《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 13 - The Warning
"Wade! Wade! Do you think those things are what I think they are?!" I scream at Wade sounding like a little girl that just found out that they are going out for ice cream.
After a few moments he responded with a excited voice. "Yes, I think they are humans. They are probably around sixteen to twenty two years old if earth logic works in this case."
Neither of us are good at guessing the age of people. I have gotten some people very mad for guessing their age wrong. Another reason for why I have never gotten a girl.
Never say that a girl is too old for you when she happens to be younger then you by a few months. It doesn't fair well for your chances of getting a girl friend. I don't know about other guys, but I know that I have never cared about the whole guessing my age. People always guess that my age is higher then what it is based on my height being above six feet.
Well it isn't now since I am a freaking crystal, but I am getting off topic and I should respond to Wade soon. It has been already ten seconds of silence since he last talked.
"I didn't ask for their age Wade, I could have guessed that myself. What I want to ask is do you think they are here so they can get my dungeon crystal? So they can use it whatever way that they can?" Saying with a lot less excitement in my voice.
"Maybe, but it doesn't seem likely as they should have already started digging down to get to us if that was the case." I hear him say and I just sigh in relief. Those were the words that I wanted to hear right now, and he just made me feel so much better.
As I start to relax, they start to talk and I am actually able to hear them thankfully. "Did you guys just get a shiver down your spine a few moments ago?" Say one of them that has red-ish hair.
All of them are sitting down and seem to be regaining or increasing their mana based on the flow of mana around them. Out of the three of them, there is two guys and a girl.
The one guy that talked has red-ish hair. The girl is what one would call a tomboy, the only thing that makes it so she can be called a girl at first glance is the long hair currently in a pony tail. She doesn't have many assets if you know what I mean.
And then we have the last guy in the group. He seems kind of different compared to the other two. His skin is darker and he is a lot bigger than the other two. I don't want to say 'black' cause that might seem racist, but I would have to say that based on his appearance. "Yeah, I felt it too. I wonder what caused it." He says replying back to the red haired guy.
The girl just shrugs and goes back to regaining her mana from however she lost it in the first place.
Their conversation worries me somewhat, but based on what they said I doubt that they know about my existence so I am safe for now.
With me feeling a lot more relaxed, I just enjoy the show of the grass swaying back and forth in the breeze.
It has been a long time since I have been since I have seen anything but dirt and rabbits, so I am loving this right now.
That particular show doesn't last long though as I hear the girl's voice again. "Congratulations on reaching Mana Rank One! As you already know the reward for reaching this Mana Rank is dungeon sense range being unlocked to its current range. This range will increase as you increase the size of your mana light as you call it."
Is there anything else for reaching this reward and is this what she meant as I will be seeing her soon? Again I am probably not going to get an answer for the second question. The first question will be answered if she talks again.
And what do you know, she started talking again. "Your other reward is a warning." Wow, wow, wow. What do you mean a 'warning'?
"Your first trial will be starting soon, so make sure that you make your dungeon as strong as you can until that day comes. If you fail a trial, you will die, so treat this warning with care." What, no good luck?
"Good luck, Rabbit Dungeon." She says my 'nickname', if you can call it that. like usual in a sarcastic voice. But the 'good luck' part she said in her attempt at a cutesy voice.
Let's say it wasn't the best attempt that someone has made. I guess you need to have a face to go with that kind of voice to pull it off right.
Well, with me not super worried about the three guys above my dungeon, I should be worried about this trial thing that is going to happen soon. I guess I should stop wasting as much time as I have been doing so far.
There has been a lot of time so far that I have just wasted away for no reason.
With a clear threat to my life appearing ahead of me, instead of the usual unknown threat, I need to work on making my dungeon as strong as possible.
So what should I do first? Make another room so it takes longer for whatever is coming to get me reaches me? Or should I make more rabbits so they can help defend me?
Since I have a limited amount of time, I will have to choose one or the other because of how long it takes to do each step. "No you don't stupid." I hear Wade say to me.
"Haha!" Laughing at myself, I ask myself how could I have forgot about Wade? "You can one thing and I can the other! Right?!" Yelling at him so he responds faster than if I just asked normally.
"Yeah I can make the rabbits while you do the next room." Yes, now I am not feeling as bad about this trial thing. It shouldn't be so bad considering it is going to be the first trial of many based on how she phrased her words.
I do wonder how hard it is going to be though. I also wonder what exactly is going to happen in this trial. My guess is that there is going to be a raid of some kind that will send monsters to try and destroy my dungeon crystal. Maybe those humans above me will be the ones to attack me.
They seem like they could be quite dangerous with how strong they look. It seems like they have been training for a long time now if their apparent muscles have any say in this matter.
Either way, I guess it is time for me to start working on the fourth room, while Wade works on making more rabbits.
A day later...
Haha! Finally I am finished the fourth room! And all it took was a full day's work.
Now how do I know that it was a full day's work and not just me guessing? It is all thanks to my dungeon sense!
With it expanding after I reached the next first mana rank, I am now able to tell what time of day it is. Which makes it so I can now tell how long stuff takes based on the position of the sun.
Well not the sun per say. More like the shadows from the sun on the ground. I could have looked at the sun if I wanted to, but I didn't want to take the time to switch where I see from.
It seems that I am too lazy for my own good. I don't even know if I am going to be able to pass this trial if I continue being this lazy, but it has become too much of my personality for me to stop.
If I stop being lazy, no one will know who I am. What then? I won't be wade anymore. How bad would that be?
"Wade, you are getting off track again. Focus on the task at hand already." I hear in the back of my mind. Man that has happened too much this past day. I'm not able to keep my focus on one thing for that long before the random thoughts appear.
I was able to finish the fourth room fairly quickly by myself too because of my dungeon sense. With me actually paying attention to it, I was able to notice that I am able to focus better on a single point, allowing me to remove the dirt faster.
Less time needed in between each light show means less time used. Fairly simple idea so I won't mention it again.
In the time that it took me to finish this room, I wasn't the only one doing something here. There is also Wade who has not only made the rabbits in the first place, but has also been training them.
Now some people might call this animal abuse because of how he has been doing it, but I find that it is a amazing idea. He tells each room to fight another room, just no killing allowed.
How he does this is also quite amazing, the only sad part is that they are still only rabbits, and can't take super complex orders. So what happens is Wade taps into the connection that we have with each of our rabbits somehow and instead of just listening to their emotions, we give them emotions.
Wade tried to just give commands, but the only ones that can listen to those orders are Steve and Jack. Even then the only orders that Wade can give are super short, and super easy to understand orders.
Examples are 'attack', 'move there', 'stay', etc.. Not much else to say about that.
Anyways, so Wade told Steve to move to the other room and gave the other rabbits with him emotions of curiosity and other emotions that would make it so they would follow him. Then once the two groups of rabbits from each room met each other, Wade send them emotions of pure rage.
The rest is self explanatory. A lot of fighting has been going on, and I am seeing good results from it.
Jack is now able to send out quite a few fire balls before he runs out of mana. If I am remembering right, his record is fifteen fire balls. And Steve is also doing quite well. His inner magic has gotten at least twice as strong as before, letting him hit really hard compared to his regular strength.
Each room now, all four of them, have five rabbits each. I say rabbits, but only three or four of them per each room are actual rabbits. There are also hares and horned rabbits in those numbers.
In the third and fourth room there is a horned rabbit and hare as the alphas. While the first and second room have Steve and Jack respectfully. Also in the first and second rooms there is one extra hare for each room.
They are the second in commands for the alphas. And both of them are the third and fourth rabbits. Cause why would Wade allow any other rabbit to become hares or horned rabbits if those two haven't become one yet.
No reason, so he did it.
Enough about the rabbits, let's look at where this trial is going to start. If my guess is correct and the trial thing is going to be a raid on my dungeon, they will start at the entrance of my dungeon. The only thing is I don't have a entrance to my dungeon right now.
If the raid started in my first room where my dungeon crystal is, it wouldn't be fair at all. A trial is meant to be passed, so I am sure that it shouldn't be too unfair. If not it would be called a challenge instead.
Looking above my dungeon, I start to think about where a good spot would be to put a entrance to my dungeon. There must be a reason that dungeons allow people to enter their dungeon despite the risk of them dying, so my entrance will have to be big enough to allow people access to my dungeon.
Note to self, find out that reason after this trial.
I don't want to make it just in the middle of the clearing for no reason, so the only spot available to me is the tree. Now, I know that the tree can't be touched directly since I need the ground to be open, not the tree itself.
But on the side of the tree there is a nice spot between two of the bigger roots that you can see above the ground. It just happens to be the perfect size to make a small entrance in that will allow people to enter into my dungeon.
After they enter there will have to be some sort of stairs or a slope that will allow them access in and out of the dungeon. Don't want to trap people inside my dungeon so they will have to be able to leave.
If not they might destroy my dungeon crystal in revenge for me trapping them inside my dungeon.
Anyways, the closest room to the tree is the second room. Then if you are looking at my dungeon in a bird's eye view, with the second room on the bottom right, to its left is the first room with my dungeon crystal.
Above the second room is the fourth room, and in the top left spot is the third room.
With all of that being said, I don't want Jack who is in the second room being the ones to greet whatever comes into my dungeon. I would much rather like one of the other groups to do that instead.
They haven't done anything worthy of me making a emotional attachment for them yet. And I doubt that they will be able to.
So one of the groups in the third or fourth room will have to replace Jack's group. To do this though will take careful planning because of a earlier step in my plan for more power.
Steve and Jack don't really like each other, and to be honest none of the alphas in each room like each other. If two countries fight each other in wars all the time, when a war isn't going on, the two countries will still not like each other.
The same principle is applying to my rooms of rabbits. So I will need to figure this out. "Why can't we just send Jack's rabbits through Steve's room while sending everyone emotions of calmness or other emotions that will cause them to not attack each other?" Says a smart person in my head named Wade.
"What is with me and forgetting such important things like that?" Answering back, not wanting a answer to my question.
"Maybe because you are going crazy and your mind is showing signs of complete insanity." I am not even going to pay attention to that because of how true it sounds.
If the girl voice is listening to me right now, please send someone that I can talk to before I lose my mind down here.
A/N: I don't know about you, but I think it may be too late to save Wade's sanity. Don't ask me though, I am only the creator of Wade. I don't know anything.
Maybe I could talk to those three people above me, but I don't really know if they are going to be trust worthy enough to talk to. Even if they are trust worthy I don't even know if I can talk to them or not.
The only way that I can talk to my rabbits is the connection, but I don't have one with any of the people above me.
Enough thinking about these not 'happy thoughts', time to transfer some rabbits around!
About twenty minutes later...
And there goes the last one into the correct room. That was actually a very stressful time for me. Even though it didn't take that long nor did was it that hard.
Well I now know that the orders that I give my rabbits are not actually orders. They are more like suggestions.
Orders are something that are followed every time they are told to do so, where as Steve and Jack don't like to follow the order if it means not fighting each other when eye contact is made.
None of the other rabbits fought at all. Only Steve and Jack ended up fighting with Jack being the winner this time around. Jack didn't seem to mind still going to the third room, so Steve's group is still with my dungeon crystal.
With this out of the way, I guess I should get the floor plan finished. It won't take that long with Wade being able to help me out now.
So what needs to be done is filling in the passage between the crystal room and the second room, then making a passage between the fourth and second room.
This will make it so the second room where I will make the entrance to my dungeon won't lead straight into my crystal room. That is something that I really don't want to have.
Instead, the second room will lead to the fourth, the fourth will lead to the third room and the last room is of course the crystal room. In the end that makes it so my rooms that are in a square pattern will have a upside down U-shape path if looking at a bird's eye view.
It is getting kind of confusing with having the second room being the first room in my dungeon and the first room being the crystal room which is at the end. So instead I will be changing up the names.
The second room will now be the entrance room, the fourth will be the second room. The first room is of course the crystal room. And the third room is still the third room, so no need to change it there.
A few hours later...
Okay, now that the passages are all set and ready to go, I am not sure what to do until the trial starts.
I guess Wade can train my rabbits some more with room on room combat, while I just watch the grass or watch the three humans above me do their thing.
My job was a lot harder and longer then Wade's job, so I deserve a break! At least a small one, I am still scared of not being able to pass the trial.
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