《The Chilling Fox and the Indecisive *Barsted* (Complete)》Chapter 7


Stella’s Pov

And what exactly is my point of view! Fuck, what am I doing!?

I couldn’t believe it…Everyday…That is my thoughts…I can’t believe it.

But do I do anything?

No…I stay here, I stay here in this room. Had I lost it completely?

Two more months had gone by and I am even able to use a computer now, but there were other changes as well.

That damned…Bastard…Takes me every day…And I let him.

I can’t help it!

After attempting to run away and he taking me that first time, my swirling emotions were confusing and I didn’t know the way up anymore.

I felt like I was in the sea, getting smashed upon waves, upon waves, endless fucking waves, and unable to get to the top of the water to take a breather!

He seemed to soak up any kind of rationality about me, that may come, and slam me back into the ocean full of big waves!

I was trying to understand how going this far with someone seemed to be like an ice breaker…Was it the same with other people too?

But…That’s what it had become…

After that day, we have had several conversations and had even spent time together watching normal movies…And…How did I get as far as telling him a bit of my past?

…How had it gone so far?

Yet, as soon as I start to question things, he would be back, and we would continue like this was our own little island. We were by ourselves, with no interruptions, and civilization was far off into the distance.

His smile was itched into my memory now, hell even his low gruff laughter was as sexy as hell!

Even the times he had actually taken me out and we had done something outside, I had thought of running away, but had never made the move to put thoughts into action!

What the hell was wrong with me?

“Hey baby! Miss me?”

I turned to see him come through the door, smiling, making me forget my rational thoughts once again.

I showed a light smile and didn’t look away from him as he took off his business suit. I’ve grown very accustomed to his body…It really was something that now truly turned me on, just by looking at it.


“Come here.” I heard him order…Yet, I did as he said and got up.

I knew what he wanted, he also seemed to know what I wanted.

I liked undressing him and then going for a shower with him.

It’s what we did most of the time when he first came back from work…

I knew what foreplay was, and I believed that our foreplay was as easy as undressing someone and taking a shower.

It was hard accepting this part of myself, on how easy I was for him to take me upon that bed and thrust himself inside me so many times that it nearly hurt…But I had no choice…

I felt good to undress such a man, one that desired me for who I was, one that showed me that I was someone he seemed unable to get enough of…

Having seen this part of myself, I was astounded, but again, there was nothing I could do about it.

I wanted him to continue to show me how much he desired me, and I wanted that to continue because it made me feel good…

“Mmm.” He grunted as I put my hands against his bare chest.

He put his hands on my waist and pushed me into him, making me already happy to know he wanted me.

I now answered his kisses, and he even kisses me often even if we weren’t having sex.

This time, he bent down, and I got on my tippy toes to met up with him, as he pushed my head towards him too.

Suddenly, I was moved against the door and he pushed me up to him and continued to kiss me while undressing both of us.

A few times now, we hadn’t even made it to the shower…It looked like we wouldn’t make it this time either…

“Baby, you feel so good.” I heard him say.

I slightly nodded my head, but was unable to talk, still captured by how much pleasure that I was feeling already.

Sex had never played a role in my life, but now that I knew how great it felt, I wondered how I’d lived without it for so long!


He slowly pulled back, then thrust himself inside of me once again and I let out a moan and did something that had become somewhat of a habit now…I bit his ear a bit.

Only twice had I made his ear bleed, but every time, he doesn’t seem to mind…

Our breathing started to become more rapid as our bodies started to feel the sensation crawling up on us.

I knew when he was close, I knew how to make it even more pleasurable for him as well.

He liked it when I grabbed his balls, nearly making him shudder too much that he would come close to falling to the ground!

I felt great that I seemed to have so much power over him, something that helped myself climax even quicker in return.

As he stood there, breathing heavy, I clung to him in my heavily breathing state as well.

He’d only been back about twenty minutes and they had already had a round…

Two months and they were still as they were the first few times that they had sex! Was there a time that we would slow down, like old people? Or were we never to get enough of each other?



I looked at him and he looked back at me, staring right into the depths, like he wanted to reach the very core of my soul.

The silence surrounding us felt a little different then usual, but this wasn’t the first time I had found him suddenly do this…It was just becoming more often…

What does he want?

I put a hand to his face and try to figure it out.

He leaned into me then, lightly kissing me, gently caressing my cheeks and making me feel different.

Most of the time, he had hard, rough sex…But recently, he had gone to be gentle sometimes, and it was…Different. I wasn’t too sure why it was different, but it was.

For some reason, I liked both types.

The rush of rough, hard sex was really great, yet, the slow way was more intense. When I climaxed…It was earth shuddering!

He took a tight hold of me and carried me to the bed, then started to touch me gently, along with his kisses. It was a great tease, as now he had separated our lower halves, I knew he would not reunite us back together again until I begged him for it.

I was putty in his hands!

And again, over an hour or two later, another supreme type of climax over took me, making me tremble nearly everywhere.

When he released shortly afterwards, I was still trembling and dazed…


I mumbled something, not too sure what it was, as I looked back at him.

His stare was starting to become more intense, and again he caressed my cheek. What did that look actually mean?

He lowered himself down and kissed me then and I was becoming even more curious to what he was thinking.

When he mumbled something himself, after he laid himself down and cuddled into me, I was starting to wish I had heard what he had said.

From when I had first met him, to when I had seen him the second time…To now…He was different.

Was this good or bad?

Should…Should I be worried?

Feeling him start to kiss my neck, I tightened my arms around him and turned to look at him.

He put a hand around my waist and another to the back of my head as he pushed himself into me once again and started to gently kiss me.

I forgot any kind of questions I had, as sweet sensations ran through me once again.

But, I knew, things were starting to be different, that things were changing, I just didn’t understand what it was!

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