《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 3


Outside the brothel, John stepped outside and looked around quickly.

Zrada City was built within a canyon at a barren desert. Box-shaped buildings and smoking chimnies stood along the walls, which were about two thousand feet tall. On the ground were dirty shacks and ghetto houses, built from metal scraps. Large neon signs in Asian symbols hung around shops near the streets over the noisy people.

Zrada used to be a mining settlement before the company lost its business, for the increasing amount of accidents within the mines.

After the company left, the settlement got brought out by the outlaws. They survived by trading, prostitution, gambling, and other dirty deeds. The gangsters protected the city with the best security they could afford. Nobody outside cared about the canyon city, except the monsters lurking in the darkness of space.

John stood in the middle of the street while looking around. Crowds of people in tan hoods walking around him, minding their own business.

It might seem impossible to find the werewolf in the city, but that wouldn’t stop John.

He pulled out his E.E.T and switched it on.

On the small green screen, a dot blinked about one four squares near John’s position.

The wolf was probably hiding within the crowd, but how? The crowd would scream if they saw a giant wolf monster among them. Selena could have transformed back into her old wrinkly human form to sneak away.

Clever beast.

Alpha werewolves were smarter than their minions. Being clever helps them survive longer.

John pushed his way through the crowd, keeping his eye on his tracker. The dot was now close to two squares.

When John looked forward, he spotted a tall person in a woven hood. The dot blinked where that person was at. It must be the alpha.


John placed his tracker away and sneaked toward the target. His hand reached toward the hood and pulled it down.

The person stopped and turned around in shock. He was a bald man with dark skin and a tattoo fang on his cheek.

The bald man glared at John. “What!”

John stepped back, startled. “Sorry! I thought you were-”

John and the bald man heard a scream from a saloon nearby.

Men and women raced out from the circular building, which has a pink neon sign on top.

“Shit!” John’s left arm changed into his machine gun, and then he dashed into the saloon.

Inside, he spotted Selena punching a back door on the other side of the saloon, trying to get out. Past the tripped tables was a bartender’s headless corpse on the bar counter, covered in blood. That wolf was going to pay for that.

John aimed his photon gun at the wolf. “Freeze, bitch!”

The ugly white wolf glared at him. “You will pay for killing my pack!”

John shrugged. “That is not going to happen.”

Selena roared and charged.

John blasted her.

Although his energy shots ripped through her large legs, she reached him and slapped him off his feet.

John landed on his back, and then Selena got on top of him.

She glared into his eyes until she paused. She sniffed his face and smiled. “Hmmmmmmmm… Looks like the tables had turned on you?”

John widened his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

Selena giggled until two arms reached around her from behind. The wolf struggled while a tall, muscular girl lifted her large body.

She has long white hair and gray skin, smooth as plastic. Her eyes were white too, but she has a soul within them. She was fit as a bodybuilder which was why she could lift the alpha up. Unlike the other girls, she wore a black tank top and armor pants with metal boots. Tiny stitch marks were around her joints and necks, which kept her body together. She might be super strong, but she could still lose a limb.


The girl bent her body back as she slammed the werewolf into the floor.


The alpha broke in half and collapsed to the floor after the girl released her.

John rose and brushed himself off. “Good timing, Lena.”

The zombie girl smiled at him and pulled out a silver syringe. She kneeled toward the werewolf and stabbed the syringe into the wolf’s chest.

“Nooooooooooo!” Selena cried until she crumbled into ashes.

Lena rose. “May I ask why there is a werewolf here?”

John rubbed the back of his head. “First, we are going to have a long-ass drink before I spill out the beans.”

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