《Observations of the Nameless》Legacy


I don’t think I’ll leave a legacy if I die. I’ve done nothing to warrant people remembering me and I don’t really think people would benefit from what I leave if I leave it to them. It would probably just be a beaten-up diary that I chronicle my thoughts in. Kinda like this, but more permanent. Not this, as in the story of my life, but the thoughts imprinted on my brain that make me who I am. So like a diary that only I can read.

Wait that’s just memory.

Okay, plan B. I’ll leave a box in a random location with nothing in it and then tell nobody about it. That way I can leave something but not have to worry about people finding it and criticize me for doing nothing. Actually, would that even matter if I’m dead?

It’s weird thinking about all of the things people have left over the course of history. There was that one guy who made a lightbulb. That was nice of him. I think somebody made concrete… Not too sure on that one though.

Maybe I’ll make this sick game that people will spend ages on but get stuck on the last step and nobody can help them. Because… you know…

I’d be long gone by that point.

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