《Iron Saga - A Military science fiction adventure》Chapter 1: The meeting
The sound of my morning alarm buzzing woke me from another night of dreamless sleep. Rolling over in my small bed and blink the sleep away, the window shades of my micro-flat start rolling up and disappearing away into the ceiling hidden from view, flooding the entirety of my 100 sq. foot apartment with brilliant bright light. Though blessed with having one large window taking up almost half of all my available walls was still way better than being in one of the apartments at the center of the massive apartment building without any windows for natural sunlight. My view showing me the manicured courtyard of my apartment complex. The courtyard held a miniature garden filled with lush flowers, dotted with towering trees, and even featured a small pond at its center, with koi swimming around. It breaks up the white concrete megastructures surrounding it with its beauty.
Swinging my legs off the bed and placing my feet on the cold concrete of the floor wakes me faster. "TV: News" I command my personal AI, who is synced with almost every aspect of my life. My AI just like most other civilian AIs was just a step up from a smart remote, no personality just a purely analytical constructs to help in everyday life. Some people modify them using AI nurturing to get them to be more lifelike, I never really seen why, it would never be anything close to being sentient, I mainly used mine for helping me with video games mostly, at least outside of its normal functions.
The wall put up live footage of last night's riots they have been happening downtown almost every night. The masses calling for the deportation of non-human species off of the planet. Which would never happen, We have been allies with the Uzal since shortly after arriving in this system. We set claims to the planet and the surrounding system through the Arbiters, the very first species we made contact with as soon as we stepped foot on our new home. The planet we claimed, and now reside on is called Gaian after our colony ship. This was someone else's abandoned planet, later finding out its original owners were the mysterious species the Valik now long dead. Gaian is surrounded by a massive superstructure that we aptly named the halo. The halo and many space elevators down to the surface were still operational. Our tech has had many leaps in recent years reverse-engineering the tech left behind by the Valik, and also with the aid of the Arbiters. who are sentient AI, created by the Valik.
The rioting was progressively getting worse. All starting with some idiot assaults another and things escalate out of control. The rioting this time was due to a Gaian(human) dying at the hands of an Uzal. The parents were calling for retribution of the killer, as well as the removal of any Uzal. "Volume on," I say. "After last nights fires have finally been put out but the riots across the capital continue to grow." The young female reporter says in full view of the rioters waving their posters outside the Emissary. Unsavory graffiti had been sprayed on the gates and walls of the Emissary, blurred out of the picture. The reporter continues, "After two days still the Uzal emissary hasn't posted any statement, yet the support for the parents continues to increase, and so does the violence. Late last night the gates to the Uzal emissary were attacked," Showing rioters throwing Molotov cocktails at the doors setting them ablaze. "shortly after the attacks the UGF dispatched police wearing riot gear to control the escalating situation." As the women continued to talk, on-screen in the background a shuttle slowly descends, lands within the grounds of the emissary. Nothing will change, the Uzal in question was attacked clearly shown in previous footage, the Uzal just defended himself and ended up killing the drunk young man outside the night club, the Uzal even tried to help him after the incident and was the one who called the ambulance within seconds after Max fell. Getting up and washing up in the restroom. Thinking about the Uzal with their long pointed ears and fine facial features always reminded me of how elves from fantasy literature and movies looked.
"TV: Show cartoons #2: Play in Random" The projection on the wall changes from news to cartoons. A tall white bunny walks around a forest eating a carrot getting himself into mischief. While it continues to play I begin getting dressed, then moving to the kitchen, grabbing myself a nutrition pack, and a glass of cold water. It was one of the last nutrition packs and it tasted like plain oatmeal with very little in the way of taste. Adding some natural honey to sweeten up the nutrition pack. Rare but worth it, one of the only sweeteners that don't cost a fortune like real sugar. Finishing my plain nutrition pack with a cartoon of a dog-like creature chasing a bird around a dessert, the "Coyote" getting tricked every time in different hilarious ways. Most of the episodes are over my head but I have watched all of these pre-Gaian series multiple times. Today is my day off, I'm normally a coder for a large construction company. Mainly working the drones who finish apartments just like mine. Having to go to each malfunctioning unit and do simple repairs is a time-consuming job. Only getting one day off a week and I make the most of it by being lazy. Planning on playing some retro games after going out for some quick errands.
Across my vision, the words on my heads up display(HUD) flashed repeatedly with an audio alert. "Report to space closest space elevator (3B) and report to Colonel O'Donnel for briefing immediately, attendance is required under protocol-180 of the UGF Civilian and Military service act.", It continued to scroll across my screen every few minutes until I dismissed it. What was that a draft message, I can't be drafted into the military, my brother has already volunteered last year, and we aren't in any wars, never even have been since we settled Gaian. A few minutes later. "Leo Connors, travel to space elevator 3B, and report to Colonel O'Donnel for briefing immediately or legal action will be taken." Reading it a couple of times before shaking my head, replying that I was on my way.
Leaving my flat, Taking the elevator to the underground parking lot. Looking around it's mainly empty, most people opting to use automated shuttles and vehicles instead since they're fast and more efficient. I prefer to use my own means of transportation. "Good to see you Tes" as I walk up to the sleek white sports bike. It's headlights coming on, I can hear the quiet hum of the electric motors coming to life. Heading up the exit ramp and into the open streets. One lane specifically designated for civilian driving, I make my way to the space elevator. Pulling back on the throttle of Tes, instantly feeling the pull of torque from the duel hub motors, bring me well past the speed limit within seconds of hitting the open street. Police rarely caring about the civilian lanes, especially when there are riots downtown. I love riding my bike, there is nothing like having complete control over something even as little as braking and accelerating of a vehicle. My HUD showing the fastest route through my helmet. An open route straight to my destination and not even another vehicle on the road. Sky shuttles and automated transports zoom by me at insane speeds all being safely controlled by the city AI.
"Destination in .3 miles, next right - Elevator 3B." my AI chirped in my ear, informing me that I'm almost there. All the artificial intelligence in our system as well as anywhere else that's under the protection of the Arbiters is non-sentient. Any sentient AI other than themselves is a level 1 contraband by the Arbiters. Finding an AI must be reported immediately and known use or worse the activation of one is pretty severe from what I've heard. Something to do with an AI war in the past. Sometime before our arrival there had been a war that took the better part of the combined efforts of the Uzal, Ghul, and Arbiters, Taking years to stem the tide of the AI known as Septimus Prime and the terror he put an entire sector through. After the war ended sentient AI's were outlawed. The same goes for nanite technology and research into them, both being enforced by Arbiter supremacy.
Coming into the parking lot in front of the elevator. The grounds of the elevator being beautifully manicured. The base of the elevator is a curvy futuristic dome spiraling off into a winding geometric pattern wrapping the length of the elevator to the halo itself. No matter where you go in the world you can see at least one of these elevators piercing the sky, all pristine white and blue glass. Each elevator goes up to the halo. The halo and its elevators being the only surviving structures on the planet when we claimed it, It was built by the Valik just like the Arbiters had been, the Valik are now extinct. The halo wraps around the planet like a ring acting as a space station of sorts. Allowing for ships to leave orbit easily, it can act as a shield that protects the planet from space debris and orbital bombardment in case of an attack, as well as offensive capabilities to repel invaders. Luckily they didn't fire on our little colony ship back in the day. This halo predates the Uzal and Arbiters by thousands of years, even older than the Uzal's home planets.
A communication text scrolls in the corner of my HUD. "Report to the top of the halo, section 3B, and report to Colonel O'Donnel." I mentally dismiss the message. Walking up the steps and through the open doors of the elevator. Quickly passing through security, make my way to one of the many small elevators in the lobby. Each space elevator is massive and they never rest, many smaller elevators are housed within each of the massive columns. Shipments travel to and from them all day, every day. The double doors slide open and I get inside. The doors close and the elevator launches itself up. Seeing out into the metropolis I can see each separate district, to the east of me is my flat housed in the residential district. Looking like a stone hedge maze with hundreds of concrete apartments. To the west is downtown Adana with its skyscrapers and the large mech arena which looks like a shiny red rose in a pile of silver thorns. To the south, green forests and the massive farming district with the halo hovering above it, and finally to the north, a huge lake in front of a massive mountain surrounded by dense forest. Which is a zone limited by human touch or we could have another repeat of what happened to our mother planet Earth, so long ago.
Passing the midway point, I settle back on built-in seats and try and think of why I am being summoned and why is it the marines of all people. I think for a bit. and still coming up with absolutely nothing. Instead turning my thoughts to the last time I was up on the halo. It was in my last semester in college. I opted for a class on space maintenance and spacewalking thinking I could round out my skillset and knowing I could get a job anywhere on the planet even if it included in or outside the halo was a goal I set.
Passing the clouds and finally breaking through the stratosphere, a couple more minutes and I'll be entering the halo. To say I would be amazed by the view seeing it hundreds of times, I would be lying, seeing the halo, the stars, and space itself was always awesome and awe-inspiring. The elevator closing in on the dull gray halo with its many lights, arcing out over the horizon of the blue planet. I Close my eyes and taking in a deep breath, after only releasing it as the elevator doors finally open. Revealing the sterile gray walls and the reflective white floors. The light panels on the ceiling illuminating the interior. Gravity was a tad lighter than on the planet but not noticeable after a couple of minutes. The air smells and even tastes a little cleaner due to the automatic air scrubbers. Right across from the elevator is a wide window looking out into space with Uzal and Gaian looking out, watching ships leave and come into the docks lining the halo. Signs to the right and left leading to different parts of the halo with interactive maps to find stores, residence, and everything else housed within the halo. A series of trams built into it like a subway completely circling the halo for hauling cargo and civilian use. Many people walking about going about their business, most civilians, some military, others just space truckers and various crewmen for ships.
My HUD lighting up, "Follow the green path indicated to your destination." my AI says in a female monotone voice. I could have changed its voice settings but I have been using the same one since before I can remember. My HUD's overlay shows a green line on the floor and the walls pulsing one way that only I can see. Leading me down the corridor to my right towards section 4B: military district. I set off at a brisk walk
Walking into the military district passing barracks, and training yards on either side of the wide path and many elevators leading to other levels of the halo. My indicator finally leads me to a tall white building which was the military headquarters of this section. Walking through the sliding glass doors, all eyes in the room turned to me taking me in.
Immediately a tall, clean-shaven, man in officers uniform turned to me, "Sir, Colonel O'Donnel has been waiting."
Making a gesture with his hand, showing the hallway past the security desk in the main plaza, "Please, follow me, please". turning on his heels and started walking away not looking to see if I am even following. Quickly catch up and match pace with him as well walk down the corridors of the building. Passing Prints of military past and even some retired flags from old Earth.
"Do you know why I'm here, why the Colonel wants to see me?".
"No sir, I was just told to retrieve you and bring you to his office." taking a side-eye glance at me.
We walked in silence for the rest of the way. Hearing only my sneakers and his boots against the polished tile floor.
"Here you are, sir" He stopped next to the door and gestured for the door control. Then turned and walked away.
Looking at the retreating officer one last time, I quickly psyche myself up, taking a deep breath, I finally knock on the door. "Enter" I heard muffled through the heavy wooden door with "Col. O'Donnel' upon it.
Opening the door, revealing a dark room, mainly illuminated by displays, with the room lights turned down very low to the outside hallway. Walking in, a large dark glass desk dominated most of the room. A projection of many pictures, videos, and documents all arrayed in front of a large broad man sitting behind it. He must have been in his early 50s with short cut graying hair. A separate projection on the wall not taken up by floor to ceiling shelves was showing a muted projection of a mech arena match playing. Two of the massive 100-ton mechs, each roughly 15 meters tall where assault-frames. They were smashing into each other in close melee range, with there ranged weapons discarded or having already been destroyed earlier. The match was winding down to its last seconds.
"Sit, Leo, sit." The colonel said, going back to view the fight. Sitting across from the man in one of the plush leather chairs. As he peers at the screen. The shelves around the room held different medals, personal and family pictures, and many mech arena trophies sitting on illuminated by hidden lights within the shelve.
The colonel looks to me, "Ah, some of me and my son's trophies. My son still fights" Nodding his head towards the projection on the wall at the mech with a red and white paint scheme, a Spartan MK. III I believe. I used to follow when I was younger, as well as pilot them in VR. Though in the real world you need a lot of backing to even get into the light warframes, much less an assault class.
"Here is the best part." The colonel said, looking back towards the fierce combat. His son's spartan begins to lay into his opponent, forcing open his opponent's guard, taking quick advantage of it by slamming his palm into the torso of the other mech. The mech begins falling backward with a devastating crash, a massive dust plum envelops the screen, and when it clears. his son is standing proudly over his fallen foe, who readily submits with a long mech sized gladius scratching the paint on the door of his opponent's cockpit, easily able to pierce through and kill the pilot in real combat.
Even without the sound on, I could hear the crowd cheering. It was a spectacular display of melee combat. "TV: Off," the colonel said and the projection flickered away. The colonel motioned with his hand and all the data on his desk disappears as well. "Now, Leo I bet you are wondering why I called you here, probably not just to watch my son kick-ass in a tourney." he laughed.
Nodding at the intimidating man, "The match or at least the end of it was good, but I was wondering why I was called, sir" not knowing what exactly I should call him.
"well to make a long story short kid, we need your services for a short mission."
"Why, me?" I ask the Colonel.
The old colonel chuckled under his breath. "What if I told you it's a secret mission and only you can stop the universe from dying?" he looks your right into my eyes and holds for a second. Then begins laughing harder, wiping the corner of his eye from laughing so hard. "
sorry, we just need a good coder for a mission and all of ours are booked up for the next few months on routine work, we just need to do a work contract with you, son. simple as that." the coronal said still wiping his eyes.
The colonel gestured over his desk and a series of data and a few contracts unfolded before me. Going from the credits I would make from the 2-week mission. The military requisition form from the company I work for already filled out, gaining some credits from the military for my absence and a promise for another year-long contract through them when I return. As well as your standard NDA. 2 weeks on a priority mission, 10 minutes of real work to some pull data that the meathead marines can't do by themselves. I quickly signed the contracts, They already had assigned me to a squad and I would ship out in 2 days.
Mutually saying our goodbyes. I left the colonel's office, as I was leaving colonel O'Donnel was already putting on a new mech match to watch. Leaving the military district to do some shopping before reporting to my handler on-board the UGF battle cruiser the "Njord".
After leaving the military headquarters at a brisk walk, heading towards a shift, which was similar to an escalator but was on the floor, it spun the entire length of the halo and made transport faster than walking. While on the shift I contacted my Mom and told her the news, she told me dad is still working with Archer industries reverse engineering some lost-tech found in deep space. Dad is a leading technologist on lost-tech. While mom is a botanist and professor at a local college here in the capital. My older, dumber, and uglier brother is currently in the military, navy to be exact. He's a helmsman on-board the UGF-Ares, which is a heavy destroyer.
Finishing up a short but good chat with mom. "Bye mom, love you too." ending the call as I reach one of my favorite parts of the halo, the shopping and recreational district. Stepping off the now overcrowded shift.
Taking a look through some antiquity shops looking for some early 20th century goodies but as always nothing is original but knockoffs as usual, as I begin walking out I find a good find. A data cube probably with corrupted data. A label reading: data node, corrupt data is titled "earth era books/Litrpg". I don't know what litprg stand for but most books from Earth are mostly resource and technical books finding anything not mainstream fiction is rare and expensive. Since its personal data brought on board from the original passengers of the Gaian colony ship when they left Earth during the exodus it could hold anything. In most cases fixing corrupt data is impossible but I'm currently 7 out of 10 in my attempts.
Bringing it up to the immaculately organized counter, Leroy takes a look at me and shakes his head, and sighs loudly. "Another data node, how many is this now, 12 or 13 you've bought off me, buy something more expensive and useful, not like my ex-wife who's expensive and not useful."
"Oh Leroy, you know me, I love my old gems almost as much as I love to hear about your ex," I say laughing.
"Yeah, yeah, 50 credits my man."
Gesturing my hand over the counter, seeing my bank account trickle down a little. "Good doing business with you Leroy," I say.
"Same, see you in a few more weeks, like usual, I'll be here, I'm always here." Shooing me out the door.
"AI: Closest directions to hotel and restaurant," I say. "Follow the path indicated.". My HUD indicated a pulsing blue path leading into the recreations section a bit further in. Walking down the wide paths, I see mainly humans but a few Uzal mixed in. The Uzal always look serious compared to us humans, tall, thin of stature, with slightly elongated ears, I would call them elves but they wouldn't know what that is and many of my fellow humans wouldn't either. They look and even act like elves from old video games. They have long natural life spans, low birth rates, strong physically and mentally. Elves, space elves.
Walking the indicated path brings me past a large manicured park with sprawling trees with large leaves keeping the artificial light from reaching the paths winding under them and some with tons of needles hanging from its branches, similar to pine trees back on earth and finally the colorful and fragrant flowers blooming along its paths. Many types of ivy branching, climbing all along with the many statues and different monuments that peak over the treetops that almost scrap the ceiling of the ring. The laughter of children playing, and adults conversing on stone benches along paths and under the shady trees. Rounding the corner of the park border mostly by hedges that fence the large park. My HUD notifying me I'm now in Luna fountain plaza.
The path indicated leads to a large extravagant building taking up a large amount of this section of the halo. The front facade made of gray stone, and elegant glass windows overlooking the view of the park. Between the park and hotels entrance a large marble fountain with four fairies creating cascading water out of their hands falling into the beautiful white and black marble basin., Quite tranquil music seems to be playing in the square. The hotel's name upon the carved wooden sign says "hôtel fontaine lunaire" or simply "Lunar fountain hotel" in English or what's now known as common. Outdoor seating had many guests drinking coffee and others eating meals while they chatted. Follow my way up the steps, passing people going in and out of the open double doors made of rich dark stained oak with thick wavy glass panels inside them, with brass handles and door stops on its dark surface.
Walking up to the counter an older taller gentleman with salt and pepper hair behind the counter take a look at me, and folds open a paper book which I'm guessing is just a ledger.
"Hello Leo, and welcome to hôtel Fontaine Lunaire." says in a deep french accent which he probably learned for the job or is being augmented by his AI an expensive mod to be sure, if that's the case. "How may I be of service to you, sir?" he smoothly says not missing a beat. Using his own personal HUD to see my name which is currently set to be visible to the public.
"I would like a room for tonight and tomorrow night as well, please," I say.
"Excellent, would you be dining-in at our lovely bistro, or would you be going to one of the other excellent restaurants on the ring tonight?" The man asks while penciling my name into the paper ledger in front of him.
Thinking for a second and ponder on it I reply "I think I'll eat-in tonight, I would like to stay in tonight."
"Excellent, If you need anything from us, please don't hesitate to call." he said, handing me an ancient-looking metal key, with a hard plastic card hanging off of it, labeled "D9"
Easily finding my room, finding no actual slot for the key, the hard plastic bit is the key card to enter the room. The main room had a king-size bed and windows overlooking the park. The bathroom was spacious, even has a large soaking tub next to the separate glass shower with multiple heads. It cost almost as much as a single night in the hotel to even fill the bathtub up with hot water but I bet it's worth it for those long voyages in space where water is normally rationed. Spending my first-night eating, and relaxing in the room. Tinkering away most of my night trying to decipher the data node I had bought earlier. Coming up with little so far. I fall asleep late in the night with ancient cartoons playing on the wall as big as I could make it.
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