《Tower of Redemption》Chapter 8 - Rush Forward
Three Owerneckers were walking together down the basement hallway's as they scouted for any intruders. From what they were told someone had broken in, but they couldn't care at the moment. They each had massive headaches and could barely see straight. It was the worst time for someone to break in since no one was right in the head.
"What do we do when we see 'em." One of the Owerneckers asked.
"Easy." Said the second one pointing to a door. "We'll hide in there and hope to god we make it out alive."
"What if Galler finds us if the intruders are killed."
They didn't have an answer for that. He shrugged his shoulders as they stopped near the door, preparing to jump in at a moments notice. The other two looked at each other and followed his lead. They couldn't give less amount of fucks as they could at the moment. If they had a blunt, they'd be blowing on it without regard, but sadly they left them at the party room.
An Owernecker walked down from another hallway. They spotted him passing by and waved to him. He waved back and yawned as he turned down another hallway. They were all tired and just wanted to go to sleep.
All of a sudden, the Owernecker's chest was filled with more holes than he could count. He was thrown back from the fire of a shotgun and hit his back against the wall. The breath was knocked out of him and he bled faster than he's ever bled before. He was still alive and somewhat conscious, so he could feel the waves of pain his body was undergoing. He wanted to pass out and die, but the agony jolted him back to wake.
He looked to where he saw those three Owerneckers, pleading for help, but they had already abondoned him inside a random room. He could feel the cold steel of the gun pointed at his head as he took his final breath. The shotgun fired and his entire head was turned into a crater of meat, blood, and bone. Blood sprayed on the wall and the man in front of him as the others that was behind him advanced in waves of shouting and cheers.
Kauss couldn't look at the body that was laying on the wall. He already felt sick enough; he didn't need to add on to it. Killian and Fellipe carried Kauss with them behind the chaos while Helona and the fanged teeth main man, main man two, stayed behind to protect them. They left Relet behind since he was shot in the leg and would take even more effort to move. He said he would be fine and if anyone came he'd just say he was one of them and that he was shot during the escape. If they found out he was lying then he'd go out killing as many as he could.
Two more bodies dropped as they rounded a corner the final corner till the stairs. The Owerneckers didn't even see it coming as their final memories were of a man flipping them off. In the final stretch, the first person ran toward the stairs, and his face was blown off. Everyone backed up and hid out of sight of the the person on top of the stairs before they died as well.
"Hey, pricks!" Galler yelled from the top of the stairs. His throat hurt from the shout, but he wanted to rub his victory in their faces. "I dare you to step up here and I'll blow you to bits!"
Killian and Fellipe lowered Kauss down to the ground so he could get a much needed break as they tried to figure out what to do. Kauss groaned as he dropped down and he immediately covered his wound trying his hardest to forget the pain. Getting shot was a death sentence to a ton of people, but Kauss managed to live twice through getting shot. He didn't know if he would survive this time cause he knew he would come down with an infection after being in such a dirty place.
Helona reached into her pockets and grabbed two white pouches. They were used to clean wounds in intense situations when there was no way to get to a medical professional in time. The best they could do was place the pouches over his wound and absorb any blood coming out. From there, they'd need to stitch him up and hope that he didn't move too much. Helona gave Killian a pouch and told Fellipe to lean Kauss forward a bit.
"Babe, sorry but this may hurt a lot." Helona warned Kauss.
"No worries."
Fellipe leaned Kauss forward and the wound from his front closed up a tad while the hole on his back widened. He screamed as Killian stuck the first pouch to Kauss' back wound. It stuck to him and a red dot formed on the surface of the pouch as it soaked up the blood that was coming out. Kauss leaned back and his breathing quickened as Helona stuck the other pouch to his frontal wound. All they had to do was wait and hopefully manage to get out so they could get medical supplies.
"Is that yelling I hear down there!" Galler called out. "Y'all got an injured buddy down there! Want me to come down there and end him quicker!"
Galler laughed and Helona felt tempted to go up there and bash his face in. She knew he was trying to taunt them into exposing themselves, but she never wanted to murder somebody so brutally until then. She felt someone grab her hand. She looked and saw Kauss had grabbed her hand as he smiled at her, making her fear even more.
"You don't have to worry." He continued to smile, but that made her worry more.
She knew too well that he would never smile in situations like this. Anytime they were in a corner and near death, he would continue fighting with a scowl until one of them died. There was only one time he smiled like this and that was the last time he got shot. He thought he was going to die since he was hit near his heart the last time, but he got lucky and it barely missed it. He put on a fake smile in order to calm her down before he passed. He lived through that, and there was no way that he would die this time. He would continue to be the stubborn bastard she knew him as. They would both march back into the hell they lived in after this. She would bet her own life on it.
"How are we going to get up there?" One of the main men asked.
Fellipe began thinking once again. He wasn't expecting for Galler to be there. He was expecting him to be in the bosses room, or outside somewhere making his presence known as the new boss. Him being there changed things, but it didn't mean it was all over for them.
There were two things he knew. For one thing, he had a shotgun. The blast and wounds on the main man that was just shot was evident of that. He also knew that the only shotgun that wasn't down in the armory, was a single shotgun in the bosses room. The bosses shotgun only carried two bullets per clip, so he could only shoot two people at a time but it carried more power and range than a normal shotgun. If they all rushed up there they could kill him easily, but two people would die in the process.
Fellipe looked at his comrades that he's worked for as long as he could remember. He was a measly fourteen year old brat when he became an Owernecker, but now he was the first main man and the head of their electrical force. He knew they would die for the sake of the Owerneckers, but he didn't know who would be willing to die for the sake of the gang. He could no longer trust about what he knew about people anymore.
"I got a plan, but we will be risking the lives of two people here." Fellipe said straight away. "So which two will lead the charge and die so the rest can live."
Everyone looked at each other, wondering who would take the call to action. Helona knew it couldn't be Kauss or Killian, since Kauss was injured and Killian was the boss. The duty fell down to either her or the ten main men, and Helona wasn't going to volunteer. She still needed to climb the tower to find whatever meaning was waiting for her. Dying in this situation wouldn't give anymore meaning to her life than if she died a year ago.
Kauss moved around and began standing up. Helona grabbed him by his shoulder and forced him to sit down. Killian helped her and they managed to lean him back against the wall. They couldn't quiet him, however, so he shouted what he could.
"I'll be one of the two." Kauss shouted.
Helona couldn't believe what she had heard. She knew he wasn't the type of person to throw away his life needlessly, no matter how apathetic he was to his own demise. Here he was, however, volunteering to die before even giving the chance for others to speak up.
"Kauss, this is not the time." Helona warned him in a shaky voice.
"You don't get it." Kauss refuted. "We're in a basement surrounded by dirt and mold. I have two open wounds and am already a burden as it is. If I don't bleed to death then I'll die of infection. I got lucky other times, but I'm out of it now."
Kauss continued to smile as he went to stand back up again. Tears began streaming out of Helona's eyes as she tried to sit him back down and slap some sense into him. He knocked her hand away and continued to get up. He wanted to die meaningfully, and although Helona would see this as a meaningless death, Kauss didn't. If he died now, then both Killian and Helona could live and climb the tower. If he died now, he wouldn't have too many regrets.
Before he could stand all the way, Fellipe reached over to Kauss and slammed him back down. Kauss yelled and blood flowed out of his wound like a broken faucet. He cursed Fellipes name with every single horrid word he knew, but he couldn't say it since the impact made him to weak and hurt to speak.
"You're not going up there." Fellipe said. "I got a plan and it involves you, Helona, and Killian climbing getting out of here."
Kauss groaned and took several deep breaths gaining back his ability to talk. "You don't understand. Even if I get out of here I'll die no matter what."
"Who's to say theres not a cure for wound infections up the tower though?"
Helona and Kauss blinked as they were hit with a bombshell. Somehow, without their knowledge, Fellipe knew about their plan to climb the tower. They looked at Killian who could only stick a thumbs up and nod. He had told them what they were planning without their permission.
"The tower is a mystery, so there could be a cure for any infection imaginable up there. There could be a God that can bring people back from the dead, there could be a paradise that keeps people young and healthy forever," Fellipe looked straight into Kauss' eyes for his last example. "There could be people waiting for you up the tower."
Kauss glared back at Fellipe. He no longer had any energy to stand, and not just because he was too weak to. He didn't have enough willpower left in him to risk his life when so much was at stake. He still didn't believe his Mom was alive. The whole reason he decided to climb the tower in the first place was so that he could never be alone again and lose his meaning of life. The idea of his Mom still being alive finally crawled its way in between the folds of Kauss' brain until it could fester as a tiny thought that he would go back to when he siad she was dead. It took fourteen years, but in a moment of desperation, he could finally accept the possibility.
"I can risk my life." The four fingered main man announced. "I've risked my life for the gang's sake before, how could I refuse this time."
The fanged tooth main man raised his hand. "I'll volunteer as well. All you need to do is follow behind us, right?"
Fellipe nodded then began explaining what they had to do. "This is a rush tactic. He has two shots and they're a spread shot. Those two things combined means that it takes more than forever to reaload. He needs to unload his clip then we can safely chase after him with gunfire of our own."
"What if he runs when he sees us all climbing up?" Killian asked.
"If he runs instead of shoots we got to hurry our chase. For our plan to work, we can't kill him either. We have to take him alive so fire at his legs." Fellipe looked at Helona. "You and Killian stay down here with Kauss. Once everything is over we'll help bring him out. Take him straight to a doctor afterward."
Everyone got into position as soon as they could without exposing themselves to Galler's line of fire. Fangs and Fingerless stood in the front with everyone else positioned behind them in no particular order. They all smiled with the determination of a wildfire that spread until the point nothing could put them out. They were going to restore the Owerneckers, and this was all the first step into making it possible.
With one hardy death cry, Fingerless and Fangs ran ahead as the others yelled behind them. Their final death cry would be one that terrified the enemy until their throats lost all muster.
Galler heard them coming up before he saw them. Their roaring was so annoyingly childess that he assumed they were out of options and began accepting their deaths head-on. If that were the case he would oblige to their choice of death. He didn't expect what they were really doing.
They charged up the stairs until he could no longer see the bottom. He shot his first shot and it made contact with the two people in front. One of them fell back as the other continued to charge despite his injuries. He fired again and it brought down the other person. They trampled over the bodies, somewhat tripping along the way, but they still continued up with a massive shout.
"Fire!" Fellipe yelled out.
Everyone took out their guns and the first in line unloaded their clips as fast as they could. Galler caught on to their plan and dived out of the way as they took out their guns and fired. Automatic rifles and shotgun shells flew past the door and made holes in the walls so deep that light from the steet lamps outside shown through. He managed to get out of the way, but he needed to escape quickly before they reached him. He looked back and forth for an escape path and he settled his eyes on the window outside of the basement floors view. At that moment, Galler's mind went onto autopilot as he thought that was the best option he had to live.
Fellipe heard something shatter as they continued up the stairs. It was faint among the shouting, but he was sure it was the sound of glass breaking. When everyone spilled out into the hallway, Fellipe looked around hoping to see Galler writhing on the floor. Instead, there was no one and a single window showed signs of someone smashing through it.
Fellipe quickly made a decision as he figured out what had happened. "You three," He pointed at three main men. "Go out into the city and look for Galler. Stick to alleyways and make sure you aren't caught. If you see him shoot but don't kill, understand!"
The main men ran out of the mansion and into the city. Galler wouldn't be able to get away forever and he'll be caught sooner or later. They also needed to deal with the remaining traitors in the mansion as soon as possible before they retaliated. He ordered the rest to go down and kill any Owernecker traitor on sight.
Fellipe headed down into the basement with them so he could help get Kauss out. They also needed a bodyguard to bring them to a doctor. When he climbed down there, he saw Helona and Killian attempting to get Kauss to stand. He was nearly unconscious. The bullet wounds plus the toll he put on his body with the injuries had finally got to him.
"I'll help bring him upstairs." Fellipe offered.
Killian called for someone down the hallway. The woman main man appeared and he ordered her to help Helona bring Kauss up the stairs.
"I got something I need to discuss with Fellipe." Kauss said.
Fellipe tried to get Killian to change his min, but he wouldn't budge. Whatever he wanted to talk about was important and he knew what it was. He obliged, but not willingly, as they carried Kauss toward the stairs.
They began bringing Kauss up the stairs, and with each step, Kauss would groan in pain and tiredness. He wanted to take at least one peaceful nap before he either died, or climbed up the tower. They managed to bring him up and laid him down against the wall for a second. Helona and the woman main man took off their jackets in order to stay in the dark for a breif few minutes longer.
"We're heading to the doctor to the south of here." The woman main man said. "She owes me so she'll comply no matter what."
"Heard that Killian." Helona turned toward Killian. "Meet us at the doctors tomorrow if you're coming with us. If you don't show up we're leaving without you."
They grabbed Kauss back from off the ground and made their way out the side door. Killian waved them off as he looked around the mansion. He saw no signs of Galler anywhere, and he figured out what had happened from a simple look around.
"I'm guessing Galler escaped?" Killian asked, examining the window.
"Yep." Fellipe answered.
"What will happen if we don't capture him before tomorrow?"
Fellipe thought about his plan. Things didn't go quite like he expected them to, but the end result should be the same no matter what. The Owerneckers would survive after this, and in order for that to happen, Killian would have to be killed in order to appease the masses. In order for the legacy of the Owerneckers to survive, the current Neckers must die.
"We'll need to continue on as planned."
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Pluto x Reader
Thank you for picking this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it ❤️ Love you xx ~Kathy
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