《A Wolf's Way》Reunited


Hearing the faint howl of a wolf in the distance, Lupos let out a wolfish grin before turning to face Wing and his Father. "Wing, I'm gonna go meet up with Darius and Akari and discuss some changes to the plan. I'll come back here tomorrow at twelve, so make sure your family is ready to leave by then."

Wing nodded with resolve, before letting out a cheeky smile. "Sure. So when do I get to meet your girlfriend?" Lupos blushed and tried to stutter a protest, while Wing's father let out a small chuckle.

Composing himself once more Lupos smiled and left the house. As he walked out into the street, he noticed Athena perching on the edge of Wing's house peering intelligently into the gloom, watching and waiting for anything that might come to hurt her summoner. Lupos smiled once more and left to find his own family.

Several minutes of traipsing through the slums later and Lupos arrived at the edge of a forest. Hesitating a minute, Lupos listened to the absolute silence of the forest before smiling and letting out a sigh of exasperation. "Come on out old man!"

No one replied and Lupos grinned again. "No use hiding, the only time a forest's ever this silent is when there's something scary enough to be hiding in silence from."

The silence continued for another moment before Lupos heard a familiar burst of laughter, as an elderly man emerged from the trees. "I taught you well brat!" Still laughing Lupos gave Darius a large hug. "Nice to see you too."

Darius mirrored Lupos's smile and hugged him back. "Aye, it's good to see you too Lupos." Breaking apart, an evil grin appeared on Darius's face. "But, I believe there's someone here you'll be even happier to see."


Lupos blushed slightly and turned to the treeline where a beautiful girl with violet eyes stepped out and smiled softly rushing up to Lupos to give him a hug. Smiling happily still with a slight blush on his cheeks Lupos hugged Akari back. "I missed you." She whispered in his ear, grinning wolfishly, as he let out a softer smile. "I missed you too."

"Sssave it for later." Hissed a familiar voice in his mind, Lupos laughed. "Glad to see you too Jormugand." Two ravens one black and one white then fluttered out the treeline, each landing on one shoulder, as a large silver wolf and black stallion also came to join them in the forest.

Lupos smiled "Fenrir, Hugin, Munin and Sleipnir welcome back." The fore-mentioned spirits grinned at Lupos. "So," said Darius interrupting the reunion "What's the full plan for tomorrow?"

Lupos nodded completely serious now. "First of all, I'm going to infiltrate the household and find where Wings sister and mother is." Lupos was about to continue when Akari interrupted. "Mother? I thought it was just his sister?"

Lupos shook his head. "His mother, unaware of our plans decided to go visit her daughter." There was a nod from Darius and Akari, who both understood the difficulty of the mission had increased.

"Anyway, Wing will then use sleeping magic to set the guards to sleep after which he'll escort his family off the grounds allowing them to escape and meet you." Said Lupos motioning to Darius. "Me, Akari, Fenrir and Sleipnir will stay behind to deal with the head of the family."

"He's the one who ordered Akari's family dead." Akari's eyes momentarily glowed a ghostly purple, as her canines elongated slightly with bloodlust. Matching Akari's bloodlust, Lupos let out a smile. "It's time for revenge."

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