《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 14


Seong Woo came out of the shower, sat down on his bed, and looked at his left arm. He caressed numerous self-inflicted scars that reminded him of all the pain he had to go through in the past. The memories are still fresh in his head, even the ones from 7 years ago.

Yes, it was about 7 years ago. Seong Woo came back from the university and went to the kitchen. The note stuck on the fridge said "I’m off on a business trip, I’ll be back in a week, money for food is in your desk drawer."

He opened the fridge and saw nothing but an old block of cheese and a half-empty bottle of water. He took the water and went to his room. He turned on his computer, logged into the forum called "Soul journals", and scrolled down the feed. He saw a message from the user called "dain_1503" that read “are mothers all the same?”. His only reply was "it seems like that" but the next thing he knew was that he spent 5 hours texting that girl.

The next day Seong Woo came back to the forum and got excited when he saw the familiar nickname again. The message did not have a title, only a picture of a fluffy cat. He clicked to open the full message and flinched - "This beauty died today after living with us for 16 years."

"Hi. I'm very sorry about your cat... Can we talk on any other social media?"

"Thank you... Sure, we can talk on Cacao, here's my ID..."

During the next 5 months, they spent days texting each other, sometimes they would even stay up till 6 AM just talking, about everything, anything.

"Hey, guess what"


"I’m moving to the city - I got accepted to the university to continue my degree."

"That’s great! Can we meet after you move?"


"Of course!"

-I remember that day vividly. It was September, you just moved into your university dorm. I was waiting for you in the park, I was so nervous I came 40 minutes early. I recognized you from afar - your beautiful long hair, tiny body dressed in jeans and a cropped shirt. You were smiling so brightly, I almost could not believe you were there to see ME. We were sitting in that park for hours - just talking, talking, talking. I remember smiling and laughing, I smiled so much my face hurt... I remember the first time I hugged you. I remember the first time we kissed. I remember our first everything. I never thought I could feel so much. I was able to finally feel anything but pain.

Seong Woo clenched his fist so hard that it turned white.

- If only I didn’t get scared. Why did I get scared?

"Uuuugh, I worked really hard today! I think I managed to do a lot even without overtime."

Da In jumped off the chair and started gathering her things.

- Oooh, miss Kang, finally leaving early today? We all feel so bad that you have to work so hard every day!

- It's fine! It's a very important project for me so I enjoy hard work.

- Alright, but please let us know if you need help, okay? Have a good evening!

- Bye!

"Right, I should text Seong Woo and tell him not to wait for me today."

Da In was waiting for Ha Neul in front of the office when a car pulled up and beeped twice. The car window rolled down, revealing a familiar face.

- Get in, loser!

- What the... Ha Neul! When did you get a car?

She jumped inside and closed the door.

- What do you think? Am I fancy or what?

- How come you have a car now?

- Well, I have a driving license and my new office is kinda far from the subway station so I thought "why not?" and asked Dong Hyun to get me something. He didn't mind since it means he doesn't have to drive me around all the time.


- Geez, he keeps spoiling you so much. How does it feel to live like a princess, your majesty Kim Ha Neul?

- Oh, shut up!

For some reason, Da In felt like that "shut up" was not a joke. She felt uneasy.

- So... where are we going?

- We are going to your place to celebrate my new job!

- Pfff, I thought you’re gonna flaunt some money in my face and bring me to a fancy restaurant!

- Look at the back seat. See that? 500$ worth of champagne - fancy enough for you?

- Daaaaaamn, I take it back, let's go!

The two of them started drinking as soon as they stepped inside Da In's apartment.

- Geez this champagne is smooth.

- Don't just chug it, have some strawberries too.

- Is it okay to get hammered today? Tomorrow is your first day.

- Ugh, I don't care, yolo! I just feel like drinking with my lovely Da In today!

- You are already drunk, what the hell?

It felt nice. Da In only had one girlfriend and she was happy it was Ha Neul, she could never trade her for anyone in the world.

An hour later, they both were lying on the floor, completely wasted.

- Da In... do you still love that blonde dude?

- Who? You mean Seong Woo?

- Yeah, that one!

- Who knows... why do you ask?

- Cause… I wanted to understand how do you know that you still love someone, you know? After a while...

- What are you trying… Do you not love Dong Hyun anymore?

Da In leaned on her elbows and looked at Ha Neul.

- I don’t knooooooow uuuuugh... I just have no chills anymore, you know… It’s just all… Comfortable.

- I thought you liked comfortable? I thought that’s why you stayed with him for so long?

- You’re right, what am I even saying right now? Haha! Forget it, I’m just super drunk.

- You know… I loved Seong Woo for so long without having him in my life that I don’t even know if it’s love anymore. He is being all nice to me now and he is trying but I’m so afraid. If he dumps me again I won’t be able to take it this time, so I don’t know what to do.

- What about that other guy, his friend? You sounded like he was hitting on you too.

- Ji Hoon… He is great, but he is his friend… Uuuuuugh this is so complicated! Why can’t I just have one decent relationship?

- I say you go for Jin Ho or whatever cause he is just so much more yum hahaha!

- Girl, you’re wasted, go call your boyfriend to get you home!

- Nah, I'm gonna call a driver service this time...

Da In helped Ha Neul to get in the car and paid the driver.

- Ha Neul, just make sure to throw up when you get home or you'll be sick for a few days, okay?

- Yeah, fine. Love you!

- Me too, bye.

She came back to the apartment, looked at all the mess they left, and sighed.

"Whatever, I'll clean tomorrow."

She sat down on the couch and started scrolling through her phone.

"Ji Hoon is more yum, huh? I guess he does look prettier than Seong Woo, but not that much."

In the end, Da In dozed off on the couch, holding her phone on her chest, with a picture of Seong Woo opened on it.

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