《Death's Heir》Chapter 16 : Direwolves (2)


Looking at the two dire wolves who's from paws he'd just cut off he wasn't sure if he should just go over and kill them now or just leave them, but to the amount of blood that they were currently loosing they'd die pretty soon so he didn't even bother killing them instead choosing to walk over to the pups that were cuddled up together.

Releasing some Diving Energy he chose to knock them out.

When he was about to turn around to start severing the heads of the fallen dire wolves he felt sharp agonizing pain from his right shoulder and left side, looking down at his left side Azreal saw two huge jaws clamping down on him with crazed bloodshot eye looking up at him and the same thing greeted him on his right shoulder.

'when did they get here I didn't ever hear any footsteps....'

He was truly surprised to see them because he didn't hear any footsteps when they entered or even feel any pressure from them.

When he tried moving his hand it was incredibly difficult because the more he tried to move the harder they bit but he still gritted his teeth and endured the pain because he was hearing some footsteps coming from behind him, then raised his left hand with the blade in it and ran it right through its eye and straight into it brain without any hesitation he turned to the other dire wolf and started stabbing it in the head.

After he ripped both of there jaws off his body then he turned around to see a three more dire wolves coming through the cave entrance the moment they entered the cave and saw all the blood and their dead comrades as well as the human currently covered in blood, they were immediately driven to the brink of madness and immediately started running toward him.

Opening both his arms wide taunting the already enraged dire wolves

"Come at me"

While they were still quite a distance away Azreal threw the blade right down its throat of one of the wolves that had its mouth opened wide forcing it to stop and start coughing up blood trying to get the knife out.


"Ranked beast really are weak"

Running up to the one closest him and channeling the Divine Energy into his foot and kicking it in the side of its obliterating half of its face, not bothering to waste another second he ran towards the last remaining dire wolf using his fist to ram into the rib cage.

He didn't bother trying to cut off their heads instead he chose to sit down on top of one of the bodies and mediate because he was feeling a bit light headed.

After meditating for a while some dark green color liquid started to come out of his wounds but after a minute or two, his wounds started healing at a visible pace.

Meditating for the entire night Azreal finally opened his eyes in the morning, looking at his body that was now covered in blood he wasn't disgusted by it but it felt annoying because of how it felt on his skin so he left out of the cave and after wandering around the mountain for a while to see if there were any other dire wolves across the mountain,

he didn't find any dire wolves but he found a river washed off the blood, caught some fish which wasn't easy because the fishes here weren't like the one on earth then made a fire to roast them.

Guess living in the mountains wasn't all bad.

After cleaning himself he went back to the cave to wait to see if any more dire wolves would come to the cave and after repeating the same process as well as force-feeding the pups and then knocking them out again, about six days had passed and he was ready to leave because it didn't seem like all the dire wolves were dead so after cutting off the heads and taking out the cores that were located in their chests and putting them in the bag which to his surprise manage to hold all the giant heads

Then cutting down a tree and carving out the inside then throwing the bag as well as the unconscious pups that were the size of a German shepherd on it and then dragged it by some vines.


When he was passing through the mines muscle man was not happy to see the pups alive.

"What the fuck are you doing with puppies, kill them what if they grow up and come back!!!"

Azreal just shrugged and paid him absolutely no attention.

It wasn't until he was at the gates that when he was stopped by the guards that he encountered some problems but it was quickly taken care of once he paid them off as well as getting a city token so show he was permitted inside but before he left he asked the guards a question.

"Do you think people would buy baby Dire Wolves"

"Ahh~ yea I suppose people would buy them as pups and tame them, to become beast companions...why?"

"Nothing, Nothing just curious so how much do you think they'd pay for them?"

Now the guards were really confused because they didn't see the pups lying in the dugout tree all they really saw was the bloody bag.

"Am not really sure about a hundred copper for a couple months old one but the younger they are the more you can sell them for"

Flashing the guards a smile Azreal walked off dragging the bloody tree with him everywhere, it took him about four hours before he got back to the guild and every step of the way people were staring at him speculating about what was in the bag.

Getting back to the guild and walking inside some of the familiar faces that saw him looked at him then looked at Kali, She, in turn, nodded to them.

Seeing this nods they all started cheering.

"Welcome to the family kid"

"We were just joking earlier, we're all friends here"




Azreal had a rough idea of what was going because the guild rarely took in new members it seems like a happy occasion when they got a new member but that didn't really matter to him right now all that matter was handing in these heads and selling these pups.

"Congratulations and welcome to Humble Lions"

Kali flashed him a bright smile then handed him a badge with a sleeping lion on it, shortly after someone came and took the heads from Azreal but before he gave them up he ripped out one of the largest fans to keep as a memorabilia.

Kali was about to hand him a book but Azreal went walked off and went up on top of one of the tables.

"One hundred copper for one dire wolf pups it's probably just around a month old!"

Hearing Azreal's shout everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards him.

dire wolves couldn't be considered the strongest of the beast but if raised properly they would be more than useful whether it was tracking or fighting and if they were lucky enough for it to at least break into a Half God rank beast then its usefulness would increase by hundreds of times.

Looking at everyone and seeing that they were all interested Azreal flashed them a wicked smile.

"Since so many of you are interested we'll do it in the form of bidding then I only have five of them so if you want to put together as a group and buy them or you want them yourself I don't mind"

At the end of Azreal mini auction he sold each dire wolf for about two hundred copper a piece so he made a silver coin when he was done but he ended having to give it all up because he uses the Humble Lions headquarters as an auction house and on top of that he basically forfeited his right to his five gold mission reward.

The worst part of it was all the money that was taken from him was basically distributed among all the members that were there at the moment so not only did they get the dire wolves they got back everything that they had spent and more.

It was only after all this that Kali gave him the guild rule book that she was trying to give him before.

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