《Moonlit sky》Chapter 18 - Godly luck?


"I've finished 7 Paths of Violence, but there is another problem with it...." Spoke Tenebris as he walked over from darkness toward Lulu.

"What kind of problem is it now?"

"I have listed all of the steps, but i can only use first three, other four are grayed out." Explained Tenebris.

"I'll check that later, first have a look at this." Spoke Lulu lazily as she swooshed over her hand in front of Tenebris as blue screen popped up in front of him.

From the Darkness. 0/5

Increases damage of first strike made to unaware enemies by 20% Energized combat. 0/5

Your critical strikes have 2% chance to restore you 5 EP. Violent carnage. 0/5

Your ability 7 Paths of Violence - Carnage does 10% of original slash damage as an aditional bleeding damage.

"What are these? Are those talents that you spoke of?"

"Yes, every 2 levels after 10th level you will get one talent point, every 10th level you will get a rune point instead of a regular talent point, that is basically same as talent point you just spend it on rune talents instead of regular talents, know you have one talent point, you will get another one at level 12 and then on 14 and so on and so on, you will get first rune talent at level 20 when you will be able to specialize your class, if you by then manage to leave and find a system village. Anyway make your pick, then we shall talk some more." Explained Lulu before she turned around and went out of the room.

After thinking for a short while Tenebris selected talent From the Darkness, and immediately after that notification popped up.

You have selected From the Darkness as your permanent talent. Energized combat and Violent carnage have been removed. To check your current talents you can go to talent menu.


At first Tenebris was surprised but then he was frightened as he read all of the text.

"Lulu, what the fuck is this, why didn't you tell me my other talents will be deleted once i pick one." Yelled Tenebris as he stormed out of the room into the hallway.

"Its not deleted, it is just removed, later it might be added again. You can always pick only one out of three talents, so you need to think about it carefully before you do so, what did you pick?"

"From the Darkness, i was thinking about what you said and i need more assassin abilities instead of combat abilities so i picked that."

"You are smarter than i thought kid, now i want to tell you one more thing, earlier you have gained ability to enter abyss right, but there is one thing that you don't know about and you should know before you enter abyss again. Abyss can claim your soul if you enter it for too long, the longer you stay more of a chance to never leave it there is, 10 seconds is currently your limit and any more than that is just asking for death and trust me being claimed by the abyss definitely isn't a pleasurable experience, luckily you don't enter it fully now, your soul enters it partly and your body gets engulfed by the abyss. So think of that ability as a stealth ability most assassins have in games with the only problem being that you cant stay in stealth like they can. Oh right there is one more minor thing, while you use that ability you can still see the outside world but you cant see what is happening in the abyss or you can see the abyss but cant see the outside world, so be careful when using it because you can always get attacked from the dimension you aren't looking at currently, that isn't a problem currently because there are no revenants in this dungeon yet, but once you leave this place who knows whats out there, so be careful."


"Are you worried about me, that's so cute." Spoke Tenebris teasingly.

"Keep dreaming idiot, unfortunately you were my ticket out of the abyss and because of that i am now bound to you, so unless you unbind me my life is tied to yours, if you die i die."

"And what happens if you die?" Asked Tenebris concernedly.

"Nothing to you actually, system recognizes me as your pet now so you wont get any damage if i'm gone, but don't worry about that because i cant really die here because im way stronger than this place."

"So if you are my pet and you are way stronger than this place then you can just clear this whole dungeon for me and we can then leave?" Hope was starting to rise deep inside of Tenebris.

"Bingo! Is what i would say if you weren't a dumb idiot. There are multiple type of pets, and i am not your battle pet, im your guide, i provide you with system tips and advice you might use, of course i am not just ordinary guide because i am not limited by the system as normal guide pets are because i still own my old memories, which is too lucky for you, otherwise you might have never even found out even a piece of things you learned from me now. You see as your guide pet i have access to all your panels and menus, even the ones you dont have access to, and i know things most of the people don't know about, so as long as i am here you should have no problem clearing this whole dungeon, that is if you find a proper team for it, you now has no chance of ever clearing this dungeon alone, even though you are quite stronger than a typical assassin should be at your level."

"Did you just praise me?" Tenebris spoke with a grin on his face.

"Stop daydreaming idiot, i just told the facts, you are still dumb moron with godly luck and no brain."

"So you think i have godly luck?" Spoke Tenebris grinning once again.

"I admire your stupidity, you always hear only the good stuff i say, yes you have godly luck, otherwise how would you ever meet me if you didn't have that luck to die but not die." Spoke Lulu with a smirk on her face.

"Enough chit chat now, lets go rest a bit then we will go according to your plan." Added Lulu before she entered the room where everyone else was.

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