《My Little Abomination》Chapter 23: I Think I Should Develop The New Villain After This New Chapter


{This presence... That person has the Sage Crystal!}

Shimini trembles as he pointed at the figure behind the dust.

"Sage Crystal, what's that?"

{It's a powerful crystal that can generate and store magical power. It's very dangerous if it finds its way into wrong hands.}

All five of us in the field rallied together to increase the chance of survival against an unknown assailant with a powerful weapon in their hands.

"Why are you praying now, Fakexorcist?"

"Shut up Eobard, I'm sending a loan application to God."

But it seems like only four of us are capable of combat...

The dust cleared, revealing a scantily dressed woman with gray scales on her skin. But whatever it is, her outfit looks ethnic like hell.

Her face was covered by a Comedy Mask but it only added a level on her air of mystery.

"Don't mind me people, I'm just passing by!"

A clear loud voice erupted from the mask but I just focused on her.

"My, my, what lovely gazes you have. Especially, you with the faint glow!"

She stared at me like a cat licking a mouse with her eyes. Shimini-sensei, this lady is molesting me with her gaze!

{Why did you take the Crystal?}

"It suits me nicely so I took it, something wrong?"

Shiminicalibur was summoned while the woman's body glowed as magical tattoos emerged from her skin.

"So, it's like this..."

In a flash, Shimini exchanged blows with the stranger like what they do in F/S N. It was fast but I could track their motion if I focused enough.

I wish that I could summon Ena but the others here would get Insanity if I do that so I refrained from doing so.

The four of us was just there, Eobard-san and Camille-kun don't know what to do, Vrynne is waiting for her loan to be approved while I don't even have anything- wait, I have bought a gun from Ą̶-̵̧͟b̷͢á̵̴̡y̢̢̕͏ !


It appears into my hands but I realized that I can't really fire it as Shimini could get hit. What the fuck am I doing with my life?

The woman gets into the defensive as Shimini continued on raining strikes on her. But what's amazing is that she did it with her bare hands!

I looked behind and saw Camille-kun chanting while Eobard-san is still fazed by the live combat happening before him.

"So I wish, Infinite Snapdragon Garden!"

The training field suddenly changed into a flowery graveyard of weapons but Shimini and the woman didn't really mind it.

The woman summons what seems to be a chimera made between a dao and a jian with two tips at the end of the blade. If you don't know what those swords are G**gle them, kay?

And in a moment, Shimini's sword right arm got cut. It was just like watching Y*ng's arm get sliced by Ad*m on R*BY Volume 3 but I won't give up!

"Eobard, slow her down. Camille-kun, pressure her with your Alt-Ego!"

I immediately gave commands at the moment our morale would have fallen but it seems that my comrades still have fighting spirit.

"HAHAHA, that's right! All of you, come at me!"

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