《Fantasy Keychain Vol. 1》Chapter 6: Improvements


It was lunch-break at the school when I saw a couple. These couple were so sweet with each other as they pass right in front of me. I wonder if I have a girlfriend... Do I treat her the same? Same as how that guy is treating his girlfriend, well?

I was just enjoying the view as they were both sweet and clingy with each other, when suddenly, I saw keychains displayed in each of their bags.

My eyes opened widely as I remember, 'Maybe they also have magic, fantasy keychains and maybe it was them that those hoarders talked about?'

I need to find out soon. Otherwise, their lives will be in danger...

During lunch-break, I was satisfied of my lunchbox. It somehow has cherries, egg rolls, cabbages, tempura, and rice. It was delicious, because my mom also added a separate Tupperware for Kiko man sauce. I got full for the day and now I must get ready for the next subject, Statistics...

Statistics for me is quite hard. I can't even imagine myself being a statistician or that maybe I'm really just bad at math. Either way, math is hard but fun to learn.

After the class, I quickly head-out and started calling Shoto Mamuro, "Hello? Shoto? I met the black swordsman again and he wants to see you too. He also said that he wants to see the rest of your friends, including Toki."

"Understood, where do I meet him or you?"

"He said to meet him at the park. By the way, my class is done for today. Do you want to meet first and head to the park, all together?"

"Sure. I guess I'll meet you at the shop, then."

"What shop? Where?"

"At the Gothic 2-Wheel. It's near the convenience store where we first met."

"Ok... I guess I'll have to just find it myself."

"Don't worry. Once you see the convenience store, my shop is just right in front of it."

"Alright then! I'll see you all later!"

"He meant all of the gang, right?"

"Yeah... Although I don't know how many of you guys are, but I'm sure he meant everyone."

"Ok, ok. Understood. See ya."

We then hung up our phones, and at the same time, I started walking to get to the shop that Shoto said.

As I walked by, I saw the alley where I was attacked, as well as Ryu, showing up. I also passed through the alley where Shoto was being attacked. As I searched around, I did remember the alley where my sword suddenly appeared from being a keychain to a real one. Memories flashes back as I walked pass through all those alleys.

Finally, I saw the convenience store. However, Shoto said that his shop was in front of the convenience store. So, if the convenience store is a road away from me which at the same time, in front me, then the shop behind me is... The Gothic 2-Wheel...


The shop was somehow painted in red and black. It has a pair of seats and tables inside, so I'm pretty sure they also serve foods and drinks, while also being a motorcycle repair shop.

I was amazed, because their business is pretty good, and I see that their customers were somehow chilling in the waiting area while their motorcycles are being repaired.

I head inside the shop and found Toki. She is dressed as a waitress, but I do believe she's a student, right? I mean, I know she's younger than me, and at the same time, she's more of a junior high school, but why does she do part-time? Well... I guess there has to be an explanation.

I waved at her, but she suddenly raised an eyebrow, "Oh... It's you.. Go find Shoto in the repair room. He's still quite busy, 'cause a new customer just came in." She then pointed me where Shoto is at.

She's such a sassy. She doesn't look happy to see me.

"In that case, I'll just wait here for Shoto then. He might be busy."

"Sure... Just don't ask me anything like drinks. I'll kill you."

She said that with gazing, piercing look.

"Uh... Okay. Don't worry, I won't. I will just sit here, promise. Hehe."

She then rolled her eyes down and started to look away as she continues serving the customers.

I was just watching her do her work while wondering, 'What if I also asked Shoto for a job?'

But then I shook my head, 'Never mind. I don't want to work with that girl...'

But oh well, I guess I'll just ask him next time.

Shoto then came out of the room with the customer's motorcycle ready. The customer, then quickly tried his newly repaired motorcycle and was satisfied. After he pays Shoto, Shoto returned back inside.

Toki then said, "He saw you. He'll be here in a sec or maybe just meet him inside. Either way, we are about to close the shop."

As I nodded, Toki then put a close sign on the door knob, so that no more customers will enter. Toki, then asked me to enter the repair room, because we will leave the shop through the backdoor.

"I will now close the shop, so you head there first. I'll just follow."

"Ok, meet you at the alley."

I quickly head to the repair room and saw Shoto, talking to someone through the phone. I was just quiet the whole time, until he finished talking and guided me to the back door as we left the shop.

"Another guy will be coming and will be joining us shortly." Shoto said in a rough, low voice.

"Oh... Alright... Who is this guy again?"

"I said he'll be joining us shortly, so I'll introduce him to you later."

"Oh, Okay... Okay then..."


I was just scratching my head as if I'm clueless about who the other guy is. Toki, then followed and waited just as I do in the alley. I'm clueless to who this guy is, and just what is his keychain weapon? What is his name? Is he an old friend of Shoto? Or a new friend? I guess I'll find out soon...

Sooner or later, a car parked, near outside the alley in the street. The car was somehow a sedan with a plain burgundy color and tinted windows. Shoto gestured us to get in, but before we did, Shoto asked me first to sit at the back, beside Toki. Because he will introduce him to me.

As I enter the vehicle, I saw the driver. He is wearing white, long sleeves and a dark blue necktie. With long blue hair, tied in a pony tail style, and bangs in front. He looked like an employee or a businessman, because he is somewhat not wearing slacks, but rather fitted jeans. He is basically wearing semi-formal clothes.

Shoto, then introduced him to me, "His name is Shiro, Shiro Yamamoto. Shiro? Meet Eiji. Eiji? Meet Shiro"

"Uh, Hey..." I said.

He replied back with just a nod as he looked at me through a rear-view mirror.

As our car began to move, we started talking about the black swordsman, "So, this black swordsman you say? Is he with us or he really is a soloist?" Toki looked at me, asking me.

I shrugged, "I don't know. All I know is that he kills hoarders..."

Shoto then replied, "It's not that he's a soloist. He's just somehow been through a lot and trying to avoid friendly deaths."

Out of curiosity, I asked Shoto, "What's the story between you two?"

He smiled, "Ok... Since you're all here, let me tell you all a story... I was just young when the black swordsman first saved me from a hoarder. I guess around the same age as you, Eiji. Back then, I wasn't really a beefcake and that I'm just a thin man and a street kid. I stole a sword keychain from a shop that was bigger than any other keychain sword, so that I'll be better than any of my friends' sword keychains. However, the night when we were in the dark alley, two guys suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and attacked two of my friends. The other was stabbed, and the other one had his head sliced-off. Meanwhile, the rest of us tried to run away in fear. However, they still manage to quickly pierce my friend's heart. I was the only one left, and at the same time, losing hope that I won't survive and that I will be the one to die next. I was crying and begging them not to kill me, when suddenly, a guy in a black leather coat, suddenly sliced the two guys in half. I was just shocked and speechless, as I saw him slaughter two guys that killed my friends. The other guy's upper part of the body, fell right in front of me. I then quickly kicked his face and smashed his head with my foot. I was full of anger at that time. The black swordsman, then offered his hand and aided me. Sooner or later, I get to ask his name. He even trained me as if I'm his younger brother. However, soon after that, he decided to disband our friendship and that I must continue on my own, since he didn't want to hold grudges with anyone anymore. I believed that he just didn't want to be attached with anyone, so that he can avoid the deaths of friends. Ever since he left me, I started building myself. I get better and better by days. I even used to swing my huge sword 200 times a day, until I get to my present now. That's just a short story, but at least you now know our history, and who really is the black swordsman."

Toki asked, "What's his name again?"

"Ryu, Ryu Akimoto..."

After a while, at the park, Ryu was waiting for almost an hour, looking back and forth to his watch. Sooner or later, our car arrived, but parked at the nearby parking lot, first.

As we left the car, Shoto then reminded us to be aware of the environment. Because even a single bird can serve as a spy for the Hoarders.

As he says that, I started to remember the birds that were following me yesterday, 'Are they somehow spies in a group of birds? Following me all the way home? Could it be that my home is in danger, especially mom?'

These things are going through my head as we approach Ryu.

We all then waved, and bowed, and said hello to Ryu altogether.

Then, Ryu scolded me, "Why didn't you tell me there's just only 4 of you?"

"I, um... I'm sorry? I mean, I didn't know they're this few."

Shoto then saved me, "H-Hey, no worries. At least we're all here now, right? By the way, why haven't you changed at all? You still had the same look as before, Ryu..."

Ryu's eyes opened widely, with mouth agape as he switches his eyes to Shoto, "Shoto? Is that you? I, uh... I can't believe that you grew that big..."

Shoto shrugged, "I had improvements..."

"Hahaha. I see. So! Are you guys ready?"

Me, Shoto, and Toki, chorus. Asking him at the same time, "Ready for what?"

He then smirked, "To kill our killers..."

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