《The Scarlet Knight》Chapter Three: In The Dark


The hallway seemed to stretch forever, and the more she walked the worse Caitlin felt. She couldn't stop thinking about her sister, about her family. She desperately wanted answers, and she desperately wanted to get out of this dungeon.

As Caitlin continued down the hallway a box appeared before her.

Quest: Avoid the Traps

Caitlin blinked, she looked around and placed a hand on the wall. When she didn't see any traps she became confused, she thought the quest was wrong and took two more steps forward. When she felt the floor move and heard a click her whole body tensed. The ceiling shifted back and some stones hit the floor, she watched as a large boulder landed in front of her. Caitlin was frozen: Until the floor moved under her, it felt like it was tilting backward. This isn't possible. She thought as the boulder slowly began rolling towards her. It took up the whole hallway, there was no getting around it.

As the boulder began picking up speed Caitlin felt a small nudge, whatever it was knocked her off of the plate. I have to run. Caitlin thought before turning around and running back down the hallway, she kept hearing clicks, it felt like every step she took set off another trap. As she heard two more bounders hit the ground behind her she tried to speed up. Once her body felt like it was going to give up she began to slow down. On her last step, she heard a louder click and the floor opened under her. "No-" Caitlin snapped as her body was brought down. She heard the floor close above her and felt her body go into a free fall.

Caitlin's body hit the ground with a thud and a small splash. Her arm was aching and her head was throbbing. Next time I will have to stick to the wall. She thought as she curled up. She didn't want to move, open her eyes, or even think. The water felt nice, but Caitlin had her moment of peace interrupted by a small glowing box.


Quest: Avoid the traps: Failed

Caitlin rolled her eyes and closed them again. Screw your quest! She thought as she placed her hand in the puddle. As she laid there thinking about the events that have happened to her thus far she heard faint splashing from somewhere in the room she landed in.

Caitlin's eyes shot open and she reached into her bag for her short sword. As she slid it out she shook her hands clean, her potions broke when she hit the ground. Just my luck. Caitlin scanned the room, for the most part, it was too dark to see clearly.

"Hello?" Caitlin called into the darkness, after she spoke she was sure she had made a mistake. Whatever was causing the splashing had stopped moving.

Caitlin took a step forward before taking two steps back. A metallic object swung past her face and back into the darkness. She held her breath for a second before stumbling again. I have to get out of here.

Without taking any more time to think, Caitlin turned and ran into the darkness. She was hoping she didn't make a mistake and run into a wall. As she ran she could hear more splashing from behind her. There was definitely something in the room with her.


There is no way I'm making it out of here. Caitlin thought as she kept moving forward. With each passing second her mind became more scattered.

With a gasp Caitlin lost her footing and fell forward. She felt her body be thrusted downward, her shoulder hit something hard and her body toppled over itself. In the dark, Caitlin felt like she was flying for a couple of seconds before her body came crashing down to remind her what was happening. She had forgotten about her weapon and for a couple of moments she had forgotten about her sister. The only thing she could think about was the fear that had overtaken her mind.


As her body hit the ground for the last time Caitlin let out a sharp squeal. Her life flashed before her eyes and for a moment she considered sitting still. Until she heard something come clicking down what she now knew were stairs. Objects clattered down around her at a rapid pace.

The sound made Caitlin jolt, she sat up quickly and slid backwards. My head is killing me. Caitlin thought as she placed her hands on her temples.

As she held her head tightly she used her legs to slowly pull herself together. She could stumble forward for a few minutes before collapsing again: This time when she hit the ground she gave in. Caitlin kept her eyes shut and forced herself to fall asleep.

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