《I've Transmigrated... with a Broken System》Chapter 4: Quest Time!


The old man focused his gaze back on the path in front of him. "I heard that the new lord gives out cultivation techniques, apparently budding heroes and brave adventurers make their way to his estate and then go off to the bigger cities. It is probably a safe bet to say they are getting cultivation techniques from him."

Renard was buzzing, he couldn't physically contain his excitement.

Noticing this, the old man tried to clam him down. "It's not easy, those heroes had worked hard everyday for the benefit of the town, protecting us from dangers. The adventurers sold their game, materials and artifacts here often which helped build up the economy here. I doubt you will be able to achieve that in a short amount of time, without preventing some kind of catastrophic occasion or something." Renard was dismissive of what the old man said, he fully expected to achieve it quickly with the help of 'The Almighty System'.

Renard let himself calm down, "Thank you for helping me. It looks like I will be staying in your town for a while. So, do you know any way I could earn some money while I am here?"

"Funny you should ask. I have somethin' you can do for me. I actually own a small shop in the town, my business relies on selling and buying materials that adventurers gather. A few days ago a local noble requested a large amount of boar hides, we are still lacking some and the deadline is in two days. If you could gather me 5 full boar hides, I can reward you with a few silver. The names Kyle by the way."


[Congratulations! You have unlocked the Questing Function! Although all people in this world are real, they will feel compelled to give you tasks in the form of a quest. The Questing Function will help you keep track of quests, process rewards and allocate additional bonuses.]


[The Questing System will display quest requirements when in earshot of quest giver.]

[Due to 'Questing Function' being unlocked, the Quest Detector has been unlocked. Using your thoughts you can locate available quests in the area. If the 'Map' function is unlocked you will be able to see quest specific locations marked on the display.]

[Kyle's Boar Hide Collection]

[Difficulty: Easy]

[Collect 5 full boar hides. Additional rewards available dependent on hide quality.]

[Requirements: Kyle must have a favourable impression of you]

[Rewards: 2 Silver Coins, 4 Copper Coins, 20 Experience Points.]

[Possible Rewards: Friends with Kyle, Increased Money, Skinning Knife.]

[Unknown Rewards are available in this quest.]

[Would you like to accept this quest?]

Kyle held a knife out to him. Renard stalled for a moment to process everything that had just appeared.

"I accept! I'm called Renard."

[You have accepted the quest. Wild Boars can be found outside the southern gate of the town.]

[Once you have completed the quest, you can turn it in at Kyle's Shop.]

'This is useful.' Renard was almost ready to forgive the system for making him a peasant.

They both continued to chat as they rode towards the town. While they were talking Renard discovered that this town was called Littlefeather. When Renard heard this he truly knew he was in a fantasy world. After a small amount of time, a cluster of small thatch houses appeared in the distance. Fields littered the land with crops growing in every plot. As he got closer to the town, he saw some larger stone buildings which seemed to be shops. In the distance, a large manor sat on top of the only hill in the town. He assumed this was the town lord's residence. It wasn't a grand building but it was definitely higher quality in comparison to other buildings in the town.


"I know it isn't much but this is my home. I have travelled all over this continent yet there is no place like Littlefeather for me. Even if the larger cities on this continent are much more beautiful than this place, none of them can beat Littlefeather. Those cities are truly magnificent though, all the buildings in the capital city make that manor, look like a random rock by the side of the road. Those places are truly something else, built through the efforts of cultivation." Kyle reminisced in his stories. Some would find his rambling annoying, but Renard, who was new to this world was engrossed in his words.

Once Kyle went silent, Renard took the opportunity to get some information on his quest. "Is this the south entrance to Littlefeather? I heard there were some boars in this area."

"It is, but how do you know that, they only moved in this morning? Eh, it doesn't matter. Yes, there are some boars around here. If you walk that way for about 10 minutes you should see them grazing in the field." Kyle pointed in a south eastern direction. "I would recommend you getting a squire to carry your spoils otherwise you will only be able to collect one boar at a time."

"Don't worry about me. I have a plan. I will ask around for your shop when I return. Thanks for all the help." Renard was truly humble to Kyle. He seemed like a kind man. After hopping off the side of the carriage he waved toward Kyle and headed in the direction he pointed.

'What an interesting young man. He can't be from around here, he know too little about this place, well, and everything. I am sure we will know each other better in the future, haha.' Kyle's thought as he watched Renard run off into the distance.

After 15 minutes of walking, the herd of boars Kyle had mentioned were in front of Renard. He was ready to get started. Analysing the boars with a keen eye he noticed that there one that had separated from the group. To make it easier for himself, he decided to take on that separated one first. As he crept closer through the long grass, marks could be seen along the boars body that resembled lightning. However, it didn't matter to Renard he was excited to attack.

At that moment, he lunged forward with the skinning knife Kyle gave him.

[You have attacked a Greater Boar Leader (Lightning Attribute). 'Almighty Power' has been activated dealing the maximum amount of damage.]

[You have dealt the Greater Boar Leader (Lightning Attribute) 15 damage! 85 Health Remaining!]

"Sh*t" Renard knew he made a mistake taking on a monster too powerful for him. This was the first time he couldn't blame the system after coming to this new world. This was entirely his fault.

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