Her body contains perfect proportions. Since her splendid figure is like a combo of half-grown breasts and butt. Which cannot be considered neither big nor small.
Your height will be hovering a little over six feet and you have bright blue eyes and light pink hair. That if you didn't see it in broad daylight you would mistake it for white hair.
She is the type of girl that I would have fallen in love with if I had not met sakura before her.
-Hello. It's been a while kisaki.
She opens her eyes wide after turning her body completely.
-Mmm…. kenji!
He looked at her and smiled. Since her surprised reaction seems to me somewhat amusing.
“That damn old man told me to come and not even read kisaki that he was coming. No, maybe she hasn't even told him that I've come to spend the year at this damn school "
But anyway ...
“It really surprises me that she's here… Why would she be in this commoner school. Maybe she too…. No, I remembered something. She would not come here just because ... She surely like me had no other choice. I really sympathize with her. "
-Yes, it's me. Your dear older brother.
She is surprised again for an instant. But the next instant she lets out a flirtatious little laugh and stares into my eyes.
-Hehe…. Little brother you mean.
-Not. Big brother, I will always be the big brother.
-There it is again. That incredible pride of yours. It is so irritating.
-Shut up, crybaby.
After telling him that, she quickly trades her flirtatious smile for an embarrassed expression.
-I haven't cried anymore in a long time. He didn't cry!
-Haha, defeated.
She quickly looks at me pouting with her mouth and slaps me with the middle finger of her right hand on the forehead.
-Hey don't hit me just because you don't know how to lose.
-It's your punishment for bothering your older sister….
-Yes! Yes! As you say bad loser….
Letting out a smile again the "supposed older sister" looks around and after making sure that no one is there. She turns her gaze back to me.
-Well Kenji, what are you doing here?
- I doubt very much that you would have come to have me. Besides that nobody else knows that I'm here except for father and mother…. And above all I know perfectly well that you also hate these places.
"I knew it"
-Oh! You said "too"! So why are you not here?
-Don't change the subject, tell me.
-Well then how about this. You answer my question first and then I will answer yours.
-But I was the one who asked first….
He smiled upon hearing that and beat her mercilessly at her weakest point.
“I am someone who has no mercy for anyone. Be it someone you hate or someone you love. I will not show even the slightest bit of mercy to both sides "
-But ... it is not the duty of an older sister to indulge her younger brother.
While I say those words to him I do my best to imitate an abandoned and abused puppy from the bottom of my soul and even take my performance to such an extreme that a tear accidentally comes out.
And so after touching her most sensitive chord and her precious Achilles heel…. And especially after seeing a performance so spectacular that it would surely make the world cry. My dear senpai threw in the towel and reluctantly accepted my whim with a small nod of her head.
-Alright, I'll tell you…. Although it makes me mad that you get away with it.
-Thank you. Dear older sister.
-Good…. You know well in the situation that I find myself, don't you kenji?
-Oh you speak of the arranged marriages that you have rejected.
-Yes. Papa has constantly insisted that I should get married now. But I have rejected all the possible candidates without even meeting them and Helina seems to have bothered about it.
"I suspect he no longer wanted me to be at home doing nothing and wanted to use me as a possible bargaining chip for an arranged political marriage." And by the time father told me about another possible random marriage candidate. My brother-in-law appeared just then and I asked him, referring to me if he would agree to work in a small middle class school as a principal. He knew that such a proposal seemed ridiculous but he also knew from one-san that it was becoming suffocating for me to have to deal with having to marry for the benefit of the family every day and that I would take any chance to escape from that place.
-So when father was about to speak for me to reject the offer. I quickly accepted it instead.
-Father realized why I did it. So he just gave a resigned sigh for it. But helina really got pretty mad. Although she didn't say anything at the time. I could see it in his eyes. I was really mad.
-Ah! So that's why you ended up here huh.
-You're almost in the same situation as me. No, I'd say it's worse. They want to marry someone who you don't like or know at all. In that sense, miyuki and I have it easy.
-Don't show off your happiness in front of your idiot older sister. Your older sister still does not approve of that marriage and that right cannot be taken away from me. As you one-san I have that right. Even if the other party to the marriage is my niece ...
She changes her expression back from a depressed face to a childish and grumpy one that only a little girl would do when she throws a tantrum because one of her prized sweets was stolen. I almost laugh at how funny her face looks. Seeing that childish expression on her makes me nostalgic. Since she always makes the same joke when we meet and talk about arranged marriages.
-Haha ... as always kisaki. There's not a single time that you don't miss that joke. It really is nostalgic. But seriously…. I don't understand how your mother is so insistent on making you want to marry someone you don't like in the least or wanting to force you to marry someone at random just because she gets a bit of influence. There must be another reason right? I say. She is your mother after all.
- ...
Surprisingly kisaki, I am momentarily silent. I thought something had happened to her but I think it was just my imagination because she smiled at me again as if nothing had happened.
And a second after that I suddenly react worried about something as if I had remembered an emergency.
-Oh! Damn! I forgot that I had to do something.
-Kenji! sorry! You can come back tomorrow at this time. Since today I have run out of time and after class I have a busy schedule. But I will be free tomorrow so come and answer all the questions that you have not answered today. And I won't forget it so don't even think about running away or I'll go wherever you are and drag you along. You understand!
-Yes! Anyway ... I have to go back-
-Great! See you then! See you tomorrow!
She hastily sped off like a rocket launching.
Stunned by her sudden dismissal. I can't help but breathe a resigned sigh.
"Damn. I forgot to ask about the room. But I guess even she wouldn't know yet. Since she did not think in the slightest case that I would “unfortunately” become a student of this school. "
-Well I'll have to search again on my own or maybe I'll enter some random grade with the same numbers and letters that I had in my previous school. That would be a bit more fun than asking a grubby commoner.
Walking through the long corridors I propose to look for room 2-A. On the way to the classroom I almost made the stupidity of looking for room 1-A. But then I remembered that if last year I went to 1-A now I should go to class 2-A. Since otherwise I would be doing the same grade and that would be complete stupidity. I'm completely out of the head right now.
-This shows how bad it is to be around commoners, because for me to almost make a mistake as silly as that. It means that stupidity is rubbing off on me.
Room 2-A…. room 2-A….
"Where the hell is that shit room?"
I already passed room 1-A a little while ago and I searched the whole damn floor. But I couldn't find damn room 2-A anywhere. I've only seen filthy room 2-E.
"It may be that in this commoner high school there is no room 2-A or is it that they are so damn stupid as not to put them according to alphabetical order and place the room on the top floor instead of on the side"
I quickly climb to the second floor to dismiss that stupid assumption of mine. But guess what happened to my surprise.
-They really are!… Definitely my patience is at breaking point.
I walk into the shit room with a vein sticking out of my forehead and find it full of commoners. But since my mind is on the verge of breaking, I ignore all the gossip and commotion around me and take a seat at the back of the room near a window so I can get some air and not look at the faces of those inside.
And as if by cheap magic ... The hours passed very quickly.
As I ignore all gossip, I don't know what the commoners were talking about and I don't care. But when the commoner teacher arrived all the annoying noise died down and he started giving his damn boring class.
The things they gave were too easy. I am amazed at how behind they are compared to my previous school. Since I did these things at the end of high school and since I am now a high school student. I'm embarrassed to have to do something like that.
"I will really be in trouble for the third year when I return to my prestigious high school."
That thought flashed through my mind for a moment. But I quickly dismissed it from her.
"Let's leave that problem to the future me"
He was too tired to think about it now.
So I finished it in almost an instant and lay down to sleep on the desk table. So I can rest my mind and remove all tension on my head.
The commoner teacher did not say anything to me throughout the time "of course he must know his place and know the consequences he would have when disturbing someone like me" he just waited until almost the end of class just before the bell rang for lunch and picked up the sheet she had left on the table without saying a single word.
A few minutes later the bell rang indicating it was time for lunch.
"At last…. It is really stifling to be here. Also now I can replenish my energy by eating the lunch that Sakura sent me "
At the thought of lunch some vitality came to my face and a small light began to shine in this dark room. That represents the darkness in my life.
-Well, it will be better to find a less noisy and cleaner place to eat ... who knows what diseases I can get if I don't take care here.
I can't help but warn myself in this situation. While I cautiously pass by the commoners and with the beautiful box that Sakura gave me. I prepare to carefully exit this damn room.
Part 2
-Hey kaori, and your lunch?
-Ah! Already! kaori-san plans to try the cafeteria food this time right? I totally understand you! The same thing usually happens to me on the days that my mom can't prepare them because she has to go to work early. And it's a lot of work having to do it myself.
-Not! What do you say tina? That is too much. You should not expect your mother to do everything for you, you have to put in the effort and do one yourself, you must from time to time. Or else you will never become a good woman.
-That's true, Tina! Don't think that all women are as lazy as you are!
-Hey! Stop bullying me! I'm going to cry if they keep grabbing it. I really will. Besides, kaori-san also goes shopping at the cafeteria, right? So why would you if you had actually made your lunch?
-I already told you that it is not like that. And I'm not bullying you. I just want to make you a correct woman in the future. Besides, it's not that I didn't have lunch there, I just forgot.
-I'll be right back.
-Away quickly-
-As hung up as always, don't you think so, tina?
-Yes…. But that's not what makes kaori-san cuter.
-Pitifully…. I can't deny that. Since that is its main charm. Of course that is only when personality is what we are talking about.
-Yes… Because kaori-san is super cute.
-Kaori point of view-
"Oh what a fool I am! Now I have to make both lili and tina wait for lunch! I must hurry quickly. I don't want to bother you any longer than it should. "
I walk as fast as possible leaving my two best friends behind and turn a corner. Which is a little shortcut to the room we're currently going to.
“I would have liked to get there faster. Sorry lili and tina. But running down the corridors is rude and this is all the fastest a good woman can do "
"Finally I'm here!"
I see the entrance to the living room and hurry quickly to the door. So I can quickly find my lunch and not make my friends wait any longer.
But when I am about to enter the room something hits me from the front and I quickly fall backwards.
-Knock! Knock!-
Dazed from the shock and unable to open her eyes for a moment. I hear a clang of something falling and quickly look ahead to see a nice lunch box lying there. This beautiful box had fallen to the ground due to the previous crash and the lid it had was accidentally uncovered by the impact of falling to the ground. Thus leaving a small but cute onigirí with ornaments that roll through it, until finally reaching my feet.
I quickly get up off the ground and shake my uniform well. Then slowly and gracefully I look forward to ask a sincere apology to the owner of that lunch. Since this accident was mostly my fault for rushing into the classroom. Despite how unfortunate the accident itself was. It was really lucky that it was only an onigiri, it was he who fell from the elegant and beautiful lunch box of the person. But it still doesn't change the fact that what I did was wrong, so I just look at the person in front of my eyes and ask for a sincere apology, from the bottom of my heart. Quietly waiting for your reply.
-Sorry! A lot! I was really in a hurry and didn't notice who was ahead! I hope you are understanding and forgive this clumsiness of mine…. And if that's not enough ... you have my word that I "Kaori" on behalf of myself and my family swear that tomorrow I will bring you a lunch just as elegant and cute as this. Of course, in compensation for the unfortunate accident I have committed at this time.
-How about?!
I knew the moment I had the accident that the one I had collided with was a boy, why it was obvious from looking at her legs that she was wearing long pants. But the moment I look at his face, I am really shocked. Since the person with whom I had collided was none other than my new classmate. The heir son of one of the three largest families in Osaka. Takashi kenji.
"Could he be very angry?"
"Considering your position and the way most heirs usually act, everything can be right?"
“At least I'll bring him a big lunch tomorrow so he doesn't resent me for this or maybe I'm making a mistake about him and he's just a very humble person who thinks I'm bullying him hehe. Since he belongs to another social class unlike the other students here and maybe after this he no longer wants to come for this "
“Yes I am completely sure as the good woman that I am. That my instinct tells me that with 100% certainty that it is the second.
“If not, why else would I come to a school like this? not?"
- ...
He just was silent for a moment. And then I look at his lunch box on the floor and the onigiri lying on it. A second later he looks at my face again as he puts a small smile on his.
"I knew it. He was a good boy after all…. See that I was influenced by “lili's” comments for a moment. I'm really going to scold him when we're having lunch. And to think that tina, despite being lazy, has a good instinct for these things. Maybe I'll praise him a bit and ask him for some advice later hee "
"Oh! True!"
Suddenly I was reminded of why I had rushed into the room in the first place. I look at the boy again to apologize again and quickly, I say goodbye to him.
-Really! I'm sorry about everything! Tomorrow I'll bring you a big lunch as a sign of apology so please wait for it. Now I have to go to the cafeteria because I left my friends waiting there, see you later.
I quickly go to my desk and grab my lunch box. He walked briskly back to the door and almost embarrassedly skidded on something slippery on the floor. But luckily I manage to keep my balance while giving a small embarrassed laugh. And I rush out into the dining room without paying attention to whatever it is that I stepped on. Because right now my priority is not to make my friends wait any longer.
Part 3
"The food that Sakura prepared for me ... fell to the ground"
-Internal schizophrenic laugh-
I can't help but look ahead and see the bastard commoner who caused this.
"Not even killing her ten thousand times can make up for the sin of throwing sakura's hand-prepared lunch onto that dirty floor."
"And she didn't just dare to do that!"
“But that damn living creature. She also threw one of her precious onigiris out of the box, leaving it inedible ".
“This fucking bitch !! She has committed a sin that could not be compensated even by killing her and everyone who includes her bloody bloodline !! not!!! Fuck just her bloodline !! She wouldn't make up for it by even killing all her neighbors, the bloody mailman who delivers the mail, and her bloody pets in the shape of bald rats !!!
- In Serial44 Chapters
The Wuxia Adventure of an Edgy Earthling with a System
Ten years ago, Earth was assimilated into a mysterious entity spanning multiple galaxies that called itself [The System]. Al was sixteen at the time, and by a series of fortunate events and many, many close calls, he managed to become a top ranker and vanquish the big boss. Then he died. Al woke up as a baby in an orphanage in the middle of the woods, and after a while he realised something: “Wait, isn’t this basically a wuxia world!?”
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For Justice! - A Tale Of Paladins And Hammers
Gabriel Norris always did his best to be a kind man, he fed the poor and homeless, gave to charity, volunteered at animal shelters and even worked as a Red Cross medic for a living, he tryed to do his best to help even when it put him in danger. But sadly the brave and the kind ones always seem to be the first ones to go. As Gabriel's government become increasingly tyrannical and power hungry, Gabriel stages a peaceful protest against recent government practices, he is told to cease and desist or he would be jailed, he refuses. thus instead of being just being a good man Gabriel becomes a hero, a martyr. But heroism is never without it's price as Gabriel lays there slowly dying of dehydration, for the first time in all his life he prays. "Gods or Demons or whatever out there that might be in between, i have never asked anyone else for anything before, i have devoted my entire life to giving to those who had nothing and never asked anything in return, now i ask you for just one favor. Don't let this be the end of my story, just give me the chance and potential to help in some way more significant than feeding one poor soul when a million more are still starving. i don't just want to help in these small ways, i want to change the entire world for the better, just don't let this be the end... And as he lied there and the last breath wheezed through the air, and the final synapses and neurons went quite, something answered.
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Cloud Rider
James loves his perch at the bottom of the ship. It’s the best place to watch the clouds slide by beneath him. Though, more than that, he enjoys the spot because it gives him a clear view of the Divers as they descend below the clouds to the ruined world beneath. The knowledge of how the world became a ball of dust and wreckage faded with time until it was ultimately forgotten. James doesn’t doubt the word of the Divers. Why would he? He wants to be one of them one day, after all. Nor does he doubt the word of Shamran, the fleet’s captain. But James knows what he saw—a flash of green through the blanket of white clouds. Not only does he know what he saw, he also knows where he saw it. So, when no one believes what he’s seen, James decides to take matters into his own hands. What he discovers may change the fleet forever and may pit the people he has lived his entire life with against each other.
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The Heart is a Void: Ashes to Ashes
For Karel, the search for power erodes the sense of mercy. When a bug traps players in a new, immersive VRMMO, and begins to undermine the system that protects them from experiencing pain in combat, the players scramble to avoid becoming victimised. Some seek to hide or gain protection in Guilds, others seek power at all costs. Rumours of torture and possibly even real death begin to spread. Many would-be heroes strive to protect themselves and others by becoming powerful mages, mastering the power of the elements, or training at combat with large weapons. While Karel had begun by trying to enhance his mage powers as far as possible, he eventually becomes disillusioned with this as he sees the power of others who use unconventional and amoral means to take advantage of the bugged game. As he explores this new, Free-For-All world, he must turn to cunning and ruthlessness to get ahead.
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Endless September
Wherein September descends into the world of the internet and faces an all out battle.
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Inso's Law: The Other Protagonist
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧life for shin aera was supposed to only be comprised of two things: her, being a complete perfectionist due to the upbringing of her childhood, and her very loyal best friend, ham dan-i.therefore, when the universe suddenly took a turn and threw both girls into an unknown world filled with ethereal people who claimed to be part of their mundane lives, shin area simply didn't know how to say no.✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧[inso's law x female!oc][reverse harem x female!oc][warning: book will contain mentions of anxiety]
8 128