《Kingdom of death》Chapter 15: Hidden effects


Before making a decision on what class he should choose as his next one Nathan decided to find an abandonment building he would be staying in for the night. After some pondering, Nathan chose a hotel that had been overgrown with vines and flora. The plants had even breached inside the buildings, not just on the outside.

While making sure the building was safe Nathan unexpectedly found some survivors in the building as well. It’s not like he hadn’t seen any before in the city. He had just chosen to ignore their existence as after all no matter how efficient the monsters were they couldn’t wipe out everyone in two days.

“Who are you two?” Even more unexpectedly he was able to see Nicole as well. The guy looked to be in his late twenties with a weird shine to his eyes.

“Just here to stay the night, nothing more.” Nathan was feeling too exhausted to deal with other humans. He just wanted to eat something before he went to sleep. It would be hard to find other humans as powerful as Nathan so soon in the apocalypse. So he had the freedom to ignore them if he wanted that.

“Go elsewhere our group doesn’t want others to stay here!”

“...” He got completely ignored by Nathan as he watched the two of them enter the kitchen area.

“Are you deaf of something I said you can’t stay here!” He chased after Nathan as he yelled out.

“Should you be making so much noise?” Nathan had already started to prepare a meal for himself by the time he had entered the kitchen leaving him helpless.

“Fine you can stay, but don’t cause any trouble and leave in the morning!” His voice wasn’t nearly as loud as before now that he heard Nathans reminded.

His name was Samuel and he had gotten a random ability from the wheel called eyes of truth. That let him see more than others with this ability he could tell Nathan was freakishly strong, but he didn’t have any ill intent. Even if the whole group that was staying in the hotel fought against him they would stand no chance.

“Are you from this city?” Nathan didn’t look like he was from this country, but he could be just a tourist that got stuck here like so many else.

“No.” Nathan was using his fire magic to boil some water for a cup of ramen.

“How is it out there? Does it look like the army will help us?” Samuel and his group were still hoping that some government organizations would be able to help them and get the world back into order.

“It’s fun, but you shouldn’t rely on others anymore.” Well Nathan himself was enjoying the apocalypse a lot, he was once again reunited with Nicole and was given the ability to bring her back.

| What’s up. | Nicole had started to look above them for a while now getting Nathan curios.


| Item of power, up. |

| Okay, we're gonna go see it soon. | This had made him quite curious about what kind of item could draw Nicole’s attention.

After eating his 5th cup of ramen Nathan left the kitchen area and went upstairs guided by Nicole.

“Hey, where are you going! Let me show you a room you can stay in!”

| Here. | Nicole had led him in front of a door upstairs.

“Stop that room is taken!”

Nathan proceeded to enter the room as Nicole led him to a nightstand near a bed where a shocked girl had just been woken up by them.

“Why are you in my room!” Could this stranger and Samuel come into her room for nefarious purposes?

Seeing Nathan approach the girl’s bed Samuel started to panic a bit could Nathan have the ability to hide his intent?

“What are you doing!”

He couldn’t bother dealing with these people as he picked up the sword that rested against the nightstand.

| Sword of uprise. |

| After the brave hero had slain the evil lich he sealed the soul of the lich in this sword. |

| Damage 76-164 |

| Deaths call: Has a 5% chance to bring those you kill back to life as your undead servants. |

| Life steal: 5% of the damage you deal with is gained back as health. |

| The soul of the lich still resides in the sword. |

“Hey, you can’t just take my sword!” The girl that had just been rudely awakened protested as Nathan took her sword. It was the prize she got from the wheel.

“Let’s make it an exchange then, here take this.” Nathan threw the nucleus he didn’t wish to use himself towards the girl before he started to leave the room.

“Katarina, wait I will deal with this.” Samuel chased after Nathan as his headache grew even bigger. How could there be such an unreasonable person?

“Man, you can’t just do that.”

“Or what?” Samuel was flabbergasted, it was true their group could do nothing towards Nathan as he could see his strength and knew if he wanted he could simply kill all of them.

“Uhm, let me show you a room you can stay in. But promise me you will leave in the morning and won’t cause any more trouble.”


Now that Nathan had settled in one of the empty rooms in the hotel it was time to choose one of his classes but something was bothering him too much that he needed to figure out.

When has his attitude towards other humans had changed this much? He hadn’t been like that in the past so what exactly had caused this change in him? There were a couple of options that came to mind one would be as his connection to the spirit world and Nicole grew closer his connection towards other humans grew weaker. Or could it be his unique ability perfected adaptation was changing his mindset? It could even be all of the above or something completely different. But Nathan had acknowledged he was changing fast.


Nathan believed as long as he paid attention to his action a bit more in the future he won’t be affected in a too negative way and do something he will regret immensely. It was time to pick his second class now. Going through the list of all the available classes Nathan began to choose those that he saw could be the most beneficial towards him.

After a long time considering what the classes could give and what would benefit his growth the most he was down to five classes.

| Class: Possessed |

| A strange class for those that have lost their minds to a spirit. Becoming their vessel. Unlocks the possessed class tree. |

| Passive: +25% XP gain to any spirit related skills. |

Nathan believed that the possessed class would increase his connection to Nicole the most from all of his options so far. It was definitely the class that would increase her power the most. Yet Nathan was worried if he chose it there was a possibility Nicole would gain his body and he would die.

| Class: Mage |

| A class meant for those that specialize in everything that is magic. Unlocks the Mage class tree. |

| Passive: +25% XP gain to any magic-related skills. |

Considering all the magic he had it was a class that was hard not to take. It will most likely increase the power of his magic by a lot while giving him the mana he needs for his battles. With the mana, he would get from this class he wouldn’t need to sacrifice his vitality to gain mana anymore. It would most likely increase his leveling speed by a lot as well if he could just kill large groups of monsters with his magic.

| Class: Goremet |

|A class for those that consume the raw meat of their kills. Unlocks the Gorement class tree. |

| Passive: +25% XP gain to any gorement related skills. |

He had mixed feelings towards the Goremet class since what he would need to do to utilize it would be quite unpleasant, but the potential it had can’t be underestimated. If just eating a lot of monsters could give him stat points he could grow so much more powerful than anyone else. Nathan also believed at later ranks of the skill he could gain skills from monsters he ate and such a power seemed way too good to pass up.

| Class: Spell sword |

| A class for those that specialize in using magic and swords. Strengthens body and magic. Unlocks the spell sword class tree. |

| Passive: +15% XP gain to any sword related skills. |

| Passive: +15% XP gain to any magic related skills. |

The spell sword seemed like the most solid option for him since in combat he utilized both. It would definitely increase his battle powers a lot. It would also allow him to excel in his combat style even more since he was basically already doing what the class was meant for. Yet compared to the other classes it lacked the immense potential other classes had. It would just straight up increase his battle power and that seemed like it.

| Class: Spirit hunter |

| A class meant for those that wish to deal with spirits in more of a physical way instead of magical. Unlocks the spirit hunter class tree. |

| Passive: +25% XP gain to spirit related skills. |

Spirit hunter was definitely the class with the best synergy with his spiritualist class, it was basically the physical variant of it. If he chose spirit hunter his XP gain for spirit related skills will increase to 100% and later this bonus will go even higher increasing the appeal of the spirit hunter class a lot. But there were a couple of things that worried Nathan about choosing this class. It wouldn’t benefit his magical abilities at all, only his physical ones. As well as if he chose spirit hunter wouldn’t he be too specialized in dealing with spirits? It had worked out so far but who says he wouldn’t encounter an enemy that countered that in the future?

“If only I could see what each class did exactly.” If he knew the possessed class wouldn’t kill him or harm him greatly he would have chosen it without a doubt.

The spell sword class lacked the potential compared to the other choices he had.

The mage class seemed wonderful and beneficial in all aspects with no real downfalls but the same as the spell sword it was a bit lacking compared to spirit hunter and goremet.

After considering the five classes Nathans was down to two, spirit hunter and goremet. Both of these classes seemed really good and beneficial but he had to make a decision on which one would bring him the most benefits.

The goremet seemed really good and it definitely had the most potential of any of the classes he had the ability to take. But for now, he had to choose the spirit hunter that aligned with his goals the most. There was always the possibility that goremet didn’t do what Nathan thought it did, that risk pushed spirit hunter just enough ahead for Nathan to choose it.

| Class: Spirit hunter |

| A class meant for those that wish to deal with spirits in more of a physical way instead of magical. Unlocks the spirit hunter class tree. |

| Passive: +25% XP gain to spirit related skills. |

| The hidden ability of the class collector has been activated. |

| Spiritualist and spirit hunter has enough in common to for the hidden ability to take effect giving you the option to combine both classes together |

| Do you agree with spiritualist and spirit hunter combining into one new class? | Yes/No |

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