《Logical Labyrinth》Intermission 01 - Different Short Stories


Story no. 1: Chicksilog

Iggy’s P.O.V

I am Iggy Bautista, 18 years old, I am often mistaken as a girl due to my face and now here I am somewhere you can call another world. How did I end up here? Well, I was going home after school and I ride in this certain bus where I met my friends and jokes around as the bus took down the road. It is quite a good ride when suddenly a tunnel appeared out of nowhere… No… saying that it is a tunnel is wrong. It’s a huge worm. The worm ate the bus and the next time I know it, I am in this world. Let’s stop with this flashback thing since I don’t really like it. There is a certain popular anime which did this and I got annoyed by it. Instead of moving the plot forward, it tells the story about its character’s past.

Ehem… Anyway, I am right here at the guild tavern waiting for a certain girl. This girl isn’t an ordinary girl that you will find in the reality. If I say, she’s like an anime character. Blonde twin tailed hair, beautiful aqua blue eyes, and a huge breast to boot. The type of girl you will only find on 2D world and being an otaku, I am attracted on this 2D stuffs, even though she’s definitely a 3D girl as long as she looks like 2D then she’s 2D.

Oh yeah, her name is Maldita. It’s a name which reminds me of my previous world but I think it’s a good name. Oh yes, I also forgot to mention but this world is like a game, you know, level and stuffs. I am currently level 15 magician and Maldita is a level 18 swordsman and she’s really amazing.

Even though I said it before that I hate flashbacks, it is necessary for me to tell you this so that you will know how amazing she is.

Back then I am just a level 10 magician when she invited me to a form a party. She took a subjugation quest from the guild but her companion got sick at the day when they are going to do the quest. I know it smells fishy but I accepted her offer. It must be because of those oppai(boobs). The quest only requires us to hunt 25 goblins but we ended up raiding a goblin settlement since there are some girls being held captive there. When we came near the settlement, we got discovered and immediately sprung into combat. Yaaaa~ back then I thought I am a goner since I trip once and the goblins rushes to me but Maldita risked her life to protect me. She’s like a knight in shining armor! Her manliness over flows! Huh? You’re saying that I am girly? Well I can’t blame you but back then I understand the feeling of the princess saved by her knight. It feels good and my heart beats fast.

Anyways, we managed to win and rescued the captive girls. While we are going back to the town, she said that we are going to celebrate our win and it will be her treat. When I said that I should be the one to treat her since I am a man but she disagreed that and said, “You can’t be a man since you’re this cute! So be a good girl and let me treat you.” She said that while holding my chin with one of her hands, the type of hold you will see on shojou manga and anime. My heart skips a beat when she did that and felt my face becoming hot.


And now here I am, waiting at the guild tavern for her. I got into bath as soon as I entered the inn I am staying, used my most presentable clothes and used some perfume I found back then. I am getting excited as the time for us to meet comes nearer and nearer. And then, I heard a familiar voice behind me, it sounds pretty low for a girl but definitely it’s from a girl. It’s Maldita’s voice! She’s here at last! I quickly turn behind and saw some middle-aged man standing. He has this thin arm that you will mistake it for a girl, aqua blue eyes that are as sharp as a sword, and a short cut black hair. His physique is also thin that you can easily mistake him as girl.

“Hey! Are you okay?”

The old man mouths open as I heard Maldita’s voice.

“Where are you Maldita?”

I said but deep inside I know that this middle-aged man standing in front of me is Maldita. I wanted to deny the ugly reality but the middle-aged man said, “Well, it is not Maldita, my real name Maldit a level 18 swordsman, the one you formed a group back then.”, breaking my beautiful delusions into pieces.

“What happened!? Are you cursed? Don’t worry I can dispel a curse as long as it’s on elementary rank!! Oh spirit! Help me disperse this magic! [Dispel]!!”

I casted [Dispel] at him but deep down I know, Maldita is really a man! But I don’t want to accept this reality! Bring me back the anime character girl! Please I’m begging you! Bring her baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!

- - -

No matter how many times I cast [Dispel] the curse isn’t breaking, this is weird also the cursed Maldita have this guilty expression on her face since a while ago.

“Oh right! I remembered! The church can cast holy spell that can lift up high level curses! Don’t worry! I’ll pay for it so for now let’s go to the chur—”

“Would you stop locking yourself in your fantasy and face reality! I am Maldit! I lost a bet and ended up cross dressing while taking up a subjugation quest and worst of it! I need to have at least one party member! I am sorry for fooling you but consider this celebration as an apology! I will pay everything so you can order anything.”

And when Maldit(a) said that, I picked up my staff and run away from the guild tavern. There’s no use even if I level up, fantasy is already ended. And as soon as I enter my room, my strength faded and I fell on the floor. That’s why her manliness over flows! That’s why he’s good at using swords! Maldita is man in the first place!

Hello guys, I am Iggy Bautista, 18 years of age and swearing that from now on, I won’t trust any girls with big boobs!

- - -

Story no. 2 I’m in love with you! Why don’t you believe me!?

Rhea’s P.O.V

I am Rhea Wingstone, a daughter of the proud family Wingstone. My father is Earl Marl Bor Wingstone which governs the city of Wingstone. It is a city near the royal capital Linabanan. I am an aspiring adventurer and I am a level 5 magician. Even I know that adventurer is not a job suited for a noble daughter like me but I still want to become one because of a certain man that I love. His name is Marc Hernandez, an adventurer with a job of thief and he is level 10. But don’t be mistaken, even though he has a family name, it does not mean that he is a noble. In the first place, a noble with a family name of Hernandez does not exist. In short, he is a commoner.


You must be wondering how I, a daughter of the well-known Wingstone family fell in love with a commoner right? Then let me tell you a story.

One day, I am walking outside the streets in incognito and I saw a man looking at the displayed food outside the bakery which I often visit. This bakery isn’t that well-known and it is located at the commoner’s district inside our territory. The bread there is really delicious and really cheap and that is the reason why I like this bakery. In fact, it is owned by a retired Gold adventurer. He said the reason why he retired being an adventurer is because his knee got hit by an arrow and also, he is a close friend of my father. Actually, father tried to employ him as his personal baker but he refused saying that he wanted the other people to taste the bread he makes.

Anyways, I walked towards the bakery since I am a little hungry as I walked past on that man, his stomach loudly grumbles. I stopped walking when I heard that sound and look at the man. The man is drooling while holding his stomach. He counted the money in his purse and felt dejected.

‘Maybe it is not enough to buy a piece of bread?’

I said to myself. It’s really unfortunate that someone can’t afford to eat due to financial problem. I approach him while feeling sorry for him. He’s wearing leather armor and on the back of his waist there are two sheathed daggers. His face is so-so, not so handsome to that point that girls will fall for him and not so ugly that girls will find him disgusting. Also, his eyesight seems to be bad since he’s wearing glasses but the frame isn’t made from wood or metal. Perhaps the man noticed my gaze, he looks towards me and said.

“H-how can I help you?”

“Excuse me. I saw you staring at the displayed bread over there so I came to ask you if you are buying?”

I said and smiled. Mother said that smiling is one way of expressing goodwill.

“Ah, no. I’m not… I’m just passing by. Sorry.”

The man tried to leave but I stopped him since I am interested on his glasses. The frame is made from an unknown material and it quite looks stylish.

“Wait. Would you mind if I treat you a piece of bread if you answer my questions?”

The man looked at me, trying to guess my objective.

“I’m interested on your eyewear sir, so I would like to inquire about it.”

I told him the reason and smile. I don’t want to create a misunderstanding that I am picking him up. Maybe I’ll do it if he’s handsome… no, even if he’s handsome I won’t do that shameless thing.

He looks like he’s going to refuse but his stomach grumbles again expressing its complaints. He holds his stomach and blushes.


He accepted my invitation while trying to hide his bashful face.

- - -

We entered the bakery and there is a man with his bulging muscles that can be seen through his clothes, actually his clothes looks like it will reap apart due to it. He’s bald and has a scar across his left eyes. A well-kept beard and he have this intimidating presence. Honestly, his appearance isn’t suited to be a baker.

“Isn’t it the little missy? And… who’s this? Your lover?”

The baker asked my teasingly while grinning from ear to ear.

“I wonder how your father would react if he found out that his little princess already have a lover~”

“First of all, I am not ‘little’ anymore since I am already 16 years old and I can now be considered as an adult and secondly, HE IS NOT MY LOVER!”

I said firmly while he looks at us while grinning.

“Yes yes, I understand he’s not your lover… So, what can I do for you?”

He said that he understands but he still looks at us while grinning. Honestly.

I ordered some bread and started to chat with the man. He said that he is Marc Hernandez and even though he has a family name, he’s not a noble. The frame of his glasses is made of material called “plastic” but I never heard of it. Maybe he’s from somewhere far away.

Time passed by and we got close enough that I can call him as a friend. He surprisingly has a good sense of humor and always managed to make me laugh. He’s also an adventurer and sometimes he complains about how hard his job was. Of course, he’s not the only one who throws jokes around even I know how to make a joke. From then on, I went back to the bakery almost every day and meet up with Marc.

As time goes by, the way I see him changes. He suddenly appeared to be handsome and sometimes while he talks, my heart beats fast. At first I ignored it but every time I see him, I smiled and every time he’s about to leave, I wanted him to stay and talk to him more.

That night, Marc’s face always appears inside my head that I mistook one of our house servants as him. What is happening to me!?

The same night, I went to my big sister’s room and asked her about it. While I was explaining about my circumstances while hiding the identity of Marc, my sister is grinning annoyingly while listening and right after my explanation my big sister shriek “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” and suddenly hugs me while patting my head. I don’t get it. What is happening here? Why did my sister suddenly shriek and hugs me? As those thought wonder inside my head, my sister stops patting my head, look directly at my eyes and said, “There’s no doubt! You love him!”

“… Huh? Love?”

As soon as I said those words, Marc’s face suddenly appeared in my head and my face feels hot while my heart beats fast.

“Hey sister, why did my heart beat fast when his face suddenly appeared on my mind?”

Confused by it, I asked my sister. My sister smiled and said

“As I told you before, it’s love! You love him!!”

Love? I love him? It can’t be!

“It can’t be!! This isn’t love! He’s a lowly commoner and I am a noble so this can’t be love! Right! This isn’t love! In the first place, Marc isn’t that handsome but he have a good sense of humor... but even so! This can’t be love!”

As I continue to deny my feelings, my sister is grinning while looking at me with warm eyes. But the more I denied my feelings for him, the faster my heart beats, the clearer his image appeared in my head, the more I wanted him right now besides me and the more I realize that I love him.

Suddenly, I felt my sister gently hugs me and said in a soft voice.

“It’s not bad to fell in love with an adventurer. Mom’s also an adventurer back then while dad is a noble. They fell in love with each other and got married so you don’t need worry about your social statuses… Our parents will surely understand it since it’s the same with their circumstances back then.”

Those words are the last push I needed to accept my feelings for Marc. After it, I went back to my room while thinking of how I should tell my parents tomorrow.

The next day, we are gathered in the dining room and eat breakfast.

I am silently eating my breakfast while thinking how I should tell my parents about it. Should I directly tell them that I fell in love with someone or should I tell them indirectly about it? While I am agonizing on how will I tell my parents, my older sister suddenly told my parents every little details of what we talked about last night. Feeling embarrassed, I tried to cover my sister’s mouth but I failed. Every time I reach towards her mouth, she adjusted her position dodging my attempts.

Giving up, I look down to hide my face after my older sister finished her explanation. I feel so embarrassed!!


My dad called my name so I slowly raise my face and saw my father and mother smiling gently while looking at me with warm eyes.

“Please introduce Marc to us okay?”

My mom told me as dad giggled.

Due to my embarrassment, I ran back to my room and refused to went out that day.

- - -

The next day, I went to the bakery again hoping to see Marc. Last night, I decided to tell him how I feel since I heard that adventurers always risk their lives so they always say their feelings to each other quickly. The problem is how should I tell him? Telling him directly is embarrassing so I think I should beat around the bush and tell him after I found a chance.

Calming my heart, I went inside the bakery and there I saw Marc looking at me while smiling. His smile looks dazzling today. I slowly walk towards him and we talked like always and when he’s about to go out, I said to him.

“Goodbye Marc! Take care since I love you.”

I am surprised that I managed to tell him that I love him without stuttering. Marc suddenly stops and looks back at me. My heart beats fast as I wait for his reply. Now that I think about it, what if he rejected me? That thought alone made me wanted to take back what I said.

“Yes, I’ll take care and your joke about you loving me is really bad for the heart so please stop it..”

Eh? Joke?

Marc leaves while I am dumbfounded with his words.

He’s treating my love confession as a joke?

The baker pats my shoulder and let out a sigh.


That is the first time I shouted in my entire life.

- - -

Meanwhile in the middle of the streets of streets of Wingstone City…

“What kind of joke is that! I almost put my hopes up!”

Marc is walking with a red face while complaining at Rhea’s confession which he seriously takes as a joke.

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