《Alctuz Arena》Chapter 5: Froststone vs. Wist.
Chapter 5: Froststone vs. Wist.
Note: This map only shows the approximate outlook of the arena and is not exact but is just to help imagine the battle better.
(PS: I wanted to try sketching out the maps for you guys so you can visualize the arena better, if this works out fine then I’ll probably do this for every map. Please do give some feedback if you can or can’t understand how I make maps or my hand writing. Also, look forward for the map of Ino, I’ll post it in the future after several modifications and improvement.)
The battle is about to begin between the swordswoman and the rookie warrior. They have chosen “Temple Ruins” as their battlefield and “Death Match” as the battle mode; Glace was in the “Peace (Blue)”team while, Rei was in the “Chaos (Red)” team, their avatars spawned in opposite sides of the map (look at the map to see the locations). (Note: The spawn locations of teams differ from map to map.)
Wist (Rei) was confused for it was his first time to be inside a real battle arena in Alctuz; he didn’t know where to go, he was the one who chose the battle arena and he immediately regrets his choice, the map was too complex for a rookie like him.
“Where am I supposed to go? Hello! Glace are you there?!” Wist asked and shouted.
He was completely lost, but then he thought: “Oh right! I should call Glace!”
He accessed the main menu and went to his friend list and called Glace via telepathy.
“Hello? Glace! Uhm this kind of embarrassing but can we just meet up?” he asked
“Oh right, I’m sorry, I disremembered it’s your first time being here. Let’s meet up in the middle of the map at the center gate. Try accessing the map by pressing the globe-like button on your watch. You don’t have to be on guard, I won’t attack you out of the blue.” Froststone replied
“Okay, thanks see you there then.” Said Rei before he hanged up
The map Rei chose was designed for group battles, meaning it was way too big for only two players to fight in.
Wist and Froststone finally met in front of the center gate.
“Sorry for letting you choose the arena.” Froststone sincerely said
“No it’s my fault for choosing such a huge map, you don’t have to apologize.” Said Wist
“Shall we start?” asked Froststone
“I’m a little nervous but yeah, let’s do this!” Wist said with a determined tone of voice
Froststone’s sword was a rapier with a diamond-shaped guard that is made of 5 diamonds connected side by side encircling her sword’s guard. The guard, hilt, and the sword’s fuller was colored sky blue just like her hair. She wore a female knight’s light armor with a dark blue cape with a hood.
On the other hand, Wist had wisteria colored hair which was about the only thing worth noticing on his appearance and equipment. He wore free armor given by Alctuz which was just a plain gladiator’s armor and a free sword that isn’t really dependable, but for a poor guy like him, it was enough.
The match started with Froststone’s forward thrust which was instinctively dodged by Wist but his right cheek was grazed by the tip of Froststone’s rapier.
He received almost no damage from the graze and he immediately made a counter attack and tried to stab Froststone, but failed for she was agile as a fly.
Wist was keeping up well with Froststone for his first battle; Froststone’s style was to deflect then thrust for she was using a rapier which was a weapon for stabbing multiple times.
Their exchanges we’re amazing, you wouldn’t think of it as Wist’s first match; he had a little trouble at the start, but now that he’s somehow getting used to fighting in Alctuz that there are less and less wasted movements.
Even with his improvement he was still unable to land a strike against Froststone, who had training since she was 13; and now that she’s 20 she’s already an instructor.
Froststone’s speed was phenomenal, Wist can barely dodge even more less land an attack; he had to think of a countermeasure to Froststone’s swiftness.
What he thought of was kinda tricky, he made a distance between them then charged directly at her. He planned to use his sword to block Froststone’s thrust then slide it towards her ending it with a frontal slash.
The moment came where Wist blocked the thrust but he didn’t expect a kick from Froststone waiting for him after blocking the thrust. Wist was sent afar by Froststone’s kick in the belly and was still shocked at what happened even after regaining his footing.
He suffered 8% damage from that kick alone he thought: “She has quite the powerful kick, I gotta watch out for that”
He noticed that the kick she used was empowered by mana, but a kick’s damage still isn’t supposed to be that strong but maybe it was because of Wist’s low defenses he took significant damage.
“So it’s mana using time huh?” Wist whispered
*Night time 6 days ago, inside the cheap training ground’s hall*
“Rei, touch this orb.” Said Feld while holding a crystal ball that kinda looks like the one used for fortune telling
“Why? Are you gonna read my fortune sir?” Rei said whilst having a grin that looks like being forced closed
“Just do it!” replied the irritated Feld
Rei placed his right hand on top of the crystal ball.
“Now concentrate, imaging having an aura, imagine it in any color you like; now focus that aura in your right hand.” (Feld)
The hall was surrounded by the purple light coming from the orb.
Feld was not that surprised but he was still impressed on how massive Rei’s mana is.
“Open your eyes Rei.” (Feld)
He opened his eyes and saw what he was doing, the room’s color has changed for the light was so strong. He was confused yet amazed of himself for what he was doing.
“Be proud Rei, you got a ton of mana; it’s even close to mine, the amount of mana determines how strong you can make your attacks. Since you have an incredible volume of mana, you can pour more than average into a single strike.” said Feld
“I’m going to teach you mana manipulation.” Said Feld as he kept the crystal ball away
Rei was looking at Feld with outmost attention.
“I measured the amount of mana you have using that orb, good news is you have a lot of it, bad news is you don’t know how to use it yet.” (Feld)
“Which is why you’re going to teach me mana manipulation?” asked Rei
“Precisely.” Said Feld
“Try doing what you did with the ball to the wooden sword.” (Feld)
Rei couldn’t discharge mana from himself onto the sword.
“Why couldn’t I do it? I did it with the orb just moments earlier.” Asked by the confused Rei
“That’s because the orb there was a mana orb, it makes it easier for you to bring out your mana aura; it’s only useful for measuring the mana volume and is pretty useless other than that.” (Feld)
“But how am I gonna be able to use my mana if I can’t get it out?” asked Rei
“Of course, I’ll teach you how to control it. Let’s go to the training area.” (Feld)
They then walked to the training area.
“Some people have talent to control their mana right of the bat, but it looks like you’re not one of them so I’m gonna have to force your body to bring it out.” (Feld)
“How are you gonna force it? It is gonna hurt?” (Rei)
“Oh it’s gonna hurt alright, but you need to do this; you want to learn to use mana right?” (Feld)
“Yes sir!” (Rei)
Feld impaled a huge chunk of wood in the middle of the training area then tied Rei to it.
“Why am I tied up?!” Rei shouted as he questioned his position while fearing what’s going to happen.
“Relax, it will only hurt for an hour.” (Feld)
“An hour?!!” Rei screamed, the shocked Rei was trying to get himself out of there but was unable to
“Alright here I go.” (Feld)
Feld placed his hand on Rei’s forehead then forcefully poured his mana onto him.
Feld’s mana was colored white and Rei’s was colored purple, mana colors are manifested by the person’s favorite color.
Rei screamed and screamed, he was in pain, he was in agony, he felt like wanting to die from the pain but he didn’t give up, he tried to suppress his screams and endured the torment.
Rei’s mana was pushing out Feld’s because it was foreign mana, the fight awakened Rei’s compatibility with his mana.
The tormenting pain lasted for 10 whole minutes.
“It’s done, it was a success, you get a break tomorrow; we shouldn’t push your body too far, you should rest well.” (Feld)
*The day after tomorrow*
“Alright Rei, try it out again on the wooden sword.” (Feld)
“Yes sir!” (Rei)
The wooden sword glowed purple, more accurately wisteria and there was excess mana gushing out of the sword.
“You see that excess mana there? That’s what we’ll work on; you have to completely control it without any wasted mana.” (Feld)
“The first thing you have to learn is “Strengthening”, it is the type of mana manipulation where you discharge your mana onto objects and parts of your body in order to enhance their capabilities and the strength of attack and defense.” (Feld)
Rei practiced strengthening with Feld from that day till the day of the match, he was able to control his mana better but still not on a level of professionals; well of course not, Rei’s training has only been 8 days but nonetheless he’s made incredible progress.
After receiving a blow from Froststone, Wist determined that it was time to fight using mana as well.
He first focused his energy on his sword and feet and dashed towards Froststone double his normal speed for the mana amplified his speed.
He increased the mana volume on his sword as he slashes.
Froststone used mana as well on her sword and blocked then dodge Wist’s attack. She was impressed that she needed to dodge that attack even after already blocking it.
Wist didn’t stop there, he continued pursuing Froststone with slashes; none hit Froststone and both are beginning to exhaust. Froststone distanced herself in order to rest for her fatigue bar to cool down.
“I thought Master Feldgrau was overestimating you, but it looks like you got the potential to be a great warrior.” Froststone praises Wist.
“Thanks.” Said Wist just before dashing towards Froststone.
He unrelentingly slashed and slashed with his mana filled sword as if just leaving it to chance to hit Froststone; his fatigue bar is reaching up, he’s about to exhaust.
Froststone on the other hand was waiting for Wist to deplete his own stamina before bringing him punishment and thought “I’ll wait till he gets tired before attacking.”
Wist was fast for his feet are boosted by mana, Froststone had to keep up with him by doing the same; both were nearing their fatigue limits with Wist at the lead. Finally, Wist reached exhausted state with -10% in movement speed.
“There!” (Froststone)
Froststone saw this as the chance to deal fatal hits but Wist was still able to move pretty swiftly and dodge her strikes; and because of her eagerness to deal fatal strikes that gave Wist an opening.
“Damn it!” thought Froststone
Wist performed a and successfully hit Froststone he dealt 10% damage, she was stunned for Wist has successfully hit her; Wist continued using relentlessly and was able to hit Froststone another time for she too has reached her fatigue limit.
He shouted “Hah!” for every slash he made.
: A normal slash filled with strength and determination to hit but is considered slow compared to normal slashes for it is prepared for a strong strike. The user will spend a decent amount of mana energy put into the sword then perform as the name says a heavy slash. (Average damage: 10%)
[Fatigue Watch:]
Wist: 20%
Froststone: 10%
[HP Watch:]
Wist: 91%
Froststone: 79%
Both were having significant decrease in their movement speed for they have exhausted their fatigues to their limits; Wist continued to go on the offensive, because of this Froststone decided not to be on the defense but also be aggressive.
Froststone thought: “I can’t keep this up, I have to damage him then rest.”
She went on the offensive and started using while trying to open Wist up for a huge skill; the longer the clash get the slower the two of them get, which is why after successfully hitting Wist a few times and dealing 15% damage Froststone ran away from Wist to get a breather towards the water area.
Wist was persistent and kept on pestering Froststone with attacks.
She’s had it and said: “This is starting to get annoying!”
She started getting real serious against Wist, she raised her sword and said: “Cold Breeze!” then pointed her rapier at Wist as if commanding an army to charge.
: A breeze of chilling wind is summoned to attack and slow down the opponent. (Average damage: 5%) (Effect: Slows down opponent movement speed by 10% for 10 seconds)
Wist was hit by cold breeze as he was charging towards Froststone, he currently has a -35% movement speed debuff while on the other hand Froststone has -15% movement speed debuff.
Wist thought “This is bad, I’m getting slower and slower; I think I’d take a breather.”
But the breather Wist intended wasn’t allowed by Froststone as she continues her attack combo.
Wist received 5% damage from , but Froststone didn’t stop there; after seeing Wist slow down, she then used her sword and gather up wind energy to splash Wist with water from the pond area of the map.
The water will serve as an amplifier for Froststone next attack which was .
: The caster will cast a blue flame ball of frost and fire it onto the opponent causing a blast of tremendous ice burn damage. (Average damage: 30%) (Additional effect: If the target is damp, the skill will also induce frostbite.)
Wist sensed the impending danger and being too slow to dodge, he just quickly went from attack to defense mode and spread his mana all over his body as a shield.
Froststone extends her hand towards Wist and fires the blue flame ball of frost; since Wist currently has a -40% movement speed debuff, he was unable to dodge .
Wist only suffered 25% damage thanks to his defensive mode that gave him 17% defense but was induced with a frostbite state for 5 seconds.
~*In Alctuz there is a state called frostbite state, in this state the opponent will be frozen completely and unable to move; it has a limited duration but during this time, a single attack will have an additional 50% damage against the player in said state and after that single attack the frostbite state will be destroyed; also If multiple attacks hits simultaneously it is counted as a single attack. This is why ice mages are extremely in demand in guilds because it is most useful especially in group battles.
“I can’t move, t-this is bad! I’m going to lose, I don’t have money to pay 6 gold!” (Wist)
She didn’t stop there again, she intends to use the opportunity of attack made by the frostbite state.
Froststone raises her sword like a wand and said: “Diamond Hail Strike!!” then just like in cold breeze she points her rapier at Wist.
: The caster will summon 1 or more diamond-shaped ice shards in the sky and the caster can target an opponent and fire it. (Average damage per hit: 6%)
Wist was unable to move because of the frostbite and will not be able to avoid imminent defeat.
Froststone summoned 7 diamond-shaped shards which took all of her mana since she didn’t have time to rest and regenerate mana.
The seven shards was coming at Wist at the speed of bullets from a gun, all hope for Wist was lost and defeat is just around the corner. Finally the match was concluded as the 7 shards hit Wist simultaneously.
A little HP Math:
Wist: 91% HP
91% – 15% (Parry Slash) – 5% (Cold Breeze) – 25% (Chilling Blaze) = 46%
Diamond Hail Strike: 7 * 6% = 42%
Wist has 17% defense from mana aura shield.
DHS Damage: 42% - [42% * 17% (DEFENSE)]
= 34.86%
Frostbite = +50% damage
F = 34.86% * 50%
= 17.43%
Total damage is: 34.86% + 17. 43% = 52.29%
Wist HP = 46% - 52.29% = DEAD.
Author’s Note: This chapter was really fun to make but had my brain exhausted from writing, this chapter was longer than my usual chapters to apologize for the late post of the previous one.
Thanks for continued support to everyone that’s still there and I hope you’ll stay. Please give me feedback, I really appreciate it.
Thumbs up for my map making skills haha I hope you understood it. I even used a pen.
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