《Moonlit sky》Chapter 2 - Not so normal high school day



Welcome player, you have been transferred to a new world, you may proceed and customize your character!

"What is this? A game menu? Why is it so dark?"

Please pick your race! Human, Elf, Dwarf, Demon. Each race has it's own racial bonus.

"Okay, show me racial bonuses."

Human: Evolution - May evolve certain spells and abilities with effort. Elf: Nature Synergy - Has bonus with light and nature based spells and abilities. Dwarf: Half size, double effort - Has double bonus for all crafting professions. Demon: Destruction - Has bonus with destructive based spells and abilities.

"What is this? I don't get it, this practically says nothing, give me more details!"

Please pick your race!

"Damn it, well everything seems fine, i don't know, let's roll with human, i am used to it anyway."

Race human, please customize your appearance.


Almost naked youth appeared in front of him, it was in fact like he was watching himself in the mirror.

Set age!

"Hmm, let it be 18, not too much and not too little, at least i wont be a minor."

Set body construction!

"Keep it as it is, damn im hot i never realised it until now!"

Set hair color!

"Whats wrong with my hair color? Although i always wanted to try out azure, i don't know if it would fit me!"

Set class!

"Wait what? Hey i didn't pick my hair color, why did you change it to blue, i didn't want that, hey, do you hear me?! Oh damn it, never mind i guess i'll have to live with it, what classes are there?"

Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Assassin, Wizard, Priest, Smith, Scientist, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden.

"What's with this, why are there 3 hidden classes? Can i pick those? What happens if i pick hidden class?"

Every hidden class represents one of unexplored starting classes. Please pick your class!

"Stupid system, it's driving me crazy... Well let's go with a safe pick, i have lived as an assassin, and i died as one, and i will be reborn as one!"


Please pick your name!


Name set as Tenebris, please pick your last name!

"Ummm... Mors?"

Full name Tenebris Ummors!

"Wait what?! I said MORS not UMMORS you stupid system, it sounds like a damn tumor, fix it!"

Character customization finished, commencing world scenario, please wait! World scenario set, commencing starting scenario! Starting scenario set! High school day apocalypse. Good luck, have fun!



"Damn stupid bitch!" Tenebris yell as he jumped up, he turned around himself only to notice it was not dark anymore, he was standing in a classroom and everyone was looking at him, teacher that was lecturing was standing there in front of her table looking dumbfounded with his current act.


"Young man i can understand that you don't find math interesting and that you sleep in my class, but i won't tolerate you making mess in my class!" She glared at him angrily as she took of her glasses and wiped them with a tissue paper.

"I-i-i'm sorry, i-i-i was having a nightmare!" Stupid idiot is that best excuse you could've made?

"Nonetheless, one more mistake and i will be forced to send you to principal!"

"Yes ma'am!" He answered as he sat down on his chair looking around himself.

What, like you guys never slept in class! Why are you all still looking at me! Mind your own business! Damn my head hurts...

As he thought that a flood of information appeared in his head.

Ohh... So this is my new life, i'm an orphan with no friends, well this is a hell of a nice start to get, thanks a lot stupid system!

"Ma'am, may i go to bathroom my head hurts?"

"Yes you can, and stop calling me ma'am im not that much older than you!"

"Yes ma'am!"

He stood up and walked out of classroom while everyone was still staring at him and his math teacher was massaging her temple, furiously glaring at him.

Damn at least i got out, lets see so this should be some kind of a game? Are those people all like... Real?


As he was walking down the hallway wondering suddenly blue screen popped in front of him.


Apocalypse scenario is starting in 10:00 minutes, please prepare yourself!

"Ohh so it hasn't started yet, no wonder that school is still working then, prepare yourself? How? With what? Stupid system..."

He walked into bathroom and stood in front of a sink with a mirror, looking at himself in a reflection.

"Well at least i'm still hot, even with this weird hair." He mumbled as he touched his hair, looking at himself in reflection, as he was looking in the mirror a sudden sound was heard.


"Whos there?"

He said as he turned himself around, but he heard no response, as he was waiting he walked to toilet cabins, slightly pushing open the doors.

Nothing in the first one, huh, maybe next doors.

He thought as he proceeded to the next doors, as he opened next doors he was shocked with what he saw!

Slime lvl 5 HP 100/100

What the hell? A slime? Seriously?

As he thought that slime bounced off the floor flying right at him.

Swoosh! He dodged it as slime flew past right beside him, smashing into wall behind him.

"Easy boy, easy!"

He stood there dumbfounded, looking at the slime that a moment ago was flying at him.

"You have some moves for a slime, but unluckily for you, you met me today!"

He said with a big and sinister grin on his face, he ran straight at it kicking at its direction.


Red number floated above the slime and slowly faded away.

"What?! 6?! That was my full for kick, how can it be only 6?!"

As he was mumbling to himself that slime slowly crawled up his leg.

"You damn goo, get off me!"

He yelled as he started swishing his leg in the air, in the end that slime got of him. He looked around himself trying to find something that he could use as a weapon. In the end he picked up a long piece of a tile that was cracked of the wall when slime rocketed itself into it. With piece of ceramics in hand he started violently stabbing at slime.

-10. -10. -11. - 10. -9. -10.

After couple of moments that slime ran out of HP and deflated itself, cowering up large portion of the floor, as it deflated completely there was a piece of paper in that puddle, he picked it up and shook it a little and noticed there was some text on it, he started reading it.

Hey there Tenebris! Hows it going, did you fit in good in your new world? Anyway this is me granting you a gift for that soul problem you had, use it well, see you!

"What the f..."

As he mumbled he heard a sound and couple of blue screens popped in front of him again.


Congratulations! You are a first person to score a kill. You have been awarded 5 bonus attribute points and a title Pioneer! Congratulations! You are a first person to change your class. You have been awarded 1 bonus skill point! Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are the first person to level up. You have been awarded 5 bonus attribute points!

He stood there dumbfounded looking at those notifications that popped up in front of him. It took him some time to clear his mind and figure out what was actually happening.

So that's how it is, luckily i played some games while i was still alive. Wait can i say that? I am still alive right? Wait, how do i bring up my character panel, i think i saw it in an anime on earth, oh yeah!


Blue screen poped up in front of him again, but this time it was different screen.

Name: Tenebris Ummors Class: Assassin Level: 2 EXP: 10/500 Titles: Pioneer Strength: 9 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 11 Luck: 20 Charm: 9 HP: 60/60 MP: 60/60 Energy: 60/60 Unspent attribute points: 15. Skills: Law of Darkness lvl 1 Close combat lvl 1

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