《Queensmen》22. Plan B


They trickled in like a storm disguised as a subtle evening rain. At first only a handful of peasants made their way to Oris' carriage but soon enough it was surrounded. Yet that was all the commoners did, almost as if they were scared of directly attacking someone of high status.

Oris could hear the screams of the servants in the other carriages even though she was no longer able to see them through the crowd of bodies. They shouted loudly for the guards stationed at the walls while trying to protect the property they had been assigned to watch over.

Oris listened with a knowing grin, almost able to picture the scene. Many servants would use this opportunity to rob her and blame the peasants for their losses. Others might even sneak off with the crowd to freedom.

With a graceful wave of her hand, she ordered Andrea and Mayree to toss more sacks out of the carriage. They had to get all the supplies distributed before the guards arrived because as it was, the window of opportunity was already short.

She was sure that the ones patrolling the walls would call for reinforcements. They couldn't act without backup—or orders—hence they couldn't bare the responsibly of encouraging dissention among the masses.

Once the reinforcements arrived to disperse the crowd, Faeradaigh would reappear to convince her to find a lodging somewhere close to the wall and if she refused, her security detail would become much stricter than now.

The common people wouldn't dare risk their lives to approach then even if they were given the gall of a bull.

Further away from the carriage, Keziah and Seline played an improvised form of hide and seek with the children tagging along the periphery of the mob, dropping delicate goods like potions and tonics within the reach of the young ones before darting away gracefully.

Oris had thought of the method with numerous considerations in mind. Children, especially those of the lower class, were quick on their feet and nimble. Eventually, when the guards show themselves, they'd be the first to get away.

Giving them the fragile and expensive medicine jars was the best tactic she could think of.

In the end she knew that people would get hurt. There was no way to avoid that and her heart ached for the people. She loathed to use them this way but she had to get into the palace at all costs.


The least she could do was limit the damage done and that was what she fully intended.

"The task has been completed, mistress," Seline announced as she bounded for the carriage, weaving through the people with her once full sack now hanging limp on her shoulder.

"Same here," Keziah joined in, trailing a few steps behind her fellow maid.

They both curtsied in front of the carriage before placing their gazes in Mayree.

"Good. It looks like the guards are on their way," the older maid announced, standing on the tips of her toes to view over the heads of the crowd.

Her gaze swept the area twice before a frown formed on her lips. "Andrea is?"

Seline and Keziah looked around as well but didn't see the bubbly maid. They didn't manage to find her before a dozen red armored guards moved to surround the carriage.

Mayree frowned and shook her head. "If she doesn't get back here soon, she might be confused for a peasant. She could get hurt even if her status is known."

"What were you three doing?" Oris asked, feeling more panic than irritation. "Andrea couldn't have simply disappeared."

"This servant knows her wrongs," all three of them said with bowed heads. "Asking Mistress for punishment."

"There is no time for that," Oris pressed three fingers to her veiled forehead to calm herself, "enter the carriage."

As soon as they did, the guards arrived with Faeradaigh, who now sat atop a shiny, black steed.

"Keep the tribute safe!" he ordered and the guards spread out, dividing into two groups. One stationed by the carriage, the other marching into the crowd to disperse it.

Oris watched from the open carriage door as the peasants were driven away with the threat of being run through with the guards' red-tipped spears. As much as she could tell that the guards tried not to cause unnecessary harm, blood was still spilled. Pained wails and screams filled the air and soon the people were running back to where they came from.

Guilt pierced Oris' heart for causing so much damage but she steeled her emotions. Some things needed to be done. Some things had to be done.

"Milord!" Reluctantly, she shifted her gaze up to Faeradaigh. Now she had something new to worry about. "I seem to be missing a maid."


The eunuch did not respond, too focused on the scene in front of him to pay attention to her.

"Milord!" Oris tried again, gripping the skirt of her dress tightly.

"My Lady," finally he heard her. "Just stay in the carriage, the guards will keep you safe."

"My maid is missing," she repeated. "I need to find her."

"It isn't safe," he said, without taking his eyes off the advancing soldiers. "I can't let you leave the carriage. I will send the guards to look for her after the mob has been driven away."

And by then it might be too late. Oris thought then sighed, her gaze shifting away from the man. She couldn't plead further without drawing more unwanted attention to herself so she had to think of another—more discrete—way to save Andrea.

Mayree placed a hand on a top of her Mistress's. "It's all our fault, this servant will leave now and get her back."

"No, stay here. There's nothing you can do." Oris said and turned to her. "It is best to remain here. If we go out it may cause more trouble than it's worth."

"But Mistress," Mayree began again but Oris cut her off.

"I will think of something," she said, then looked back out into the chaos. It was unlikely that Andrea would run away, but going anywhere near the carriage would mean facing off against the guards.

Surely the girl wouldn't be that stupid, Oris thought with a frown, narrowing her eyes slightly as she scanned through the sea of red armor for the maid.

"This servant is sure Andrea knows well enough to keep herself safe," Seline said then looked down at her palms. "This serv—. . . I and Keziah should have looked out for her, don't blame Mayree."

"I don't blame anyone nor will I punish anyone for a simple mistake. In your minds am I that cruel a mistress?"

"No. No." Seline looked horrified. "That wasn't what this servant meant."

Keziah shook her head. "If Andrea is found by the guards, it wouldn't benefit our mistress."

"You noticed as well?" Oris turned to the girl in surprise but she had already returned her gaze to the floor.

"Noticed what?" Mayree asked.

Oris parted her lips, about to answer, but Keziah replied for her.

"The guards are the Empress Dowager's men."

"What?" Mayree straighten. "That is. . . How do you know?"

"It doesn't make sense that reinforcements were sent so soon. I am a bride candidate, not even a concubine yet. My safety is not a priority, so why would inner palace guards be mobilized to protect me?" Oris asked. "The orders cannot be from the Emperor. I have been out here for hours and he did not intervene, now that my presence has stirred up trouble it's all the more reason for him to stay out of it. Right?"

"And the Empress Dowager is the only other person with enough authority to mobilize the guards." Mayree realized.

"I suspect that they are her personal guards," Oris clapped her hands together once. "She really is deserving of being the mother of the nation. Too ruthless."

"She wants to pin this incident on us," Mayree said. "Stirring up the masses and causing chaos aren't light crimes."

"And if Andrea is found in the midst of everything, it sweetens the story." Oris explained. "Not only that, even if we survive her accusations and make it into the palace the Empress Dowager can bring this matter up to suppress me."

"She can say that you lack the ability to control your maid, or worse," Mayree gasped, "that you instigated this mob to grasp the Emperor's attention. This is bad."

"Mistress, what do we do?" Seline asked.

"At this point, we can't be rash or it will have us all killed." Oris said. In the end all the plans she thought up were too risky. "But it really looks as though we can do nothing but charge out this door and find Andrea ourselves."


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