《My Little Abomination》Chapter 5: So... Do you guys even read the chapter title, author notes and comments? They are kinda necessary to fully enjoy this fic.


The crossdressing weirdo looked at my blood while being bound by Archroma. His lips stretched from ear to ear in a very unsettling grin.

Dammit... Even the enemy think I'm going to die! What are you doing? Where's my plot armor (T^T)?

I felt the cold presence behind me disappear my warm blood gets drained off my body. The other Headcrab is still out of sight but I can still kill him, I'll take him away with me!!!

The book floated into my view mockingly as I read its possibly helpful contents.

You have defeated Crossdresser Chris via insanity! You gain 1000 Abomies from him. If you revive him you, can obtain even more on courtesy of his patron. Revive him? Ah, He'll be far away when he respawns so no worries, m8!

Oh... I already won, huh... But how did I defeat him through insanity though?

Archroma's colors turns any average human being insane in one sight so when you knocked that guy's shades, he became insane. If you still don't get it, you can win a Warlock battle via knocking out/killing your opponent, wiping all them Familiars or give them insanity! Ah, some sickos prefer winning by breaking minds so yeah...

Then respawn this guy out very far, I don't wanna see that perv again! Why do I have to do P*kemon battle copies anyway?

The creepy laughing maid suddenly turned into air as I slowly stood up, picking the book.

You obtained additional 1000 Abomies. Ah, that's because it's a legal gambling sport in the Outer Realms. Almost all Old Ones love Warlock battles, in fact, my creator made variations of me and my sisters just to earn rent to stay here!

Archroma swam through the floor, into my foot, eventually climbing to my head desperately.

That reminds me, I still have to name my Archroma- What was it again... Hey Author, what was the name decided by the poll?


I love you, please marry me!

... What the fuck?

It's Ena, I decided via coin toss because there was a tie. As expected, boring MC's are boring af...

"Ena... That will be your name, let's be friends forever!"

I can feel my eyes gleaming but I think because it was some bastard added shiny effects on them to make it look like a scene from a children's anime but who cares! I'm a cool MC!

The tentacles extended from the top of the head, hugging it tightly affectionately. GROOOOOWL

But it seems this emotional scene would have to be stopped with hunger. That reminds me, I've never fed Ena since she (Yes, it has no gender but Ena is feminine, comment if you object so that I can return the pronoun, dammit!) was summoned. What was her food again? Insan- or rather Insane souls according to My Little Abomination.

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