《Moonlit sky》Chapter 8 - Farming


"You can't be serious right?" Asked Damian.

"Why not, you scared? If you are you can stay here and hide somewhere and wait for some good person to save you, if you think i will save you and you can just relax while i do all the job you are wrong, all the food will be under my supervision and you can use your contribution and earn yourself some food, otherwise get out of my sight, any brake of my rules resolves in banishment and any serious brake of my rules is equal with decapitation, am i clear enough?" Smile on his face was gone, he had stern look on his face as he glanced over them.

"You can't do that! We found this food how can you just take it for yourself?" Spoke angrily Tanya.

"Oh i can't? Try me then!" He answered while that cold smile resurfaced on his face as he slowly put his hand on his sword hilt.

"I-i-i...." She mumbled while her face was slowly being drained of all her color."At least..." She spoke so quietly almost anyone couldn't hear her.

"I am always fair, as i said, do good be rewarded, do bad and get a spanking, fair enough for you?" He answered her as he already knew what she was thinking.

"W-what! Spanking!" She yelled frantically.

"Gosh... It's a metaphore, seriously i don't know what pervy thoughts you have in your head but don't expect anything from me, you are definitely not my type!" He answered her with a proud look on his face.

"I'm not your type? What? Why?" She was almost screaming at him.

"Cough, flat-chest, cough..." He coughed a bit to cover up his words a bit. Tanya heard him even with his pathetic try of covering up his words, she looked down and after realising what he meant she blushed, but not speaking a word.

"So if everyone agrees we can go monster hunting now." Tenebris asked as he threw a glance over everyone


"I don't know how to fight, and neither does my daughter, can we do something else in return?" Asked slightly afraid janitor.

"Oh don't worry about that, if you can do what we spoke of earlier you don't have to fight, as for your daughter, once we are done she will be capable of combat so don't worry about her." Answered Tenebris with a solemn look on his face.

"What do you mean he doesn't have to fight, but rest of us does?" Asked confused Demian.

"He is an engineer, so he is useful even out of combat, what about you, do you have something special about you that may spare you of combat? Do you?"

"I don't..." Answered Demian with a downcast face.

"Then it's settled, eat one protein bar each and we will go." He ordered them as he took one of protein bars he got earlier and ate it slowly, everyone hearing him did same as him. Demian still stood there silently pondering something, Tanya was slowly chewing her bar with still red face, Diana had a happy smile on her face while she ate her protein bar with her eyes closed and Tomm was eating his bar while slightly pondering as to what did Tenebris mean when he said that his daughter will be combat capable when they finished. After everyone finished their protein bar they started moving, everyone followed Tenebris as he was leading the way, in the end they ended up on a corner of the gym, looking behind the corner observing the skeletons there.


"Ok, here's the plan, once this group of skeletons goes away and new ones start coming, Demian you will go and take the first one, Tanya will take the second one, and if you guys are too slow i will take over remaining ones." Tenebris slowly explained to everyone.

"And what about her?" Asked confused Tanya as she pointed towards Diana.

"She is a caster without spells, what do you expect her to do, bore them to death? Enough nonsense, invite me into your party and we can start." As he finished system notification popped up in front of him saying that he was invited into a party, when he accepted he noticed that small health bars appeared in the corner of his vision, after he focused a bit he noticed it was his party, everything looked exactly like in games, he was really fascinated by how this system worked. After Demian passed party leader title to him, he ordered Demian to go and grab a skeleton, he explained to them beforehand about skeletons so they shouldn't have any problems fighting them, but he was unaware of one fact, he was a trained assassin, they were high school kids who never got into a real life and death fight. After Demian ran out and slammed into a skeleton, he tripped over it falling over the same skeleton that he intented to attack. Watching this Tenebris just face-palmed in shame as he couldn't believe what he just saw. Demian hastily stood up and looked over at Tenebris who was still covering his face with his hand.

"What are you looking at idiot, kill it. God what a moron..." Yelled Tenebris as he saw what Demian was doing through the crack of his fingers.

"Oh..." Demian realised what he was doing and bowed down his head in shame before he turned around and started fighting with skeleton again, but before he could even reach half of its HP another one came.

"Go, this one is yours, can you please not be a total blockhead like boxer boy?" Spoke Tenebris as he turned around to look at Tanya, but before he could even get a reply she was already sprinting towards the new skeleton that came, sweeping its legs with her bokken and then slamming its head when it fell down.

"Well someone seems keen to prove herself, good, where there is will, there is way, so blackie what do you think of them?" Tenebris spoke while he was still watching them fight, Diana noticing that he was talking to her blushed slightly before answering him. "Well Demian has strength but no style, he is just brutishly attacking that skeleton, while Tanya has some technique but she doesn't have enough force to strike with her sword."

"Oh so you noticed it too, well if that boxer boy has some tolerance to pain i might make something good out of him, and that blondey, hmm... That's an interesting sword technique she has, if she levels up a bit she might be good, but this is too slow, they need to be faster if they plan to finish it today..." Tenebris mumbled as he watched them fight with his usual serious face.

Just what is this guy thinking, he is so young but he acts so mysteriously, and what does he plan to do with Diana, poor girl, look at her she's blushing, don't tell me she already fell in love with him. Well it's no wonder actually, he is capable and he isn't ugly, if he is strong as he looks like he might be perfect for her, but he doesn't seem to notice her feelings at all, or he just doesn't care about it. Thought Tomm as he was watching the scene in front of him.


"My turn!" Spoke Tenebris as another skeleton started running toward Demian and Tanya, he sprinted out and slammed his sword into a kneecap of the incoming skeleton. Skeleton knelt when it was struck but before it could react another sword strike hit him in the back of it's skull smashing it into the ground. Bang! Bang! Bang! Tenebris kept striking his skeleton, not giving it a chance to recuperate at all.

"So did you guys already plan how will you distribute your attribute points?" Tenebris spoke as he kept smashing his skeleton.

"I need more speed, i'm too slow like this i can barely dodge now." Spoke Demian.

"And i need more strength, i am barely doing any damage to this skeleton." Answered Tanya.

"Wrong and wrong, you guys are dumber than i thought, it's rather dissapoiting..." Responded Tenebris as he struck his finishing blow to his skeleton.

"Yes you need more speed, but it's not move speed that you need, it is attack speed, and you need more strength behind your punches, if you are strong enough you can incapacitate this monsters without even need to dodge, understood?"

"Yes, but how do i get more attack speed if i don't upgrade my agility?" Asked confused Demian.

"It's simple, harder punches give more force, more force means more acceleration, get it now?" Answered Tenebris as he smirked, slowly walking over to them.

"Ah i see, so you think i should put all my points into strength?" Asked Demian as his face light up with his revelation.

"Wrong, jeez you really are a blockhead... Put most of it into strength not all, let's see, for every level up you gain 5 points, so you should put 3 into strength, 1 into attack power and 1 into agility, got it now?"

"Yeah, i get it." Demian agreed even though he still had confusion written all over his face, but he didn't want to be called blockhead again so he just agreed with whatever Tenebris said to him.

"Gosh so dense, blondey do you know your mistake?" He face-palmed again as he saw confused look of Demians so he turned around and asked Tanya instead.

"Just tell me what to do and stop with the insults already." She answered clearly annoyed by him.

"I'm not insulting you, he is a blockhead and you are blonde, am i wrong?"

"Yes!" Both of them answered in unison.

"Jeez, i'm wrong and here you are still hitting this damn pile of bones while i finished already, and i even gave you a head-start, oh there is another one, of to work then, so blondey how will you distribute your attributes?" Tenebris asked as he started harrasing another skeleton that came.

"Well i guess 4 points in agility and 1 in strength?" She answered as she struck her finishing blow to her skeleton, turning around to look at Tenebris fighting.

"You really are just a blondey..." Tenebris mumbled as he kept smashing and kicking the "poor" skeleton on the ground.

"Then tell me almighty one what should i..." She wanted to respond in annoyance but she stopped before she had the chance, she was watching Tenebris fight.

"So you started realising now?" Tenebris spoke with smirk forming on his face.

"Uh, i think so..." She answered while still watching him fight.

"Tell me then!" He said with a smile as he already finished his skeleton.

"Well, i need more precision, more attack speed and more move speed, but i still need some more power for my strikes..." She mumbled quietly.

"Exactly, so go 3 points in agility, 1 point in precision and 1 point in attack power, get it now?"

"Yeah, but how is that any different from what i said earlier?" She answered while still clearly confused.

"It doesn't have any difference now, but later it will have a big difference, or do you just plan to die early?"

"Go to hell!" She yelled as she was already pissed of by his provocations.

"Been there, done that..." Tenebris mumbled in response, but Tanya didn't hear him because she was still fuming with anger, Demian just giggled as he finished of his skeleton.

"So how much exp did you guys gain now?" Asked Tenebris with a lazy smile.

"Um, totally i gained 352, we have 10% bonus for being in a full party, i have level uped once." Answered Demian.

"Same here..." Answered Tanya while still pouting.

"Good, blackie did you get any exp?" Asked Tenebris as he looked over to Diana, but she was sitting down on the ground with faint blue aura surrounding her.

"She is meditating, but i gained same 352 exp, so she should also have gained it." Answered Tomm with an awkward smile on his face.

"Oh how hardworking she is, nice i like it!" Answered Tenebris with half closed eyes and satisfied smile on his face.

"How is she hard working? We fought here and she just sat there and meditated?" Asked Tanya.

"Well she is a caster, she needs to meditate to gain runes, that's why i brought her here, i guess she realised my plan faster than you idiots did, now hurry level up so we can continue fighting, and if you guys don't hurry up i will let them swarm you!" Answered Tenebris as he looked around himself trying to find if skeletons dropped something.

"Uh, Tenebris, how much of the guide did you really read?" Asked Demian when he noticed what Tenebris was doing.

"Not much, i just skimmed over it then passed it to you guys, why?" Answered Tenebris.

"So did you already identify your equipment?" Spoke calmly Tanya.

"Identified? Oh right there's that... How dumb of me to forget that!" He spoke as he remembered something.

Well at least he isn't insulting only us... Thought Tanya as she watched him.

"Incoming!" Spoke Demian loudly.

"Oh, you take over it, and for gods sake be faster this time, please..." Spoke Tenebris while he was still identifying his equipment.

Too bad, i didn't get anything good, even this sword doesn't give any bonus, i really should find some better weapon... Thought Tenebris as he rummaged through his backpack.

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