《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 12


Blasts echoed around the Undertaker as the drones were closing in on them. Some small asteroids blew into pieces and hit the ship. But they didn’t do much damage.

“Have you found a big one yet?” Kara shouted.

Lena stared at the cockpit window until she pointed her finger forward. “There’s one!”

Past two moon-sized asteroids, the ship approached a planet-size one. Brown and spherical with craters and millions of giant holes.

“Good eye, Lena,” said John. “Take us straight in there.”

The ship blasted forward toward the planetoid. It passed through a ring of tiny rocks, orbiting around the asteroid.

In a few moments, the ship flew over the surface. It looked like a barren desert without a sky. Millions of sharp rocks and craters decorated the entire surface.

“How far are the drones?” John asked.

“They stopped following us,” said Lena. “I think they crashed into the asteroids.”

“We still need to hide. The fleet will be waiting for us until they get tired.”

Lena pointed down. “How about there?”

John looked down and spotted a giant crater with a hole at the center. It was as big as a city, and the hole was about as wide as a football field.

“Go for it,” John ordered.

Lena raised the ship up into space and nose-dived the vessel down into the hole. The tunnel was dark with circular stone walls.

John wasn’t sure how an asteroid could have a smooth tunnel. It was like something had dug through it, using water to smooth the walls. No water could last in space without air, and planetoids have no atmosphere to support oxygen. Perhaps the asteroid was a remnant from a broken world that had water. Or something else was lurking inside.

The ship approached a two-way path and Lena slowed the ship down. “Which way?”

“To the left I suppose,” said John.

Lena turned the ship to the left, continuing through the dark tunnel.

“How far are we going to hide in here?” Alexis asked.

“Just deep enough so their radars can’t track us,” said John.

“I think we are far enough,” said Kara.

John nodded. “Okay. Park us here, Lena.”

“Roger that.” Lena stopped the ship and hovered it down to the bottom of the tunnel.

The vessel shook after it landed, and then Lena switched the engines off.

“Now what?” Lena asked.

“Keep your eye on the radar,” said John. “We should stay for a couple of hours, and then get the hell out of here.”


Lena yawned. “Good. I can take a nap.”

She stretched out her arms and leaned back in her chair, placing her boots on the panel. If something happens, an alarm will wake her up.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Kara glanced at John with a grin. “Wanna join me?”

John beamed his eyes at her. “Since when do you ever ask me to take a shower with you?”

“Right now. Plus, you smelled like sweaty meat, covered in shit. Girls are very sensitive to body odor.”

“That isn’t a specific answer I wanted.”

Kara rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. I won’t bite you. I just don’t want to feel lovely while cleaning myself off naked in the shower.” She licked her lips on her grin. “Don’t you want me?”

John felt a chill crept up his spine. While staring at Kara’s seductive face, his lower part heated. Did Kara hit her head while the drones were chasing them?

When he opened his mouth, Alexis’s hand landed on his shoulder. “First, I need to examine him. Then you can have him.”

Kara glared at the space witch. “Tiss! Fine…..”

John glanced at Alexis.

Her cheeks were blossoming red as she stared at him. Did she catch some kind of fever too?


John laid on the examination table with only his black underwear on inside the medical bay. A scanner hovered over him, showering him in blue light.

Next to him, Alexis was staring at a computer on a desk. John couldn’t see what she was reading.

“How bad is it?” John asked.

“It is worst I’m afraid,” said Alexis. “Your werewolf STD has conquered your entire system. Even your genes were rewritten to have both wolf and human combined.”

She turned off the scanner and faced him. “Congratulation. You are now permanently a werewolf.”

John sat up. “So there is no cure?”

“The SPD never found one. People who become werewolves are good as dead.”

John sighed. “So I am fucked then. The SPD will put me down like a goddamn dog.”

Alexis placed her hand on John’s lap. “Not necessary. You are the first human to have intercourse with a werewolf. Usually, the werewolves eat their victims after their orgy session. Nobody else had ever survived that type of encounter.”

John raised an eyebrow. “And how is that okay with me?”

Alexis rubbed John’s hand. “Your transformation could be different. Either you will still have your humanity, or you will become the meanest fucker ever. But I have a solution for you.”


“Like what?”

Alexis stepped toward a cabinet and opened it. She took out a computer chip and approached John, holding the chip up so he could see it. “This is a neuron-link chip.”

“I know what it is,” said John. “They were made to upload human consciousness to be stored. Why are you showing me the chip?”

“Oh, don’t be a pain in the ass. I was thinking about surgically implanting it inside your head. When you turn, your human consciousness will upload into the chip. Then you will have full control of the beast until you change back.”

John widened his eyes at the chip. “You mean I don’t have to become a monster? That is fucking brilliant!”

“You will still be a monster, but not a murderous type. This is still a long shot. I need to work on the chip before I implant it inside your brain. But as a witch, that shouldn’t take long.”

John placed his feet down on the floor, sitting up on the edge of the table. “Then let’s get this over with. If implanting that chip will save my life, I will take that chance. I whether kill monsters than die as one.”

Alexis smiled and placed the chip on a counter. Without warning, she sat on John’s lap and kissed him. John’s eyes widened, feeling her tongue slid inside his mouth. It tasted like peppermint. “Uhhhhhh, Alexis?”

Alexis got up and slowly unbuckled her pants. She slowly pulled them down her legs and worked her underwear down next. Her long athletic legs exposed in front of him, including her open lady part.

After she kicked her pants aside, she grabbed John’s underwear and pulled them down.

John grabbed her arms, making her stop. “Wait, Alexis!”

The witch looked up at him. “What is wrong?”

“What’s wrong? Why are you getting horny on me now?”

“I….. Don’t know.” She licked her wet lips. “Does it matter?”

“Well….. This is our first time….. But will I infect you?”

Alexis giggled. “You can’t turn me. My body is fueled by lots of ecto energy. Your werewolf STD will have no chance against my system.”

“And Kara, and Lena?”

“Kara is a vampire. Werewolves can’t turn them. And I don’t think you can turn Lena too. She is an undead.”

“So creatures with ecto energy cannot be turned?” John asked.

“That is correct.”

Damn! Too bad John wasn’t a space warlock or a vampire. Not even his cybernetic enhancements could stop the STD from spreading inside him.

And having sex with Alexis? Why the hell not?

He had no intimacy with his squad before, probably because they were too damn focused on their missions. But it wasn’t common SPD agents slept with their teammates to spice up their relationships. And the agency doesn’t care as long as the agents did their jobs.

Alexis slid John’s underwear off and sat back on his lap with her legs around his waist, letting his growing erection enter her void.

She humped him as her mouth sucked on his lips. “Oh yes! This is better.”

John held her while kissing her back as the witch rocked her hips. His cock rubbed inside her, warming up in wetness.

Whatever was going on inside Alexis, John could never know. But he liked the feel of her soft warm body against his rock hard frame and the lavender smell from her purple hair. Space witches were a delight.

“Should we join Kara in her shower?” John whispered.

“No!” Alexis moaned. “She can wait her turn!”

John chuckled. “Her loss.”

He slowly zipped down her top until her ample breasts popped out. While massaging her breasts, he licked their nipples, making them harden.

She tasted very good while her body warmed up. Tasting her was like licking vanilla ice cream inside an oven.

He wondered what it would be like if Kara joined in the fun too. As a vampire, she might either bite him to death or shed him like a wild cat on drugs. Either way, sex with a vampire might blow his mind away.

And Lena?

Would having sex with a zombie be wrong?

John wasn’t a necrophile, but Lena doesn’t look like a rotten corpse with dried up skin and guts hanging out from her torso. With her stitches covered, people would mistake her as a strange-looking albino girl with pale eyes and smooth skin.

But with six-packed abs and solid muscular limbs, any man who was into strong women would cry out her name. Hopefully, she won’t fall apart if John could try her out in bed.

Suddenly, the ship shook, pushing John and Alexis off the table. He hit the floor first as Alexis landed on top of him.

“What the hell?” Alexis shouted after she rose off John.

“Guys, we have a serious problem now!” Lena’s voice shouted from the speaker. “Something is outside the ship!”

John growled and rose off the floor.

Worse timing ever and John almost had a climax inside Alexis.

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