《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 15


- Mom, I need some money to pay for school lunch.

- What happened to the money I gave you last week?

- Well, it was for the last week's lunch. You want me to eat every week, right?

- Are you trying to be smart with me? Anyway, your father took all the money yesterday, I don't have anything. Bring lunch from home.

- We do not really have anything anyway. And I'm tired of eating instant noodles every day...

- What? Are we supposed to treat you like a princess or something simply because you're a child? You're old enough to work, so go, earn your own money and eat whatever you want!

- What about the money that you guys earn?

- This is our money and we spend it however we like! What a bitch! You should be grateful that I listened to your grandmother and didn't do abortion as I planned. I gave you this life, I've been feeding and clothing you all this time and you dare to demand something from me? Go find a job and start taking care of yourself already!

- Da In, you lost weight again. Are you eating properly?

- Yes... I do.

- You need to eat well, you know. You're only 14, your body still needs to grow.

- I know, I'm sorry.

- You don't have to be sorry. Look, I know your family has been struggling recently... If you need someone to talk to or if you need help, we have a psychiatrist at school -

- It's fine! I'm just studying a lot and forget to eat sometimes...

Da In opened her eyes, moved her head, and groaned.

"Ugh, I fell asleep on the couch, my neck is killing me now!.. Damn, I hadn't had a dream about my teenage years in a while... God."


She still felt pretty hungover after last night's celebration with Ha Neul so taking a shower and leaving without breakfast sounded like the best idea. As if to shake off the unpleasant dream, Da In decided to take a taxi to the office.

The work seemed even more daunting today, partly because she did not feel that good both physically and emotionally.

- Hey, how is everything going?

Da In lifted her head and scared Woo Jin with a worn-out look on her face.

- Okay, understood. Do you want to grab some coffee maybe?

- Nah, I already gulped like a gallon of coffee today, my heart is going to explode soon.

- Well, take it easy, you still have almost 1 more month to go.

- Yeah... Let's see if I can make it.

Dong Wook walked out of his office and called for everyone's attention.

- You all probably know that the owner of our building also owns the building next to it. He decided to sell it so some offices are going to move to the top floors. For some reason, the majority of the managers decided to hold a party to welcome new people to the building, so this Friday, at 7 PM, there's gonna be a party where you can meet people from other companies.

- It's gonna be Halloween this Friday, do we need to dress up?

- No costumes, please. It's gonna be a regular party. Ah, and the location is the roof, so bring your coats with you. That's all from me.

Da In sat down on her chair and leaned on her arm.

"Does this mean Seong Woo and Ji Hoon will move here too?"

In the other part of the city, Ha Neul was still exploring her new office starting with the break room.


- Coffe here sucks so much.

She turned around and saw a familiar face - Lee Min Ki, the bra exposer.

- Oh hi! This is my first cup, let me be the judge here.

She sipped some coffee and made a disgusted face.

- Oh my god, this is an abomination!

- I warned you! If you’re in a dire need of coffee, we can grab some in the cafeteria downstairs, I was on my way there anyway.

- Sounds good, let's go.

Once the coffee was obtained, they decided to spend some time outside to have some fresh air and talk.

- So did you come up with a way for me to pay you back for the blouse?

- It looks like you reallyyyy wanna pay me back! Alright, you can buy me coffee here for the whole week.

- That blouse looked expensive, how about I treat you to a very fancy meal instead?

- You know what - it was expensive. Alright, I’m expecting dinner and a gift!

- What gift would you like?

- There is this set of one idol's group special edition albums, but they are all sold out everywhere I looked. If you manage to find it - you’re forgiven!

- Deal! Send me the details and let me know when you want the dinner to happen.

- Will do!

The rest of the day went by in a flash for Da In. The work started to progress smoothly so she decided that skipping another overtime would not hurt. When she walked out of the building, she saw Seong Woo waving at her.

- I must admit, it feels nice having someone waiting for me like this.

- I know right? It feels like we’re a couple working together!

He winked at her and started laughing.

- Speaking of which, are you moving to our building now?

- Yeah, for a few months, then we'll move somewhere more spacious.

- I see... Are you going to the party then?

- It depends. Will you be there?

- Our manager is a pain in the ass, so I will have to be there.

- Then I'll be there too.

- You were never the one for the parties, I'm surprised you even considered going.

- Well, I have changed a lot. Plus I wouldn't miss an extra opportunity to see you.

- Geez.

As cringe as it sounded, Da In still felt nice at the thought that she'll be able to see Seong Woo in a different light. She grabbed his hand and started walking very fast, smiling.

- Come on, big boy, I'm starving, let's get something to eat!

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