《A Kid and His Slime》Chapter 20 - Star Seekers


The two returned to the shop deciding it was best they just drop off their baked goods before heading off in search of weapons and armour. When they returned to the shop, they discovered that it was left empty.

“Derelict!” shouted Alex cupping his hand to his mouth.

But no reply came.

Slime shrugged at Alex.

“Maybe he went out?”

“I guess so. I’ll just leave this by our stuff then.” Alex stated as he went over to the items Derelict had given them and set the bag down. He noticed a dim light from under a door in the back room of the room. He starred for a moment when he felt his head become hot and suddenly his vision went dark.

Humming filled his ears again mixed with the deafness of being underwater his vision returned. He saw Derelict wave goodbye and watched the smile fade from his face. He wobbled to the door in the back of the room, looked around, and shut the door locking it behind him.

His vision went dark and much like a snap returned to normal. His vision and hearing restored.

“Alex did you hear anything I said?” Slime barked.

“Huh? Oh no I didn’t, sorry.” Alex said his voice low with worry.

“What the flip do you mean you didn’t? I’m standing right flippin’ next to you!” Slime growled at him.

“Sorry, what were you saying?” Alex asked as he turned to face Slime, giving him his full attention.

He let out a sign.

“I SAID let’s get going. We need to get to the town square and check out those other shops Derelict mentioned.”

“Oh, right. Good idea.” He looked back at the door feeling an immense sadness fill his heart. “Yeah, let’s go.” He muttered as they started heading for the door again.

Derelict? Why would you lock yourself in the back like that? And why does my entire body feel so…so sad?

Alex thought this to himself as they left the shop. He continued to stay lost in his own thoughts as they walked down the street. It had been awhile since he had any “visions” so why show up now? Usually his visions kicked in when he was in trouble or when he was lost. But why show me that when he wasn’t in any peril he pondered.

Alex snapped backed to reality as they approached the town square. In its center there was a large fountain in the shape of a circle. It had 3 tiers to it, each getting smaller tier to tier, with small statues around the edges of each tier with one larger full body statue in the middle. Along the outer circle of the fountain were stone benches. In between them spots there were flower patches, four in all. Each one grew a different colored flower, but they all appeared to be the same.

Alex and Slime stopped in front of it mouths ajar at the beauty before them. One of the guardsmen took notice of the two trapped in their star struck state and walked over to them.

“Good morning! New to Castle Town?” The guard asked happily.

Both nodded without looking away from the fountain. Upon hearing this the guard’s eyes closed and a smile took over his face.


“Most wonderful! Would you like some history on this fountain?” He asked his voice eager to give a history lesson on his beloved town.

“Yes please!” Alex encouraged.

“Very well! Left it to me!” The guard came to attention and cleared his throat.

“This is the Fountain of Zophia. Which is located at the heart of our great city Caste Town – Title Pending. This statue was erected in the honor of our current queen and queen’s past. Every time we have a new queen, we alter this fountain to honor the royal family. As you can see, we’ve had many wonderous queens in our long history.” The guard said proudly as he gazed at the fountain.

“This fountain stands as a way for the people to remember and appreciate the queens of our past. Every year we hold a festival in their honor thanking them for their noble guidance and sacrifices over the many years they’ve led us.”

“What about these flowers?” Alex questioned as he bent down to look at a shining blue tulip like flower.

“These are our national flower. Rare amongst the rest of the world, they grow commonly here. It’s said that with each great deed done by one of our queens a new color enters the world. Because of this we call them the Star Seeker’s Blossom.” He continued looking at the flower beds.

“Strangely enough on the year we were founded these flowers started to bloom. While they look like mere tulips on Founder’s Eve, they open revealing their true forms beneath.”

“And what would that be?” Slime asked looking up at a purple one.

And so, the guard walked them through the flower’s true form.

The Star Seekers looked like simple tulips but glistened brightly underneath the sun and moon. On Founder’s Eve the flowers would open to their true bloom. The pedals would lay open with intricate designs done in bright oranges, yellows, or reds. Often contrasting the exterior petal. The stigma that was revealed would also blossom into many. Lightly bending as the flower completed its growth cycle. During the day the petals would shine brightly but at night it was the designs and stigma that glistened.

The guard went on to educate the boys on how originally it was just a red flower. But over the years, or so the legend says, blue, and purple, and lastly pink appeared. It was said this occurred due to great deeds done by different queens over the ages. The blue was said to appear after a queen saved the region from nearby flooding. The purple from protecting the people from a lofty and long assault of monsters. Lastly, pink for when a queen spent several years helping nearby villages during a time of great famine. After each of these great events the corresponding color would appear amongst the next seasons flower beds. It was then decided these would be our national flowers and they we’re given the name Star Seekers. Which was a name shared with a practice that the people of Castle Town did every year. Where they would gather and pray upon the stars that the queens of old would continue to look down upon the people and protect them. That festival is known as the Night of the Stars.

The boys were listening carefully to what the guard had to say, and both were left in awe of the tale.


“Wow! That’s incredible!” Alex gasped as he turned to look back at the flower bed.

“Yeah, that’s quite the tale.” Slime agreed.

The guard gave the pair a warm smile. He was very satisfied that the youth of today was so interested in and amazed by the history of the kingdom.

“Thank you, guardsman!” Alex said happily as he got back to his feet.

“You are quite welcome my boy. If you ever need assistance don’t hesitate to ask us guardsmen. Welcome to Castle Town!” He said as off he went to make his patrol of the town.

“Well, we’ve used a lot more time sightseeing and listening to history than I thought we would.” Said Slime with a bit of regret in his voice as he noticed the sun had passed mid-day.

“Why don’t we split up Slime?” Alex suggested.


“Why not? I’ll give you some of the coins. You could go check out…” Alex looked around the square thinking about where they needed to go still. When he finally settled on a place.

“There! Why don’t you go get supplies while I check out the armour and weapon shops?” He suggested as he pointed to the grocer and stuff.

Slime shrugged and gave a hard blink.

“I guess I don’t mind going on my own. Here give me a few coins and let’s just meet back here when we’re done.” He suggests as he hopped over to Alex.

“Okay.” He started pulling the rest of their copper coins out and a silver piece. He went to hand them to slime before remembering he had nowhere to keep to them. He cocked his head to the side as he looked Slime over a few times. He was about to ask him how he planned to carry these coins but remembered the many beatings he had ensued so far for asking questions like that.

Instead he held out his hand with the coins.

“Here you go.” Alex said waiting to see how Slime would respond.

A tube-like apparatus extended from the top of Slime’s head as it leaned over into Alex’s hand suctioning the coins into itself and then returned to Slime. The coins then moved inside of his body to his side and remained in place in a small stack and pile.

“Thanks.” Slime smiled as he started hoping towards the store.

He watched until Slime went into the shop.

“Well, I guess I don’t know what I expected to happen, but that’s that I guess.” Alex sealed the coin pouch and turned to walk into the weapon shop that was near him.

Alex walked through the open doors into the shop and was greeted by a burly short man with a large beard.

“Top of the morning to ya laddie!” The man’s deep raspy voice welcomed.

“Top of the…hello!” He greeted back with a wave.

“What kinda weapons ye after?”

“What kind of weapons do you have?” Alex replied.

“Ah, well mate we’ve got’em all!” The man said proudly as he came out from behind the counter.

“We’ve got lances, pole arms, forks, axes, great swords, daggers, short swords, knuckles, maces, oh how about a nice flail? It’s great for bashing monstuhs about with!” He offered motioning to the rack beside him.

Alex smiled but shook his head.

“I guess I’m not sure what I’m after entirely. I was given a short sword recently as a gift but wanted to look and see what else there was.” He admitted a tad embarrassed.

“Ah a beginnuh aye?” The shop keeper said.

Alex gave him a nod feeling a bit intimidated by the shop keeper.

“Nothing tuh feel bahd for laddie. We all started oot somewhere!” He laughed again.

Just as Alex was starting to warm up to the man, he heard a scream come from the square.

“Wut is goin’ on?” The man asked, more so to himself than to Alex.

The two ran out of the shop to see what was amiss. To Alex’s surprise he found Slime being carried out of the grocer by the part of his head he usually used to transform into hands and tubes and such.

“Oi! This a misunderstanding! Put me down!” Slime yelled as his body swung back and forth.

“Quiet monster.” The guard scolded as he continued walking. “It’s off to the dungeons with you!”

“Hey!” Alex yelled rushing to his friend’s aid.

Another guard stepped forward raising a hand for him to stop.

“Stop, that’s far enough.” He commanded.

“That’s my friend you’re mishandling! Put him down!” Alex yelled.

“This is your friend?” The gruff guard barked in surprise.

Alex gave a nod and suddenly the guard restrained him by forcing both his hands behind his back.

“Then it’s off to the dungeons with you too!” He shouted.

“What, for what!?” Alex demanded as he started trying to resist the guard, but he was much too strong for the boy.

“For conspiring with monsters and plotting to overthrow the queen.” The guard stated loudly.

People in the streets let out a gasp in shock of this statement. Mothers held their children close; guards drew their weapons and all able-bodied people rested their hands on their weapons should the pair attempt to run.


He shrunk himself into the guard’s hand when the guard suddenly threw his hand open in a yell. He had launched Slime towards the guard holding Alex accidentally as he flailed his hand in front of him.

“I got you Alex!” Slime yelled as he returned to normal and then quickly hardened the bottom of his body that soon met with the other guard’s face. The guard fell to ground and as he did his grip on Alex released freeing his hands once again.

“Yes, thank you Slime!” Alex cried out giving him a high five.

“Come on kid, we gotta get outta here!” Slime exclaimed as the pair took off running, and hopping, down the street towards Derelict’s house.

Alex opened his hand towards Slime motioning for him to jump into his hand. Slime didn’t give it a second thought and propelled himself into Alex’s hand who then lifted him and placed him on his shoulder again.

The pair continued running down the road back to Derelict’s shop as the sounds of metal and shouting came from the square.

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