《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 21


Halfway toward the mountain, John heard more tapping sounds from the top of the cockpit. Two deformed robots dropped and landed in front of the window.

"Oh, shit!" Kara shouted.

The zombie robots pounded on the window.

John quickly picked up Alexis's helmet and placed it on her head.

When the window exploded, the air blasted out into space, blowing the robots away.

John hugged Alexis as her purple glowing energy faded away. After the oxygen left, Alexis’s eyes blinked, and she looked around. "What happened?"

Kara pointed her finger at the window. "Look out!"

John and Alexis noticed the ship was falling toward the junk field below the mountain. Without Alexis's levitation spell, the ship could no longer fly.

"Brace yourselves!" John shouted.

The girls sat on the pilot seats and strapped themselves in. John ran into the passenger cabin and strapped himself on a seat. He didn't care if he sat among the gore. Surviving the impact mattered the most.

The ship slammed through the junk pile, shaking as the windows exploded.

John closed his eyes and ducked his head down. Sitting on a seat and keeping your head down was the best way to survive a crash.

The ship stopped by a violent bump, nearly pushing him off his seat. A skinless corpse lapped on his lap.

“Jesus…..” John pushed the body off and unbuckled his straps.

He got up and walked into the cockpit. “Is everyone okay?”

The girls were on the floor, but both of them got up.

Kara rubbed her head. “I feel like my brain got turned into a pancake!”

“Mine too,” said Alexis. “What happened?”

“Zombie bots got aboard and tried to break in while you were flying the ship,” John explained.

“Zombie bots?” Alexis asked.


“It sounds badass, right?”

Alexis laughed. “I love funny comedians.”

John wasn’t sure if the space witch was being sarcastic or funny guys attracted her. Or maybe his werewolf pheromones were still messing with her brain.

“Are you okay?” Lena’s voice shouted from John’s com-link.

John pushed his com-link. “We are fine, Lena. Can you pick us up now? We need to get to the top of the mountain quickly.”

“Okay, I am heading down now.”

“We will meet you outside.” John turned to Alexis and Kara. “Lena will bring us to the mountain. Let’s move out!”

When John and the girls stepped outside the ship, they looked up at the mountain. It was big as Mount Everest, and it would take weeks to reach the top on foot. Till then, the portal will be fully open and all hell would break loose.

Speaking of the portal, John noticed redness spread across the blackness of space. Although the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere, it looked like the moon now has a red sky with lightning bolts flashing around the red void. It must be ten times bigger than the moon. If it keeps growing, it could swallow the entire moon. Then John and the girls would appear in hell space with a chance of not returning. They better hurry before the portal takes the moon to hell first.

“Oh, crap!” Kara shouted. “Look!”

From the garbage field, John spotted an army of zombie robots, marching toward the mountain, maybe targeting John’s squad. Not good because John’s squad were outnumbered. Does Dragmorath know the SPD agents were close to the beacon?

“What are we going to do?’ Alexis asked.

John aimed his photon machine guns at the army and fired. “Keep your ground till Lena arrives. She should be here any second!”


Alexis levitated up as purple balls appeared on the palms of her hands. She tossed one energy ball at one machine, and it exploded, blowing some the robots apart. She threw the next one and repeat.

Kara aimed her sniper rifle as she kneeled. Then she shot down a few robots.

The army kept coming and being shot and blown into pieces wasn’t enough to slow them down. John doesn’t know how long his squad will last before Lena arrives.

Suddenly, John screamed and dropped onto his knees. His muscles burned and his bones cracked.

Oh, shit! Here we go again!

John howled as his brown fur returned, and his head morphed into a wolf form. His tail grew out from his lower back, and his muscles made him more muscular.

Kara noticed his transformation and aimed her rifle at him.

John held up his metal hand. “Wait! It’s me!”

The vampire girl lowered her rifle. “John?”

The cyborg werewolf stood up. Alexis’s chip implant must be working. He could move his werewolf body and think straight. The beast inside of him was completely caged up, and his voice was different too. More deep with a growling tone.

“Yes, it’s me, Kara. The implanted chip is working!”

“Good!” Alexis shouted. “But we have to keep fighting! Tear them apart, baby!”

John nodded and charged toward the army. He was fast and feeling incredible.

When he approached a zombie bot, he punched its face, and it instantly broke apart.

John stared at his fist. “Holy shit!”

John never broke a machine into pieces by one punch. Even if he has cybernetic limbs, he didn’t have enough strength to overcome his human limit. As a werewolf now, he could fight past his human limit.

John charged into a crowd of robots and beaten them up. It was like he was punching through glass, no matter how strong the robots were.

Suddenly, a tall android jumped on him and pushed him to the ground. Then all the machines dog piled on him. Perhaps his overconfidence got him killed.

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