《Moonlit sky》Chapter 11 - Bat flood


"We are back, did you guys have a nice rest?" Spoke jokingly Tenebris.

"Umm, yeah kind of, and where did you go Diana?" Asked Tanya.

"I followed them, i wanted to talk about something with Tenebris..." Diana answered with her head down with her cheeks slightly blushed.

"Ohh what did you talk about?" Added Demian.

"About possibility of spell-swords, we were discussing if it would be possible and how useful it would be." Answered Tenebris.

"And what did you think of?" Asked Tanya while packing her bag.

"It should be possible, but we will experiment with it later, from now on save up your attribute points so we can try it out later, by the way guys do you have classes?" Said Tenebris.

"Uhh, i don't, i got N/A standing instead of class." Said Demian.

"Same here." Answered Tanya.

"Same." Spoke in unison Diana and Tomm.

"What about you?" Asked Tanya.

"I have a class, it says assassin, i get a slight bonus in attributes from my class, so it might be possible for you guys to get a class, i just don't know how." Answered Tenebris.

"How did you get your class? It sounds cool." Spoke Demian.

"I don't know, it was just there when this apocalypse started, might be just luck, i have nice amount of luck."

"How much?" Asked Tanya.

"20 points in luck and 9 in charm."

"You cant be serious, i got 4 points in luck and 5 points in charm." Spoke Demian with shock on his face.

"Yeah i got same." Said Tanya similarly shocked.

"I have 5 luck and 5 charm." Spoke quietly Diana.

"So it must be luck, damn it why don't i have that high luck, i want a class!" Mumbled Demian.

"Okay enough with that, pack up we are going." Spoke Tenebris.


"We are going to the shelter, after that we will go and grab some food for us, Tomm show me the blueprints lets find a way."

As everyone started packing up everything they needed Tenebris and Tomm were talking about vent system and paths they could take, when everything was done they gathered at gym entrance fully armed with bags on their backs.


"Okay Tomm lead the way." Spoke Tenebris.

As he heard that Tomm started running across school grounds towards central part of the school, everyone followed behind him in line. In front of them group of skeletons ran into central school wing, they waited for them to pass and ran into after them, when they entered the hallway they took sharp turn to the right where staircase was and went downstairs, but at the bottom of the stairs doors were locked with a lock.

"Let me." Spoke Tenebris and with a swing of his sword he cut of that lock.

"I have a key..." Spoke Tomm. Hearing that everyone was trying their hardest not to burst out laughing, Tenebris just stood there, scratching his head saying quietly. "Oh right, the key..."

They went further down in the basement into the hallway, it was completaly dark inside and they couldn't see anything, well everyone except Tenebris.

"There are 4 doors here, which one is it?" Spoke Tenebris.

"You can see the doors? I cant even see my own hands in front of my face down here." Said Demian.

"Second on the right, there should be large and thick metal doors there, there is a lock on the doors but i have a key for it." Answered Tomm.

"Do we have any flashlights?" Asked Tanya.

"Yes, i have 2 flashlights, but they haven't been charged in a while i don't know if they still work." Answered Tomm as he rummaged through his backpack trying to find those flashlights.

"Just one flashlight will be enough, no need to waste them." Said Tenebris, Tomm pulled out a flashlight and lighted it up, now everyone saw 4 doors in a small hallway, pair of doors on each side of hall, 3 of them were old wooden doors only last doors on the right were big and sturdy metal one. After unlocking the doors Tomm went in but suddenly Tenebris yelled.

"Watch out!" As he yelled he grabbed Tomm and tossed him to the side and slammed the doors shut.

"Whats wrong?" Spoke Tanya shocked.

"That room is full of bats, i fought them earlier, they have low HP and are easily killed, but there's many of them." Spoke Tenebris.


"How many are we talking about actually?" Asked Demian.

"How should i know, its not like i had time to count them, wanna go inside and count them?" Spoke Tenebris annoyed.

"No, but what should we do then?"

"I have an idea, we might try it, we will open the doors and provoke those bats out, but we will leave them only a little bit of space to come out so we don't get swarmed, ill stand in the front and try to kill as many as i can, you two stand behind me and kill anything that passes by me, Tomm you and Diana hold the doors so they don't push it wide open, how does it sound?"

"Fine by me, but if u cant hold out for long swap with us and rest for a moment or two." Answered Tanya.

"Okay, then lets do it, everyone take your positions." Spoke Tenebris as he took two steps closer to the doors. "Open the doors Tomm!"

Tomm opened the doors and Tenebris took the flashlight and put it in his mouth and pointed it towards the room. Light seemed to enrage the bats that flooded the room and they charged out the room through the small opening, Tenebris waited for them with 2 swords in hands and flashlight in his mouth, as they neared him he started slashing wildly, each and every strike was a fatal strike, cutting cleanly through them, bats fell down, one by one, piling up on the ground. Tenebris moved forward and continued mowing through the bat horde, couple of notifications popped out but he just ignored them as he continued slaughtering those bats. Minute or two later he stood there, gasping lightly, covered in some black ooze.

"Dude, seriously?" Spoke Demian as he walked into the room, kicking aside those bat corpses.

"What, did i miss anything?" Asked Tenebris confused.

"That's the problem, you didn't skip anything, we didn't even get a single swing at them, you were like a gatling gun, sweeping right through them, there was like hundred of them, and they all gave nice bit of EXP." Spoke Tanya as she walked in looking around shocked.

"Oh really, that's right i had few pop up notifications i just ignored them, lets see what it says."

Congratulations! You have leveled up, you have been awarded 5 bonus attribute points. Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Dexterous movement. Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Law of Darkness. Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Close Combat. Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Close Combat. Congratulations! You are 39th person to create a skill, you have been awarded 1 bonus skill point. Congratulations! You have created new skill Dual Wield. Congratulations! Your recent achievement has awarded you a new title Nocturnal Slayer (s). Congratulations! You are 2nd person to get two or more titles, you have been awarded 5 bonus attribute points. Congratulations! You have leveled up, you have been awarded 5 bonus attribute points.

"Damn that's a lot of notifications, status!"

Name: Tenebris Ummors Class: Assassin Level: 7 Exp: 648/4500 Titles: Pioneer, Nocturnal Slayer (s). HP: 100/100 +0.5/min MP: 100/100 0.01/min EP: 32/120 +0.1/min STR: 14 CW: 55kg AP: 12 STA: 12 DMG: 6 AGI: 34 DEX: 27 PRC: 25 SPD: 27 AS: 1/sec INT: 8 RC: 16 MPWR: 4 WIS: 11 MREG: 0.011 PS: 1.1 LCK: 20 CHR: 9 Unspent attribute points: 20 Unspent skill points: 3


Law of Darkness lvl 2/10 45%

Enables you to use element of darkness to your aid. Basic close combat lvl 4/10 81%

Grants you 8% bonus melee damage. Dexterous movement lvl 2/5 55%

Passive: +5% AGI

Active: Further boosts your movements. Cost 2 energy/sec. Dual Wield lvl 1/10 80%

Allows you to use bonuses of both of your weapons, your offhand weapon does 50% of its base damage.

"Well this is progressing quite fast, i didn't expect that, titles!"

Pioneer: Increases experience gained from killing monsters by 10%. Nocturnal Slayer (s): Grants you 10% bonus damage against small sized nocturnal creatures.

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