《The Ability User of Modern Day》Chapter 2 - Abilities & Reunion


Chapter 2 - Abilities & Reunion

“Status” (Kazuki)

Name Kazuki Trask Level 47 Gender Male Age 16 Class ??? Race ???? Health 1500 Mana 2750 STR 180 DEX 210 SPD 270 VIT 155 INT 165 LUK 150 Charisma 1500 Charm 115 Fire 47 Water 52 Wind 43 Lightning 59 Dark 48 Light 39 ??????? ??? Earth 41

This was the screen displayed in front of Kazuki’s eyes daily, he had been able to see this screen daily for as long has he could remember, of course his stats weren’t this high from the beginning, Kazuki decided to conceal these abilities of his and train them to the best of his ability. Over the 9 years of training Kazuki was constantly experimenting with the different skills and abilities he has and overtime would unlock many different abilities which would be very useful to him in certain scenarios.

Skill Learned - Intermediate Sword Mastery Skill Learned - Master Taming Mastery Skill Learned - Intermediate Dragon Roar

Throughout the years Kazuki could improve his abilities and improve the different elements and attributes which were displayed in his status screen. The average strength of a male human would be around 20 and if the person trained all their life they would only be able to increase this to 35 as the limit. Due to Kazuki having a specially built body which allows him to use Mana it allows him to go beyond the limits of the average human and become stronger and faster than any ordinary human being.

(POV) – Kazuki

Hey there, Kazuki here. I am an average high school 2nd year in the eyes of society and to those around me they see me as a lazy and quite cold individual. The reason I am lazy due to my powers is because having these powers and nobody at my level who can put up a decent fight, despite me seeming arrogant just now what I said was true, no person would be able to beat me in a fight, or in a race if I even used 25% of my full powers.

Even with inhuman physical abilities I still have my other abilities which are magic and skills. The magic I have allows me to access a variety of attributes from fire to lightning and I can use a total of 7 so far with a mysterious attribute I cannot understand no matter how much time I put into using it.

I am moderately good at using all the attributes which are available to me and can cast and manipulate the element with ease.

Each of the different elements have something unique they can do which can help in different situations, an example would be Dark magic which allowed me to manipulate a small fog of darkness when I began using my powers, however overtime I developed it and it has many more uses which help me out a lot such as allowing me to tamper with someone’s memory in case they see me using my abilities or using it to suggest for someone to do something in which they would have no choice to due to their lack of resistance to magic.

The opposite of the darkness element, which is light, in the beginning allowed me to heal very small wounds such as scratches which were only a few inches big, however over time and with a lot of practise which involved lots of injuries onto my self, by the way I’m not a masochist, I was able to make the light heal almost all external injuries as well as allowing for me to cure basic illnesses such as a cold of the flue.


The other elements I have allow for what the name says such as fire allows me to create huge amounts of fire to be summoned at will and these flames are extremely hot and are almost as hot as lava from within the Earth’s mantle.

The water element allows for torrents of water to be summoned by will and this water can be manipulated to do many tasks such as for attacking, defending and even drinking.

The lightning element is a very unique element which allows for huge amounts of purple lightning to be summoned into my hands. The element is very unique as the lightning can be created through using Mana or it can also be taken directly from the clouds during a storm.

The wind element allows for me to summon huge amounts of wind from the surroundings which is very useful for situations when I am in a hurry such as being late for school which is the current situation right now.

The final element I can use if the earth element which might sound plain but it is very useful when it is used. It allows me to use the earth and several elements from below the ground or from around me such as stone, dirt, bricks etc.

I also have several different skills which I have trained across the years, I have a skill in most weapons ranging from sword and dagger mastery to gun and bow mastery. For some reason when training to use a weapon I would almost immediately pick up a skill on that specific weapon, but getting the weapon to mastery took many years of combat and honing these skills.

In the past I had used the summer holidays to travel around the many dojos and challenging students of these dojos in the weapon arts they were proficient in, through these experiences I was able to train my senses in real combat and be able to see small but crucial details such as killing intent and an opponent’s true strength.

When I was younger due to my powers I gained a bit of arrogance believing I was unbeatable however I was put into place by an experienced user in the sword and despite the old man’s strength not being high his technique completely broke through my raw power which had no technique to it at all.

After experiencing this defeat, I managed to put away this arrogance and realised even if I was stronger than the average human by many times it meant nothing if I fought recklessly and was arrogant.

After gaining many different experiences throughout the years I could create my own techniques through copying and moulding together the different styles and techniques I saw in the different fighting schools across the country.

I picked up techniques from several countries from across the world ranging from Muay Thai to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. From traveling to many different countries across the globe and seeing and taking on these techniques I formed my own martial and sword arts which were made to suit me specifically.

“Huh, oh shit its 8:35 I’m going to be so late well missing the first 5-10 minutes isn’t too bad anyways so I shouldn’t be punished to much anyways” (Kazuki)

Realising that he had spent too much time looking over his status screen Kazuki started to get changed into his uniform and get out of his house as quick as possible as he was going to be late.

He rushed out with his money in hand, forgetting his already made lunch, and rushed out of the front door to get to school as quick possible.


(POV) 2-C Classroom

The classroom was currently filled with the chatter of many different students in the classroom talking about a variety of topics from sports to manga. In this classroom Kazuki's childhood friends Luna and Daichi were currently sat in two pushed together desks while conversing with their group.

Within this group were Luna and Daichis friends they managed to befriend from the beginning of high school. There was a total of 5 of them together currently conversing, including Mia.

“Damn that lazy guy is going to be late again what the heck does he do at night which makes him so lazy in the morning” (Daichi)

The conversation seemed to have switched topics onto Kazuki which was very common for this group of friends. Daichi switched to this topic while having a wry smile on his face.

“I know I wish he could be a bit more considerate towards us and his sister we haven’t walked to school together in a long time jeez” (Luna)

The blonde haired bishoujo responded with a loud and annoyed expression while her lips were pouting and she had the look of a child being teased on her face.

“Well it isn’t too surprising you know he is late most days and sometimes skips days which makes sensei go berserk on him and even sensei constant outbursts don’t seem to affect him” (Mark)

The one to respond this time was Mark Izugi, a fully Japanese youth with dark brown hair and eyes who seemed to respond in a jokey attitude towards Kazuki's behaviour.

“It’s currently 8:43 so he is most likely going to be late once again but I wonder how much he will be late by today anyone wanna take a bet, anyways I heard someone was transferring in today but I wonder if that was true or not?” (Sylvia)

The one to respond here was Sylvia Hitomi, she was a girl who had dark raven hair with tints of purple which seemed to be dyed into her hair, she responded while seemingly being uninterested and staring at her smartphone.

“He really is an idiot he ignores us all time and is always seemingly uninterested in anything, I remember when he used to disappear in holidays and come back a couple days before the holidays ended he really is a mystery even to me” (Mia)

His sister responded with her usual sharp tone will mocking her brother but her face also seemed to carry a slightly sad expression which wasn’t missed by the rest of the group.

“Anyways its 8:45 now so you should get going now Mia or your gonna be late” (Sylvia)

“Oh crap ok anyways see you guys later then” (Mia)

“Yeah see you later” (Everyone)

They all responded by sending off the youth and waving to her until she left the room. Then the entrance suddenly slammed open and in came Kirima-sensei who looked towards the seat furthest back and closest to the window and sighed.

Everyone in the room seemed to understand why Kirima-sensei sighed when they followed where his eyes which were looking at the vacant seat which was next to the window and furthest away from the front.

This seat belonged to Kazuki and it was vacant almost always now of day due to his extreme popularity across not just the classroom, but the entire school as the guy who is never on time.

“Well forgetting about that assho- I mean guy we have a new student transferring in and joining this class today” (Sensei)

The sudden announcement caused a small ruckus to take place inside the classroom as not many knew a student was transferring in and there were only small rumours about this.

“Quiet down your bickering is giving me a headache anyways come in Shiroyuki” (Sensei)

After Kirima-sensei's exclamation everyone quieted down and then the door suddenly slid open very slowly and a girl entered with a very elegant and noble aura.

The room went dead silent as they seen the girl suddenly appear, the girl was a very beautiful girl with light blue hair which ran freely down to her shoulders which seemed to shine as bright as a jewel. Her eyes were also blue however they seemed to carry more darkness than her hair and looked like a pair of sapphires glowing.

“Hello, my name is Shiroyuki Tanaka, I am from Britain but have been living in Japan for the past 3 years, I enjoy swordsmanship and sports and am currently in Japan to look for someone important to me, that is all”

Her voice seemed very gentle however it carried a hint of sharpness which everyone could feel. The classroom was dead silent due to remark just now, no one would expect the girl in front of them to be interested in swordsmanship especially a girl like her who in their eyes seemed sheltered.

“Sorry for the intrusion” (Kazuki)

Suddenly the classroom door flung open and the familiar carefree youth popped in and just casually started to walk towards his desk. Everyone was dumbstruck at how the youth had just casually entered and muttered the phrase like he was entering someone’s home.

However, the most shocked of all was the girl who had just introduced herself. She seemed to carry shock on her face however everyone could see slight tears welling up at the corner of her eyes.

“e-eh, i-is that you K-Kazuki?” (Shiroyuki)

The blue-haired youth blurted out in a loud and emotional voice, then suddenly the carefree youth turned around and faced her looking at her with his sharp green eyes. However, the youths face suddenly changed into a slight smile and replied.

“Eh Shiro how comes you’re here I thought you still lived in Britain?” (Kazuki)

Everyone was suddenly shocked at the small conversation between the two, rather than being shocked at his attitude it was more at how he addressed her with a casual nickname which suggested they were very close.

“Y-you idiot I-i moved here to find you do you know how upset I was when you suddenly left without saying any good byes or warnings, I was heart-broken when you left you i-idiot” (Shiroyuki)

The youth suddenly burst in to tears and then ran at Kazuki while suddenly embracing him and repeatedly hitting his chest with soft fists.

“Y-yeah sorry about that there were circumstances which came up so I had to return home so don’t get upset ok, also you should think about the surroundings before you suddenly get intimate you know” (Kazuki)

When Shiroyuki got out of Kazuki's embrace she suddenly went as red as a tomato and then lightly coughed before stating.

“Sorry for taking up everyone’s time with this small little talk I hope you can excuse my behaviour”

The youth addressed the class with a bow and while Kazuki was making his way to his desk while trying to reduce the attention on him suddenly some ice-cold words froze him in his place.

“And Kazuki…... Make sure to be around at break, lunch and the end of school okay, I need to teach you that running away from me was the biggest mistake you ever made *CRACK*”

The bi-shoujos youths attitude suddenly took a 180-degree leap as she appealed to Kazuki in an ice-cold voice which could be felt by the entire classroom while slowly cracking her knuckles and giving a creepy smile while showing eyes as if she were looking at a cockroach.

“Y-yeah ok we can chat later let’s just leave that till later, and I am really sorry about leaving you Shiro” (Kazuki)

Then everyone in the class currently came to their senses while staring at the pair who seemed to be like a wife chasing down her husband who abandoned her. Even Kirima-sensei was surprised at the conversation which took place between the two.

The group consisting of Luna, Daichi and the rest of their gang were the most shocked as they always thought that Kazukis only friends were them due to him giving off an anti-social aura however just now they saw a beautiful girl who had an unknown relationship with Kazuki actually get intimate with him and they also saw Kazuki smile genuinely for the first time in a long time.

Daichi and the other 3 were curious as to who this mysterious girl was as she seemed to have a past with Kazuki and he also mentioned her living in Britain which suggests him travelling their sometime in the past.

Luna however was different and seemed to carry different emotions which were shock and jealousy. The shock was from seeing someone other than her and her friends being close to Kazuki and him responding in a seemingly gentle and condescending tone towards the girl, and jealousy as the fact that Kazuki seemed to value this girl very much as he smiled towards her and even apologized as well as having some special nickname towards her.

“Anyways after this seemingly heart-warming reunion of …. Well I don’t know what the relationship between the two is however let’s get on with the rest of the lesson” (Sensei)

Kirima-sensei added a quick joke in an attempt to annoy Kazuki but wanted to move along the lesson as well however a reply from the blue-haired youth put that out of possibility.

“Actually, sensei our relationship is quite special from other relationships as that man over their Kazuki Trask is my fiancé and husband-to-be” (Shiroyuki)

To this remark everyone suddenly froze as this bombshell was casually dropped and everyone let out a voice of confusion.

“WHAT” (Everyone)

End of Chapter 2

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