《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 57: clumsy group


Mari POV Group

Shortly after receiving information from Shin.

"Well, which direction is Japan in?" Mari asked. They were in the middle of a forest, with no information.

"Well let me handle this." Naomi put her hand on the floor and closed her eyes. She would use her ability to try to find out where they were.

"Connection." After using her ability, she felt the mana from all over the forest. Birds, plants, trees, etc. She felt everything.

'This is amazing!' She never thought her skill would be so spectacular. She focused her attention on expanding her detection radius.

1km²… 10km²… 100km²… 1000km²…

The more she increases her detection, the more her mana is consumed. After expanding its detection to over 10000km², exhaustion began to appear. She had never used that ability—so her proficiency was very low. She was also receiving a lot of information simultaneously in her brain. Beads of sweat began to appear on her face. Her vision began to blur.

"Naomi?!" 2x

Ryuu and Mari were worried about her condition.

"I got it." Naomi sat on the floor while breathing heavily; however, her effort was worth it. She managed to detect a town near this forest. The city was to the north. They could be there in a few minutes.

"There is a small town located north of this place." Naomi said.

"Your skill is very useful." Mari commented. Aside from Shin, Naomi was the only one with large-scale detection skills in the group.

"Thanks!" Naomi was grateful for the compliment. She was also very happy to have this ability. This skill not only had a detection function, but its range of versatility was also very wide; however, Naomi still couldn't use it masterfully.

"Get some rest, we'll be leaving in a few minutes." Ryuu said.

"Well." Naomi sat down and began to meditate. She would use ambient mana to replenish some of her mana pool. This planet had quite a lot of ambient mana, so she could use it. After a few minutes of meditation, she opened her eyes.


"Let's get going." Ryuu, Mari and Naomi fired at high speed towards the north.



With a sonic boom, they came close to town. Looking from afar, they saw several houses with styles they had never seen before. They also saw some buildings; however, their quantity was quite small compared to other buildings. Several people were walking along the city's sidewalk.

"I've never seen these things!!" Mari was excited about the new environment. Her adventurous spirit was almost jumping for joy.

"Let's go." She didn't wait for an answer from Ryuu or Naomi and bolted towards the city.

"Wait, Mari!!" Naomi ran after Mari, her expression helpless.

"You…" Ryuu didn't know how to deal with these women.


The only thing he can do is stop them from ending up committing exaggerated nonsense.


"These buildings are really cool." Mari said while looking at a building.

"Well, it's not spectacular." Naomi didn't think anything of it.

*Bi Bi!*

"Ladies, could you guys get off in the middle of the street?" An elderly man said as he blew his car horn.

"What is this?! A metal mount?!" Mari looked at the car in wonder. She used to see people ride monsters or animals; however, she has never seen people ride machines.

"Fascinating! To think there was such a thing in this place." Naomi commented as she watched the car. The car model was similar to the 19th-century car models of Shin's world.

"S-Ladies… this is an automobile." The old man found Mari and Naomi strange. Who called an automobile a metal mount?

"So that's the name of this thing! Can you lend it to us?" Mari asked. She wanted to try using the car.

"Mari, you shouldn't make that kind of request." Naomi said.

'This girl really doesn't have much sense.'

"Miss, I can't do this-"

The old man tried to deny it, but Mari's sad face stirred his heart. He was also weak against beautiful women.

*Cough!* *Cough!*

"W-Well, just a few minutes is fine." He said.


"Thank you, you are such a nice person." Mari said. She found this elderly man a little cute.

'I hear that seniors are kind.'

"S-Miss, do you need help driving?" the old man asked, after getting out of his car.

"It's not necessary, I learn things very fast." Mari replied with a confident smile.

"Let me accompany you." Naomi climbed into the car along with Mari. After the old man taught them the basics, they started driving.


5 minutes later...

"It's too slow…" Mari felt her expectations vanish. The car was too slow for her. She couldn't find any adrenaline in it.

"Can you speed this thing up with wind magic?" She asked Naomi.

"Well, I think so; however, it's better to beef up the car first." Naomi didn't want to destroy the old man's car. She could bolster the car's resistance with mana, but she wasn't very proficient at these things.

"Do not exaggerate." After beefing up the vehicle, Naomi began to increase its speed using wind magic.

30km/h… 50km/h… 70km/h…

The old man was in shock when he saw the vehicle accelerating so fast. He didn't expect Mari and Naomi to know how to do magic.

"Faster! Faster!" Mari was starting to get excited.

"Don't be impatient." Naomi accelerated the vehicle again.

100km/h… 170km/h…

"W-Wait, ladies!" The old man had a bad feeling about this. His car probably couldn't handle moving at that speed. However, despite screaming, Mari and Naomi did not hear the old man.

"Faster, Naomi!" Mari rounded a curve and headed for another street.

"Tsk! You're causing trouble!"


People on the sidewalk were startled when they saw a car speeding down the street. They got as far away from the street as possible.


"Hahahaha! Naomi, make a ramp towards the place where the old man is."

"Why?!" Naomi asked, confused.

"Just do it!"

"Well…" Naomi created a ramp using the water element. The ramp was over 4 meters high.

"Accelerate some more, let's make a beautiful landing." She had already had fun, so she decided to return the car to the old man, but she would do it in style.


Mari rounded a curve and headed towards the ramp.

The car sped toward the ramp. After passing the ramp, the car flew tens of meters high.

"Hahaha, let's land!"

"M-Mari… where's the wheel?" Naomi asked with a worried expression.

"Eh?! The steering wheel… disappeared!!" They were so entertained that they didn't even notice the steering wheel broke after the car went up the ramp.

"Mari… the booster I put in… doesn't work anymore." Naomi said.

"What are you talking-"


The car began to break up. Naomi wasn't very good at reinforcing objects using mana; she's almost never done that.

"W-Well, look on the bright side, at least it can still be fixed-"


"Or not…" The wheels and engine were gone.

"Mari, we are landing." Before the car hit the ground, Naomi covered it in a bubble of water. They reached the ground safely, but the car…


It exploded.


The old man looked at his car in complete disbelief. He never thought things would end this way. He knelt on the floor, his expression dejected.

"My… car…" He had paid too much for that car.

*pah! Pah!*

The old man felt someone pat him on the back. He looked back and saw a man watching Mari and Naomi with a helpless expression.

"Take this. I think this will pay for a new car for you." Ryuu handed a bag of coins to the old man.

"Just…don't trust strangers anymore."


"You are such a kind old man." Mari said as she hugged the old man. She and Naomi had already apologized to him. She also wanted to buy him a new car, but Ryuu had already done that. In the end, after Mari insisted a lot, the old man forgave her.

"Ladies, you should control yourself more…"

'How good it is to be young…' The old man thought.

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