《Tower of Redemption》Chapter 9 - Blood and Tears
Helona and the woman main man carried Kauss through the streets as people walked by. On any normal day, no one would have cared about them walking with a wounded person between them. That would just be another day to them. With the recent events, however, everyone was on edge. As they walked by, people would avoid them thinking that they were targets Galler had gone after. They were afraid that if they were even seen with them, then they'd be open for death as well.
Thanks to that they didn't need to worry about people recognizing them and they could head to the doctor in peace. They would've taken the alleyways, but with a wounded person in hand, the alley's were much more deadly than just being out in the open.
Helona had an intense feeling that someone was watching them from the shadows. She looked down an alleyway and saw one of the main men watching out for them as they searched for Galler. Most likely the thinking was that Galler could be following them. He had no clue who they were though since they never met, but he could have watched them leave. Not to mention since a main man was helping them out, if Galler could see them, it wouldn't take too long to guess they were the intruders.
The woman main man pointed ahead at a building with a sign on the door. It read, Vicy's medical and surgical palace. That was the doctor that she was talking about, and it was luckily close to the mansion. It wasn't even half a mile away, so Killian should know about the place already.
"Can you hold onto him for a moment." The main man asked.
Helona nodded and had Kauss lean onto her as the main man walked up to the door. She didn't knock, or even just open the door. She kicked the door open and Helona could hear someone shout from inside the building.
"Keep this door open!" The woman main man demanded.
Helona approached as close as she could until the main man came back and helped them to the building. They entered and inside a thirty something year old woman was cowering in the corner of her shop. Jars of varying liquids sat on shelves behind her, and surgical tools were placed on a rolling desk beside her chair.
The woman herself wore a white coat and kept a box of gloves on her desk. Beyond that, the place was a husk compared to the rooms inside the mansion. Helona worried that she would screw up and somehow make Kauss more worse off than he already is. She kept in those thoughts since apparently the main man trusted her enough in order for her to carry out the operation. Also it was either her or nobody since all the Owernecker’s doctors were most likely killed during the massacre.
"Xantra!" The doctor yelled at the main man. "I thought you were captured."
The woman main man, Xantra, smiled as they carried Kauss toward the room that the doctor operated in. "I'm not gonna die until I say so." She kicked open the operating room door. "Now come in here and do your damn job. And it better be for free."
The doctor nodded as she grabbed the handle of her rolling desk and moved into the room after them. Helona and Xantra layed Kauss down on the operating bed. The doctor ordered them to take off all his clothes then move out of the room. They did as she said, but Helona needed to be forced out of the room. Before she left, she kissed Kauss' forehead and he moaned in response.
She left nearly on the point of tears as her boyfriend was on the verge of death again. Despite the fact they were in an open relationship, she truly did love him. If he died, she had no idea if she could actually climb the tower by that point. When she said she would abandon him to climb the tower, she meant it then because she truly thought she could. When push came to shove, as Kauss lay on a bed with two bullet wounds, she crumbled. Kauss saw her as a badass woman with some girly moments, but that's not who she truly was. She was much more feminine that just so happened to be well fit and stronger than the average woman. At least that's how she saw herself.
Helona sat down in the waiting area as Xantra announced her leaving. She said she was going out to find Galler and if she needed anything then she should come by the mansion.
"We got something big planned tomorrow." Xantra told Helona. "I recommend that you should hurry up and get your things before heading up the tower tomorrow." Xantra left the building and she could hear her footsteps as she headed down an alley next to the place.
Helona looked at the operating room door and knew that if she left, she wouldn't have the slightest of idea as to what was going on inside there. If she left now then the doctor could do unspeakable things to him while she was away. Helona shook her head and pounded at her forehead. There was no reason to think that way. The doctor would know that she'd die straight away if she so much as harmed him more than helped.
Helona also needed to get her stuff from her place. If it came down to it, she also needed to get things from Kauss' home as well. They needed money, clothes, and some possible memeto's. Despite the fact she hated this floor as much as someone could hate something, she still grew up here. She wanted to at least remember her father who would be all alone without her here. He was a strict and sometimes annoying person to live with, but she loved him no matter what.
Now that she thought about it, she never even said a word to him before she left that morning. She decided to at least have dinner first and explain everything before she left. Getting up and wiping away her tears, she headed out the door and marched down the street to her home. It wasn't too far away since she lived near the mansion as well.
It took only a minute and a half in order for her to reach her home. It looked just the same as always and people avoided the street like a plague. Considering what happened here, she would've been much more confused if there was a bustling amount of people on the streets.
She opened her door and locked it behind her. The living room's lights were still on and her room was a quick step away. She couldn't see her father anywhere, so she expected him to be in his room still. She went to her room first and packed up any clothes she had and any loose change she carried. She didn't know if the money was necessary. She doubted anyone lived above the tower, and if so then she doubted that they would even use the same currency. Just in case, she still packed it all up in a single bag.
She carried the bag and placed it in the living room. It was time to finally greet her father for the day. She left without so much as a word to him, so she was already expecting to get yelled at. She may be an adult, but he still cared about her and let her stay with him so it would've at least have been nice to let him know about her leaving.
She opened his room door and her eyes widened. She had all the pieces, but couldn't figure out a question that she never once asked herself. Had her father heard about what happened at the mansion? Not to mention, what would his reaction be if he thought his daughter died and she never once spoke to him before leaving that day? His wife had already passed leaving them behind all alone and he refused to accept others into his heart. All that he knew to love was his daughter, and he thought that love was killed when he heard the news about the mansion.
She looked on in horror as her father's dead body leaked blood out of his head. A gun lie beside him and had blood splattered on it as well. The sheets were stained crimson as her father looked up into the endless darkness above them all. He killed himself, believing his daughter had died at the mansion.
Tears filled Helona's eyes as she dropped to the floor. She curled up her legs to her chest and held her hands above her head like a toddler. She couldn't say a single thing since her voice was choked up from the sobs she made. Anytime she tried to speak her voice screeched to a halt and she could only whimper. After everything that had just happened, the world threw another inch of despair her way.
This floor was hell. Anything was better than this. Nothing mattered down here. She couldn't handle staying there any longer than they had to. Before she ended up just like him, she had to climb the tower. She wanted to get away from this hell as quickly as possible. There was no future on this floor, but there may be a future waiting for her above. However, she couldn't worry about that at the moment. Instead she cried all the pent up sorrow and stress away that had been building up all throughout her life.
Helona carried her bag of clothes and money back to the doctor's place after an hour of crying. She walked in a zombie like trance, unaware of someone devious watching from the shadows. They saw her leave the mansion and come here before, but with everyone out and about it wasn't a good time to strike. When the street lights turned off, it was the best time to strike.
Helona opened the door to the building and saw the doctor at her desk taking off her gloves. She had just finished the procedure just a second ago. Helona sat down and placed the bag near her as her mind slowly worked the nerve to ask the question. She was already so hurt and distraught that she was too afraid to ask a basic question.
"Is Kauss alright?" She finally worked up the nerve to ask.
"He'll be fine." The doctor said. "He's sleeping for now. I got his wounds stitched up and the bleeding has finally stopped. He wasn't hit anywhere too critical, so he should be able to walk tomorrow though a little slowly. You'll have to give him time to recover before he can walk as he used to."
The doctor grabbed keys from under her desk and began walking to the door. "You can sleep in that room for the night." The doctor said pointing to another door. "I doubt you'd steal anything in here considering how much you care about the patient. At least I hope."
"Don't worry." Helona said. "I'm not planning on anything. I don't even think I'll be able to sleep tonight."
The doctor grunted as she opened her door and left. She locked it behind her and Helona could hear her walking away toward her home for the night. Once Kauss wakes up, Helona planned on going straight to the elevator. If Kauss wanted to, then they'll stop by his home on the way. If Killian didn't make it, then it's too bad for him.
She decided that it was about time to head to bed. She wasn't going to sleep, but thinking things over in a barely lit room sounded comforting at the moment. There were so many thoughts swirling inside her head. She felt like if one more thing happened she would burst. Whether it be anger, or another one hour crying session, she will blow up eventually.
She opened her room door and tossed her bag beside the bed. It looked just like the operating room that Kauss was in. More than likely, it was just another operating room. She lit a candle on the desk beside her, and turned off the lights. She jumped face first onto the bed and realized how soft it really was. Half of her face sunk into the mattress so it looked as if it was devouring her. The imagery cheered her up a bit, but quickly she went back into depressing matters.
The look her father had on his corpse haunted her. He wasn't at peace when he died and his face showed it. Evidence of tears went down his cheeks and his mouth curled into a snarl as he stared up at the tower that rose above them. She wondered what would have happened if he didn't end up commiting suicide. She wondered what would have happened if someone didn't tell her father about the mansion. She wondered what would've happened if she never asked Kauss and Killian to follow her to the elevator. So many questions, yet there was nothing she could do to answer them.
She faced toward the ceiling and looked up at the same sight her father must have seen. What was up there that justified such a malicious treatment toward them. She had no idea how large the tower was herself. Even though she wanted to find meaning by climbing the tower, she had no idea if she would even find it. The tower was a mystery to everyone, and everyone feared it because it's deepest questions and answers lied in a veil of danger even worse than this. Who knows though? What if it's actually better the longer they climbed? They wouldn't know since no one dared to climb since no one came back down.
By now the street lights should have been turned off. The busy days seemed to pass by quickly, but this day went by so fast since she couldn't keep up with everything happening. Now that everything was settling down, Helona could count the seconds pass by. The sound of a ticking clock rang in her head as it counted down the seconds and minutes until tomorrow came. The clock had such a rhythmic and calming pattern that it began to tire her out. Her eyes shut until they closed, ready for some sleep.
Suddenly, the building's door crashed so loud that Helona's eyes nearly shot out of her skull. She shot up as her heart began beating so fast and loud she could feel it was trying to ram it's way out of her. Adrenaline began coursing through her veins as she took calm breaths to try and keep her temper down. If it was a normal intruder, she would just beat them up and then fix the door if need be.
She walked toward her room door and slowly creaked it open. She peeked outside and her eyes widened and temper flared when she saw the intruder. Galler walked into the building with a pistol in his hand. He had apparently lost the shotgun as he was running around the city. His face was red with anger, and Helona's face matched his when she saw him enter.
Helona waited for Galler's back to be somewhat facing toward her. He walked straight toward the door that Kauss was staying in and she realized she couldn't wait any longer than necessary. She charged through the door and ran straight toward him.
Galler had no idea what was going on when he heard a door open beside him. He turned and saw Helona raising her foot. He tried to shoot his gun, but he couldn't aim it in time. She kicked it out of his hand and his finger grazed the trigger. It went off and the bullet flew off into nowhere as the gun fell beside the desk. Galler backed up, wondering what she was doing by herself. He thought they would be in the same room seeing from how worried she was about Kauss.
Helona punched Galler straight in his jaw and he flew back from the impact. He regained his balance and prepared for her next onslaught of strikes. Helona drew her fist back as if she were meaning to punch him in the jaw again. He raised his arms to protect his face, but instead of aiming for his jaw, she lowered herself and planted a fist in his gut. He grunted as he waddled backward until he hit the desk.
He grabbed the side of the desk with his hands and kicked with as much weight as he could. He firmly landed the blow on her side, but surprisingly she endured the blow and grabbed his leg. She pulled him forward so hard he nearly split his legs as he fell. He turned and saw her foot coming straight at him. He rolled out of the way and quickly stood back up on his feet.
Galler squared his shoulders and raised his arms. He wasn't going to go out like a bitch after these two broke into the mansion and ruined his plans. He was going to kill them both no matter what. He had nothing else to lose anyway. There was no way for him to make a future in this god forsaken city again. The city was against him, and the Owerneckers wouldn't accept him back in if they managed to somehow survive after everything. He couldn't take a chance doing the same thing to another gang since it wouldn't even be worth it anyway. Only the Owernecker’s territory had power and advanced weaponry.
Helona fired off another punch and that time Galler was ready. He grabbed her fist and countered with one of his own. He landed a punch on her jaw and her head tossed back from the impact. Quickly, Helona raised her knee and firmly planted it in Galler's abdomen. Galler nearly puked from the hit, but he controlled himself and grabbed her leg. He pulled her feet out from under her and she fell on her back.
Helona landed on the hard floor at such an impact it nearly took her breath away. Blood began dribbling out of her mouth and she could feel the pain flow through her entire body. She couldn't give two shits about it though. If she didn't kill him here, who knows what he would do? Her body flowed with so much adrenaline and anger that she managed to ignore the pain her body was under.
Galler raised his foot above her head and stomped his foot down. She swerved her head, avoiding instant death, and slid her leg across the floor. She tripped Galler's foot and he fell down with her. She scooted back and stood up on her feet as Galler did the same. They were both bleeding from the mouth and had several bruises and cuts on their face and arms. It wasn't done and it wouldn't until the other stopped breathing.
Galler charged at her, screaming with his arms wide open. Helona didn't expect the outright aggression and let herself get got between his arms. When she was in his grasp, he squeezed as hard as he could. Helona coughed and yelled as he squeezed so hard it felt like her spine was nearly breaking. There was only one way to get out of this. She reeled her head back and headbutted his forehead.
He yelped and his arms loosened for a second. She took this moment to work her arm into a good position. With as much force as she could muster, Helona uppercutted Galler right under his chin. She could hear him bite his tongue as blood flew out of his mouth from between the cracks of his teeth.
Galler wasn't done yet, however, he wasn't going to let her get an easy victory. He launched his arm toward her throat and succeeded in hitting the mark. He grabbed her throat and squeezed as hard as he could. She raised her arms to try to rip him away, but he headbutted her in return. Her arms fell by her side, but she was still alive. Her legs thrashed about, so he pinned her to a wall and kept her knees in place with his own.
He put both hands on her throat and began squeezing the life out of her. Her eyes were beginning to roll in the back of her head and Galler laughed in triumph. One of the little shits gone, another to go.
Helona could barely focus anymore. Her vision was blurring and her throat seared with pain as Galler constantly applied more and more pressure to her neck. She thought she was dying. Why now of all the times? It wasn't fair that she went through today, only to die at the very last moment. If she died now, she wouldn't have any meaning. In fact her death would be detrimental since if she died then so would Kauss.
The colors she was seeing began glazing into nothing but whiteness. Was she going into some form of afterlife? If she was, then she hoped to at least see her father there. She needed to say everything she didn't say that morning.
Helona heard a loud noise from beside her. Galler dropped Helona and backed away, clutching his arm. Helona's vision began coming back and she looked around to see exactly what had just happened. Kauss was standing in front of his room door with a gun in hand and his other hand covering his stitched up wound. Galler was shot in his shoulder and blood dripped onto the floor.
"Why won't you people," Kauss growled. "Just let me sleep peacefully for one goddamn night."
Galler turned and ran toward the door. If he stayed he was dead, and despite him having no future, he was still afraid of death. He wasn't ready to die. Kauss aimed the bullet and prepared to fire, but his body began to feel weak. He nearly collapsed as Galler ran out the door to freedom. Helona called Kauss' name as he was falling, but her voice broke into coughing fits. Her throat was burning and scratchy from the pressure that was placed on it.
Helona grabbed Kauss and brought him back to bed. She wanted to desperately go after Galler, but if she did, Kauss would be left alone. She couldn't do anything about the broken entrance door, so she just hoped the operating room door was enough to block out anyone. She closed the door behind her and laid Kauss down. His eyes were drifting in and out of sleep and awake, but when his head hit the mattress, he went out for good.
Helona laid beside him and covered her arms around him. They've slept together like this before, but not in these circumstances. Her drowsiness and weakened state from the beating forced their way into her eyes. Within seconds, she fell asleep right beside Kauss as they lost another peaceful night's sleep.
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