《Alctuz Arena》Chapter 6: The Rookie's New Clothes.
Chapter 6: The Rookie’s New Clothes
It was a cold dim room, he was lying there on the cold hard floor.
A flash of light came and illuminated the empty space he was in, he was dazzled by the bright light and proceeded to cover his eyes.
After trying to cover his eyes he then noticed, his hand was transparent and so was his whole body; the light continued to glare at him but after a while his eyes adjusted to the area.
“Am I… A-a ghost?!”
After realizing that he was a ghost, he was just about to panic but then another flash of light came but this time it was a notification saying “YOU ARE DEAD” written in red.
He saw in the screen that was illuminating the room, a girl which he then recognized as Glace; he saw Glace standing alone in the arena having a “VICTORY” notification floating around her.
Glace pressed “Exit Arena” and was transported to the lobby of rooms.
Rei which was in the dim room for dead players was also transported out of the Chamber of Souls to the lobby of rooms.
The lobby of rooms is not a place where you can see other players, you will have your own lobby of rooms “server” but will see the same rooms as other players; therefore Rei and Glace did not meet in the lobby of rooms.
Rei woke up in a room called “Chamber of Souls”, the dead players of the battlefield are sent here and can’t get out until the battle is over. They can freely watch the battle through a screen and can freely talk with other dead players in the room.
Rei’s sword was still at his side in his sheath, the reason for this is that newbie weapons given by Alctuz is an exception to the rule where discarded weapons are either lost to oblivion or could be taken by other players; if you can remember in chapter 1.
Rei’s watch was glowing and blinking, he was receiving a call from Glace.
Rei answered her call.
“Hello, Glace? Where are you? I can’t see anybody here” (Rei)
“Of course you can’t see anyone else there, it’s the lobby of rooms; you’re the only one there but simultaneously everyone is there, get it?” (Glace)
“Well I’d like you to explain in length later please, but for now where should I go?” asked Rei
“Go to the main menu then select return to town” (Glace)
Rei pressed the main menu button in his tape-like wristwatch then a hologram-like screen appeared where you can select various stuff like friend list tab etc…
He then selected return to town.
Rei’s avatar was slowly vanishing which started from his hands and feet to his head; it was the process of transporting the avatar to town.
~In Alctuz, there is only one huge town, everything is there from blacksmiths, merchants and the like that can be found in every RPG game.
“Uhm Glace, I’m already in town; where should I go next?” asked Rei
“Look at your main menu button, what number does it say?” (Glace)
“It says “057”, what does this mean?” (Rei)
“That’s the server channel number you’re in, wait a sec I’ll be coming to you.” Said Glace
~In Alctuz, to be able to change server channels, the player must press the main menu button on hold for 3secs then the channel list will appear.
“Wist, press the main menu button twice; a list of landmarks will appear, select Circular Grounds” (Glace)
“Roger” Rei replied
~In Alctuz, pressing the main menu button twice will let you see the list of landmarks and warp to the said landmark; this function is very helpful for the town is huge.
The circular grounds is like a huge plaza, at its center is a big water fountain. As its name implies it has a circular design, it’s famous because most players do their personal trade here instead of the market area.
~In Alctuz, players can trade weapons, armors, gold, potions, and almost any other item.
“I’m here, there are a lot of people here Glace” Rei said
“Stop calling me Glace here, you should call me Froststone and I’ll call you Wist in game okay?” (Glace)
“Okay but there are too many people here, are you already here as well?” Rei asks
“You’ll see me sitting on the edge of the huge fountain at the center of the circular grounds” Glace
“Okay, I’ll look for you” (Rei)
Rei strolled on the sides of the fountain only to find Glace sitting at its edge wearing casual clothing.
“Hey Froststone” (Rei)
“Wist” (Glace)
“Can I call you Frost instead? Froststone is kinda long” asked Rei
“Sure just don’t call me by my real name” (Glace)
“How did you change into those clothes” (Rei)
“Just open your inventory and select what you want to wear” (Glace)
“I see, I don’t have any other clothes besides this armor for newbies” (Rei)
“So what’re we gonna do now? Should we log out?” (Rei)
“No, we’re going to buy you some low grade equipment; follow me” (Glace)
“But I don’t have any money on me.” (Rei)
“I’ll lend you some, but be sure to pay me back” said Glace as she started to walk
“Well I can’t refuse that offer but why help me?” Rei blindly followed Glace.
“You see Master Feldgrau doesn’t have any other students besides us; I’m just curious how you’ll turn up looking at how I became pretty successful” said Glace with a bloating red face full of pride.
“I can’t tell him I’m interested in other ways too” Glace thought which explains the red face.
The two were walking in town not using the warp function for Glace was showing Rei around.
There were a lot of stalls and shops in town, even food was being sold.
~In Alctuz, you may eat food and taste it but it won’t make you full in reality. Players who are food makers buy their ingredients in stores owned by the government; they just generate ingredients which makes the food industry incredibly profitable for the government.
One stall had an incredible presentation of dishes which made the poor Rei drool just by the mere sight of it.
Glace saw how Rei stared at the stall and said: “Want to try some?”
“Oh no, I can’t impose on you like that” said Rei
“It’s alright, food here is cheaper that it is in real life” (Glace)
~The food in Alctuz is cheap because it doesn’t really give anything to the eater but taste.
“Two of that please” (Glace)
“Sure thing missy” said the shop-owner
The item they ordered is steamed buns with beef stuffing and had honey and cheese sauce. The smell was appetizing and the sight was mesmerizing and it was incredibly cheap for it was only 50 copper each.
“Here you go missy” said the shop-owner
“Here you go Wist” said Glace
“How much do I owe you?” Rei asked
“Nah, don’t mind it; the food here is cheap you know” (Glace)
“I see, thank you Frost” said Rei with a smile as bright as the sun towards Glace
Seeing his honest innocent face, Glace’s heart started to skip beats, her face was flushed, and she couldn’t look at Rei for she’d be embarrassed if he sees him like that.
“L-let’s g-go to the blacksmith’s place already, so eat faster” stutteringly said by Glace
Glace asked herself in her thoughts: “I only met him today, so why do I feel like I trust him so much?”
The “couple” continued their walk to town to the blacksmith’s shop in the 57th channel.
Sitting in the pod area waiting for his students to log out he was bored.
“Man what’re those kids doing?! Making me wait like this, their match was already over wasn’t it?!” Feld was getting impatient.
~An outsider will not be able to view anything on the physical screen if the player he’s spectating for is currently not in battle.
“Well anyway, it’s time to hit the club; I just saved 6gold hahaha!” Feld said
Feld wasn’t short on gold he was just as cheap as he’s always been.
After the war Feld could’ve become rich by playing and winning in Alctuz but instead he chose to make a living by “delivering messages and packages”.
“Say Frost, what does Master Feld do for a living?” asked Rei
“I’m not quite sure but he told me he was a delivery man” answered Glace
“By the way, how long have you known him?” (Rei)
“A little over seven years ago, he saved me from Archusian soldiers raiding our village; after that, he trained me till I was 16 then left me to tend to myself.” (Glace)
“I see, how old are you now Frost?” (Rei)
“I’m 20 years old” answered Glace
“Oh, our ages were really that close huh” (Rei)
“How about you, how long have you been with Master Feldgrau?” Glace asked
“Almost two weeks” said Rei
“Just two weeks?!!” yelled Glace
She was startled by the fact that Rei just trained a little over a week with Feld and was able to put up a decent fight with her.
“Y-you’re kidding right? Come on, tell me the truth” (Glace)
“That is the truth I swear” Rei said while placing is fist on his chest
“I see, well you got some moves there; have you been training since you were young?” asked Glace
“Well if you consider farming as training, then yes; that is until my grandparents were killed in our farm by Archusian soldiers near the war’s end.” (Rei)
Glace was still in shock for Rei has unbelievable talent for fighting.
“I’m sorry for reminding you” said Glace
“No worries, I’m sure they’re in a better place now.” Rei calmly said giving off a pleasant vibe.
“There it is, the blacksmith’s shop in the 57th channel” (Glace)
“Why are you saying “in the 57th channel”?” Rei asks
“Well, blacksmith shops differ from channel to channel but generally in the same location.” Glace answers
“The non-player characters here in Alctuz are real people.” Glace continued
~In Alctuz, there are no quests; the NPCs in Alctuz like blacksmiths and potion makers are government employed and is a different person in different channels.
Players can only design weapons and armors and have blacksmiths make them. Players can start a business in Alctuz but it has to be approved by the government; for example: if I want to start a weapon store and I was approved of it, I will be given a spot at only one channel of the town, I will not be able to rent another spot for the limit is one store per owner. (How businesses work will be further discussed in future content)
Wist and Froststone entered the blacksmith’s shop and what awaited them is a large variety of weapons and armor. Shelves and shelves of boxes filled with armors; the walls were filled with weapons on display.
They went straight to the shop attendant’s desk. His desk was a little messy but not dirty, the attendant was also the head-blacksmith of the shop.
“Hello customers, what can I help you with today?” asked Mr. Blacksmith
(I’ll be using Mr. Blacksmith as his name here because we really don’t need a name for him right now.)
“We would like to try out some low grade armors for rookies” (Glace)
“I see, please come with me” (Mr. Blacksmith)
~In Alctuz, theft cannot be done. You cannot take someone else’s belongings except in “trading” function; the same applies with stores, you may pick it up and look at it but you cannot leave the store without paying for it. You do not need to go to the shop attendant to pay for it and just automatically pay with the “purchase” function.
The only time you may take someone else’s belongings is inside the arena but the item must already be off the owner’s grasp or body.
“Uhm Mr. Blacksmith, are you sure about leaving the shop unattended?” asked Rei
“I take it that you’re the rookie, besides your newbie clothes you still have the rookie vibe haha. Don’t worry theft cannot be done in Alctuz” said Mr. Blacksmith
The three of them went in the inner part of the shop.
“Do you want light-armor? Or heavy ones?” asked Mr. Blacksmith
“Light-armor please” said Glace
“Is the armor for this young man?” asked Mr. Blacksmith
“Yes it is” answered Glace
“Alright, this armor right here is pretty well made” said Mr. Blacksmith
“Indeed it is for low grade equipment.” said Glace
“Hey Wist, come here try this out” Glace called
“Coming, wow this is great” Rei reacted
Rei went are tried the armor out, for him it felt perfect but maybe anything will feel perfect for a poor guy like him.
The armor was worth 7 gold.
“Alright, we’ll take this.” Glace said
“Thank you Ms. Customer” said Mr. Blacksmith
“Hey Wist, what weapon would you use?” asked Glace
“I don’t really know yet maybe until after my training with Master Feld I’d stick to this rookie sword.” Rei replied
“Alright, let’s go” (Glace)
The two of them left the shop, and while outside they continued chatting.
“You owe me 13 gold now including the bet money” Glace said with a smile and eyes looking joyfully at Rei
“Yes, yes I’ll be sure to pay you back!” Rei said while putting his fist on his chest again
“And how do you plan on doing that?” playfully asked by Glace as if teasing Rei.
“I’d train hard with Master Feld, I’d be a great warrior then earn money to pay you back.” Rei said with a determined and proud face
“I see but if you don’t, I’d hunt you down and beat the crap out of you. Got that?” Glace adorably threatened Rei
“Yes, yes I got it; I’d come back for you after I earn enough money” Rei replied to the threat
“Come back? Are you leaving Ribas already?” asked Glace
“Well yea, Master Feld told me we’d leave Ribas after this match.” Rei answered
“I’m coming with you!” said Glace
“What why?” Rei confusedly asked
“I don’t trust you’ll return and pay me back! I’d have to stay with you to keep an eye one you.” said Glace but she was thinking differently and had “other” intentions (IYKWIM).
“Alright, but Master Feld has the last say in this not me! You hear that?!” said Rei
“Hmph! Like Master Feldgrau can stop me from following you” (Glace)
Realizing that her tongue slipped and her intentions were seen she tried to cover it up with “I mean because of your debt not because of any other reason or anything
“Yes-yes I understand, don’t be so defensive” teased Rei as he noticed how flushed Glace was
“I’m not being defensive!!!” the pouting Glace replied
“Let’s log out? Master Feld is probably tired of waiting” said Rei
Glace agreed and nodded while continuing her pout mode
The pods slowly opened and the tape-like headband automatically went off, the two of them sit-upped and saw Feld was nowhere to be found.
“Where the hell is Master Feld?!” Rei loudly asked the air
Meanwhile, Feld was in the gentlemen’s club having the time of his life.
“Whoooo! Work it girl!” yells Feld
Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, midterms are done and now I have decent time for writing.
Sorry for this chapter's info dumping but that isn't even a fraction of the info that needs to be shared haha but anyway thanks for your patronage.
Just to be clear guys, even if the updates gets slow; I have no intention of dropping this and I already have an ending idea and I estimate this to be around 50+ or more chapters so please stay tuned and share it with your fantasy fiction loving friends or with strangers. Feedback is always welcome no matter how harsh it is! Give it to me in hopes for making this fiction better! Cheers guys and have a nice life haha!
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