《A Wolf's Way》unpleasant surprise


Half a day had passed, since Lupos had been reunited with Darius and Akari, and it was finally time to meet up once more with Wing and his family. Sneaking through the shadows Lupos, Akari and Darius soon arrived at Wings house, leaving the spirits behind to avoid unwanted attention. Knocking on the door Lupos stood back as Wings father cautiously opened the door making sure who it was before he let them in.

Entering the house, Lupos immediately noticed how it was stripped bare and that the twins and Wing's father, each carried a bag on their shoulders, filled to the brim with what meagre possessions they owned. Not wasting any time, Lupos immediately got to the point. "Are you ready?" Wings father let out a deep breath. "We are." Lupos let out a small smile and Darius moved forwards gripping Wings Fathers hands in a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Darius."

Wing's Father smiled and returned the gesture. "Nice to meet you, I'm Gwaine. Thank you for helping us." Darius gave a small nod. "It's fine, I may not be fond of human nobles, but iIve had human friends in the past amongst the commoners." A sad smile appeared on his face. "I couldn't help them back then, so I'd like to try to help now." Lupos stayed silent, over the years he had known Darius he had obviously grown very close to the old man. Darius was also the one to teach him human speech, and although Lupos had questioned him before, as to where he learned it himself, he'd never received a valid answer. He guessed now he had the start of one.

Snapping himself out of his thoughts, Darius smiled cheerfully once more before turning to Wing's father. "Anyway, we leave now to the camp we've set up in the forest. We'll set off to your new home once we meet up with Wing, your wife and daughter." Wing's father looked at Lupos confused. "What about Lupos?" Darius smiled. "The brat has some business to take care of along with the little lady." He said motioning to Akari "Besides, I trained them myself, there will be no problems there."


Both Akari and Lupos shuddered, momentarily remembering the hell that Darius had labelled as "training." Ignoring their shivers, Darius smiled kindly towards the twins and picked up their bags. "Let's go." Gwaine swallowed nervously, but smiled at his boys calmly, before calling upstairs. "Wing we're leaving now." Wing bolted down the stairs, wrapping his family in a fierce hug. "We'll see you tonight." Gwaine nodded and hugged Wing once more before turning to Darius. "We're ready." Darius nodded and in a matter of minutes the house was empty except for Wing, Lupos and Akari.

Wing finally turned to look at Lupos, but was stopped short when he saw Akari, staring in silence. Akari burst into laughter "I'm Akari, nice to meet you." Wing nodded still trying to formulate words, before giving up and turning to Lupos with wide eyes. "This is the girl you were saying you liked?" Akari blushed and Lupos stepped forward with an evil grin on his face. "Wing do you mind if I hit you right now?" Wing laughed and danced out of reaching distance, the tension gone from his face.

Finally turning towards Akari, Wing smiled shyly. "Nice to meet you I'm Wing." Akari smiled back and nodded before squeezing Lupos's hand. "Let's get started on the final preparations." Several hours later and darkness had fallen. It was time to begin.


Head Guard's POV

It was dark outside, and groups of three guards were rotating the perimeter, for the Yulg family manor keeping a vigilant eye out for trouble. Security had not always been this tight, but with the recent assassination of the first rank magician Mervyn Oakshield, security had been increased for fear of foreign powers taking advantage of the loss. Logan, the head guard stood on the wall surrounding the manor watching out for any trouble, when he felt a tap on the shoulders from one of his subordinates who had arrived pale faced and shaking. "Sir, a visitor has just been let through the main gate."


Logan raised an eyebrow. "Whats the meaning of this?! All visitors are to be approved by me or the head of the family before being allowed to enter?!?" The guard's already paled face shook with worry as he continued. "But sir, this visitor wasn't someone we had the power to stop it was..." The guard suddenly stopped speaking as a tired look appeared on his face "Who?" asked Logan "Who wa.." Logan also trailed off, as he felt tiredness overcome him and his eyelids began to slowly shut. Finally, without being aware of it himself, Logan as well as all the guards in the vicinity drifted into a peaceful sleep as two cloaked figures and one wolf with violet eyes approached the gate to the manor unhindered.

Nor did the guards wake as a large dark stallion and a silver wolf walked the perimeter, the guards themselves had been patrolling until moments ago, silently killing every single one of the sleeping guards they had come across while quietly waiting for their orders.


Lupos's POV

After Wing had finished setting the guards to sleep, Lupos immediately turned to Akari. "Can you smell them?" Earlier before leaving Wing's house, Wing had brought down some of his sisters and mothers old clothes so that Akari could help track them in her wolf form. After all, however human she may have seemed, she was a magical beast above all else. Akari nodded, they're in the main complex but we have to hurry." A worried look appeared on her face. "Someone's moving towards them, and quickly at that."

Wing nodded and ran as fast he could, leaving Lupos and Akari to follow behind. The original plan was for Lupos to infiltrate the manor so they could move out as soon as the guards were asleep. Unfortunately, the increase in security made that impossible to accomplish without being noticed. Two minutes later, Wing arrived at a modestly sized room bare of any decorations.... and empty of all people. "Shit."

Wing had a panicked look on his face. "He must have realised what was happening." He turned towards Akari. "Can you tell me what direction they were going in?" Akari nodded silently and lifted a paw to point towards a richly decorated corridor. Wing paled and ran off without a word followed closely by Akari and Lupos. "Akari can you still smell the man who was going towards Wing's family?" Akari nodded and Lupos grimaced, for whoever it was to not only get there beforehand, but, to successfully escape with two other people wasn't within the realms of possibilities, unless you had very strong magic.

"Sleipnir, Fenrir I need you both here now. Something's wrong." Not waiting for a confirmation, Lupos continued to follow Wing, arriving at a large golden door, which opened as soon as Wing arrived. Revealing the horrifying sight within. A smug man dressed in riches, who was staring sadistically at two women, who clearly resembled Wing. Each with a knife held to their throats. the person holding the knives was Three, who had a shark's smile as his gaze narrowed in on Wing and Lupos. "Shit." For the second time that night Lupos swore.. This was not going well.

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