《Logical Labyrinth》Intermission 02 – The Life of the ‘original’ Jasper


The omniscient Third Person P.O.V

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There were once a fort called Noisiv Fort. It is located near the Dragon Mountain Range which is located at the border of Kingdom of Sevil and Lyssup Empire. The fort’s street was bustling with merchants, adventurers, knights and commoners. Even though it is called as a fort, you can mistake it as a city because of the lively chattering and hearty laughter that you can hear in the streets.

In these busy and bustling streets of Fort Niosiv, there was a particular boy who likes to play pranks on merchants and other residents. His pranks aren’t something harmful so the people, who got pranked, smiled and laugh at the boys jokes. Sometimes, the boy got scolded because of it but most of the time they just laughed it off. The people didn’t know that this particular boy was the only son of the noble who governs this very fort.

The boy likes to go to streets while wearing clothes, or should I say rags, which are unbefitting to nobles to wear. He was different to the other nobles who pay too much attention to their appearances. Even though he was covered with mud, he smiles from the bottom of his heart. There were some merchants who knew the secret of this little noble boy but after seeing that this eccentric noble smiled from the bottom of his heart, they decided to support him.

One day, the noble boy got interested about the outside of the walls. The walls were high and it looks really reliable since it is made up of stone. It has a 10 meters tall and 5 meters thick walls. At the top of it, you can see the installed ballista lined up with a 2-5 meters apart from each other. This serves as the air defense of this fort. There are also soldiers who patrol atop of the wall.

The gate was also made up of wood. It is 3 meters thick gate and behind it was a metal gate which is 1 meter thick. This is the reason why this fort can have this kind of atmosphere. Guards can be seen checking everyone who enters the fort and a big queue of merchants and peddlers could be seen even though you are just standing in front of the gate.

The noble boy sneakily walked past the gate using the shadows of the carriages and wagons. His heart beats fast as he walks. After a few minutes of hiding to the guards, the noble boy successfully went outside for the first time. You can see forest on the west and north side of the fort but when you look at the east and south the Dragon mountain range could be seen. He heard from his mother that the reason why the Dragon Mountain Range named after a dragon because back then there are too many dragons living there. Living near it was impossible since the dragons always fought each other for their territory. Thanks to the hero, Ayskrimm, the mountain becomes peaceful. The hero started to hunt those dragons. The dragons fought back at the hero with their breaths but the hero’s companion, Juan the shield bearer, took the breath attack without flinching. The hero continued to hunt at the mountain range until he found out that there’s no dragon left.

The reason why he hunts the dragons in that mountain was because it was requested by the people of the empire. He did not know that the dragons serve as a barrier between the kingdom and the empire. It was a plot devised by the emperor so that they can launch an invasion when the demon lord perished. But the plan failed. The dragons disappeared letting the monsters, who serve as the food of the dragons, run amok. Their population got bigger and bigger then they started to go to the plains and forest beneath the mountains. They only noticed this when they finished building the fort. Even after the fact that there were too many monsters going down the mountains, the empire forcefully marched their soldiers only to find themselves killed by the monsters.


The emperor got frustrated because of it. He launched another expedition only to suffer the same result. The monsters began raiding the villages near the mountains forcing the emperor to stop his advances towards Sevir. He ordered the soldiers and knights to control those monsters and let the survivors live in the fort.

But even if the dragons aren’t there, it’s still dangerous to go near the mountains. But the boy got curious as to what monsters are there. He walked towards the direction of the mountains. The road was covered with weeds that were as tall as his head yet he continued to walk.

The boy finally arrived at the foot of the mountain when heard some noises coming from it. It was a rhythmically beating of drums. The boy wondered why there is something like that in the mountains which became the monsters domain. He nervously walks towards the sound and there he saw something horrible. There are humans, tied at the pole with fire beneath them. Their mouth was gagged and you can smell the flesh getting burned as the fire crawls up the pole. Man, woman, child, and old. They are tied on a pole while some monsters dance around them as if it was a ritual. On his left, he heard a moan. When he looks at that direction, he saw goblins raping human women. Some of the women were already dead and some were crying and asking salvation to the Gods. The goblins continued to raped them even though they are begging them to stop. The boy’s face became pale and he hurriedly ran back to the fort.

‘He needs to tell this to the knights!’

That was the only thought in his mind. He ran and ran. Even if he tripped, he stands up and run. Finally, back at the gates the guard noticed the boy and his face became pale. Seeing the noble boy covered with bruises, he quickly run towards the boy. He don’t know what would happen to him if this was reported to the lord. He took the boy to the garrison and the boy obediently followed.

The guard keeps looking at the boy and he noticed that the boy was crying.

‘Maybe he met monsters.’

The guard thought.

The guard leads the boy inside the garrison and called his superior. A man with the height of 6’5” came out. He has a well-kept beard and long hair enough to covers his ears. His body was akin to the orcs since he was big and covered with muscles. If you were to paint him green then the people will surely mistook him as an orc. The man looks at the boy and frowns. The noble boy who smiled from the bottom of his heart was now crying. It broke his heart since he likes him. He wanted him to succeed his father since he felt that the fort will prosper if he became its lord.

The man asked the boy what happened and the boy told him about what he saw in the mountains. The boy pleaded on the soldiers but they can’t leave their post without the permission of someone in the top. The man said that he will report it to the lord so the boy must go back to his home. The boy obediently followed what the man said and went back to his home.

Later that day, he heard some shouts in the study. He went there and opened the door very slowly. He didn’t open it fully but only enough so that he can hear what they are talking about.


“You’re saying to dispatch a rescue team basing on a child’s blabbering!?”

Said by his father. His father isn’t something to be respected in the first place. The boy knew what his father is doing by what the rumors tell about him. The rumors said that his father was a thrash. He raped anyone he likes and kills anyone who opposes him. He accepted bribes and he was also a slave dealer. He kidnaps young men and women to be sold as slaves and when someone came close knowing the truth, he killed them. At first the boy didn’t believe at it but he came across a certain warehouse where he saw his father putting slave’s collar at unconscious young men and women. Starting at that day, he despised his own father but properly held back what he feels. You might wonder if he’s really a child but believe me, he is.

“But my lord! Your son said that he saw it!”

The one who responded to his father was the man at the garrison.

“None sense!! That’s none sense!!”

His father slams both of his hand on the desk.

“I won’t send anything towards that mountain!!! There’s no human there!! End of discussion!”

“But milord!”

“No buts!!”

He heard footsteps walking towards the door so he hurriedly hide behind a pillar and saw his father walks out. His father’s face was red and every time he walks, the fat in his body greatly shook.

Next to exit was the guard. His face was also red but his expression says that one day he’ll kill that pig.

The boy locked himself in his room after that.

Days had passed yet the boy didn’t go out of his room. He would only look outside the window to pass time. He saw the lively streets of Noisiv making him wanting to go out but whenever he tried to open the door, the memories about what he saw in the mountain. He always hears the screams of agony of the humans overlapping with the laughter of the monsters whenever he approached the door. This makes him run back to his bed and hide behind his blanket crying. This scene was repeated until one day he decided to face his fears. As he walks towards the door, he heard the screams and laughter again. His body instantly wanted to go back to his bed but he steeled his resolve and continued to walk. His hands were visibly trembling as he held the door knob. He turns it and opened the door, the laughter and screams faded out. At last, he managed to go outside of his room but his breathing became rugged and if he knew that if he relaxed his muscles even for a moment, he will fall down.

He walked slowly while calming his breath. His destination was the kitchen to get something to drink. If he just pulled the string in his room then the servant will go and serve him some foods but right now he did not want to go back. He’s afraid that once he’s inside his room again then he won’t be able to go out.

When the boy was almost at the kitchen, someone pulled his arms. He turns around and saw his mother together with his older sister. His mother was a beautiful woman that looks like in her teens but she’s already in her late-30’s while his older sister looks like in the middle of her 20’s but she was actually just 17.

The faces of his mother and older sister were pale and the older sister was surveying their surroundings. What happened? Asked by the boy to his mother but he didn’t get any response instead he was hugged tightly by his mother. After a while, many footsteps could be heard around the corner. This made his mother to hug him tightly and his older sister to take a step backwards. She’s readying to run away if someone they didn’t know show up.

The one who emerged was his father accompanied by 10 soldiers. All of them had a pale face and his father, due to his fatness, sweats a lot. The father looks at them and nodded. “Alright lets go.” His father said while his mother and older sister followed. He was dragged by his mother while he was thinking what is happening in his home.

As they were running, he heard many screams and laughter at the corridors. They came from the rooms where the servant gathers. There are also sounds of clashing weapons indicating that someone was fighting.

“Mom! What’s happening!?”

He shouted at his mother. But his mother didn’t respond but grips his hands tightly. Another turn then it’s the exit. The boy muttered but when they are about to turn, a 7 feet monsters came. Its skin was color brown and it’s holding a throwing axe on its hand. It has a long nose and it has a canine like teeth. It was a troll. Troll has a strong vitality and its regeneration isn’t a joke. It can regenerate a severed hand after an hour and it is usually hunted by gold ranked adventurers or above. The soldier went in front even though they were visibly shaking due to fear. His father, who froze up when he saw the troll, grabbed her mother’s hand and ran. He got dragged away again while his older sister desperately ran with his father. Screams could be heard behind them and he looks behind because of it. What he saw makes him to puke. The troll slaughtered the soldiers’ singlehandedly and sometime it drink the soldier’s blood by raising the soldier’s body and cut its arm. Then it will drink like someone drinking on the faucet.

As he was watching the troll slaughtering the soldier behind them, another one appeared in front but it let them pass as if it was an ally. When they were 10 meters away, he saw something flew besides him. It hit his father burying itself on his father’s head. The body fell down like a puppet whose string was cut and blood spurted out from the wound. His mother shrieked from terror but she didn’t dare to stop. She knows that when she slows down then she will be the next one. His sister dashed straight but got caught by another troll who appeared after breaking the wall to her right. His sister got caught but his mother didn’t stop to help her. Her sister pleaded help on his mother but his mother ignored her. He wanted to help but he can’t shake off his mother’s grip. When they were near the window, his mother throws him out. Even though they were in the second floor of the house, she didn’t hesitate and throw him. She knew that her son will land safely since below the window were the pond. She tried to jump after her son but she got caught by the troll who caught her daughter. Her daughter was unconscious and being carried as if she was a sack. The mother tried to free herself while wishing her son to be well.

The boy got out of the pond and looks up at the window. He wanted to see her mother who throws him out but she’s not there. He waited for about 5 minutes then gave up. He was in the garden and decided to went out. What he saw wasn’t the usual lively streets but an abandoned one. As if the Fort Noisiv was a ghost town. There’s no soul could be seen outside the streets. He tried to get out of the town but he heard a commotion coming from the plaza. He silently walked towards the plaza and there he saw something terrible.

His mother and older sister here tied in a pole. Their legs were apart and their arms stretched out from both sides. His older sister was unconscious while her mother glared at a hooded man.

“Who are you!?”

His mother asked and the man replied with laughter.

“I am asking you who are you!?”

“Milady, don’t you see what’s your situation right now? If you don’t then let me tell you. You are a prisone—no, you’re a sacrifice right now. Sacrifice for the revival of the demon lord! After we caught your son then we will begin the ritual. After all, the demon lord was sealed inside your son’s body.”

“Are you insane!? He’s only 5 years old! There’s no way that the demon lord, who was sealed for about 1000 years ago, sealed inside his body!”

“Oh milady believe me. The demon lord was definitely sealed inside your son’s body. After all, Ayskrimm sealed him inside his own body and your son has the same aura as that damned hero.”

His mom and the hooded man continued to argue but he was deep in thought. The hooded man said that the demon lord was sealed inside him. He also said that he has the same aura with the hero.

The boy was pulled back to reality when he heard his mother’s shout


“As if he can ran away from the trolls. As of this moment, there were some trolls who’s searching for him. Outwitting those were easy but you can’t fool them easily. And also, shut up.”

The man snapped his finger causing the dress of his mother and older sister to disappear.

“It seems that you need to be punished by your action. Kuha, kuhahaha, kuhahahahahahahaha”

The man laughed in a bizarre ways as the trolls came near his mother and older sister. The trolls throws away the rags covering their sexual organ and proceeded to rape his mother and older sister. His older sister consciousness came back after being penetrated by the troll and screams out begging the troll to stop but the troll laughed and continued to roughly shoved his XXX to her XXX. His mother had a agonized expression and tears can be seen falling down from her eyes. She didn’t scream or beg but clenched her fist and bit her lips. He wanted to help them but his feet didn’t move. He tried to move it but instead of moving forward, it took a step backwards. He didn’t let his eyes turns away from his mother but his body suddenly turns around as if someone was controlling it. His feet begun to run away from the plaza. He ran and ran away from the Noisiv. Away from his homeland and away from his home. He closed his eyes and run. He don’t know where he’ll go but he run towards the Dragon mountain range. He didn’t noticed that he was at the mountain since he closed his eyes, even though he passed through the border he didn’t noticed it.

The next time he opened his eyes he saw unfamiliar ceiling. His body was covered with bondage and a girl with a chestnut hair was trying her best to carry a bucket of water.

“Where am I?”

The boy asked to no one but a guy who looks like a doctor answered him.

“You are at Pinar. You were found by Erin a lumberjack. Now tell me, who are you?”

The doctor asked him with a kind voice but when he was about to answer, he noticed that he didn’t knew his own name.

“Who… Am I?”

He asked the doctor and the doctor got surprised by his question. The doctor puts his hand on his chin and asked once again.

“Where are you from?”

The boy frowns at the question since he don’t know who he is and where did he came from…

“I don’t know… I don’t remember anything.”

Once again the doctor got surprised and inside the boy’s head the question repeats itself… Who am I? Where did I came from? He tried his best to remember but he didn’t remember anything.

After a few days of staying in the clinic, Erin the lumberjack decided to adopt him and named him as Jaira. Jaira grew up as a lumberjack but he suddenly decided to become and adventurer. He is now 21 years old and a bronze ranked adventurer. His level was 20 and he is a warrior. He went inside the forest to gather the herbs requested in the guild. While he was harvesting herbs, a hooded man appeared in front of him. He didn’t know how he appeared out of nowhere but the Jaira drew his sword and readied his shield.

“At long last, I found you.”

The hooded man stretches out his right arm as if it was trying to reach something.

“Now die! [Summon]!”

After saying the keyword of the summoning magic, a giant worm appeared behind the hooded man and devours Jaira whole. Jaira’s corpse came out at the rear of the worm. It was almost skeleton and sizzling sound could be heard. The hooded man looks at it expecting something to happen but after for what it seems to be an hour, nothing changes. The sizzling sound stops and the corpse remains to be a corpse.

“Failed huh… Should I wait another century to try again? *sigh* this is troublesome..”

The hooded man left and after 5 minutes, the corpse were covered by light and it’s flesh started to regenerate. The half-digested corpse became a human. Its equipment got repaired. The human stands up and looks around his surroundings.

The man who appeared is Jasper Perez.

The protagonist of this story.

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