《My Little Abomination》Chapter 3: I just can't resist breaking the fourth wall so sorry if I made this fiction sucky because of that


There's so many wrong about a book sleeping on so many levels but the author is telling me ignore it so that I can finally get into the point of writing this book: cuddly time...

[JSNFUJN ppakmbpak INJANF.]

I was so busy talking with the book, it seems that I forgotten about my savior and new pet. God, why am I not killing this thing? It was narrated quite clearly on chapter 2 so yeah... Petting time!

Calling it this guy every time is kind of a pain so let's name him... Damn, I should be able to come up with a name but it seems that even the author is having troubles so you readers should be come up with one.

And so I picked up the pocket-sized plant thing as its itty bitty not-gray eyes stared at me... I should probably name this color too! Let's see... I'll name it Excitement! Yeah, its Excitement colored eyes magnetized mine as I stare deep into the Excitement colored abyss.

I saw right hand was dyed with Weabjoy as I pick it up but I pay no mind, it's too cute, I'm dying!


I couldn't resist the desire to begin groping its slender tentacle and so it closed its eye as another opened as I gently rubbed them.

The soft fluffy texture, very distinct from the any plushies I've hugged assaulted my left hand's fingertips as their sensitivity increased even more, allowing me to feel more of it.

Sure, the last line sounds like something out of an Erotic Game but this is the stuff!!! It's so addictive, I won't become like the chapter one version of myself!

I continued feeling the Archroma eventually moving to touch its eye-

Chomp... Oh, Weabjoy is coming out of my missing left pinky...



Talk about delayed reaction but please forgive me, my Archroma. I won't poke your eyes, I promise!



The creature simply nodded as it bites my left hand once again. It felt like hot iron was flowing into my arm but I have to endure this for my rudeness... I closed my eyes until the pain was gone.

A Weabjoy ring-like scar remained on my now re-attached pinky... It seems that I was wrong about it being hateful, such an innocent thing mustn't be tainted! Even if it's the world you want, I'm gonna conquer it for you!!!

With this scar, I swear to the heavens above, I will make this thing's heaven on Earth and nothing can stop me, HAHAHAHA!!!

Dust scattered on the storeroom as an explosion rang throughout my neighborhood... What are doing author??? I thought you were going to troll your readers with no action scenes!?

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