After the enormous tragedy that the man who prepared me Sakura fell to the ground because of a dirty bitch. I picked it up from him and looked sadly at the onigiri crushed by that bloody commoner bitch.
Holding all my nerves with a will harder than steel itself. I made sure to mark that incident in my mind as the top priority and calmly walked to the roof of the same school. As long as I carry that wind in my left hand.
-At last! Fresh air!
Once outside I can't help but mutter those words and inhale and exhale the fresh air strongly. So I can calm down for the moment.
Once I calm down. Normally, I take the cell phone out of my pocket with my right hand and start calling the most trusted person I know.
-Hello sir! He needs me to fetch him now.
He didn't take a second to answer.
"You really are reliable Alfred"
-No, not Alfred…. It is for something else that I am calling you.
-…. Don't tell me what it is ... For the second thing sir?
I smile at his perceptive response.
-Yes, that's how you think Alfred… Will he be okay tomorrow?
At that moment he paused momentarily. But the next second he answered me with courage.
-But sir. No intention of offending. His father…. He did not say that a quiet year passes without incident…. This was not the main reason why he had to come to this school that he hates so much.
"You really have courage Alfred"
Normally if they answered me that way. I'd fire him instantly and then make sure no one ever rehired him. That is only if he was a normal servant.
But it's Alfred we're talking about. Since besides being the most trusted bodyguard of my father. He has helped me all this time in what I have asked him to do. I certainly have some sympathy for him for spending both good and bad times with me and dying without saying a single word to anyone. Not even my father who was the one who hired him in the first place.
Of course, the moment my father said he would be my bodyguard. I told him that I would only accept that on that condition.
But there are very few bodyguards who keep those words from the bottom of their soul…. Because when pressed by their employer, most crow like a rooster on a country morning.
But Alfred never did. Once I secretly followed him into Father's office and listened behind the door. While my father asked him if he knew about the incidents at the school. And at that moment he refused to answer.
Alfred never lied. So by refusing to answer. That old man realized that he knew what was happening.
So I ask you directly.
-You know what happened there.
Alfred answered him at that moment.
Without hesitation for a second.
The old man looked him straight in the eye and said.
-Will you tell me.
-I can not do this.
-Even though I'm your employer.
-Yes sir. At this moment I am the protector of the young master, I cannot go around revealing his personal information and even if the person who asks me is my employer or his father himself. Unless the young master's life is in danger because of that.
-Mmm…. I see. So ... what would you do if I told you that if you don't tell me, I'll fire you on the spot?
-I would accept it completely sir…. You are fully entitled to do so.
The old man stared at him seriously for a while….
But after a while he laughed as he smiled at her and invited Alfred a drink for his unwavering loyalty…. Or that's how Alfred told me when I asked him the expressions that decrepit old man used at that moment.
-Alfred I have tried…. I've really tried. But they did not allow me to have a peaceful and uneventful life. What will you do? Will you help me? Or will I have to ask someone else for help and risk being reported later?
"It was really necessary to sigh Alfred"
-Sir. It's okay…. Count on me. It is impossible to let him take that risk.
He smiled at Alfred's honest answer.
-Well, I will provide you with the information on this occasion and I will send you a photo and a name to make your work easier.
-Okay sir! When do you want the package?
-For tomorrow before the start of classes. I'll take a day off. Since today was really a tiring day.
-I understand sir. I will hire the group of women who always take care of it for us and ask them to take you to an abandoned and hired premises anonymously so that you do not have any interruptions.
-Are you okay with them leaving at the same time you leave to go to school sir?
-Yes, it's perfect. You really understand me Alfred…. He has! Do not forget to buy what is on the list of things I send you, I need them. Since I will use them tomorrow. Do you understand Alfred?
-Yes, I understand sir! Need anything else?
- ...
-Oh it's nothing Alfred… just an annoying fly was rolling on the roof. Stop by in the afternoon to find me.
-As ordered sir!
"Well, I think it's time for me to try the lunch that Sakura prepared for me…. I've spent hours waiting for this moment ”
I walk to a nearby wooden bench that was on the roof. I feel as comfortable as possible and begin to enjoy the delicious lunch prepared by the hands of an angel. While at the same time I take a deep breath and look at the blue sky that is bathing me in its refreshing client.
-Really. It feels liberating to breathe fresh air.
I can't help but say the words I'm thinking of. Since being in there felt very suffocating.
"I'm just sorry I didn't bring a can of coffee from the vending machine." It is the only drink that is available to commoners which I can truly praise.
“Really if it hadn't been for my bad habits of reading manga, novels and watching anime. I would never have been interested in trying that. Even if the person who invited me at that moment was no one other than kisaki herself "
I inhale strongly through my mouth. To see if that way I can at least refresh my throat even a little.
"Damn. I think I've gotten addicted to cheap caffeine "
-I can bring you one… Yes you want?
- ...
I suddenly hear a feminine and somewhat promiscuous voice coming from the side. Which was the announcer that lunchtime was over.
I had already been aware of this individual from the time I was talking to Alfred at the time on the phone. I had heard footsteps at the time and saw a passing shadow reflecting on the ground.
But I decided to ignore her on that occasion. Since most likely he was a filthy commoner ...
I thought. What if he really had a bit of a brain. It would go away with time. And if he was really mindless he would interrupt me while I'm eating. But…
You never really expected me. That he waits until he finishes eating before he can appear in front of me.
-Clear. As long as you don't think I have poisoned him… Hihihi.
I pause for a moment hearing his frankly honest words. And after a moment I respond calmly.
-If people like me were confident enough to accept something from a complete stranger. I really doubt that we made it to where we are today.
-Good. That is completely true.
- Leaving that aside. I don't know who gave you the confidence to talk to me like we were old friends or something. But if you have approached me and have waited all this time until I finish lunch. It's because you at least have the minimum amount of manners. Which disqualifies you as a commoner. But you know what….
From the far side I can still hear that sinful voice. Which seems to be well hidden behind a small wall on this very roof.
"You have committed a worse sin than interrupting my lunch." And that's the eavesdropping when I'm on the phone. Get out of there rich girl and show your face if you really have the courage.
- ...
- ...
-Fufufufufu! Hahaha!
-Stop making that hideous laugh and show your face! Damn coward!
-Fufufu! Valla way of talking to a girl that you have. And to think that I thought you were quite a gentleman…. Disappointed. Very very disappointed I am kenji-san… hee hee.
-Eh gentleman ...? But I really am. Clear. Whenever we are talking about someone I like ... of course.
-Further…. Stop the "talking to a girl like that" royo. Since I am an advocate of gender equality. And while I'm ashamed to admit it… I know a girl who no matter how hard I try I can't come close to beating her in a bare-knuckle fight.
The hidden girl lets out a small voice in surprise upon hearing me. But right now I don't have the time and the desire to spend more words on this unproductive talk.
-Just get out once! Or go hide in a place where I won't find you!
"Because you're wasting my precious time!" And that can lead you straight to my blacklist of bitches to punish!
-Trust me. You will not like that.
-Hahahahaha Yes! You are actually very funny!
- ...
-By the way! The girl you were referring to just now! It would be none other than Kurai miyuki! I'm right?
Although it costs me to admit it. I have to say that I was really surprised by that statement.
While it is true of all the millionaires in Osaka they are aware of my commitment relationship with Sakura. No one should know that she is an expert fighter. In fact… everyone thinks that sakura is just a fragile girl who needs protection. And that's why she plays along with them and makes everyone believe that too. Of course it does it for its own benefit. Although it is true that sakura is somewhat innocent as an airhead from time to time when she also has a clever side and a fighting ability that even experts in the field could not match.
"How does this woman know?"
Sakura has only shown those two sides in front of me why we have been friends for years and why in that way she warned me to be careful when doing things. Since she was not even a fool.
"But like this girl"
-Your! How the hell can you know that ?!
Little by little after hearing my words. A female shadow began to reflect off the wall of that place. And that shadow grows in time with each step that is heard with it.
-What was reflected off the ground as the shadow took shape contained an abundant amount of hair. Or that was what I seemed to be.
And staring at that section from the top of that thick hair. Even the soles of the feet. Finally ... a complete form began to appear. The girl who owns that shadow finally comes out from behind that wall and walks dangerous steps along the edges of the roof.
Until she finally stops her steps and turning on her own axis she looks in my direction. And she starts striking a somewhat clichéd pose.
-My name is not you. It is kisaki kurami.
-Fufu… It's a beautiful day to finally meet you… Kenji-san.
When I saw her I was totally surprised….
But make no mistake. It wasn't because her beauty is what impressed me.
Although she certainly had a pretty face that was on a par with kisaki. That wasn't what really had me so shocked.
I had to tell her… even if she was my worst enemy, I had an obligation to do so.
This was no longer about good or evil. Even if she was the same sakura… my words wouldn't change.
In fact. If that was the case. I would say them in a more natural way.
This was no longer a crime that should be taken lightly, which is why I felt sorry for her.
So I scream the most sincere words that were exploding in my throat and that I could no longer contain. More than my mouth, my insides are the ones that would burn if you didn't say them.
So I did it.
I screamed with all my might what came from deep within me.
-… .. Kill that damn stylist !!!
After hearing the most honest cry that has come from the depths of my soul until now. This stupid girl didn't even flinch.
“It will be that this girl is really in the head. I'd understand if I were a disgusting commoner. But with the information you just gave me about sakura… I have no doubts "
“This girl must have great power behind her. She must be very close to having the same power level as one of Osaka's leading families. No, I'm almost certain that she surely belongs to one of the three great families of Osaka. Since even for the main families of other cities. It would be impossible for them to infiltrate one of the main families of this state without being discovered in the attempt "
While I am immersed in my thoughts. I hear footsteps approaching me. And by the time I'm brought back to reality by them. I see this girl with a strange hairstyle coming in front of me. She seemed to take me through a dangerous path along the edge of the roof. If something is clear to me with this, it is that this eccentric girl is not afraid of heights.
-Fufufu! So that's all you can think of to say. After my great presentation.
- ...
-Nice to meet you kenji-san ... I introduce myself again ... my name is-
She got too close to me and reached out her right hand amiably as if to shake it with mine ...
But my developed instinct told me that something is wrong. So I quickly reach back like this and a second later, I see a hand swiftly passing a few inches from my brow. If I hadn't moved right now. That punch would definitely have knocked me out.
I frown at such an unexpected cowardly attack.
-Hears! What the fuck do you think you're doing ?!
-Just a greeting. Of course.
-Greeting? And shit! That was an attack! And above all a very cowardly one.
-Hey?! But that's not how martial artists greet each other. And as for the dirty attack you just mentioned. Don't think too much about that… since the opponent doesn't always play fair. If you really think that way. When you really bump into someone like that you could lose your life you know?
-Thanks, for the sensei teachings.
I can't help but speak sarcastically when I am in front of a person who advises me to be careful about someone who is just like her.
This would be like someone who is stealing from you advising you to be careful of thieves.
Was there really not a bit of shame in this girl?
-Come on attack kenji-san! I want to see what you are capable of!
-Um…. I am in doubt if that is really true…. Not electric girl.
-Fufufu! Hahaha! At least now I would say that it is 20% true.
-And the other 80%?
-It's divided between making fun of my eccentric hairstyle that took me so long to achieve and between this last comment of yours.
A smile formed on my lips after hearing her comments.
Normally she would not have enjoyed this situation and would consider it a nuisance.
I wouldn't even have wasted my precious time and words on just any girl.
But the reason I don't feel those feelings right now is clear. It's because something inside me tells me for sure that this girl is in the same position ... both in power and in her duty.
-Hahaha then even you admit he's eccentric.
-That itself was the idea. If you want them not to find you, then disguise yourself as the last thing they would think of looking for, right?
-I really think it can work. But that doesn't change the fact that it is a crime against fashion.
-You really know how to make me mad. Enough talking, will you fight or run?
-As you like.
I quickly step up to her and kick towards her head.
She pulls her body back like this and bends it into a bridge shape, dodging my kick nimbly.
-You honestly have a little talent. But it's a shame for you that today I don't have shadow time. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
-Work? ... Oh! By work you mean to take charge of punishing that supposed girl called "kaori kobashashi" am I right?
"I really don't know what you're talking about?"
-Oh! Come on kenji-san! Don't try to hide it. I already heard everything when you were talking on the phone.
- ...
-Don't make such a serious face. It's not like he intended to tell someone.
-You can rest easy about it.
She comes even closer to me after I stopped momentarily. And she throws another kick in a totally cowardly way, like the time before.
-Do you really never play fair?
-Sure, that's my way of fighting. But don't change the subject kenji-san…. I did not believe that all the information I gathered from your previous school is entirely true. But I seem to be wrong.
-Oh! Sorry for letting you down electric girl. I lie, I really don't feel it at all.
-Haha ... not that I'm disappointed. It just amazes me that you spend your time in those kinds of games…. But let me give you some good advice….
- Seriously, what is it?
-Don't play with that girl.
-Oh! You will defend it.
-I said some advice. I have not the slightest interest in her, but I have given you my warning.
-Thank you… but I don't need it.
-As you like. Let's finish the fight.
She looks me in the eye and smiles sinisterly. She raises her gloved hands and slaps my face like that.
"Seriously, is she really trying?"
Just taking a step back I easily dodge it.
But suddenly I feel a burning in my eyes. And my sight suddenly starts to blur.
-I have you!
"You fucking dirty cheater!"
I feel a strong tingling in my neck. It's like a cloth is scraping the back of my neck and squeezing my throat at the same time. And it's hard for me to breathe.
-You give up Kenji-san? If you do, I will let you know.
-I won't lose to such a cheap trick.
-Um… whatever you prefer. But you know…. your neck is causing me tingles in that area.
-Shut up…. Are you not ashamed?
This girl says that to me in a seductive voice while blowing her warm breath on the back of my neck.
"Think of sakura!" "Think of sakura!" "Think of sakura!" "Think of sakura!"
I have hardly felt this kind of tempting sensation with anyone except for sakura.
But why am I sorry with this girl… the answer to that is obvious. This girl here I'm 99% sure she's in the same position as me. Therefore she is worthy of being seen as a true woman.
I feel a sudden chill…. And the next moment a little warm, wet ache is transmitted to my left ear.
-By the way…. My panties are black.
"Shit! I look like an idiot why let me be treated like a toy by this woman.
"I definitely have to get it off me"
“I could bump my back hard against a wall to get it off me. If she were a commoner or a rich girl like that kiriha bitch, she wouldn't hesitate to do it…. But this girl is in the same position as me. I must at least show some pity for that fact "
I think I have no choice but to do that.
I reluctantly sit on the floor with the girl still on top of me.
And I ask him for the only time.
-If you give up now. I'll let you out of this unscathed. What do you say?
She just lets out a flirtatious laugh with her lips still placed near my right ear.
-Well, try it.
"You asked for it. Do not regret it "
Quickly after her provocative response.
"I will not show mercy whether they are enemies or allies, I will treat them equally"
My motto floated above my head and I instantly raised my legs as high as possible from my back to the ground and scooped the eccentric girl's neck.
She squeezed my legs pretty hard on her neck. So much so that her breathing becomes difficult.
-Now! You give up, Miss Electric.
-Fufufu… coff…. Not bad ... kenji-san.
I press harder and she seems to wince.
-You dirty cheat!
-Not yet… coff… kenji-san…. This coff… it's not over.
Suddenly you see a bad feeling about those words.
-Fufufu…. Hahaha "coff" - "coff" I wonder what you taste like, kenji-san.
A sudden discharge of electricity goes through my entire body. I feel like a strong wave of it going through me. And all that energy originates from a single part of my body that should not be named lightly. I feel immense heat crushing me. In addition to a terrible humidity and suction…. and by when I finally regain all my senses to alert myself. I realize what is happening.
And in immediate despair I cry out the wisest words that could be said at a time like this.
-I give up! !I give up! !I give up! I give up! So stop now.
-Fufufu…. I win.
After spending a couple of seconds in that same position. The girl finally leaves.
I quickly move away from her and breathe as deeply as I can…. I try as calmly as possible to stabilize my mind.
As I look in hateful disbelief at her.
-What the hell do you think you're doing!
-Win. Of course… fufu.
-It seems good to you to win that way. Do you understand what you did?
-Yes. I told you that right?
-I will never play fair unless I have the chance to win.
-This is already beyond the dirty. I'd understand if some shitty commoner did it. But someone in your position….
-Oh! You noticed… that saves me a lot of time fufu.
-No “fufu” you…. I can't be wrong. You are in the same position of power and duty as kunai miyuki as heir. But if you behave-
-Oh! You say it because of just?
-An heiress shouldn't be doing things like that. You really should behave like a polite and refined lady. It is a taboo for all heirs and a shame for one of the best families such behavior.
-Ha… Hahahaha…. I understand you now kenji-san. Haha I fully understand what you are thinking. But let me tell you that you are very wrong.
-In which?!
-Throughout! It is true that dressing in this way is not what a main heiress would do. But I'm also a girl you know…. And like one I want my personal freedom. So I have no choice but to dress like this or I would be surrounded by people in a next moment.
-That's ... not what I'm talking about-
-I already know it. I just wanted to make it clear to you. So I can tell you why I came to this school. But putting that aside first. Let me clear up the misunderstanding you're having.
-I'm sure you must be thinking… fufu… things like “An heiress shouldn't behave that way” or “There really is such a promiscuous heiress among the main families” or maybe “She would really do anything to win” “In that she she differs from a whore ”Hahaha and things like that, right?
-So you feel like it.
-You're wrong! And let me answer those annoying doubts of yours kenji-san. The first.
-This playful behavior I have only shown to you and only to you kenji-san.
-Second. The reason I came to this high school was also to meet you kenji-san. That's why I wore a costume like this and I didn't tell anyone that I signed up for this place….
-I was planning to spend time playing mystery girl. But when I met you I realized…. That if I wasn't honest with you from the beginning your interest in me would disappear fufufufu… and that really pissed me off.
"Besides that you hurt my feelings by being so overly honest about my hair."
All this story told by her sounded like a cheap and shitty drama to me.
So my patience exceeded its limits.
-That's a lie!
-Lie! You will say right?
-Yes. It would seem so to me if I listened to it too. Certainly a girl of your same status came and said that she came especially for you to a school like this just to meet you even though they had never met before. It would sound as unrealistic to me as a shojo manga story.
“Won't she have the same hobbies as me? true? "But apparently she is a lover of different genres"
That thought that is inappropriate for the moment and that brings to the surface even me from the naive past. It vanished like the breeze of a wind.
-But here is the real situation. I didn't come to meet you because you were Takashi kenji-san from the Takashi family. If I did not come because you are the fiancé of kunai miyuki my sworn enemy and heir to the family who has caused so much damage to my family…. That's why. That as revenge I have come to steal you from her…. I had my doubts at first…. If when I met you I didn't feel anything and you were just a boring boy with good looks, I would give it up. But you provoked something in me and that was certainly not love but hate and irritation.
-Can you believe it? The first was ruled out from the beginning I doubt I can feel that non-existent feeling that idiot girls often mistake for a fleeting lust. Something that is very constant in the promiscuous women with whom you confused me. Which by the way makes me quite mad at that.
-But since I was little I have not felt this feeling for anyone other than the kunai family and especially for kunai miyuki. That's why it feels so liberal to feel for someone else. Although in your case…. This feeling feels somewhat warmer and more pleasant…. And just thinking how that damn demon with human skin will look when I steal you from her… it makes me feel an indescribable pleasure fufufufu.
Seeing her true self come out, I really realize that I played her wrong….
This girl is not just any promiscuous bitch. But she's a revenge-hungry wolf with a somewhat twisted personality. I do feel a bit sorry for her though. Since it reminds me of the day my former self…. "Died" ... but unfortunately her anger was directed at my special person. So I can't let it go.
-And to think that you made me believe you were smart for a moment. But you're just another airhead fool who goes out of her way to win something anyway.
-And that she has a ridiculous illusion that she would leave miyuki for her.
-Even if she hadn't met miyuki and they could meet someone totally different from her. But with the same feelings towards me. Between you and her. He would keep choosing her. Why would you ask me? The answer is easy to understand right?
-You see me as a necessary goal to obtain. But that other girl would see me as someone to love…. And despite knowing it you were really stupid enough to tell me all that.
She quietly pitted me, without even changing her expression. Only after she waited for her to finish speaking did she turn her face from one serious and calm to one that radiated both hate and happiness alike. It was a strange mix of a slight hint of sadism and arousal.
-That's when the third answer kenji-san comes in. The reason why I did not mind showing those dirty tricks with you and why as well as the reason why I fought directly with you even though the only person who did it is my teacher.
-And Above all the reason why I did something so daring with you that only an heiress would do it after the wedding with her fiancé. It's easy to answer, right kenji-san?
-That's why in my mind you are already mine. Not to be more accurate I would say that this is already written in stone…. Why do you have two fatal flaws…. one You underestimate the people below your class too much and two you have great pride…. Those two flaws will bring you to my side and those two flaws are what will make kunai miyuki show you her true face…. Fufu hahahaha….
-Call me seer if you want? But that's your future.
-I have to go now kenji-san. Don't take my advice above if you want. Moreover, that would be more convenient for me. Since that would only speed things up for my plan… Fufu goodbye ❤
After saying that I see the girl go quickly towards the place where she had come from before…. I watch her leave very absentmindedly for a moment. But the next moment I come to myself and go after her.
-Wait! Not yet-
But when she got to the place she had gone to. She had already disappeared…. No one was there anymore.
-Where the hell did he go….
No matter how hard I look, I can't figure out where he went at all. And I really regret not reacting in time just moments ago.
-Good. It will be another day ... I have to go back now.
I go back to the wooden bench where I was sitting from the beginning. And I take the empty lunch box from him.
Then walking I go back to the classroom…. With a bitter and annoying taste in my mouth.
- In Serial38 Chapters
A Modern Day Demon King
Reyn, a former demon king is reborn in a modern day world without any mana user's or at least that's what she thought. Sadly, enough she was wrong. But worst of all she picked up a kid and she's not sure what to do with him. Of course, that's if she doesn't end up accidentally end up killing the poor kid first.
8 199 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Horseman's Culling
After millennia of normalcy, a primal change came over the earth. A horde of gigantic drills burst through the earth’s crust all over the surface, punching a hole out into the light of day. From these dark chasms, creatures of fiction sprung out into a world that has never known magic or monsters. There was no warning, there was no gloating from some deity figure or system notifications designed to give humanity a fighting chance. There was only unbridled chaos and slaughter, as most of humanity’s technology no longer worked.Deep in the dark void of space, nestled within the huge mass of dirty ice known as Halley’s Comet, an ancient guardian noticed the change on Earth while in its perihelion approach to the Sun. On that day, Týr returned to the realms of mortal men.Warning: Rated 18+
8 100 - In Serial13 Chapters
Spheretesia, a Wanderlust Fantasy
The world just started to produce mana and the magic era begins... at least that's what suppose to happen. Normally it takes time for humans to adapt and develop mana, but before they can even discover it, monsters that are already familiar with mana appear out of nowhere and start to overrun the human population. Follow our protagonist as he does his best to survive against the monsters that invade his homeworld. But is this world really where the journey begins? --------------------------- I just wanted to mention that this is the first light novel that I’ve ever worked on and I’m also just doing this for fun, so I apologize in advance if it isn’t up to par. I also drew the cover myself because I wasn’t sure which pictures were okay to use and I didn’t want to bother with it. So yea, sorry about the amateur drawing (・.・;) In any case, feel free to give feedback and thank you for reading.
8 132 - In Serial6 Chapters
God Particles
The year is 2218. After the "Idiopathic Apocalypse" that happened in 2118, more than half of the human population was erased. A few years after the IA, unknown creatures started attacking humanity's remaining cities. Humanity almost ceased to exist, but a new light shined in the kingdom of darkness. Humanity discovered "Ability Users", people who had supernatural powers, much like the unknown creatures known as "Mutants". Humanity used its remaining technology to study both Ability Users and Mutants. Soon, they created a gigantic barrier that keeps humanity isolated from the dangers of the wilderness. To this day, humanity is trying to reconquer the world that they lost, but a new rival appears! Another race of sapient creatures, much stronger and more intelligent than any human. What will humanity do?
8 107 - In Serial33 Chapters
Adamantine Dragon in the Crystal World
In a fantasy world known as [Flow] there was a Demon Emperor whose power was so ridiculous that gods couldn't even compare to him. Then one day he got hit by a powerful curse and got banished to a completely different world. That's how it roughly happened. Roughly…After entering the New World our protagonist found his body being disintegrated and most of his magical powers useless...AN: Hey guys, this is my own first fiction. This is completely different from what I previously had in mind. I had even extended plans made for that one, but I'm still working on it. This one can be considered as a spin-off from the original series haha, please join our Demon Emperor in his journey! If you see any mistakes please point them out so I can fix them, thank you very much! I will use Japanese honorifics because they are cute haha. Without further ado, welcome to the prologue of the Arc 1: THERE IS NO REST FOR THE WEARY!
8 175 - In Serial8 Chapters
F.A.C.E. Family X Little!Reader
You and your mom go to the park and she leaves then never comes back...
8 92