《The Ability User of Modern Day》Chapter 1 - The Beginning


Chapter 1 - The Beginning

It was a bright morning and the sun seemed to shine into the room through the thin curtains of a certain youth who appeared to be fast asleep in an almost inanimate state. Inside this room there were multiple objects located in each part of the room.

There was a seemingly expensive computer on a desk in the corner of the room which seemed to be next to a TV which seemed to host a gaming device which was on the floor with the games scattered in an unorganized pile.

There were several pairs of clothing which seemed to be in a muddled pile and were across the floor, the clothes seemed to range from black jeans and hoodies to a school uniform which displayed the words “Lakeside High School” on top of the badge which displayed a lake as its emblem.


The youth in the room seemed to deep asleep despite the echoing sound of an alarm which was vibrating throughout the room, as well as across the house.


Suddenly a youth burst through the door with a seemingly annoyed expression across their face. The young girl with medium-sized blonde hair which was tied up in a neat ponytail was staring towards the sleeping youth while increasing her speed to where the youth was currently resting.

“Kazuki, your lazy idiot, how many times do I have to come and get you due to your laziness, I have to wake you up every day due to you manging to sleep deeper than the dead, despite you being my older brother it seems like I am more like the older sibling having to constantly wake you up” (Mia)

This blonde haired bishoujo was precisely the sleeping youth’s younger sister, Mia Trask who was 15 years old and a 1st year at Lakeside High School. Mia was known throughout their neighbourhood as well as school as a beautiful, smart and diligent youth who had a kind but domineering personality which was frequently shown towards her brother.

“Yeah, yeah can you calm down and be a bit quieter please if you keep on acting like a middle-aged wife attempting to wake up her feeble husband you are going start looking like one you know” (Kazuki)


The youth seemed to have been awoken by the complaints of his sister and started to slowly get out of his bed. The youth seemed to have a lazy and carefree attitude which was shown on his face, however his deep emerald eyes seemed to have a sharp glint inside of them. His messy white hair which seemed rugged due to sleeping went down to his shoulders and just above his forehead.

“W-who the heck do you think you’re calling a m-middle aged wife you idiot!” (Mia)

The blonde youth turned away from the carefree youth with a “humph” and snorted towards the remark made, however a tinge of red could be seen on her cheeks as well.

“Well it seems to be 8:10am now so I’ll have to hurry so that we aren’t late to school again, even though last time I was only late by 45 minutes Kirima-sensei will probably go berserk and attempt to beat the crap out of me again, Mia continue your tsundere act later and let me get changed so we aren’t late” (Kazuki)

“Shut up you idiot it’s your fault if your late I’m going as Luna and Daichi are waiting so I’ll go ahead or do you want us out of the kindness of our hearts to wait for you?” (Mia)

“No, you go ahead with them I don’t really mind being late I won’t be late by much so sensei will hopefully be in a good mood and forgive me if not I’ll just skip for the day” (Kazuki)

In school Kazuki had a pretty bad attendance due to frequently being late and sometimes disappearing during the day as well as calling up sick if he had woken up late, this habit annoyed both Mia and their parents a lot who threatened to ground him if he continued being lazy, however being grounded didn’t affect the youth much as he enjoyed being at home quite a lot.

“Despite them being your friends, you always treat them coldly and ignore them and don’t dare to skip class or I will pay a visit to Kirima-sensei and inform him of your previous statement just now” (Mia)

The blonde-haired youth replied with an angered face towards her brother’s remark however she was worried at the same time due to her brothers carefree and unaffected attitude.


“They are your friends not mine and I don’t treat them coldly I just prefer to be alone which they seem to constantly ignore and you don’t have to worry I’ll try my best to get to school on time if I don’t it will seem luck isn’t on my side” (Kazuki)

The older youth replied in a monotone voice which had no sort of feeling in it at all, the blonde-haired youth stared at her brother with a saddened expression before turning away and replied.

“Ok, sorry for prying into your business but do try to attend on time and try to treat them a bit kinder rather than ignoring them because both Luna and Daichi are just worried about you and aren’t trying to annoy you. They have known since elementary school and seem to be worried about their childhood friend” (Mia)

The people mentioned above as Kazuki’s childhood friends were Luna Ayako and Daichi Junichiro, they were in class 2-C which was the same as Kazuki and they had been together since the beginning of elementary school. Luna Ayako had been close to both the siblings due to their parents running large conglomerates and being good friends, which resulted in Kazuki, Mia and Luna being together quite often.

On the other hand, Kazuki had met Daichi after getting into a fight during the early days of elementary school, Kazuki was teased by a kid who had started annoying him due to his white hair, due to this Kazuki snapped and repeatedly hit the kid which resulted in him scaring his other classmates who were too afraid to approach however Daichi decided to approach Kazuki as the child who teased Kazuki also teased Daichi which made him respect and want to befriend Kazuki even though his actions may have been overkill.

The 3 had been together since elementary school and despite Kazuki always trying to ignore them it wouldn’t work due to their persistence which resulted in them being together quite often in school such as sitting together, eating lunch and walking home together.

There were more people who had joined their “group” overtime however the two people Kazuki had been with the longest had been Luna and Daichi.

“Who knows I’ll keep your words in mind, you should get going or you will end up being late if I see you I will catch up if not see ya later” (Kazuki)

The carefree youth responded with a slight smile towards his sister and encouraged her to get a move on as it was currently 8:15am and school started at 8:45am. It usually takes around 15-20 minutes of walking from the Trask residence to Lakeside High school which would mean if Mia stayed any longer she would end up being late.

“Ok, but make sure to hurry up okay, I have left you something to take for your lunch downstairs or take the money mom and dad left you and get something at school” (Mia)

The azure eyed bishoujo replied with a loud but condescending tone, she almost sounded like their mother did when she used to have to wake him up in the past, recalling this memory Kazuki raised a slight smile onto his face and responded to the youth.

“Yeah thanks for the reminder and you are starting to sound a lot like mom with the way you speak, anyways see you later then” (Kazuki)

The youth raised his arm and made a slight wave towards his sister which in turn made her respond by doing the same and replying

“Don’t call me mom I’m still 15 and in the prime of my youth, anyways see you later” (Mia)

The blonde youth raised a huge smile which could bewitch anyone who saw it and replied to the youth in a dismissive but sweet tone, and then finally left the youth on his own.

“She’s left now huh, at least I can finally get ready and set off to school, I should be able to make it on time if I decide to put in a bit of effort” (Kazuki)

The youth raised a mischievous smile while talking to himself before deciding to check on something which he did every morning.

“As always it’s annoying as hell to say out loud because anyone who hears looks at me like I’m some sort of chuunibyou which pisses me of always…”


Status Kazuki Trask HP 1500/1500 MP 2750/2750

End of Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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