all the way to your house?"

"I was with Ryu. I asked him to train me, but instead, we entered the abandoned school, which is a domain of the hoarders."

"And you just told us that you did not sign up for this!? Tch!" Toki madly shouts at Eiji.

But Eiji shouts back, "I didn't know that we really should kill our killer!?"

"We even told you before, that the only way to live, is to kill our killer and that we cannot always run or hide! Once you possess these magical keychains, there is no turning back! Unless you kill yourself!"


Toki got furious by Eiji's idiocy. It seems that Eiji never took their words seriously.

"Enough! No shouting inside the car. Deal with this, later. For now, we must get to the house quickly before it's too late." Shoto tried to calm the two.

Meanwhile, Ryu was using a motorcycle. So, he quickly headed there first. Since he remembered where Eiji's house is, it's possible that he will get there in time.

"Are they really gonna kill my parents? I mean, they don't have these keychains, right? Why would they kill them?" Eiji asked.

"That's because they're losers. If they can't find and kill you, then they rather kill your loved ones. It's like, it's their best way to solve things out rather than killing the unkillable." Shoto replied.

Eiji started to produce tears from his eyes. His heart felt like it's shattering, as he remembers what happened to his friend, Miki. He already lost his best-friend, he doesn't want to lose his family too...

The time was around 20:00 when they finally arrive to Eiji's house. However, things are as expected.

Inside the house was full of blood, but Ryu managed to kill the three hoardersーthe three hoarders that killed Eiji's mom.

In the room of his dad, his dad is somehow still breathing. However, he is about to die soon. Ryu was just looking down as if he is in sorrow for the death of Eiji's parents. Eiji on the other hand, quickly headed to his dad's room and they held hands as his dad says his final words, "My son..."

Tears came out of his eyes, but it's not any tear showing that he's sad, rather, a tear of joy showing that he's happy to see his son alive.

Meanwhile, Eiji was crying out loud, when suddenly, his dad ran out of breath. He was stabbed right into his heart and that means he can never be saved. Because in that case, his only fate is death.

He felt a squeezing pain in his chest, shattering his heart like a glass, making his breathing unease. It is a feeling of losing your parents especially right in front of you.

Everyone paused for a moment, showing sympathy for Eiji, until Shoto tapped his shoulder, "We will avenge them one day. But for now, don't lose hope. Life must continue to go on."

"What should I do? Where else will I stay? I don't know any relatives and even if I do, I might involve them as well. I don't want to involve anyone else!" Eiji sobbed as he reply. He continued to cry and cry in front of them.

He lost his best-friend, now he lost his parents as well. The pain in his heart continued, but at the same time, an anger is starting to grow.

His sadness turns into anger. His sobbing turns into gnashing. He clenched his fists as if he was about to either punch the wall or the floor, when suddenly, Shoto tapped his shoulder again and replied, "Revenge will not bring back the dead. Anger only leads to destruction. You can stay with us. Remain calm, because we will soon attack these hoarders. I don't care how many there are nor how strong they are, but I'm telling you, we will avenge the death of the lost ones."

Eiji was stupefied as he looked at him. He immediately wiped his tears as he regains his self.

The day after that night, the police came, as well as medics. They asked Eiji some questions about his parents, but he replied nothing. Because during those questions, he was spacing out. A government official is offering him a place to stay, but also asked him if there is somewhere or someone else he can live or stay with.


He replied, "I can be with my friend. He has a shop where I can stay with and I can do part-time job there as well."

The government official asked him if his tuition fee is paid, otherwise they will pay for it and will let him finish the school year.

"My mom said that she already paid full. I remember she said that when I asked her about tuition fees." Eiji replied.

Again, he spaced out, as if a memory of him and his mom talking about tuition fees, came about.

(I sat in front of the dining table as mom served dinner. She made a delicious ramen and added with tempura.

By the time she sat down to eat as well, I asked, "Mom, how much is my tuition fee?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Ugh, I asked first. I just wanted to know how much you and dad pay for my school fees."

"Don't ask anything like that again. All I know is that we always pay your tuition fee in full. We use credit cards."

"Is that so? So does that mean you don't know the exact fee?"

She felt annoyed, "I don't know! All I know is that it is a high tuition fee, yet your father still managed to pay for it."

I will miss the day she was shouting at me, but at the same time, cooking tasty foods. I guess those days will only be remembered as memories now...)

Eiji continued to cry as he remembers the days he was with his parents, especially when he was young.

He felt the same thing as he did when he lost his best-friend, Miki Ebisawa...

✧✦✧✦✧✦Eijiro's PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦

It's been a week and I can't believe that they all died just like that. All because of these stupid keychains and these stupid hoarders.

I will make sure the hoarders will pay for killing my family and that I don't care if it will cost me my life.

I will avenge them no matter what...

I now moved my things to Shoto's shop, and there I had my own room.

Shoto said that it was once a room of his friend that died during an encounter with an elite hoarder.

I tried asking Shoto who is the guy. However, his only reply is, "No looking back, just forward..."

I guess he never really wanted to talk about it and that maybe it is a bad memory of his. Just as I had with my family and my best-friend.

Shoto, then showed me my uniform. I guess I'll have to work as his assistant. This uniform is a common repair man's suit, which is a grease resistant.

"Don't worry, it's not like you will repair everything. Basically, you will just hand me over the tools or if I need extra hand, then I will call you. Can I count on you?" Shoto asked.

So, I replied instantly, "Y-Yes of course! I mean, it's not like I have a choice... I like motorcycles as well!"

"Haha! Besides, you will know the basic way of repairing a motorcycle. That'll help you in case you will be having your own motorcycle in the future..." Shoto, then pats my head.

"Yes! Teach me, please!" I replied like an excited, happy child. Shoto on the other hand, just continued laughing.

We are now in business hours, Toki is well dressed as customers came in. I couldn't believe that Toki is that friendly. But, I believed that she is only friendly to customers and never to me.

Finally, a customer with broken tires asked for a new pair of tires. Shoto, then asked me to get tires with the same size as the customer's tires.

It was a busy day. At least it is not a school day and that I get to do a real work. However, no payment is given to me except for food.

It is ok for me, since I'm staying with Shoto and that I must prove to him that I'm a worthy employee of his.

It was night after, Ryu then suddenly passed by, I asked Shoto why he's here, "Uh, hey! Shoto? Why is he here?"

"We now have contact with each other. I forgot to tell you that we will attack hoarders who were about to attack a couple."

I was shocked. I suddenly remembered the couple I saw in the school back then, with keychain in each of their bag. Could it be? That it's the same couple they are after? Only one way to find out...

"Can I come?" I asked.

"Are you sure? I thought you don't want these? Is this a way for you to avenge your parents?"

"N-Not just that! I think that these couple you were after are the same students I saw in my school. I believe it is them!"

"Fine, just don't try to make any aggressive move. We will ambush them before they ambush the couple."

I nodded instantly. Meanwhile, Toki prepares as well. She is with her same look as before, but this time, with a black mask.

Shoto also wears a black mask and told me to wear one as well. He told me that its purpose is to hide our identity from both the public and to the hoarders.

I also asked Shoto why Ryu is not wearing one. However, all he told me is that Ryu does not really care for his identity and that his identity is only known to the hoarders, not to the public.

As we prepare ourselves, Shoto then cranked his motor engine and asked Toki to sit with him. On the other hand, Ryu asks me to sit with him.

During our ride, Ryu popped the question, "Are you ok now?"

It was out of the blue, so I asked, "Huh?"

"It seems that you're feeling well, even after the death of your parents..."

"Ah... I guess because I had seen enough deaths in my life..."

"Yeah... You will get used to it more and more..."

✧✦✧✦✧3rd person PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧

Somewhere around the street, the couple were holding hands and were talking with each other.

"Babe, lets go take a shortcut in these alleys, I want us to get there quick. We can even kiss each other as we walk past the alleys."

"Oh, Taku. You just want to solo me, do you?" She said that as she winks her eye to him.

"I-it's not like that! I mean, these shortcut will take us home right away, right Mari?"

"If you say so. Why don't we just get going now, hmm?"

Before they continued heading into the alley, Taku took a permanent pen first and started writing 'Taku

They held hands as they entered the alley. Suddenly, Mari stole a kiss from Taku on the cheek.

Taku, blushed in surprised and looked at her with intent, "Mari Ogawa, you thief..."


"You stole my heart, now you stole a kiss from me..."

She giggled, "Silly... I did not steal your heart, we fell for each other..."

They both blushed, giggled, and clinged with each other.

They were so sweet like a cringy couple, when suddenly, a guy with long black trench coat, blocked their path. Then, another guy from the back, also blocked their path and started unsheathing a katana sword from a keychain. Whilst the guy on the front, summoned two long daggers.

The couples were frightened, when suddenly, the guy in the back, thrusts his sword to Taku's chest.

Taku told Mari to run. However, the two guys suddenly grabbed her hands and pushed her into the wall.

The guy with daggers, threatened her as he points his dagger to her, while also choking her.

The other guy, then sliced Taku's head off and took the keychain from his bag.

The keychain is somewhat a spiked mace, along with its shield.

Meanwhile, Mari has a halberd keychain with her. The guy that killed Taku, suggested that to play with her first, before killing her.

As the guy with dagger attempts to violate her, the guy that took Taku's keychain, suddenly summoned the spiked keychain into a real one.

As she witnessed the impossible, the mace, then made her remember about their first time meeting in a medieval game, making her space-out.

(She remembered of him, teaming up with her. His weapon was a mace and a shield.

During a raid, it was Taku who always helped Mari. He always tried to protect Mari from attacks and then Mari will stab the enemy from afar using her spear.

As they continue building up their relationship, Taku suggested a halberd weapon for Mari. Mari eventually agreed.

Sooner or later, they became really close friends, and at that same time, started falling for each other.

In real life, they started dating and as they date, they headed to Kenshi no Buki store to buy the keychains they want. Luckily, the store had it.

"Now we have our weapons not only in the game, but also in the real world. This will serve as our memory. So, take care of yours, ok?"

Mari, blushed and nodded with a smile to Taku as she agrees.)

As the mace began to turn into a real one, it gave Mari an idea to make her halberd into a real one as well.

As they attempt to violate her, Mari, then quickly kicked the guy in front of her.

As the guy with a katana is about to slash her, Mari, quickly took her halberd and accidentally chopped his head-off.

Mari was shocked. Because her halberd literally turned into a real one. However, she continued to attack the other guy.

Mari waved her halberd left and right, like a mad berserk, but the guy just evades each and every one of her attacks. He even tried throwing a dagger right at her.

Luckily, she didn't get hit or that it's probably because the guy missed his throw. So, he tried to throw once again.

This time, however, on his second attempt, a quick pierce of wind, suddenly parried his dagger throw. The guy, quickly realizes the state he's in. They're not alone, so he immediately backed-away and hid beside the dumpster.

Meanwhile, Mari is still frightened, and at the same time, trembling. However, since her mind is being clouded by anger. She then charged to the guy and started attacking him, aggressively.

For an inexperienced person like Mari, she wouldn't stand a chance against an experienced killer. In the end, Mari was stabbed in the abdomen and was kicked to the ground.

Finally, Ryu and the team came and saw what was going on.

Ryu, ran as fast as he can and took a knife keychain, then turn it into a real one and started chanting 'Flicker' as he throws the knife.

The guy, saw them and quickly ran as fast as he can. However, before he was about to escape, a knife, instantly teleported right onto his abdomen.

It was that flicker that teleports a knife straight onto the target in just one blink of an eye.

The guy fell to the ground and eventually, died. Meanwhile, Mari suffered from a fatal wound.

Ryu then announced, "We are too late. I don't think she can make it. She is losing a lot of blood..."

However, Eiji believed she can still be saved, "No way! We can still take her to the hospital, right? Right!?"

No one replied. They only started looking at each other, because after all, the hospital is far and that they only have motorcycles. They could call an ambulance, but it would just be unconvenient...

Rain started to pour as they looked everywhere. All they see is blood, and a sliced head.

It turned into a bloody alley, and at the same time, clueless of what just happened...

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