《My Little Abomination》Chapter 24: I Noticed That I'm Slowly Adding Chinese Stuff To This Novel As I'm Recently Into Chinese Cartoons.


Camille and Eobard quickly acted upon my orders and begun attacking the scaled woman in sync with each other.

I rushed to the spot where Shimini laid, shocked on what just happened. I immediately bought out an Abomination First Aid Spray.

"Shimini, I'm gonna heal you okay? This could sting because I never read the warning labels on this."


I just sprayed it at his arm and it's back, boys! Witness the power of modern medicine... MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

"Are you ready to stand up, my darling?"

Axe and bat struck against sword and scales. The woman is clearly on defensive with Eobard's slow on but she seems to be having fun.

{Lukie... I'm sorry to burden you.}

And Shimini stood up while shaking off the numbness from his newly regenerated limb.

"It's alright as long as you're safe and I would need your help. This battle can't be won unless we utilize surprise attacks..."

Righty then, hide in my shadows.

Now, the next thing I can do is add more combatants into the mix...

"Vrynne, don't open your eyes no matter what."

But she didn't respond with words as she is obviously focusing but she still did a nod.

"Commander, our barrage of attacks won't last! We will soon be on defensive..."

To think that Eobard would reach his limit so quickly... But still, I would have to do a gambit at the final phase of my plan.

"Camille, give Eobard whatever made you outlast Shimini's true form. Also, use your Insani-No."

A spear from faraway flew into his hands before he passed it to the one who needed it.

With that, my plan is ready. I summoned Ena to commence our offensive once again.

The slow wore off but she is facing three attackers at the same time so she fought defensively once.


Weaving through Ena's net of attacking tentacles, she is like an aerobatic butterfly and just like a ghost, nothing seem to touch her but it won't last that long as I'll be joining in.

Drawing my gun, I sent my commands once more.

"Eobard, can you slow her like last time for 10 seconds."

"I'll try!"

Then, her body slowed down but she is still dodging perfectly but it was enough for me to take a careful aim and shoot with the Lhyu.

The first shot missed but I tried again and the next one just passed though her then the third got deflected and so on so forth.

With the last of the 13 shots, I rolled forward like a McRe* preparing to fan the hammer.

Unfortunately, without proper training, shooting guns are like shooting Deagles on CSG*. Accurate af...

Dammit! And I could feel my comrades worried stares on my because I just screwed up my positioning.

"You finally came to me, aking xiao yue..."

I felt her gaze trapping me in an invisible cage but fortunately, it was a mental attack and Im immune to them so suck that!

She reached out for an attempt at grappling me but I already have an emergency if my Deagle strategy failed.

Go Shimini!

With that, a sword of white light came from my shadow, bisecting the woman like hot knife cutting through butter.

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