《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 18 - Reunion (2)


Iggy continued to support me while I stare at him blankly. I almost called his name but I remembered that in this world, somebody from Earth has a counterpart. This world feels like Edolas of Fairy Tale but the only difference was that residents here aren’t the opposite of the original or should I say residents of the Earth. They look and act the same even though we have different environment and culture, it didn’t help to change someone’s personality.

Seeing that I am reluctant to call his name, Iggy slowly help me stand up on my feet and said while smiling.

“Long time no see Jasper.”

Hearing those words, I am sure that this guy in front of me is the Iggy Bautista that I know.

“Finally… A normal friend among…”

I muttered as I look at Iggy. It’s not that I am saying that my (male) friends are all weird but what I am saying is I found someone normal (a male friend). I’m happy that I found someone who will not joke around without reading the mood and someone who will not use your weakness to order you around.

“Hey! What does that mean Jasper!”

Marc voice out his complains but I ignored it and look at the girl. Looking at her closely, she really is familiar to me but I really don’t know where I saw her. It’s not in the university since she looks like a foreigner. If a foreigner wanted to study in the Philippines, then they would enroll at the university on Manila not on the province.

“Hey don’t ignore me! Jasper-senpai notice me!!”

Ignoring Marc again, I continued to stare at the girl trying to figure out where and when did I saw her. As far as my memories goes, she’s not an actress, singer, or model that I know. Suddenly, my vision darkens and I feel someone covering my eyes.

“Mou. Jasper-senpai am I not enough for you?”

Marc tried his best to act like my lover but imagining him acting like an anime heroine gives me the creeps. It feels gross. Acting like this was normal for us but right now I don’t like to go with his jokes. I forcefully grab his hands, which were covering my eyes, using all of my strength and peel it off from my face.

“Harder!! More harder!!! Oh yess!! Yes!! Yes~!!”

Marc shouts as I grab his hands. His breathing became rugged and I almost let go of his hands but when I look at his face, he looks like his in pain. His cheeks aren’t red and I can clearly see that he’s faking his rugged breath. Seeing him acting like a pervert, I grab his hand again intending to break his.

“Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!! I’m sorry!! I won’t do it again please stop it!!! Please let it go!! OUUCH!!!”

Saying that he’s sorry but I highly doubt it. He might be saying that he’s sorry but in his heart he isn’t.

I let go of his hand and he crease his hands to relieve the pain.

I face Iggy and asked

“So, where have you been?”

Iggy has a wry smile on his face.

“I’m just here in the capital, investigating things and enjoying magic.”

Well, this guy likes magic and he’s the one who dragged Gino and Marc at the Otaku world. Even though he looks like a girl, acts like a girl (sometimes), and as gentle as a girl he is definitely a man but there is a slight problem about him. He’s a lolicon. Most of the anime he’s watching before we got here were full of lolis.


“Investigating what?”

I asked him since I am curious about it.

“About this world. Haven’t you noticed that something is weird in this world?”

“Of course this world is weird. It has levels and magic after all.” (Marc)

“No aside from that… Have you ever wondered why nobody ever wondered where we came from? Nor they talk about the recent update about the status? The former can be explained because of the adventurer’s guild but the latter… have you ever asked someone about it?” (Iggy)

He’s right. The first person whom I interacted with didn’t raise any suspicion about my identity. Even if the so called ‘Adventurer’s Guild’ exist, it doesn’t mean that they will not be checked for entering towns. This thing is weird but I didn’t think about it too much since it’s convenient to me.

The second one is about the update. On normally, you would talk about it everywhere since your status changed but strangely enough, I haven’t heard it anywhere except to someone who was also transferred to this world. Why did we, transported people, only know about it? Or should I say that we are the only one who talks about it in public. They might know about the update but for them, it is normal. But no matter how normal it is for one person, when a big change comes, then they will always talk about it.

And that update was big enough to change almost everything in this world since the status requirement to wear items exist and it also has status raising effect… Wait… Speaking equipment which raises the user’s status, I have one of them.

I take out the [Rabbit’s Foot] that is hanging on my neck.

- - -

Rabbit’s Foot (Common)

Durability: N/A

Defense: 0

They said that the rabbit’s foot is lucky but there was nothing to prove it. Despite that, people continued to make rabbit’s foot for good luck.

- - -

I am stunned by the description. The [Luck 1] enhancement on it was gone and now it doesn’t had any use now.

Seeing me staring at the [Rabbit’s Foot], Marc stands up and pats my shoulder.

“I know that you wanted to become lucky but relying on superstition won’t make you lucky.”

Hearing what he says, I firmly grasped his head and put pressure to it. Marc is saying “Give up! Give up!” but I didn’t give any attention to it.

“Oh isn’t that a [Rabbit’s Foot]? Though it is considered as a [Common] grade item it gives a small raise on Luck. But after the update, it suddenly became useless.”

Iggy said while he shows me his own [Rabbit’s Foot]. It has the same color as mine, white but the string is made of metal.

“It was a cheap item for 25 coppers each.” (Iggy)

“So I can only sell this for 25 coppers huh…”

I said while I look at the [Rabbit’s Foot]. I feel a little down since the first item I made only worth 25 coppers, not that I am planning to sell it, but I feel glad at the same time that this item (which was regarded as trash now) cost 25 coppers. A bit contradictory right? I am feeling down since it’s cheap but I am glad that if ever I sell this then I will have 25 copper coins which is 25 kwarts.

“Oh right, why did you buy a [Rabbit’s Foot]?”

I asked Iggy and he seems to be reluctant to answer. He looks at his [Rabbit’s Foot] and said.


“Since you have a quiver on your back I thought that you will understand why I wanted a [Rabbit’s Foot]…”

What’s the relationship of quiver and [Rabbit’s Foot]? As far as I can see they are two different items. The quiver holds the arrows while [Rabbit’s Foot] is a necklace. No matter how I think about it, I still can’t get it.

Iggy looks at me while smiling wryly and said.

“You are an archer so you’ll know that big circle every time you try to use your bow right?”

Big circle? Using my bow? I still can’t get it! What’s the relationship between my bow and a big circle? Ah! I see.. It’s the crosshair or whatever.

“Mine isn’t that big. The biggest circle that appeared has one inches radius.”

As I said those words, Iggy’s eyes opens wide and stare, glare to be precise, to me. He slowly approached me and holds both of my shoulders.


Iggy shouted while shaking my shoulders. His eyes become bloodshot and his grips become tighter. Again, I want to know what is the basic stats of magicians!! Do they all have a high strength stats? I want to know!

“C-calm down! Calm down!” (Jasper)

“Iggy… Don’t tell me… you bought something that increases your luck just to hit an enemy with your skill shots? Are you an IDIOT!”

Marc, who seems to be surprised, said his deduction about why Iggy bought a [Rabbit’s Foot]. Iggy hears what Marc said and let go of my shoulders. I feel dizzy because of what he did but I clearly seen Iggy’s face. It looks like an angry demon finally found its victim. He slowly turns around and glares at Marc, causing him (Marc) to shiver.

“Hey hey… Iggy… I know you’re angry but please it was just a joke!! We all know that you sucked at skill shots and we often use it as a joke but you know that it’s only a joke right? We never meant it!!”

Marc slowly walks back as he tells his excuses while Iggy steps forward towards him. Iggy punch Marc causing him to lose his balance and fell over the fountain. Actually, I am surprised by Iggy’s action, even Marc was surprised. Marc held his cheeks, where the punch landed, and stared at Iggy dumbfounded. Iggy isn’t someone who easily resorts to violence after all. This made me and Marc surprised by his action.

Iggy faced me with a refreshing smile and said.

“Never mind the trash at the fountain. Where have you been all this time?”

Suddenly asked by that question, I recover from my shock and answered.

“I am at the village called Pinar but unfortunately… It was attacked by the orcs and only 5 survived, including me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that…”

I don’t know if my sadness is shown in my face but Iggy apologized with a pained look. It’s really sad. Seeing the corpses of the human whom I interacted back then with their expression frozen with despair. I don’t want to experience it again. Actually, I’m mad at myself since I was not there when that happens. Maybe, if I were there from the start of that incident then Kaezar, of this world, might still be alive along with her father and Sis, Kaezar of Earth, might not get transported here. Living in this world where monsters exist posed too many dangers and I realized after the attack of orcs that even inside a town, we are not safe to monster’s attacks.

“Well anyways! I am with Gino and he is currently at my father’s place so let’s go there!”

I changed the topic since if we dwell on it too long I will just be depress even more.

Iggy nods and Marc stands up then he proceed to carry Rhea on his back.

We silently walk towards the house and passed through the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Come to think of it, are you an adventurer Jasper?”

Marc asked while supporting Rhea, who’s still asleep due to the drug.

“Yes, Gino and I are registered. Ah come to think of it, we are eligible to take the promotion examination at the guild.” (Jasper)

“Hooho… May I ask what your current rank is?” (Marc)

“Currently, I am [Bronze] the same with Gino.” (Jasper)

“Haah! Weak! Too weak!! NOOOOB!!! Bronze? Heh. A beginner! Wahahahahaha! Noob noob noob noob!” (Marc)

By what he said, we stop walking and stand right in front of the adventurer’s guild. I don’t know what his rank is but he’s really annoying. What’s wrong with being [Bronze]! After passing the examination I will become [Iron] then slowly climb up to [Adamantite]. Well, I don’t know if I can be an [Adamantite] adventurer in the first place.

“Incidentally, what is your current rank?” (Jasper)

“I am [Iron]! Praise me you noob adventurer!” (Marc)

This guy… I thought the he will be at least silver since he’s looking down at me like that but he’s just an [Iron]! I think I clearly said that I am eligible to take the promotion examination and soon we will be at the same rank.


The only reply I can give to him is a sigh and a lukewarm gaze. I think he’s not an idiot but right now, I doubt my judgment for him. Do I really know this guy? Can I, his friend since high school, proudly say that he is not an idiot?

“Why are you looking at me like that? Why do you appear as if you’re looking at an idiot? Just to be clear okay? I only said those just for the sake of saying. There’s no deeper meaning about it okay! I clearly hear and understood what you said so please don’t look at me like that!!”

Marc begin explaining himself even though no one asks him to explain.

“Incidentally, I am also an [Iron] ranked adventurer.”

Iggy interjected at Marc’s explanation while smiling. I’m really glad that despite being near at Gino and Marc, Iggy remained to be normal.

We once again started to walk but we, Iggy and I, completely ignored the explanation of Marc. We walk pass the Magician’s guild but no matter how I look at it, with neon light sign and all, all I can see is a bar.

When we arrived at the gate of the house, we saw Lily going outside.

“Ara, Kuya Jasper, where have you been? *Kuya Gino was looking for you.” (Lily)

(* Kuya can also be used to address a male who is older than you even if you don’t know him personally, same with Ate (Big sister).)

“I just walked around the town. Ah right, the man who’s wearing a robe is Iggy and the man carrying a girl at his back is Marc, the girl is Rhea. The two guy are my friends and the girl was just an acquaintance I think? And also, Marc and Iggy, this is Lily my little sister.”

I introduced them to each other but the two of them stared at me with their eyes full of doubt.

“Kuya Marc and Kuya Iggy, nice to meet you.”

“Likewise..” (Marc)

“N-nice to meet you too.” (Iggy)

Lily left without closing the gate since we will be opening it once again if we enter.

“Hey… I have something to ask is it alright?”

Iggy asks me while Marc looks at Lily’s back as if he met someone that doesn’t supposed to exist.


I have a feeling that he will be asking about my little sister but I let him ask it anyway.

“How come you have a family in this world?”

A little bit off the mark but little sister is still counted as a family so it’s okay.

“You see, my dad is alive in this world.” (Jasper)

“I thought your dad died when you were just 3?” (Iggy)

“Yep, he definitely dead but apparently, he was transported in this world. Made a family and stayed.” (Jasper)

Iggy seems to be having a hard time processing what he just heard so I asked them to come inside first.

As we are walking towards the door, I look at the flower garden (or more likely flower forest) and there are some insect living there. There are bees and butterfly resting on the flowers.

- - -

We entered the house and saw Gino sitting at the chair using his laptop. The charger is connected and I follow it to see where it is plugged. What I see is a cube with 5 inches length per side and on the top of it, the charger is plug. The laptop seems to be charging but I don’t know how the black cube did it.

“Gino, I heard you are looking for me?”

“Oh Jasper, welcome back.”

Gino answered without looking at me and continued to fiddle with his laptop. I don’t know what he is doing but he seems to be busy.

“What are you doing?” (Jasper)

“Nothing… Just checking if the files are still here. After all, your dad said that some files in his phone got erased when he first come in here.” (Gino)

Wow… I never thought that Dad has a cellphone back then. And if he had one, then it would surely be a N*kia with a game of space impact installed to it. Maybe instead of files, he meant text messages and contact numbers of his friends.

“It seems that nothing is missing. Thanks goodness.”

Gino said while he shut down his laptop and he finally faces us. Upon seeing us, he slowly looks at Iggy from Iggy’s feet to his head then down to his feet again and nodded. I don’t know why he nodded though. Then he looks at Marc but somehow, his eyes didn’t move around like when he looks at Iggy. He is staring straight to Marc’s eyes and Marc stares back. After a while, Marc diverted his eyes and said.

“Don’t stare too much… It’s embarrassing…”

He tried to imitate a girl from an anime when she undresses in front of a boy. (Actually, it isn’t anime but H ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

“Good. The vessel seems to be functioning and it is following Marc’s command.”

Gino nodded after he said those words. The vessel refers to Marc’s body because Gino said that the person known as Marc was made up of 99% his glasses, 0.5% trash, and 0.5% other materials. Well, it became a joke when greeting each other and sometimes, I did it too.

“Leaving the trash aside… Why are you looking for me?” (Jasper)

“Well, I thought that you might want to take the promotion examination of the guild so I am looking for you. So, do you want to rank up?” (Gino)

I asked Gino why he was looking for me and Gino said that it was about the rank up.

“I would love to.” (Jasper)

“So then, let’s go!” (Gino)

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