《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 2


Madam Selena was the procurer of the Howling Moon brothel. John almost assumed she was a drag queen, wearing a white furry coat. But she has a deep feminine voice although her swollen thin face has some masculine features. How ugly. Thank god her prostitutes didn't look like her.

Now she was standing eight feet tall in front of him with more muscles than an average human. Either form was still scary.

"In the flash," said the white werewolf with a grin. "I guess my girl wasn't good enough for you."

John widened his eyes. "What? All of you are werewolves here?"

Selena laughed. "My brothel became perfect for luring in prey for our hunger. You, humans, are so driven to sex, we can take your money and eat your flesh. Hahahahahahah!"

John couldn't believe he stepped into a werewolf brothel that nobody knew existed. His damn job never left him alone. "How the hell did you block communication and hid from my E.E.T?"

"What the hell is an E.E.T?"

"My special device that tracks monsters like you."

"Why do you have sought a device? Don't tell me….."

John held up his SPD badge. "You damn right, bitch! I am with the Space Paranormal Defense! And you are about to get your furry ass kicked!"

Selena growled until she turned a grin. "You don't know how much hell you are in now. My spell is blocking your communication, and I trapped you here with us. Your ass is the one that will get kicked.”

John held up his syringe. "Are you sure about that?"

Selena glared at the syringe until she dropped her mouth. "Silver?"

The other werewolves moaned and crawled back from John. Werewolves may be fearless, but they weren't stupid to know what could instantly kill them.


John pointed his syringe at the alpha wolf. "I will give you bimbos two choices. You can surrender and let my squad bring you to a nice dog pound, or I can kill you all with this thing. Which will it be?"

Selena growled. "You can't kill us all! You don't even have enough silver!"

"You wanna bet?"

Selena roared. "Kill him!"

The werewolf hookers all charged toward John. He ducked and dropped a flash grenade to the floor.

While his eyes were closed, the grenade flashed, blinding the werewolves.

They stopped and rubbed their eyes.

John stabbed his syringe into one wolf and injected the silver. After the wolf grumbled apart, he tripped the next one and plunged the syringe into her chest. All the silver injected into the wolf’s chest. She roared as she turned into ashes.

John held up the syringe and stared at it. It was empty. “Shit!”

Two werewolves jumped on his back and pushed him to the floor. Their claws dug into his shoulder, making him scream.

Selena approached him and smiled at his face. “You can’t kill us all!”

The tall alpha female was right.

John killed about four werewolves before his syringe laid on the floor, empty. Without silver, killing the pack was impossible.

He might as well let himself turn into dog meat.

The ceiling above exploded. Pieces of wood and metal frames landed around John.

When the werewolves looked up, two girls jumped down and landed on their feet. One of them has long red hair, and the other has long purple hair.

The redhead wore a red visor and a black armor suit with red lines across her smooth edges. Lips red as the rose with fangs hanging from her catty grin. She equipped her belt around her wide waist with ammo and grenades with different effects. In both her hands, she held a laser sniper rifle, coated in bronze metal.


The purple-haired girl wore an armor suit too, except it was purple with two round shoulder plates on her shoulders. A leather black and purple loincloth hung from her waist below the black stomach area on her abs. A skull was on her chest, just above her ample armor breastplates. The only weapons she has were two purple plasma blades, glowing on her upper arms.

“Are we too late for the party?” the redhead asked.

John glared at the redhead. “Kara? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Saving your ass,” said Alexis.

The purple-haired girl decapitated both the werewolves on John. After she kicked their bodies off him, she helped the black man up.

“How the hell did you find me?” John asked.

Both of the girls stood in front of him, facing the large alpha wolf.

“We can talk later,” said Kara. “I got some blood-sucking to do.”

Selena growled. “Kill them all!”

John changed both his metal arms into photo machine guns and blasted the wolves.

Alexis glowed her eyes purple, and then a purple energy wall appeared in front of her. She pushed the wall forward, and it slammed into three wolves and crushed them against the wall.

Kara shot down a few wolves while her back was against John’s back.

“Hurting them like this will not kill them!” John shouted.

Kara smiled and pulled out a round silver grenade. “I got us covered.”

She pushed the button and tossed the grenade to the floor near her leather heels.

When the grenade exploded, white smoke with sparkles of silver particles expanded across the room. The werewolves in the smoke coughed until their bodies turned gray and fell apart.

So far, all the monsters were vanishing within the gas, except the two girls.

Silver doesn’t affect Kara, even if she was a vampire hybrid. She could only die from enchanted water, decapitation, and a wooden stake in the heart. Sunlight couldn't harm her either. After all, she was half vampire with human blood. Immortal, but not indestructible.

Alexis was a space witch. Mostly human with supernatural powers, sought as energy manipulation and levitation. But silver doesn’t hurt her either. It could take a lot of manpower to take down a witch.

Selena watched her pack fade away and growled. She turned around and retreated.

John glared at the wolf.

If she escapes, she could build another pack to terrorize the people on the planet. He won’t let that happen.

“You two stay here,” John ordered.

“Where are you going?” Alexis asked.

John dashed toward the open doorway where the wolf escaped through. “To get that Big Bad Bitch!”

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