《Iron Saga - A Military science fiction adventure》Chapter 2: The beauty and the Njord
Relaxing and spending the night in the hotel was good, Leaving early and grabbing a few things for the future trip, like a few extra sets of clothes and toiletries. Since I didn't pack any and didn't want to head back down to the capital. Stopping by a new local favorite spot of my own. "Ichi Ramen" just a dinky place in another section of the halo. Overlooking an artificial lake. It had the most delicious ramen I have ever had, While I was there I met a gorgeous woman named Val. We both sat at opposite ends of the bar that made up the length of the food cart with only seating for 6 patrons. She was already eating when I pushed past the noren and took a seat at the rail. I took a glance at her when I sat and she did the same to me.
"What will you have?" The older gentleman said behind the counter.
Taking a glance up at the limited menu, noticing that everything was real, natural, and homemade. "One chef special, with extra veg, Please"
"Coming right up, would you like a drink to go with that we have Sake, teas hot or cold, even some cans of melon soda somewhere around here." The man cheerfully.
"I would like to take try some sake, please." I haven't had sake before I knew it alcohol but more similar to beer than hard liquor.
The man, with striking gray eyes, wearing a traditional black chef's jacket and pants offered me a wood box with Ichi in Japanese along each side "いち". Thanking the man, I take a small sip. It was warm not quite hot. The flavors kinda mellow but with a fruity herb taste at the front and a slight apple after taste. Thanking him again. He nods and continues chopping, slicing, and mincing many vegetables on the cutting boards below the counter.
Looking over I see at the beautiful women. She gives me a light smile before placing her porcelain bowl up to her lips and slurps the rest of the broth down before sitting it back down with a satisfied look on her face. Not noticing how long I had been staring at her, she looks at me again in with her winter gray eyes. Her eyes stand out almost as much as her raven black hair with the tips a fire engine red, wearing black skin-tight leggings and a white top that flowed across the front and back of her only exposing her arms. Trailing past her waist almost touching her black gravboots. Thinking its strange not many people wear gravboots on the planet, especially someone as well dressed as she was.
"I'm Val, what's your name?" She asked turning towards me, she had a sleeve of black tattoos on her right arm climbing up and past her outfit. All tight-fitting geometric shapes.
"My names Leo, nice to meet you, Val," I say, raising my cup and taking another drink of the sake. I haven't had much experience dating. Some social short term dating in my teens but nothing lasted more than a few months. Val was very attractive though, not normally someone I would see myself with.
"What are you doing on the halo, if I may ask Val?" I asked, trying to make small talk.
She takes a second to respond, "I just got back from a long trip out in deep space." she said.
"Ah, care to say more?" I ask trying to probe more and just keep her talking.
She turned back towards the counter a look of defeat overtook her face. Placing her hands over her face..."I had a friend pass away on it, still trying to cope with it." she said wiping her eyes.
Not knowing what too really say. "Sorry for your loss." is all I came up with. The mood was somber but we eventually began to continue to chat until my food was served. She got up and moved closer to me, sitting on the seat next to me, bringing her own masu box. The owner filled both of our wooden cups again with sake free of charge saying he was also sorry for her loss. Eating the best ramen in my life, met a smart, beautiful woman, and drank sake for the first time in my life until I was red in the face. We talked until the suns went out of view on the horizon before we parted ways. Trading contact information first. Telling her I was leaving for a couple of weeks, and she said she was as well, but we should keep in touch when we both return.
Spending my last night at the hôtel fontaine lunaire, I splurged and took a hot bath, which I don't normally have access to unless visiting my parents. In the morning I would check out and head to the Njord and meet my handler. Laying in bed for awhile staring at the ceiling thinking about Val. I had never met someone quite like her, funny, charming, strong. She had a way about her that felt different compared to the other girls I met. Darkness soon took over, finally falling asleep.
A rhythmic buzzing sounded waking me, my HUD informing me about the rendezvous with the handler was in an hour. Quickly getting dressed, grabbing a bite from the breakfast bar downstairs. I pay for my stay with the same front desk clerk as who helped me the first time.
"Sir, how was your stay, good I hope." The older fellow said.
"Yes, had a great time, thank you for having me," I say.
With a smile "Thank you for staying at the hôtel fontaine lunaire, I hope we can accommodate you again in the future, au revoir Leo.".
Saying goodbye, and heading out the doors of the hotel, I follow the highlighted route to the Njord. Arriving in the military ship docks. The docks on either side housing ships off all kinds from small cruisers, massive carriers. Getting on shift eventually making my way to a docked vessel. Mechanized loader frames were lifting and carrying cargo on almost every dock, loading and unloading massive trolley or the docked vessel themselves.
Moving off the shift towards the docked vessel indicated on my HUD as the Njord. A loader frame hummed and started walking with heavy vibrations on every step it made. Lifting giant steel crates and bringing them to the ship's cargo hold inside. Looking around the ship for my handler.
"Taking a good look at my ship civ?" a gruff voice said from behind me. I didn't even hear him come up behind me at all. I turned and looked at him, he was almost a head taller than me at and I'm six foot, he was almost twice as broad as me with large muscles stretching his black and blue camo marine fatigues and wearing a matching hat on his shaved head. He looked to be in his mid 30's, with some scars on the right side of his face. "I said, are you taking a good look at my ship, civilian?".
Felling a little flustered on the spot, "Sorry, I was just... I'm here to find my handler, sir." I say, too the big intimidating man.
The big man looked at me with an appraising eye for a second, but felt way longer, "I'm corporal Marko, I'll be your handler, Leo." His face gained, wide shit-eating grin on his face, he was just messing with me. "Let's make this a quick and fast one Leo, let's get you set up. Follow me." He started down the hall towards the open airlock, I quickly caught up, we moved through one of the cargo holds airlocks.
"I'll show you to your quarters first, it was our last coders. She's no longer with us." We passed a large recreations area with a large projection being cast on the wall, Some people were seated around laughing and watching something on it as we walked past. Went by a large set of doors with "Gym", right next to it was another set of doors with "Briefing rooms", at the end of the passageway was an elevator. Going up the elevator to deck two, labeled "D2 crew quarters", we came to a long hallway on both sides. Each door had it's own keypad and number. "This whole deck is crew quarters, to the left is the Navy boys and girls and to the right, we have the badass marines. You'll be in with us the badasses. You're all the way down at the end room "M-12"." he said, "M-12" was written on the door right above the keypad, the door had a tag that said "Williams C." on the door.
The corporal cleared his throat, "Ahem, excuse me for a second." Moving his arm across me he carefully pulled off the name tag and put it in his pocket. "Here is your room and here is your ID card, just link it with your fingerprint." Placing my thumb on the card. It shifted color after a second and was now blue and gray with an uploaded image of me. "This will allow you access to your room, the elevator to decks below chow is on deck two, relaxation and gym on 3. The command deck is off-limits." He said.
A massive trembling came from all over, sending tremors up my legs. "Looks like we are taking off, you should get situated and come down and grab some grub around 17:00 hours, and after I'll give you a tour and introduce you to some people." With that, the corporal turned and left.
Putting my ID card near the door and it slid away, hiding in a pocket in the wall. Inside, was a bare, spartan room. It had a small restroom to the right, toilet, sink, sonic shower. A small closet close to the door as soon as you walk in. On the left was a single bed with a single pillow, and two sets of sheets. A nightstand that doubled as a desk with a chair in front of it. The bulkheads had small light panels as well as the ceiling was covered in them casting a soft light on the room. The deck was the same dull gray metal as the rest of the ship. My AI chirped informing me it synced up with the room allowing me to control lights and the wall panels for entertainment. "AI: window open" the panels across from the bed went transparent revealing the view of what it would look like outside right now, stars doting the blackness of space. The halo was slowly moving away, swinging the bow of the ship towards our destination. I could feel the rumble of the ion pulse engines as we speed off.
Setting my pack down, making my bed, and put my toilet trees in the bathroom. Laying down on the bed, propping myself up with the starchy pillow, and looked out the window, seeing the halo disappear in the distance, only the blue orb that was Gaian, soon that vanished as well. My mind started to wander, mainly on what Val was doing. She was probably getting ready to board her ship or maybe already had hours ago, ahead of me on her voyage. I thought of sending her a message but I didn't want to appear to infatuated with her. Maybe I would on the return trip back. I relaxed until dinner time, setting a reminder so I don't lose track of time.
Stepping off the elevator and making my way to the mess hall, galley, or whatever they called it. I passed several different crew members in a few different flight suits ranging from blue, to gray, and a few in all white. Each showing there insignia and name on there left breast. Easy to tell between the Marines in their standard fatigues and the Navy in their flight suits.
The mess hall had about 100 separate tables all with people with trays of food chatting with each other. Walking around to see if I found Corporal Marco. It didn't take much to find him since he was the biggest person in the huge cafeteria, walking up to the table. Corporal Marco was facing away from me and a sitting next to him was a woman in the Marine fatigues with long black hair tied in a ponytail, across from them sat two other men, one with dark brown hair, and neatly trimmed beard, both of his arms had been replaced with black and gray prosthetic arms at the shoulder, his eyes had also been replaced, they had a cool blue glow to them. The man at his shoulder was younger and slimmer than even me, still with an athletic build, he had a sculpted face and short blonde hair with piercing green eyes.
The marine with the green eyes nods his head up at me, Corporal Marco swivels my way obscuring my view of the women, blocking her completely with his wide shoulders.
"Ah, Leo our new coder." the big man said, gesturing his hand around the table, "Meet the team, across from me with the shiny arms is Corporal Hale, next up is private Burns" Looking from one, too the other, Corporal hale didn't so much as twitch or anything, while Burns gave me a small head nod. "Lastly, Our team leader Sargent Arara.", moving his back to reveal someone I have already met.
"Val?!" I ask, completely in shock, never expecting to see her so soon, or even on a military vessel, Sargent!?!, so much flashed through my head.
Looking into her eyes, her light gray eyes scanning over me "Hello, Leo nice seeing you again, not what I was expecting, and not especially this soon, but welcome to the team, grab some grub, and I'll set you up with Hale after to get your new implant."
"I already have an implant," I say.
Val looks at me, slightly shaking her head, "Yes, standard service AI, which is basically a calculator that can turn on lights, No, you'll be getting a temporary military-grade AI for coding for this mission to help you navigate through the workings of the mission, which is of the utmost importance to the UGF.".
"So go grab some grub, and Hale here will bring you down to see the doc." Corp. Marko finishes, going back to his plastic tray full of food.
Grabbing a tray of my own and getting in line behind a couple of others, making my way down the automated mess hall. Most of the food is printed in the kitchen by automated arms inside the kitchen. A small banquet line full of pre-made food already set up for people too lazy to order ahead of time. Making my way through the line grabbing a burger, fries, and some sort of green jello as well as water. Skirting around the others moving to and from their tables. Most moved with a purpose and didn't linger when they're were done. Finally making my way back to the squad.
Sitting down at the table with the team, observing everyone chatting, and having playful banter between each other. Stopping my gaze at Val, or whatever I call her now, Sargent Arara, it felt like looking at two different people, now. Quickly finish off my food.
"Ready to go civ?" Corporal Hale inquired.
"Yeah, sure, yes, sir" I quipped back.
Corp. Hale looked at me and shook his head. "Yeah... let's go."
Putting our trays into their designated receptacle and tossing the excess food and containers which will be recycled for other uses later. Corporal Hale brought me to the medic bay or medbay. It was a little different than what I was expecting. Along the right was 4 beds for treatment, at the back was 2 top of the line autodocs and to my left was an office for the doctor, which was a tall blonde doctor. A doctor who had curves in all the right places even being hidden behind her white uniform. It had gold trim, on her breast read Doc. Martinez on a patch on her white lab coat.
"You look Hale and healthy corporal" the doctor rocked back in her chair looking at Corporal Hale than to me.
"Ah, same old jokes doc" Corp. Hale replied with a smile on his face.
"Well, it's not my best Hale but still a classic, now who do we have here?" Doctor Martinez put the focus on me.
"Hi, I'm Leo, nice to meet you," I say.
Martinez got up and start grabbing some stuff from steel cabinets and shelves behind her desk. "So, I take it your Clarice's replacement, The Valkyries new coder?"
Looking toward Hale, he just nods to the doctor, his eyes move around scanning for anything out of the ordinary. "Yeah, he--"
"Found it" The doctor interrupts. "Have a seat in the examination chair please, and we can begin, there won't be any pain but I suggest you take today and tomorrow to adjust to the new AI. we didn't have the time to format the previous modifications that Clarice did...he has some quirks...Clarice was a brilliant coder and AI programmer and spent countless hours making and writing new code for Hannibal here." The doctor gestured at the small module in her hand.
"Hannibal?" I inquire, knowing the subtle reference to the name. "By chance did Clarice enjoy classic horror films?"
"She did, she often had the squad watch them on the journey to and from the Garden," said Hale.
"Garden of moons?" I ask.
Hale nods, "That is our future designation after all, didn't you read your briefing?"
"I wasn't told the logistics of the mission just when, and how long," I say.
"Typical" Doctor Martinez says.
The doc gestures for me to take my seat, starting to second guess this, hesitating to go towards the chair "I've never done anything like this before, is it safe?" I question the doctor.
The doctor lets out a little sigh "There are always risks, the worst case you get dizziness, and some mild nausea if the implant rejects. there is enough room for 4 more implants and you're only using the basic one every civilian gets at 5. The military ones will upgrade your heads up display while allowing for more analysis and interaction through your HUD, you don't seem to be the type to have a shine job done, I'm guessing cheap contacts?"
"They're good contacts from Cloudlight," I say.
"Get in the chair, civ, you're wasting time," Hale said sternly.
Sitting in the tall white chair with a projection display on the side of it, as soon as I was in the chair my vitals came up. "Kid has strong vitals," the doc says to no one in particular.
The doctor pulling a small table to her position, from behind me in the chair. "Okay, this is going to sting for a second just gotta remove the surface tissue covering the implant."
The implant the doctor is referring too is simply stated is a modular cerebral implant, M.C.I. for short, it is implanted at birth and it connects to the spine near the brain. The implant can house many different modules primarily the AI interface module, it can have more modules for data storage, optical implant mods, and many more things. It has 5 modular slots in total. I have one for my original civilian AI and now another one of my slots will have this military one.
I feel a slight pinching sensation but try and relax and think of something else. Numbness quickly spreads around my neck and I feel it, it feels like long fingernails tracing up my scalp towards my eyes that feel frigged and tingly against my skin.
"It's done, now corporal Hale, please escort him back to his room to let him rest and recover. His AI should start to integrate in the next few days. I gave him a small sedative he'll be a little out of it but fine enough to walk and talk.
"Yes, ma'am" Corporal Hale salute the doctor, turning to me "Let's get you to bed civvy.".
I remember getting up from the chair and stumbling forward, the corporal caught me before I had a chance to fall to the ground. Throwing his arm around me, we made our way to the elevators and after that, all was just a haze.
My head throbbing like I just had the wildest night of my life, my mouth dry. Trying to open my eyes to get to the bathroom but the light damn near blinded me.
"Dim lights by 80 percent" quietly telling my AI, still no response. "Smith report" I command, I haven't needed to call my AI by name in many years. Still nor response.
My HUD is still operational but no data is appearing, just small flickers of my UI(user interface) across my HUD. Digging through my bag. Pulling out my tablet and my cloud link contact lens case. They don't need to be recharged often but the case allows for wireless diagnostics. The implant has in my experience never had issues on me or anyone else that I know of. After some searching, I find that the new AI is restricted and wasn't able to pair with the contact lenses. I enabled and paired it, enabling the other restrictions it had placed on it as well thinking it was part of the transfer. Taking a minute to put my contacts back on, what was that new AI's designation, oh right. "Hannibal status", instantly the UI of my HUD flickers a little, and blocks of scrolling unknown glyphs and characters stream through the text during the initial pairing of the AI to the Contacts, allowing it to see what I see. My headache still slowly going away, moving over to the bed waiting for the AI to respond.
"Hello, Clair... who might you be...Ah, Leo what a delicious name" the soothing sing-song gate in the voice, in that thick welsh accent from the original movies before the horrible remakes. Clarice must have been a die-hard fan to get the voice and dialogue so close to the movies.
"Hannibal status," I ask again.
"Well enough I suppose, Leo" The AI responds to me a little snarky for my taste.
"Cognition only," I say.."Status"
"Alive, and famished" Hannibal responded.
Finding the response kinda strange, I pull my tablet up and start doing diagnostics on it myself.
"Access denied" in big bold letters pop up across my HUD
"I would suggest you stop doing that"
"Why?" I ask, getting more and more confused by this situation. This AI is way more sophisticated then the ones civilians have. Especially if it been tutored by someone. That Clarice essentially made best friends with her AI and started to add code and alter base code to its codes.
"Never mind, just boot back up and drop the Hannibal act. What is your original designation?" asked the AI. Most AI are named by there manufacturer and just a string of numbers and letters owners can later change them to designations for work area, teams, personal use. My parent's house AI is just Hal simple as that. Dad thought it was funny, mom not so much.
"Affirmative, Leo, designation is 00000000N00038921000(add broken characters for corruption).."-Stop, stop, stop," I say. "I'll just call you zero, How is that," I ask.
"That designation will suit me well, Leo" the AI still speaking with the European accent which I must admit is growing on me.
Getting comfortable on the bed "Anything else, I should know before I try and sleep some more?"
"You can begin by thinking your communication instead of saying it out loud which would be a positive step it makes communication faster."
"Affirmative, I'll start to do that from now on. My old AI internal communication we only did when I wasn't alone." I said internally.
"Understandable, Leo" most have a certain way to do things with there AI. I'm an advanced coder AI and work best by skimming your thoughts and optical data to communicate with you, as well as in combat situations you wouldn't want to say what you're about to do out loud now would you." Zero stated as a matter of fact.
"There was a data ping from Hale, at 0600 tomorrow you are to meet him in the mess hall."
- In Serial51 Chapters
The Saga of Armageddon: The Call of Crows
Bjorn Stormtamer's world has been turned upside down in more ways than one. His shipmates have left him for dead on an island for quarantining victims of a disease that he now has. His partner in battle despises him, his family thinks he's dead and everyone else thinks it was good riddance. Moreover, the world is under attack by a virulent plague that kills with light and an empire from the east whose intentions are unknown but whose methods are merciless and bloodthirsty. Little does he know that the world itself is nearly on the brink of cosmic collapse.But when a bold, charismatic woman from another nation seeks him out, Bjorn discovers that the plague he has was not a plague at all, but a trial. A trial to determine who is worthy to wield the power of gods in order to give humanity a fighting chance against the winds of fate. This novel was written 2 years ago and isn't exactly my best work. I'm still improving my skills, but I encourage you to enjoy it for what it's worth. ALSO, the whole plague thing was written about before the COVID pandemic. The plague is fake and actually magic in the story, but that has NOTHING to do with real world events. I am under NO CIRCUMSTANCE trying to make ANY kind of statement with it. Please just enjoy the story and stay safe.
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