《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 14 – Situation after the attack


When I wake up, I saw a familiar ceiling. This is the ceiling I always see when I wake up in this world. In other words, Fernando’s house. I look to my side and there I found Kaezar, holding my hands while sleeping in an awkward position.

“Thank goodness… She’s alright”

I pat her head and her expression become relaxed. I smiled involuntarily but I remembered the death of the other Kaezar. I didn’t manage to save her. It hurts when you see someone you know die in front of you. I didn’t want to experience that thing again so I need to get stronger. Oh right, during the attack I level up too many times.

“I wonder what is my current level now. Character Information!”

A familiar window appeared in front of me.

- - -

Name: Jasper Perez

Race: Human

Profession: Archer Lv. 20

Title: [Lupos Slayer]

Alignment: Neutral

Fame: 10

Health: 525

Mana: 225

Level: 26

Experience: 1087/2600

- - - Status points - - -

STR: 39(+1%)

DEX: 39(+5%)

INT: 19

CONS: 23

Available Stats: 15

- - - Equipment - - -

Head: None

Torso: Lupos’ Cloak

Leggings: Leather Shorts

Gloves: None

Feet: Leather shoes

Ring(Left): None

Ring(Right): None

Necklace: Rabbit’s Foot

Left Hand: Short Bow

Right Hand: Short Bow

- - - Status - - -

Damage: 38 (+1% when using bow)

Defense: 12(+5)

Magic damage: 0

Magic defense: 0

- - - Resistance - - -

Fire: 0

Ice: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Lightning: 0

Holy: 0

Dark: 0

- - -

I only gained 5 level despite my hardships huh… The good part is I can now pick another class and have 15 stats points. I added 5 points on STR, 8 points on DEX and 2 on CONS. Now my stats are as follows

- - -

Name: Jasper Perez

Race: Human

Profession: Villager

Title: None

Alignment: Neutral

Fame: 0

Health: 110

Mana: 105

Level: 5

Experience: 200/500

- - - Status points - - -

STR: 44 (+1%)

DEX: 47 (+5%)

INT: 19

CONS: 25

Available stats: 0

- - - Equipment - - -

Head: None

Torso: Lupos’ Cloak

Leggings: Leather Shorts

Gloves: None

Feet: Leather shoes

Ring(Left): None

Ring(Right): None

Necklace: Rabbit’s Foot

Left Hand: Short Bow

Right Hand: Short Bow

- - - Status - - -

Damage: 38 (+1% when using bow)

Defense: 12(+5)

Magic damage: 0

Magic defense: 0

- - - Resistance - - -

Fire: 0

Ice: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Lightning: 0

Holy: 0

Dark: 0

- - -

It looks pretty weak. Right now I need more stats since I need to protect not only myself but also Kaezar. She’s still level 1 but I don’t want her to gain another level… No, I think she needs to level herself so that she can at least protect herself when I am not around.


I let out a sigh since thinking about the future is really troublesome.

“Ehmm.. Uhh… Sis?”

It seems that Kaezar woke up. She’s rubbing her eyes while not letting go of my hand.

I personally think that she’s cute but the troublesome part is that there is some drool on her face. She looks at me with an unfocused eyes but I pointed at my cheeks hoping that she will understand what it meant.


Her face suddenly become red and let go of my hand while wiping out the drool on her face.

“So… May I ask why are you sleeping there?”

I don’t know why I asked that question but I just wanted to say something.

“I am worried you know! You fight with that green muscular humanoid monster and almost got killed in front of me! Why are you being reckless!”

Scolding after waking up huh…

This is really Kaezar Padilla that I know.


I laugh since she’s really worried. Back then, she’ll scold me if I did something reckless like this. Hearing her scolding me makes me feel relaxed.

“Why are you laughing!? You didn’t know how worried I am! After all this time, I finally see you then you started that death match with that monster! I thought that I will lose you again.. Hic… Stop being reckless you idiot…”

Kaezar cried while scolding me. It seems that I really worried her too much. I patted her head and tell her that I am sorry in a gentle tone yet what did I get? I got slapped in my face. It is really hard and I think my cheeks have a red hand print now.

“Why are you patting my head like I am a child!? Why do you like acting reckless!? Why are you always like that!? Making me worried too much to the point that I might get a heart attack!? And worse of all! Why are you smiling even though I am crying!?”

I scratched my head as I listen to her.

“Well… You see… It really feels like you are here with me if you’re scolding me like that… It kind a feel good.”

I explained myself but someone butted on our talk.

“Feeling good despite being scolded and slap… Jasper… I didn’t know that you are a masochist!”

The one who talk is someone from the other bed beside mine. There a fat guy is lying down and bandage can be seen on his hands and body. That guy who didn’t read the mood is Gino. I don’t know if he really can’t read the mood or he only did it to break it.

“I am not! So how are you?”

I told him I’m not and ask him how is he.

“I’m good. Even though they say that I need a week of rest I am good.”

He said while swinging his bandaged arm around but he got knocked on his head by a girl besides him.

“Even though they said that you are okay it doesn’t mean that you can move like that!”

The girl that I am seeing for the first time has a tan skin tone, have a black pony tailed hair and her looks are pretty normal.

“Ah… Nice to meet you. I am Jeziel Abella. Classmate of Gino Cruz.”

Hoho… It seems that this is the “Jeziel” that Gino is talking about.

I look at Gino while grinning like a mischievous cat.

“W-what is it Jasper? Why are you grinning like that?”

Gino said with his trembling voice. I wanted to make fun of him right now but I’ll save it for later. I will surely thoroughly enjoy it Gino so please prepare yourself.


“Nothing. I am Jasper Perez, Gino’s friend and this is Kaezar Padilla, my friend. Nice to meet you too.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

After introducing ourselves, I asked Gino where is Skyla and he pointed at other bed besides me. I look there and saw Skyla peacefully sleeping while a man in his mid-30’s is looking at me. I think I saw him before.

“Uhmm… How do you do sir? I am Jasper Perez, friend of Skyla.”

I introduced myself to the man and he was taken aback by my introduction.

Is there something wrong with my introduction?

“Ah.. Yes, I know who you are… I am Percival Perez, your father and also Skyla’s father.”


I am not the only one who is surprised by his introduction. Even Gino and Kaezar are surprised. I mean, there is someone who is claiming that he is my father even though my dad passed away for too many years now… Wait… now that I look at him, he really look like my father from our family picture when I was 3 years old.

So he’s really alive here and Skyla is my little sister…

“Are you really my father?”

I asked since I am not quite sure if he really is my father.

“Yes I am, your mother is named Mara right? And you lived at [Town Name], [Province Name], Philippines right? And also, you have a birth mark on your butt.”

While looking at my father, dumbfounded, he scratched his head and said “Not good enough huh..”

“You wet your bed until you beco— ”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Okay I believe in you! You are my father so please stop with that embarrassing topic!”

I quickly screamed so that the other people in here won’t hear something unnecessary memories.

“So Jasper have a birthmark in his butt huh..” (Kaezar)

“I am quite interested in that last remark about Jasper wetting his bed…” (Gino)

Kaezar seems to be only interested on my birthmark and look at me but I feel that my life will be in a dangerous place if Gino knows about the latter.

“Hahaha.. Sorry, sorry… It’s just that, I thought that you don’t believe that I am your father so I thought that I need to tell you something embarrassing for you to believe in me.”

This father of mine…

“Unyaa~~ is it morning already dad?”

Skyla, who wake up probably because of our noises, said while rubbing her eyes.

“No, you can sleep for a while since you look really tired. You exceeded your mana pool once again and fainted.”

So that what really happened, I thought that she fainted because of fear but because of exhaustion huh…

“Yes~ Please pat my head until I fell asleep~”

“Yes yes.”


Skyla acted spoil and requested a pat on her head while my father is smiling wryly while patting her head.

Skyla fell asleep at no time and father said that we should get some sleep to since we are leaving tomorrow.

“Uhmm… There is something I would like to ask… What happened to the orcs?”

I asked since it really bothers me. I don’t know when did I fell unconscious and the only thing that I remember is that, I accepted my death by the hands of the orc leader.

“You don’t need to worry about it… They’re already taken care of. Now now, ladies should also get some sleep since it will be a rough journey tomorrow.”

He said while smiling at me and beckons the two girls to leave us.

After he gets out of the room, Gino speak to me.

“Your dad is really amazing you know? He cut that orc leader with a single slash. But what I saw after that is really amazing. He cuts 3 orcs with a single slash…”

Gino explained what happened after I become unconscious. Basing on what Gino is saying, I conclude that my father is a monster in a whole new level. I wonder what is, his current level to perform that feat. After that, I sleep for an hour and now I feel rejuvenated. Skyla was already gone when I woke up and Gino is still sleeping.

I tried to get up quickly but my body is aching all over so I slowly get up and walk towards the door. Upon exiting the room, I heard some talking noises at the living room so I went there.

“So, only five survived huh…”

“Yeah… When we got here, the orcs are raping some women so we thought that they were still alive but apparently, it’s only corpses…”

My father is talking to someone while explaining what happened when they reach here. I remembered the scene where there are too many orcs engaging some sexual act against the girls in the village square and apparently, they are all dead.

Those damned orcs… I never thought that they will do something like this. In the game, orcs are proud warrior. They settle everything with might but never forced themselves against others. They are known as berserkers if I say but in here, I think that they are just a group of horny beast.

The image of the orcs inside of my mind slowly shatters as my father reports everything he knew.

Instead of disturbing them, I went to the kitchen to have a drink and there I saw Kaezar and the girl named Jeziel cooking while Skyla is watching them.

“Ah Jasper, you’re awake. Are you okay now?”

Kaezar noticed me and asked me if I’m fine.

“Yes. I’m already fine now. What are you cooking?”

I asked since I am quite curious on what would they make.

“Were making adobo. Please sit there and wait. And uhmm… Is Gino already awake?”

The one who answered me is the girl named Jeziel. Apparently, Gino love this girl. I can’t wait to make fun of him.

“Ok thanks.”

Before sitting, I drink a cup of water.

“Hey Kuya Jasper! Apparently, we really are related by blood!”

Skyla’s quite happy about it because she’s smiling as if to show off her teeth.

“Yes yes I heard about it from dad.”

I sit down on the chair positioned in front of Skyla.

Skyla started to asked something about myself and I answered it and sometimes, I asked question since I don’t know anything about my stepmother and sisters.

I hope that this peaceful times continue.

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