《My Little Abomination》Chapter 2: MC's gender is unspecified because shit, that thing's a empty husk meant to be your position as you cuddle the little abomination!


Looks like it's walking again, huh...

Hint: You can summon your Abomination from a distance using this book.

... So, you've just said all of that to give me an anxiety attack? Fucking book...

I would for you to die but the maker has told me and my sisters to provide tutorials for aspiring Abomination trainers like you! So that one day, you'll blossom into wonderful Abomination Masters. Ah if you're wondering about my role, I'm your P*kedex, P*keballs and PC!

Sure, that's a relief, knowing that you're not OUT TO KILL ME...

Hahaha, you better summon Archroma because the police has already found the shelter trapdoor. Just think of him to come immediately and it'll be there!

Okay, I want colors!!!

The space distorted as tentacles manifested then a pot-like body emerged next. It was transparent at first then colors beside gray painted some tentacles as it fell into the ground with a splash.

The storeroom ground it had landed on has turn into a color that prompts excited happiness for some reason. I felt a grin into my eyes as the thing swam over to me with its tentacles like those sperm videos I saw in highschool. I mean, DAMN!!!! IT'S SOOO CUUUTE. Cute enough for a normalfag to go KYAAA!!! KAWAII DESU!!! Like a fucking weaboo!


The colored puddle moved as it swam for me. I thought on how to call that happy color but since I'm bad with names, I'm gonna call it Weabjoy!

It slowly went to my feet as it grabbed my shoes cutely with its shiny colored tentacles. Looks like I have to name this color, Touchbright since it's bright and that's what it uses to touch.

I looked back into the book to see what info it has for me.


Congratulations, you're the first mortal to name Outer Colors. For that, you gain bonus Abomies! +1,000,000 Abomies

... Seriously?

Congratulations, just named another Outer Color. For that, you gain bonus Abomies! +100,000 Abomies

Is this some kind of litRPG story because if this was a novel, the author would've been a lazy slob that has pretty abnormal tendencies...

Of course, it's a shittily made novel! Pray to your author, Senizal Fi Chrora to grant you a happy life.

I didn't just read that... Anyways, what does this Abomies do?

It's for buying care products on A̴̢̯̯̙̙̘̫͈͓̞͎͝-̸̶̡̪̻͔̹̖͈͍̻̜̠̠͘͜b̼̪̼͓̳͈̥͕̳̳͙͉̪̱̹̖̕͠͞ͅą̴̵̙̻͇͠ͅy̡͚͉̜͕̘͉̪̪̰̻͚̭̹͜͜ and if you're asking what A̴̢̯̯̙̙̘̫͈͓̞͎͝-̸̶̡̪̻͔̹̖͈͍̻̜̠̠͘͜b̼̪̼͓̳͈̥͕̳̳͙͉̪̱̹̖̕͠͞ͅą̴̵̙̻͇͠ͅy̡͚͉̜͕̘͉̪̪̰̻͚̭̹͜͜ is, it's an online P*kemart for all abominations! It doesn't use internet though...

Wow, that's relieving... How much is an Abomination?

How much rarity are you talking about?

Yep... My life has just turned into some cheap web-game ripoff in novel form...

oh. ur Archroma wud cost 1m cuz its full 5* rarity, I dont rec buyin nother one tho.

Why did your grammar just go shit?

how da fuck do u think how i typ fast? is tirng, yanno?

Okay... So how do I take care of this cute bundle of tentacles?

fed it 3 insan souls evryday. A̴̢̯̯̙̙̘̫͈͓̞͎͝-̸̶̡̪̻͔̹̖͈͍̻̜̠̠͘͜b̼̪̼͓̳͈̥͕̳̳͙͉̪̱̹̖̕͠͞ͅą̴̵̙̻͇͠ͅy̡͚͉̜͕̘͉̪̪̰̻͚̭̹͜͜ sells 1 for Ⱥ10

If it's that cheap then I can buy afford it. Do you have the auto-feed function? It would suck if you don't.

Yes... ZzzZ...

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