《Origin of death》Chapter 11: Sudden Report


In a separate dimension, there is a great fortress surrounded by a high wall. It is made of white stone, decorated with gold. Inside, you can see many angels guarding the walls.

Inside of a dimly lit room, right before a closed steel doors stands two figures. One of them is an angel with four black wings. He wears a black robe with a hood. The other person standing in front of him is Eli.

"Miss Eli, I am sorry, but the rulers are in the middle of a meeting."

Says the man to Eli. His tone clearly shows that he is a lower-ranked angel compared to Eli.

"I know, but I have a very important report to deliver as soon as possible."

Tells Eli with a grave expression.

"Wait here for a moment."

After saying these words, the guard disappears into a dense cloud of smoke that appears suddenly. After a few minutes, he appears back in the same style in which he disappeared.

"You can enter."

The door behind him opens allowing her to pass through a corridor. On the other side of the door, there is a room decorated with gold and gemstones. In front of the entrance, there are 10 diamond thrones of different sizes. On each of them, a different god sits. These are the leaders of the alliance.

While she admires the look of this place, a god covered in a shadow sitting in the middle looking at her starts talking.

"So, who are you?"

Eli was brought back from her thoughts and answers nervously.

"Ah! Sorry for my behaviour. I am Eli, angel rank 6."

"I see. We heard you have something important to report."

Hearing that she starts describing what happened.

"The report concerns one of the new worlds, more specifically the gods who inhabit it. During routine activities, I found myself in a newly created world. In this world, there are 3 active, and potentially even four gods of rank 1..."


Before she could finish my sentence. A muscular man with long golden hair red eyes and bat wings started screaming.

"And what's so special about it! This is a mockery! You're coming in here with such bullshit! What's that supposed to mean?!"

At that, the god sitting in the middle silenced him while talking.

"Silence! Let her finish before you start judging her."

Eli takes a deep breath to calm down a little bit and get rid of the fear that came from the amount of energy coming out of these two.

"With a force comparable to the 5th rank."

The leaders started to look with surprise and disbelief. Only the being in the middle is able to look calm.

"How did you determine this?"

"Their voices have the essence of their respective domains."

The leader's expression changed. Even despite darkness hiding him from view, she is able to tell that he is getting nervous.

"It's very troublesome."

There was silence in the whole room. After a few minutes, the woman with her face hidden under the mask continues the conversation.

"In this case, why don't we hire one of those old ones?"

They mean the gods who are not influenced by the alliance. Nobody tries to pass them on to their side because they are simply too powerful and therefore impossible to control. Few know about their appearance, rank or even their names, but rumours say that the weakest of them is ranked 7.

After some thought, the leader of the gathering speaks once again.

"Sounds like a good plan. It will not be cheap, but we can show these new gods our strength and force them to cooperate."

Hearing this the rest of the leaders nods their heads and say.

"Let us vote."


At this moment Eli says again.

"If I can. This plan will not work."

At those words, the leader of the gathering turns his head to her and asks.

"Oh. Why would that be?"

"They won't agree to help us even for a big reward. One of these four is the death god."

Leader shakes his head sighing.

"So it is even worse than I thought."

Then a woman speaks again.

"Let's leave them alone. Let's keep an eye on them, but nothing more until we find a good solution."

A blond-haired man gets angry and shouts at her.

"WHAT?! They may become a threat in the future! We can't just leave them alone!"

They start arguing and after a few minutes, a voice comes from the other side of a room.

"I think I have a plan."

Everyone gets silent wanting to hear more.

"The fallen ones are coming closer to this very planet we are talking about. At first, I wanted to intercept them, but we can let them invade. When these gods find themselves in an unfortunate situation, we quickly 'help' them. Thanks to this they will be grateful to us and will be impressed by our power."

When the planet is destroyed, the gods who inhabit it lose their ability to obtain energy. This causes them to slowly die. At this point, two possibilities are presented to them. Waiting for death or devouring energy from others, delaying the inevitable. Those who have fallen are those who have chosen the latter option. The worst thing is that after devouring the energy, the world is destroyed, which leads to even more cases like them. They are usually weak gods who have not been able to defend their own homes and therefore merge into large groups hunting for new ones.

After thinking it through leader says.

"Hm... This plan has holes but we have nothing better. Do you know how long it will take them to get there?"

"Several decades."

"Okay. Anybody against?"

No one comes forward, which is a sign of the consent of all those gathered.

"Before the attack, the fallen ones will send some experienced scouts to begin the extermination of the weaker deities. We will not care about this attack but the real one. Therefore, Miss Eli, please leave."

At that Eli leaves the room returning to her duties.

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