《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 22


Mechanic hands and claws scratched all over John’s body. No matter how much he struggled, the demonic junk forced him to stay down. Would dying as a monster become his fate?

Purple energy exploded on top of him. After the pieces of robotic parts flew off him, John leaped back onto his metal feet.

Alexis hovered over him. “Lena is here! We gotta go!”

The Undertaker landed near the racked passenger ship and the ramp door opened. Now it was a good time to escape from the zombie robots.

John and the girls dashed into the cargo bay and watched the ramp door closed. After the air burst in, Alexis removed her helmet.

Kara stared at John’s bloody scratch marks on her furry body. “Are you okay?”

John stared at the cuts until they faded away. “Yeah. I guess I have super healing powers too.”

Kara giggled. “I like your voice.”

John shrugged. “I can get used to it.”

Alexis approached John and walked around him, staring at each part of his form. “So you are in complete control?”

John placed his hand on his right shoulder and swung his right metal arm. “I guess so. I am not even hungry right now.”

Kara rubbed her hands across John’s furry chest. “I kind of like this body. Maybe after we survive this mission, I should ride on top of you in bed.”

John rolled his eyes.

He still couldn’t handle his team falling for him too quickly. Now Kara was interested in having Beastiality sex with him.

“First the mission,” said Alexis. “Then sex later.”

John turned to her. “Huh?”

The space witch bolted out of the cargo bay first. John and Kara followed her into the cockpit.

Lena flew the ship up the mountain. Good thing she already got the Undertaker flying before the machines jumped aboard.


She turned around and dropped her mouth. “John? Is that you?”

The cyborg werewolf smiled. Only the corners of his mouth curled up. “It’s me.”

“Wow! You look awesome!”

Even the undead girl couldn’t resist his attractive humanoid wolf form. His pheromones could probably work on anyone.

John sat down behind her. “Thanks, but we need to get to the top of the mountain. That portal is going to swallow the moon.”

“I am flying up now.” Lena faced the cockpit bubble window.

On the top of the mountain was a flat plateau where the red beam blasted from a stone spire of some kind. That must be the beacon, opening the hell portal.

Lena landed the ship on the edge of the mountain top. “Do you want me to join you?”

John sat up. “Keep the ship flying away from the portal. You are our only backup in case things go wrong up here.”

Lena sighed. “I can’t believe I am going to miss out the fun again.”

Kara patted Lena’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, cutie. When we get back, we are going to have lots of fun with our delicious wolf friend here. You are going to love it.”

Lena’s face turned red. She may be a zombie, but she still has blood in her veins.

“Can you please stop thinking about sex now!” John shouted. “This is serious! We have to stop Dragmorath!”

Kara rolled her eyes. “You are always a dream crusher.”

The girls followed the cyborg werewolf back into the cargo bay. After getting their gear on, the ramp door opened, sucking the air out again.

John and his squad dashed toward the stone tower on the mountain. Below the beacon, ta pale white corpse chanted demonic words at the beacon. It was Dragmorath, except he now has mechanic spider legs below his torso. Still, he looked like crap.


“Dragmorath!” John shouted after he and his squad approached the living cyborg corpse.

Dragmorath turned around and smiled with glowing red eyes. “So you made it. I was sure my army of automation would stop you from coming here.”

The demon didn’t seem surprised that John was now a werewolf. Probably because he still thinks he could kill John, anyway.

John pointed his photon machine guns at the demon. “We are not going to let you fuck up our universe! You are going back to hell where you belong!”

Dragmorath laughed. “I am going back to hell, and all of you are coming with me!”

John felt the ground shake and looked up. The portal was very close now, and pieces of rock floated up toward it.

John’s feet floated off the ground. “Oh shit!”

The girls floated up too as they struggled while waving their arms and legs.

“We have to destroy the beacon now!” John shouted.

Dragmorath laughed as his body flew up toward the portal. “There is nothing you can do now! I will take back my throne and consume your universe! Then all your souls shall belong to me!”

Dragmorath’s ugly ass body vanished within the portal after he floated into it.

John aimed his machine gun and fired, but he was too far from the relic. All of his blasts flew up into the portal before they could hit the beacon.

Alexis’s body glowed purple, but her body didn’t stop. “The portal’s pull is too strong! There is nothing I can do!”

Kara sighed. “I guess we are all going straight to hell now.”

John waved his arms and legs, trying to swim toward his squad. Everything was turning red as they got closer toward the portal. He didn’t see any sight of the Undertaker ship. Either Lena was smart enough to fly away, or she got sucked into the portal too.

Dragmortath was right. There was nothing they could do.

Everybody was literally going to hell!

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