《Sera》Chapter 4: A little stroll


A small child with green hair wearing a checkered red dress walked out of a small cottage carrying an empty pot.

The weather was very pleasant, accompanied by a gentle breeze. The buzz of cicadas and other critters can be heard through the orchestra created by rustling leaves on the trees.

The small girl skipped her way towards the forest, animals which resemble deer scuttled away from the sound of the girl's footsteps as she trotted along the dirt path while singing a familiar tune.

"Suou Amane is a Bitch in heat!"

"Rolling around in a man's bedsheets!"

"Good for you!"

"Good for me!"


Ahh, the smell of fresh air and animal faeces, exactly what I needed after nearly 2 years of staying indoors. Mother's really protective and forbade me to step foot outside the house before she deemed me as "safe" enough to venture outside. And believe me when I say she's got her eyes on me. I've tried countless times escaping and the furthest I've gotten is 2 steps outside the front door.

Her wizard powers must have something to do with this. But, whatever, I'm freeeeeee now.

Anyway, thanks to Gaul's technological prowess, the nearest well is in the middle of the village, making us walk 15 minutes just to stand in line for another hour in order to draw some water. Luckily for us, there's a river which is just a 10 minute walk away, and that river is my destination.

Ugh, making a young maiden like me do the heavy lifting, shame on you brothers. I mean, it's not like I'm unhappy to go outside-I'm overjoyed to go out. But my first time outside is to run an errand? Ew.

Well, no use complaining I guess, I just hope I don't run across a bear or a sabertooth tiger on the way, those thing are already extinct enough. Wouldn't want to thin their population too much.

Hey, my arms and legs really have grown haven't they? They were blobs of fat just a year ago, now they're beautiful. Come to think of it, I've never even seen myself since I was born.


Oh shit.

What if I'm like super ugly and deformed and that's why mama doesn't let me out of the house?


Oh shit load of fuck, that would explain her reluctance to let me out of the house wouldn't it?

With that thought in mind, Katherine continued her journey towards the river while hoping for the best.

Meanwhile at the river...

A group of children looking around the age of 7 or 8 are preparing to dive into and play in the river, when one of them, who was reluctant to enter said:

"My papa said that if we played in the river, a monster with green hair and big red eyes will come and eat us!"

The other kids just stared at him when one of them shouted:

"You're just scared of the water! Hahaha! scaredy cat!"

"Wh-What?! No! That's what my papa really said! I'm not afraid of water! R-R-Really!"

Just as he said that, a small "creature" with green hair appeared on the dirt path leading to the river, the children all stared at it like it disrespected their ancestors or something. Then, the "creature" stared at the children with seemingly glowing red eyes. The children were all stiff with fear at that moment- t'was the monster that eats children!


And with that, the children scattered away, like blossoms in the breeze.

The lonesome figure of the monster slowly backed off and broke into a run after sniffing for a few moments. Strangely enough, sobs could be heard on the monster's trail.


I am currently cooking lunch for my family- chopped onions with flying pig's meat, topped off with boiled potatoes and cabbage stew, oh the look on their faces when they see this!

First season the meat with some salt... yes very good, now chop the onions... perfect! Now drop the potatoes in the pot of boiling water... woah I'm on a roll today! And take the cabbage and put it inside another pot of wat... air?


Where's the rest of the water?

I swear there was water in that pot this morning, where in the name of sera did it fly to now?

Ugh, I can't go out and get water now, what do I do now?

Just then, Katherine walked past the kitchen when while humming one of her strange songs.

"Katherine! Would you mind helping me get some water from the river?"

Katherine instantly whipped around and stared blankly at me for a moment.

"You mean to say that I can leave the house?"

Her voice was quivering like she's gonna cry or something.

"Yeah, I need water and I can't exactly leave the house right now. Wait wait wait, why are you crying? Hey wait that's the wrong pot! Katherine!"

She just cried and ran off with the pot I used to season the meat in. Wait is it even possible to run that fast?! She's nowhere to be seen from the door!

Oh well, water is water I guess.

I'll just prepare the other ingredients for the stew in the meantime. As I continued to prepare the ingredients, I became increasingly more worried about Katherine- what if she gets hurt while running? What if she got lost in the forest? What if there was a stray bear in the area?

Oh no, I shouldn't have let her out in her own, what will I do if my baby gets hurt?

Thus I threw down all things I was holding (Which includes a pot of boiling water filled with potatoes) and ran outside towards the direction of the river. Just as I was about to enter the forest, a wailing small creature burst out of the underbrush and into my arms- this creature is none other than Katherine. Motherly instinct instantly kicked in as I tried to comfort her and check for any injuries at the same time.

OK, both her arms and legs are still there, that's a good sign. There doesn't seem to be any scratches or bruises though... Alright baby girl it's alright now, stop crying~ shhh~

Argh, not good, she isn't stopping. For now let's just ask her what happened.

"Katherine why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?"

To that question she furiously shook her head and instead replied with:

"I'm really *sob* ugly *sob* aren't I? *sniff* Even small kids run away from me *starts wailing*" Katherine really looked pathetic now with her face full of snot trying to speak properly, I on the other hand, could only (try) to comfort her while being puzzled with what she said. Ugly? Sure, she looks peculiar with her green hair and all but ugly? I consider her to be more towards the ridiculously beautiful type though, even more so than myself!

We've been standing here for several minutes now and my arm is getting tired from stroking her hair, Katherine also calmed down considerably and isn't wailing anymore. Let's just hope she stays that way. We then moved towards the house after Katherine stopped sobbing but her footsteps were unstable and she looks like a drunk man trying to find his way out of a maze. Deciding it was too dangerous to let this drunk man wander around, I picked Katherine up and slung her over my shoulder where she fell asleep quickly. Still wondering what made Katherine so upset, I walked steadily towards the hous- Wait... what? Why is there smo- FUCK I LEFT THE FIRE ON. Saying that I threw Katherine off my shoulders (which seemed like a good idea at the time), ignoring the squeal of a certain child and sped towards the now smoke filled house like someone trying to get the TV set during black Friday.

Let's just say that me arriving there didn't help me become any less homeless now.


Yes I intend to keep this series going. (^o^)

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