《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 11


John sat down on his chair behind Lena. "Open the channel."

The com-link speaker on Lena's panel clicked.

"This is the director of the SPD,” said the director’s deep confident voice. “Who will I be addressing?"

John pushed the button next to the com-link. "This is John Jaeger. How are you, sir?"

"Why are you speaking? I thought Alexis put you into containment."

John glared at Alexis for a moment, then he turned back to the com-link. "I assumed she told you what happened."

"The werewolves mutated you into a deadly creature, Mr. Jaeger. Any agent who becomes a monster must be-"

"I know the goddamn rule, sir."

"Then you understand you must surrender without resistance."

John shook his head. "I can't do that."


"We encountered a powerful demon. An elder demon."

The director hummed. "And?"

"This demon is one badass mother fucker. He possessed Fischer's corpse and killed his squad. And he has the power to control mechanic objects."

"How amazing," said the director sarcastically.

"We know little about him, but he said he was exiled. To return, he plans to open the portal to the hell space. If he succeeds, he will extinguish all life."

"Is that all?"

John growled. "I am serious, sir! If you don't let me go, the demon will kill us all!"

Alexis approached the com-link. "He is right, sir. All elder demons are capable of that. You should know that too."

"I am well aware of that," said the director. "But that changes nothing. My top priority is bringing John into custody."

"You can't do that sir," said John. "My team can track him. If you take me in, you will lose the demon."


"My fleet can track it. You need to obey me and come to my ship."

"I told you that will not happen."

"Then my fleet will destroy you."

John glared. "Are you willing to destroy your best team?"

"If I have to, yes. I will not let a werewolf murder innocent civilians."

"What if the demon succeeds in opening the portal?"

"Enough of this. My fleet will close in on you now. If you don't surrender, they will fire."


"You have one minute to surrender, and that is final."

John pounded his fist on the panel. He knew the director was stubborn, but he never thought the director would kill his own squad. John and the girls were the director's best agents in the galaxy. The SPD wouldn't be famous if it weren’t for John and his squad. Now the director was willing to kill John because he was a werewolf?

That was a big mistake.

John pushed the com-link. "You know what, sir. Fuck you! We are stopping the thing, whether or not you like it."

"Then I am sorry. Goodbye."

John turned to Lena. "Get us the hell out of here. Now!"

"Roger!" Lena turned the ship toward space and blasted the thrusters.

As the ship blasted off, purple plasma blasts exploded around it. The SPD ships were indeed fighting at the Undertaker.

"That son of a bitch!" Kara shouted. "He is seriously trying to kill us?"

"We should have listened to him," said Alexis.

John glared at her. "Don't let that asshole lie to you. He treats all his agents expendable."

"But what about you? How can we trust you?"

John placed both his hands on Alexis's shoulders. "You just have to. The fate of the galaxy is on us."


"Shit! They are closing in on us fast!" Lena shouted.

John looked at the radar. The four ships were still behind the Undertaker. They may be big, but they can move fast. Their plasma cannons could shoot down anything.

The Undertaker's armor body could take a few hits until the cannons were bigger. But if the plasma could breach through the armor, that will be the end of everyone aboard.

"Can you activate the wormhole drive?" John asked.

"Not while we are speeding for our lives!" Lena shouted.

Kara stared at the cockpit window and pointed her finger to right. "I see an asteroid field! We can lose them in there!"

"But it is suicide!" Alexis shouted after the ship rocked.

Lena glared with determination. "Our ship is small enough to fly through. They can't touch in there."

"Move us into the field," John ordered. "We will be safe in there."

"Not unless we get hit by a big ass rock," said Alexis.

Lena turned the ship toward the asteroid field and speeded up the thrusters. As they approached the asteroids, small rocks flew by as they seemed to grow bigger and bigger.

There were millions of asteroids around the ship like a sea of rocks. It was hard to tell how far the other side was.

“Hang on!” Lena shouted.

The ship turned left and right quick. Big and medium asteroids flew by as if they were trying to hit the ship.

John stared at the radar.

The large SPD ships stopped near the asteroid field. It looked like they had given up the chase.

John sighed. “I think they stopped.”

Lena stared at the radar. “I think not.”

John stared at the radar again.

From the ships, ten dots flew toward the asteroid field, moving fast.

“Ah crap!” John shouted. “They are launching drones to attack us!”

“I can outrun them,” said Lena.

“Not with a shitload of rocks around us!” Kara exclaimed. “If they blow the rocks, they can easily destroy us!”

“Then we will have to hide in the giant ones,” John suggested.

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