《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 56: ending the day


Aka and Airin have finished destroying all nightwalkers. Civilians were rescued and placed in a safe place. The number of injuries was quite high; however, not many were killed in this area.

"Where 's Shin?" Aka asked Kichiro.

"Well… he just disappeared." Kichiro replied, with a strange expression.

"Huh?! Onii-Sama… disappeared?!" Airin looked around with a worried expression.

"How can someone just disappear?!" Aka frowned.

"Calm down! That's not what I meant! He told me he was going to check something and just disappeared right away." Kichiro rephrased his sentence.

"You should have said that sooner!" Airin calmed down.

"Well, I'm sorry." Kichiro replied while scratching his head.

"We'll wait here. He should be back soon." Aka said.



"So you're an academy student?!" Kazuhiko said, with a surprised expression. He couldn't believe he had lost in an exchange of blows against a student. Even though he was holding back in the fight, he knew Shin was too.

"Well, I'm not from this country. I applied to the gym for other reasons." Shin replied, arms crossed.

"I see…" Kazuhiko was still a little wary, but he decided to believe Shin. "So what are you doing in this place?"

"Well, I was(...)"

Shin told Kazuhiko about the recent events to Kazuhiko; however, he omitted some parts.


"The believers…" Kazuhiko muttered, with a thoughtful expression. "Believers don't use black magic, so these people are probably not central figures in the Church."

Believers despised black magic because they thought it was evil. Black magicians can hardly hold any important position in the believers' faction. Most likely, black magicians will only be hunted by believers.

"I assume there's been some internal conflict within the faction," Shin replied. According to his guess, the faction of believers could be split at this point.


'That man…' Shin thought of the man who had appeared in the old man's memories. That man was probably someone high up within the faction.

"It's likely; however, why did they attack innocent people in this way?" Kazuhiko did not understand the purpose of these people. What is the need to involve innocent people in conflict?

"Well, that's all I know. You'll have to figure the rest out for yourself." Shin said. He had some assumptions about the motive for the attack; however, it was just an unsubstantiated hypothesis, so he said nothing. He also didn't want to get too involved in this matter, yet...

"Thank you for the information!" Kazuhiko sincerely thanked him. Shin's information was very important to him. He would try to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

"My name is Kazuhiko Anno. I'm the president of the academy. You can contact me if you discover something new." Kazuhiko introduced himself. Unlike most people in power, he didn't despise anyone. Kazuhiko has always been a humble and kind young man.

"Shin Akash. I will contact you if necessary" Shin made a brief introduction before leaving.



Kazuhiko gave a tired sigh. His work would increase a lot going forward. Believers probably won't keep quiet about this matter, so he decided to prepare for possible conflicts. Kazuhiko also decided to keep an eye on Shin, because he could be his asset in the future.


After talking to the President, Shin returned to his group.

"Are you guys okay?" Shin appeared beside Aka, Airin and Kichiro.

"Onii-Sama!!" Airin ran to hug Shin. She felt a little insecure when he wasn't around.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were going to check something?!" Aka asked, with a slightly irritated expression. She was also worried when Kichiro said that Shin had suddenly disappeared.


"Oh, I'm sorry, it turned out to be a sudden situation." He replied as he comforted Airin.

"Have you discovered something?" Kichiro asked.

"Well, I found out who was responsible for all this mess." Shin explained the situation to them.


"The believers?!" Kichiro didn't expect the current situation to be so out of control.

"Well, we can't do anything about this situation. For now, let's just wait." Shin said.


"You're right…" Kichiro agreed with a sigh.

"Onii-Sama, let's go!" Airin didn't want to stay in this place. The atmosphere was a little depressing and tense. She preferred to stay in her room.

"I want to go back too." Aka said. Night had already arrived and she wanted to go back to her room.

"Well, we have no reason to stay in this place, let's go."

"Un" 2x.


"See you tomorrow." Kichiro said, with a sleepy expression. He also decided to go back to his house and sleep. Today has been quite hectic for them.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Shin, Aka and Airin said goodbye to Kichiro. After Kichiro left, Shin looked at the two girls and said, "Are you guys hungry?"

"Yes!" 2x

"I'll prepare dinner for you." Shin said with a smile.

"Un!" 2x

They were very happy, because Shin's food was so good.

"Let 's go."

Under the starry sky and the cool night breeze, Shin, Airin and Aka walked together to the dorm.

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