《The adventourus healer [HIATUS]》Chapter 26


Walking home that evening I have a lot to think about. Coming home and seeing my wife looking over my last writings spurs me to talk with her about it. “Wife, have Tion told you that these manuals are the most prized possession in the school?” I ask her after having found a place to sit beside her. “Yes, of course, I thought you knew this dear husband,” Xia says and look worried at me. “Kind of did not know that, land and people is more what I value. I plan to teach those manuals not hoard them.” Xia gives me a little kiss after this statement. “I know, but it seems others do not see it this way. They are looking for personal power not just a good time like you.”

I sit a while stewing in my own filth then and there. The filth is what I think of such short-sighted and stupid people. Those who disregard others and only look for their own, maybe clan or families, good. Trampling others for power and control. It is such people who make tyrants and dictators. And worst of all in my mind is that the always do it “for the greater good.” In their minds, they have all the answers and no one else.

“I can understand them,” I say at last filling the silence in the room. For it seems Xia has no need to talk of such things. “They are selfish to the extreme, not that I am any good example,” I tell her and Xia giggles at this. She knows my plans of leaving her and Ha here with my whole mess. I wish to see and experience the world, not be stuck one place for the rest of my life. “I know dear husband of mine, but you don’t run away at least.” She says it to be nice, but I can feel the scorn beneath it. “Thank you, wife” is all I can say to this “it does give me an inkling on what other sects and schools will hunt us for though and what “Tiger mountain” sect is looking for,” I tell her and lay down on the floor behind me. “Stupid idiots the lot of them,” I say at last and look around me. “How to trick them?” I the next question, but my trusty wife has no real answer to this.

The question of how to defend against someone larger and more powerful spins in my head constantly for the next several days. I share my concern with both the family and the rest of my school board. No one has a eureka moment solving the problem, but on the other hand, we have heard nothing and it might not be a problem at all.

“Steady, do not rush this,” I tell Ha as she is yet again working on sensing within herself. I keep up talking with her in a quiet and hushed voice. Not for her to follow what I tell her, but to keep her rhythm in check and soothe her while she is trying something new for the first time. She is trying to connect with the baby at a deeper level and find out if everything is okay with the small child. She is going crazy staying in bed and relaxing with what she calls “the little monster” growing inside. Her tongue and manner have been shocking the rest of the village. She is not behaving ladylike.


Xi is looking on nervously from the side while I am supporting his wife in this matter. He is not fond of trying to mess with the baby, but less fond of a screaming wife. They are the odd couple in the village and even my father has been heard saying he should have a stricter hand with his wife. My father has no understanding of what powerhouse his daughter has become. Only Tion is more personally powerful in the village. “Don’t worry,” I tell Xi when Ha gives up after the last try. “No harm can come to the baby by doing this.” He nods and looks at me before smiling. “I know, but I see no good coming from it either. And it is not right messing with babies like this.” At this, I can only shrug since he might be right. The only thing it has achieved until now is to exhaust Ha. “Well, it keeps Ha more docile,” I say in a hushed voice so as not to be heard by the sleeping women. “Yeah,” Xi says deflating a little. “Let us go outside and have a look at your latest progress,” I say in a bid to distract the worried husband.

It is a joy working with everyone in a more structured manner. My days are planned by Xia and I have time for everything since it does not all come at once. Watching and observing Xi while he performs his latest move is part of this. Everyone is tweaking and discussing new methods, even Tion who previously saw her manual as “The perfection of Dao in this world” has been experimenting in secret to improve the methods. I love it, especially since it gives me so many new ideas.

There is pressure to keep to tradition, however. “This is a perversion of the heavenly energy.” The angry man tells me after having entered the village. He has been screaming at me for over ten minutes and only my enjoyment of seeing him so angry and red is saving me from making him angrier. “Could you please tell me what is a perversion and who you are?” I ask the man at last and he just huffs at me. “Never you mind, I will not be sending any family of mine to this perverted place.” I am flustered and have no idea what this man is here for and what he is doing. Tion only told me I have a guest.

“Sorry for that” Tions says while meekly asking for forgiveness. Tradition and upbringing must be the reason for her humble position before me. “Did you make him angry?” I ask her and she winces where she sits leaned forward. “A bit,” She tells men and I sigh. “What did you do then?” I ask her and she tells me how the man came to her inquiring about a student place for his daughter and to show him what we are about she showed him into the temple where Yuan and the others were doing some treatment. “So they were half naked and making the guys orgasm?” I ask her and she nods. After some time of enjoying her sitting there, I, of course, forgive her. “It could be worse,” I say and smile. “It could be the guys practising. Tion pull a bit of a face and again bow down before me. “Bring potential students or their representatives to me in the future and we will need to formalize the process,” I tell her and in my eyes, the matter is done.


“Did you not forgive Tion for this mornings mishap?” Xia asks me at dinner that evening. “Well of course I did,” I tell her kind of bewildered about this. “Well, could you tell her, she was crying about it today,” Xia tells me and it drives home how much more I have to learn on etiquette and women. With Xia’s help, we get it sorted and I learn more about how to act with noble ladies. What I did wrong was to forget to say the words “I forgive you.”

The episode with the screaming father drives home a matter I have yet to take up. The need to formalize the school's leadership and customs. How will we handle recruitment? Who will admit new students how will apprentice programs and disciples work? Who and when will people have access to the library. Will there be mixed or separate dorms? These and many more are questions that need answers before the school can function properly, and I have put off dealing with them.

“Okay, this the first formal meeting of the school board is open,” I tell them and use the small gavel I had an apprentice carpenter carve out of a piece of wood. Around the table I have gathered all the people I think as important for the school. There is, of course, me and my inner circle. Then there is the village chief, Tatum is there since the village is an integral part of the school. Tun the priest who is the moral and spiritual guide of both the village and school. His earning has not been able to keep up from his trip with us. Mainly because he squandered it all on getting himself a second wife. The first one in the village to do so and thereby kind of breaking tradition himself, even as he is in his full lawful right to do so. Had I been able to he would not be here.

“Thank you for calling this meeting Su,” Tatum says and look over us. “It is an honour being included and I look forward to a prosperous relationship between the school and village.” I smile at him and nod “thank you for these kind words. I have the same hope and that is why I called this formal meeting even though we have had several informal meeting before.” I tell them and show off the board where I have written down the agenda for the meeting. I really need to get a paper mill going soon. Tablets and wood are not good to write on. “We have many matters and positions to decide on,” I tell everyone around the table. I know there are many differences in opinion and foresee a long meeting. I know this because I have talked with everyone beforehand to prepare.

“Shared dorms are out of the question. Women cannot be left alone with the temptation of men at such a vulnerable age.” I am so happy Ha already has had her baby when she lays into the priest after his stupid outcry. “Says the man having cajoled a family into marrying their daughter as a SECOND wife.” She screams back over the table at him. The play is just too good and I love it. Especially since I know they both see good sides in each other. The matter is decided with a vote and since no one other than Ha and Tun care too much it is decided to have mixed dorms based on year and rank in the school.

Rank is another touchy matter since in my Dao there is no breakthrough system. Even for those practising variants, there is no threshold between one rank and another, therefore we decide to base such matters on skill and proven knowledge. Both Tatum and Tun decides my idea of testing skill and proving knowledge is an excellent idea. “I agree wholeheartedly that one knows something only when one can explain and teach it,” Tun says and snacks on some dried meat Xia has had brought in. Tion, Xi and Ha are not too happy with it. “sharing knowledge for free like that will be dangerous and open us to criticism from others. It will open for peasants and bound servants that they can reach beyond their station.” She says and I can kind of see where she is coming from. Not her argument, but the sentiment that nobles will be scared off it and attack us is a good argument. “Okay, so keep it to people with family in our village or in the school,” Tun says and that decides it since if it is part of the pay it somehow is okay.

After the first day, we decide we need a second one, that one leads to a third and before I know it we have discussed different matters for more than a week. “Okay, I think it is time to stop and write the charter for the school,” I tell them after one week of meetings. I am tired and when I look at the others they are also tired of the matter. “I will use this winter on writing and have a document ready for you over winter,” I tell them. This will be the last winter before the buildings are finished and when summer is here we have decided to formally open the school. I am looking forward to it but also dread it. I will turn seventeen and only have two years before my self-imposed deadline of being as I say “outta here and adventuring.” I don’t like missing deadlines, even those that are no more than dreams.

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